private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { txtMsg.Text = ""; string password = DialogConfirm.ShowInputDialog("Please provide password to continue.", "Confirm with Password"); string finalPass = SecurityEncrypt.Decrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CriticalSectionPassword"], "nakshal"); if (password == finalPass) { bool isSuccess; string msg = DBSaveManager.RationcardDelete(lblRationCardId.Text, lblCustId.Text, out isSuccess); if (isSuccess) { txtMsg.Text = msg; RefreshCatWiseCountInUi(); ResetForm(); FetchFormData(); } } else if (password == "") { MessageBox.Show("Delete has been canceled by user."); } else { MessageBox.Show("Wrong Password."); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(ex); } }
private void btnStock_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string password = DialogConfirm.ShowInputDialog("Please provide password to continue.", "Confirm with Password"); try { string finalPass = SecurityEncrypt.Decrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CriticalSectionPassword"].ToString(), "nakshal"); if ((User.IsSuperadmin) || (password == finalPass)) { FormHelper.OpenFrmStockSummary(); } else if (password == "") { MessageBox.Show("Stock openning is discarded by the user"); } else { MessageBox.Show("Wrong Password. Stock needs extra permission to open. Please provide correct password."); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(ex); } }
private void btnDelPrd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (grdVwPrds.CurrentRow != null) { string password = DialogConfirm.ShowInputDialog("Please provide password to continue.", "Confirm with Password"); string finalPass = SecurityEncrypt.Decrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CriticalSectionPassword"], "nakshal"); if (password == finalPass) { DeleteProduct(); } else if (password == "") { MessageBox.Show("Delete has been canceled by user."); } else { MessageBox.Show("Wrong Password."); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select a product to delete"); } }
private void btnGuardar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DialogConfirm.GetDialogResult("Desea guardar los cambios?", "Question").Equals(DialogResult.No)) { return; } try { var categoryModel = new CategoryModel(); categoryModel.IdCategory = _id; categoryModel.Category = txtCategory.Text.Trim(); SaveChanges(entityState, categoryModel); } catch (SqlException ex) { if (ex.Number == 2601 || ex.Number == 2627) { DialogConfirm.GetDialogResult("No se puede ingresar registros duplicados", "Error"); } else { DialogConfirm.GetDialogResult(ex.Message, "Error"); } } finally { GetCategory(); ToBlockButtons(); } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { txtMsg.Text = ""; if (lblIsEdit.Text == "1") { string password = DialogConfirm.ShowInputDialog("Please provide password to continue.", "Confirm with Password"); string finalPass = SecurityEncrypt.Decrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CriticalSectionPassword"].ToString(), "nakshal"); if (password == finalPass) { Save(); } else if (password == "") { MessageBox.Show("Save has been canceled by user."); } else { MessageBox.Show("Wrong Password."); } } else { Save(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(ex); } }
private void btnCancelar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DialogConfirm.GetDialogResult("¿Está seguro qué desea cancelar la operación?", "Question").Equals(DialogResult.No)) { return; } panelTextBox.Enabled = false; }
private void btnCancelar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DialogConfirm.GetDialogResult("¿Está seguro qué desea cancelar la operación?", "Question").Equals(DialogResult.No)) { return; } ToBlockButtons(); }
private void btnEditar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_indixe < 0) { DialogResult dialogResult = DialogConfirm.GetDialogResult("Debe elegir un registro", "Exclamation"); return; } ToActiveButtons(); entityState = EntityState.Edit; }
private void btnEliminar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_indixe < 0) { DialogConfirm.GetDialogResult("Debe seleccionar un registro", "Exclamation"); return; } entityState = EntityState.Delete; btnGuardar_Click(this, e); //ToBlockButtons(); }
private void btnSalir_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DialogResult dialogResult = DialogConfirm.GetDialogResult("¿Está seguro qué desea salir?", "Question"); if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { frmDashBoard frmDashBoard = new frmDashBoard(); this.Close(); frmDashBoard.Show(); } }
private void GetCategory() { try { CategoryModel categoryModel = new CategoryModel(); dgvCategory.DataSource = categoryModel.GetCategories(); } catch (SqlException ex) { DialogConfirm.GetDialogResult(ex.Message, "Warning"); return; } }
private static void ApplicationStart() { if (!Network.IsInternetConnected) { DialogConfirm.ShowInformationDialog("Internet is not there. Please connect to internet, then open again.", "Stone Age !!"); Application.ExitThread(); Application.Exit(); } else { //DialogConfirm.ShowInfohScreen("Application is checking your system..." + Environment.NewLine + "Please Wait"); try { ErrorEnum errType = ErrorEnum.Other; string errMsg = string.Empty; bool isSuccess = false; DBSaveManager.ApplicationStartDbFetch(out errType, out errMsg, out isSuccess); if (isSuccess) { if (User.IsSuperadmin) { Application.Run(new FrmUserSelector()); } else { Application.Run(new FrmLogin()); } } else if (errType.Equals(ErrorEnum.IpNotAllowed)) { DialogConfirm.ShowInformationDialog("Your IP is not allowed." + Environment.NewLine + " Please contact administrator to add your IP : " + Network.GetPublicIpAddress(), "IP not Allowed!"); } else if (errType.Equals(ErrorEnum.MacNotAllowed)) { DialogConfirm.ShowInformationDialog("Your machine is not allowed." + Environment.NewLine + " Please contact administrator to add your machine : " + Network.GetActiveMACAddress(), "Machine not Allowed"); } else { Application.Run(new FrmSetup()); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(ex); } //Thread mstDataThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(FetchMasterData)); //mstDataThread.Start(); } }
private void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MasterDataHelper.FetchMasterData(); string msg = string.Empty; if (UserHelper.DoLogin(User.LoginId, User.Password, User.AllowedMacId.Split(',').FirstOrDefault(), out msg)) { Logger.LogInfo("Logged in disguise as user \"" + User.LoginId + "\""); FormHelper.OpenFrmRationcardHome(); this.Visible = false; } else { Logger.LogInfo("unsuccessful Loging in disguise as user \"" + User.LoginId + "\"" + Environment.NewLine + msg); DialogConfirm.ShowInformationDialog("Couldnot login.", "Autologin"); } }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { txtMsg.Text = ""; string password = DialogConfirm.ShowDialog("Please provide password to continue.", "Confirm with Password"); string finalPass = SecurityEncrypt.Decrypt(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ActionConfirmPassword"].ToString(), "nakshal"); if (password == finalPass) { List <SqlParameter> sqlParams = new List <SqlParameter>(); sqlParams.Add(new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "@userId", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar, Value = User.LoginId }); sqlParams.Add(new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "@rationCardId", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar, Value = lblRationCardId.Text }); sqlParams.Add(new SqlParameter { ParameterName = "@customerId", SqlDbType = SqlDbType.VarChar, Value = lblCustId.Text }); DataSet ds = ConnectionManager.Exec("Sp_RationCard_Delete", sqlParams); if ((ds != null) && (ds.Tables.Count > 0) && (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)) { txtMsg.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][1].ToString(); RefreshCatWiseCount(); ResetForm(); FetchFormData(); } } else if (password == "") { MessageBox.Show("Delete has been canceled by user."); } else { MessageBox.Show("Wrong Password."); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogError(ex); } }
private void btnGuardar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DialogConfirm.GetDialogResult("Desea guardar los cambios", "Question").Equals(DialogResult.No)) { return; } else { try { var customerModel = new CustomerModel(); customerModel.IdCustomer = _id; customerModel.Lastname = txtLastname.Text.Trim(); customerModel.Firstname = txtFirstname.Text; customerModel.Birthday = dtpBirthday.Value; customerModel.Gender = txtGender.Text; customerModel.Document = mtbCID.Text; customerModel.Phone = mtbPhome.Text; customerModel.CustomerAddress = txtDireccion.Text; customerModel.Note = txtNotas.Text; SaveChanges(customerState, customerModel); } catch (SqlException ex) { if (ex.Number == 2601 || ex.Number == 2627) { MessageBox.Show("ya tiene una Cedula registra con este mismo nuemero, la cedula de identidad no se puede duplicar"); } else { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } finally { ClearFields(); GetCustomer(); } } ToBlockButtons(); }
private void SaveChanges(Helps.EntityState entityState, CategoryModel categoryModel) { switch (entityState) { case EntityState.Add: categoryModel.InsertCategory(); break; case EntityState.Edit: categoryModel.EditCategory(); break; case EntityState.Delete: categoryModel.RemoveCategory(); break; default: DialogConfirm.GetDialogResult("Debe Seleccionar la operación a realizar", "Exclamation"); break; } }
private void SaveChanges(EntityState entityState, CustomerModel customerModel) { switch (entityState) { case EntityState.Add: customerModel.InsertCustomer(); break; case EntityState.Edit: customerModel.EditCustomer(); break; case EntityState.Delete: customerModel.DeleteCustomer(); break; default: DialogConfirm.GetDialogResult("Debe Seleccionar la operación a realizar", "Exclamation"); break; } }
private void btnGuardar_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (DialogConfirm.GetDialogResult("¿Desea guardar los Cambios", "Question").Equals(DialogResult.No)) { return; } else { try { UserModel userModel = new UserModel(); userModel.IdUser = _id; userModel.Lastname = txtLastname.Text; userModel.Firstname = txtFirstname.Text; userModel.Birthday = dtpBirthday.Value; userModel.Gender = txtGender.Text; userModel.Document = mtbCID.Text; userModel.Phone = mtbPhome.Text; userModel.UserAddress = txtAddress.Text; userModel.Note = txtNotes.Text; SaveChanges(userState, userModel); } catch (SqlException ex) { if (ex.Number == 2601 || ex.Number == 2627) { MessageBox.Show("ya tiene una Cedula registra con este mismo nuemero, la cedula de identidad no se puede duplicar"); return; } } finally { GetUsers(); } } }