public static void Postfix(GameScript __instance, int a, ref int __state) { GameScript.allegianceQuest = __state + 1; DialogChain chain = DialogActions.autoDialogAfterChoice; if (chain != null) { if (DialogActions.autoDialogForce || chain.TriggerCondition == null || chain.TriggerCondition(GameScript.allegianceQuest)) { DialogChains.InitiateDialog(chain); } DialogActions.afterChoiceAction?.Invoke(a + 1); } DialogActions.autoDialogAfterChoice = null; DialogActions.afterChoiceAction = null; }
public static bool Prefix(GameScript __instance, int a, int b, int c, ref int ___curA, ref int ___curB, ref int ___curC) { DialogChain chain = c < 0 ? DialogChains.activeChain : c > 0 ? DialogChains.activeChain != null && DialogChains.activeChain.NPCID == a ? DialogChains.activeChain : null : DialogChains.dialogChains.TryGetValue(a, out List <DialogChain> list) ? DialogChains.activeChain = list.LastOrDefault(x => x.TriggerCondition != null && x.TriggerCondition(b)) ?? list.LastOrDefault(x => x.TriggerCondition == null) : null; if (chain != null) { if (c < 0) { c = 0; } __instance.hoverItem.SetActive(false); if (GameScript.inventoryOpen && a != -1) { __instance.inventoryMain.SetActive(false); GameScript.inventoryOpen = false; } ___curA = a; ___curB = b; ___curC = c; if (c == 0) { __instance.talkingPortrait.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = chain.NPCPortrait ?? (Material)Resources.Load("mat/por/portrait" + a); __instance.txtTalkingName[0].text = chain.NPCName; __instance.txtTalkingName[1].text = chain.NPCName; } do { if (___curC < 0 || ___curC >= chain.Messages.Length) { __instance.StartCoroutine(__instance.ExitTalking()); break; } }while (!chain.Messages[___curC++].DisplayMessage()); return(false); } else if (a >= TileRegistry.Singleton.GetIDStart()) { TileInfo tile = TileRegistry.Singleton[a]; __instance.hoverItem.SetActive(false); if (GameScript.inventoryOpen) { __instance.inventoryMain.SetActive(false); GameScript.inventoryOpen = false; } ___curA = a; ___curB = b; ___curC = c; Material portraitMat = (Material)Resources.Load("mat/por/portrait" + a); if (portraitMat != null) { __instance.talkingPortrait.GetComponent <Renderer>().material = portraitMat; } __instance.txtTalkingName[0].text = tile?.Item?.Name ?? tile?.RegistryName.Split(':')[1].Trim() ?? string.Empty; __instance.txtTalkingName[1].text = __instance.txtTalkingName[0].text; if (c == 0) { __instance.menuTalking.SendMessage("Set", "..."); ___curC++; } else { __instance.StartCoroutine(__instance.ExitTalking()); } return(false); } return(true); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string srcImagePath = @""; string photoName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(srcImagePath); MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream(); HttpWebRequest lxRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(srcImagePath); using (HttpWebResponse lxResponse = (HttpWebResponse)lxRequest.GetResponse()) { using (BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(lxResponse.GetResponseStream())) { reader.BaseStream.CopyTo(memory); //Byte[] lnByte = reader.ReadBytes(1 * 1024 * 1024 * 10); //using (FileStream lxFS = new FileStream("34891.jpg", FileMode.Create)) //{ // lxFS.Write(lnByte, 0, lnByte.Length); //} } } Bitmap photo; try { photo = new Bitmap(memory); } catch (ArgumentException e) { throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format(" GDIThumbnail generator file[{0}] not found.", srcImagePath), e); } // Factory Method Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("[Abstract Factory] Pattern"); IWidgetFactory abstractFactory = new PMWidgetFactory(); IWidgetButton abstractButton = abstractFactory.CreateWidgetButton(); IWidgetDialog abstractDialog = abstractFactory.CreateWidgetDialog(); abstractButton.DrawButton(); abstractDialog.DrawWidget(); abstractButton.SetLocation(); abstractDialog.SetTopMost(); //------------------- // FactoryMethod/Virtual Constructor Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("[FactoryMethod/Virtual Constructor] Pattern"); Creator creator = new ConcreteCreator(); IAMethodDocument amDocument = creator.CreateDocument(); amDocument.Open(); //---------------------------------- // Builder Console.WriteLine("[Builder] Pattern"); Console.WriteLine(); Shop shop = new Shop(); IVehicleBuilder builder = new CarBuilder(); shop.Construct(builder); shop.ShowVehicle(); builder = new VeloByke(); shop.Construct(builder); shop.ShowVehicle(); //---------------------- // Facade // Provides more simple unified interface instead of few interfaces some subsystem. // Subsystem interfaces don't keep references to facade interface. Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("[Facade] Pattern"); Facade facade = new Facade(); facade.MethodA(); facade.MethodB(); //------- // Flyweight // Build a document with text Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("[Flyweight] Pattern"); string document = "AAZZBBZB"; char[] chars = document.ToCharArray(); CharacterFactory factory = new CharacterFactory(); // extrinsic state int pointSize = 10; //For each character use a flyweight object foreach (char c in chars) { pointSize++; Character character = factory.GetCharacter(c); character.Display(pointSize); } //----------- // Proxy Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("[Proxy] pattern"); IImage proxy = new ProxyImage(); proxy.GetSize(); proxy.Draw(); //-------- //Chain Responsibilities Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("[Chain of Responsibilities] pattern"); DialogChain dc1 = new DialogChain(null); ButtonChain bc1 = new ButtonChain(dc1); DialogChain dc2 = new DialogChain(bc1); ButtonChain buttonChain2 = new ButtonChain(dc2); IRequest request1 = new Request1(); ((Request1)request1).Value = "QWE_RTYU"; buttonChain2.HandleRequest(request1); Request2 rq2 = new Request2(); rq2.Value = "123456"; buttonChain2.HandleRequest(rq2); //---------------------- // Command Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("[Command] Pattern"); List <SourceCommand> srcCmd = new List <SourceCommand>(); SourceCommand scr1 = new SourceCommand(); scr1.Command = new OpenCommand(new Receiver1("Star1")); SourceCommand scr2 = new SourceCommand(); scr2.Command = new PasteCommand(new Receiver2("Paste Star 2")); srcCmd.Add(scr1); srcCmd.Add(scr2); TemplatedCommand <string> templatedCommand = new TemplatedCommand <string>(delegate(string s) { Console.WriteLine("---Delegate command is executed @@@@ {0}", s); }); TemplatedSourceCommand <string> scr3 = new TemplatedSourceCommand <string>(templatedCommand); scr3.ActionInvoke("1111"); foreach (var sourceCommand in srcCmd) { sourceCommand.InvokeCommand(); } //--------- // Interpreter string roman = "MCMXXVIII"; Context context = new Context(roman); // Build the 'parse tree' List <Expression> tree = new List <Expression>(); tree.Add(new ThousandExpression()); tree.Add(new HundredExpression()); tree.Add(new TenExpression()); tree.Add(new OneExpression()); // Interpret foreach (Expression exp in tree) { exp.Interpret(context); } Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", roman, context.Output); // define booleand expression // (true and x) or (y and x) Console.WriteLine("----------------------------"); BooleanExp expressing; BooleanContext boolContext = new BooleanContext(); expressing = new OrExp(new AndExp(new BooleanConstant("true"), new VariableExp("x")), new AndExp(new VariableExp("y"), new NotExp("x"))); boolContext.Assign("x", false); boolContext.Assign("y", false); Console.WriteLine("Result of boolean interpreter is [{0}]", expressing.Evaluate(boolContext)); //------------- // Iterator Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Pattern Iterator"); ConcreteAggregate aggregate = new ConcreteAggregate(); aggregate[0] = "Object 1"; aggregate[1] = "Object 2"; aggregate[2] = "Object 3"; aggregate[3] = "Object 4"; Iterator iter = aggregate.CreateIterator(); for (object i = iter.First(); !iter.IsDone(); i = iter.Next()) { Console.WriteLine("Current object [{0}]", i); } //-------------- // Mediator Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Pattern Mediator"); // parts could be informed about its mediator. ConcreteMediator cm = new ConcreteMediator(new Collegue1(), new Collegue2(), new Collegue3()); cm.Process1AndInform23(); cm.Process3AndInform1(); //------------ // Memento Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Pattern Memento"); SalesProspect salesProspect = new SalesProspect(); salesProspect.Budget = 45.56; salesProspect.Name = "Super Man"; salesProspect.Phone = "45-78-96"; ProspectMemory prospectMemory = new ProspectMemory(); prospectMemory.Memento = salesProspect.SaveMemento(); salesProspect.Budget = 11.11; salesProspect.Name = "Spider Man"; salesProspect.Phone = "33-44-55"; salesProspect.RestoreMemento(prospectMemory.Memento); //-------------- // Observer (Dependents, Publish-Subscriber) Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Pattern Observer"); Subject subject = new Subject(); ConcreteObserver1 concreteObserver1 = new ConcreteObserver1(); ConcreteObserver2 concreteObserver2 = new ConcreteObserver2(); subject.Register(concreteObserver1); subject.Register(concreteObserver2); subject.Register(concreteObserver1); subject.NotifyObservers(); subject.UnRegister(concreteObserver2); subject.UnRegister(concreteObserver2); subject.NotifyObservers(); //------------------------------------------ // State Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Pattern State"); Account account = new Account("Jim Johnson"); // Apply financial transactions account.Deposit(500.0); account.Deposit(300.0); account.Deposit(550.0); account.PayInterest(); account.Withdraw(2000.00); account.Withdraw(1100.00); account.Deposit(50000); account.PayInterest(); //------------------------------------------ // Strategy // Client should knew all available strategies. Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Pattern Strategy"); StrategyContext strategyContext = new StrategyContext(null); strategyContext.ContextOperationOne(); strategyContext.ContextOperationTwo(); strategyContext.Strategy = new ConcreteStrategy(); strategyContext.ContextOperationOne(); strategyContext.ContextOperationTwo(); //------------------------------------------ // Template Method Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Template Method"); TemplateMethodClass tmc = new ConcreteTemplateMethodClass1(); tmc.TemplateMethod(); //------------------------------------------ // Visitor Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Visitor"); List <INode> elements = new List <INode>(); elements.Add(new NodeType1() { Balance = 400, Name = "Qwerty" }); elements.Add(new NodeType1() { Balance = 333, Name = "QasxzWe" }); elements.Add(new NodeType2() { CarName = "Mersedes" }); NodeVisitor visitor = new ConcreteNodeVisitor(); foreach (var element in elements) { element.Accept(visitor); } //------------------------------------------ ThreadTest threadTest = new ThreadTest(); //threadTest.RunTask(); threadTest.TestFactory(); // Unit of Work patternt with Repository pattern Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("UOW pattern"); StudentController sc = new StudentController(); sc.DoAction(); MoneyPattern.Start(); Console.Read(); }