/// <summary> /// Initializes the application /// </summary> public void InitializeApplication() { int y = 10; // Initialize the HUD Button fullScreen = hud.AddButton(ToggleFullscreen, "Toggle full screen", 35, y, 125, 22); Button toggleRef = hud.AddButton(ToggleReference, "Toggle reference (F3)", 35, y += 24, 125, 22); Button changeDevice = hud.AddButton(ChangeDevice, "Change Device (F2)", 35, y += 24, 125, 22); // Hook the button events for when these items are clicked fullScreen.Click += new EventHandler(OnFullscreenClicked); toggleRef.Click += new EventHandler(OnRefClicked); changeDevice.Click += new EventHandler(OnChangeDevicClicked); // Now add the sample specific UI y = 10; Checkbox fillModeBox = sampleUi.AddCheckBox(FillModeButton, "WireFrame (F8)", 35, y, 150, 20, false, System.Windows.Forms.Keys.F8, false); sampleUi.AddStatic(SegmentLabel, "Number of segments: 2", 10, y += 30, 150, 16); Slider segmentSlider = sampleUi.AddSlider(SegmentSlider, 10, y += 14, 150, 24, 1, 10, 2, false); Checkbox hwPatch = sampleUi.AddCheckBox(HwPatchButton, "User hardware N-patches", 10, y += 26, 150, 20, true, System.Windows.Forms.Keys.H, false); // Hook the events fillModeBox.Changed += new EventHandler(OnFillmodeChanged); segmentSlider.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(OnSegmentChanged); hwPatch.Changed += new EventHandler(OnHardwareChanged); }
private void _btnGiveUp_ButtonPressEvent(object o, ButtonPressEventArgs args) { var dialog = new Dialog("Закончить игру?", Program.mv, DialogFlags.Modal); dialog.AddButton("Да", ResponseType.Yes).ButtonReleaseEvent += new ButtonReleaseEventHandler((obj, e) => { if (ClientManager == null) { Game.GiveUpPlayer(Game.CurrentPlayer); } else { ClientManager.Server.GiveUp(); } dialog.Destroy(); }); dialog.AddButton("Нет", ResponseType.No).ButtonReleaseEvent += new ButtonReleaseEventHandler((obj, e) => { dialog.Destroy(); }); //dialog.ShowNow(); var t = dialog.Run(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(t); }
// TODO does not work correctly yet public static string StringInput(Window parent_window, string title) { var dialog = new Dialog(title, parent_window, Gtk.DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent); dialog.Modal = true; Entry text_entry = new Entry("Name"); text_entry.Visible = true; dialog.Add(text_entry); dialog.AddButton("OK", ResponseType.Ok); dialog.AddButton("Cancel", ResponseType.Cancel); ResponseType response = (ResponseType)dialog.Run(); dialog.Destroy(); if (response == ResponseType.Ok) { return(text_entry.Text); } else { return(""); } }
static string AskIP(int tatami) { var dialog = new Dialog("IP address", 30, 5); var t = new TextField(0, 0, 15, txtServers[tatami - 1].Text); var oldIp = t.Text; dialog.Add(t); dialog.AddButton(new Button("OK", true) { Clicked = () => { txtServers[tatami - 1].Text = t.Text; btnStart[tatami - 1].CanFocus = false; btnStop[tatami - 1].CanFocus = true; Application.MainLoop.Invoke(() => { AddLogg($"Changed IP from {oldIp} to {t.Text} on tatami {tatami}"); SetStatus(tatami, Status.TRY_START); }); tatamis[tatami - 1].Connect(t.Text.ToString()); dialog.Running = false; } }); dialog.AddButton(new Button("CANCEL", false) { Clicked = () => { dialog.Running = false; } }); Application.Run(dialog); return(""); }
public static void SortOrder() { Dialog dialog = new Dialog("Sort By", 25, 10); RadioGroup radioGroup = new RadioGroup(3, 1, new string[] { "Ascending", "Descending" }, (int)Utils.Settings.SortOrder); dialog.Add(radioGroup); Button btnOk = new Button("OK", true); btnOk.Clicked = delegate() { Utils.Settings.SortOrder = (Utils.SortOrder)radioGroup.Selected; Utils.Settings.Save(); MyDrive.SortItems(); dialog.Running = false; Application.Top.SetFocus(MyDrive.Window); }; Button btnCancel = new Button("Cancel"); btnCancel.Clicked = delegate() { dialog.Running = false; Application.Top.SetFocus(MyDrive.Window); }; dialog.AddButton(btnOk); dialog.AddButton(btnCancel); Application.Run(dialog); Application.Refresh(); }
protected void BuildSimpleEditorDialog() { editNode.Modal = true; editNode.AddButton("Отмена", ResponseType.Cancel); editNode.AddButton("Ok", ResponseType.Ok); Gtk.Table editNodeTable = new Table(2, 2, false); LableName = new Label("Название:"); LableName.Justify = Justification.Right; LableDescription = new Label("Описание:"); LableDescription.Justify = Justification.Right; editNodeTable.Attach(LableName, 0, 1, 0, 1); inputNameEntry = new Entry(); if (NameMaxLength.HasValue) { inputNameEntry.MaxLength = NameMaxLength.Value; } inputNameEntry.WidthRequest = 300; editNodeTable.Attach(inputNameEntry, 1, 2, 0, 1); inputDiscriptionEntry = new Entry(); editNodeTable.Attach(LableDescription, 0, 1, 1, 2); editNodeTable.Attach(inputDiscriptionEntry, 1, 2, 1, 2); if (DiscriptionMaxLength.HasValue) { inputDiscriptionEntry.MaxLength = DiscriptionMaxLength.Value; } if (!DescriptionField) { inputDiscriptionEntry.Sensitive = false; LableDescription.Sensitive = false; } editNode.VBox.Add(editNodeTable); editNode.Response += new ResponseHandler(on_editnode_response); }
void OnClose(object sender, EventArgs args) { bool cancel = false; if (!isSaved) { var dialog = new Dialog(); dialog.AddButton("Close without save", ResponseType.No); dialog.AddButton(Stock.Cancel, ResponseType.Cancel); dialog.AddButton("Save changes", ResponseType.Ok); var dialogLabel = new Label("Save changes in file?"); dialog.VBox.PackStart(dialogLabel, false, false, 0); dialog.ShowAll(); int response = dialog.Run(); if (response == (int)ResponseType.Ok) { System.IO.File.WriteAllText(fileName, editorView.Buffer.Text); } if (response == (int)ResponseType.Cancel) { cancel = true; } dialog.Destroy(); } if (!cancel) { Application.Quit(); } }
protected void OnDeleteEvent(object sender, DeleteEventArgs a) { Dialog dialog = new Dialog { Title = "Confirm", DefaultResponse = 0, }; dialog.AddButton("No", 0); dialog.AddButton("Yes", 1); dialog.VBox.PackStart(new Label("Are you sure you want to exit?")); dialog.VBox.ShowAll(); dialog.WindowPosition = WindowPosition.CenterAlways; if (dialog.Run() == 1) { dialog.Hide(); dialog.Destroy(); KeyPressEvent -= WindowKeyPress; Application.Quit(); a.RetVal = false; } else { dialog.Hide(); dialog.Destroy(); a.RetVal = true; } }
public static Frame ShowFrame() { Dialog val = Dialog.Create(); Action <String> myAction = new Action <String>(a => { }); val.Text = "Game Control | Headquarter\n\n" + ""; val.AddButton("Rename", ColorHelper.FromHexString("3d0c87"), (Action) delegate { InputDialog input = InputDialog.ShowFor("Rename your Company", $"{Company.Current.Name}", new Action <String>(a => { GameHeadquarter.RenameCompany(a.ToString()); })); }, true); val.AddButton("Level Up", ColorHelper.FromHexString("041887"), (Action) delegate { GameHeadquarter.LevelUp(); }, false); val.AddButton("Close", (Action) delegate { }, true); val.Show(); return((Frame)(object)val); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the application /// </summary> public void InitializeApplication() { int y = 10; // Initialize the HUD Button fullScreen = hud.AddButton(ToggleFullscreen, "Toggle full screen", 35, y, 125, 22); Button toggleRef = hud.AddButton(ToggleReference, "Toggle reference (F3)", 35, y += 24, 125, 22); Button changeDevice = hud.AddButton(ChangeDevice, "Change Device (F2)", 35, y += 24, 125, 22); // Hook the button events for when these items are clicked fullScreen.Click += new EventHandler(OnFullscreenClicked); toggleRef.Click += new EventHandler(OnRefClicked); changeDevice.Click += new EventHandler(OnChangeDevicClicked); y = 10; Button toggleFaiy = sampleUi.AddButton(ButtonToggleCanvas, "Toggle Canvas", 10, y += 24, 125, 22); Checkbox unsafeParticle = sampleUi.AddCheckBox(CheckUnsafeParticle, "Use Unsafe Methods", 30, y += 24, 125, 22, true); Button toggleTiles = sampleUi.AddButton(ButtonToggleTiles, "Toggle Tiles", 10, y += 24, 125, 22); Button toggleAnimatedSprite = sampleUi.AddButton(ButtonToggleAnimatedSprite, "Toggle Animated Sprite", 10, y += 24, 125, 22); Button toggleMovingSprite = sampleUi.AddButton(ButtonToggleMovingSprite, "Toggle Moving Sprite", 10, y += 24, 125, 22); toggleFaiy.Click += new EventHandler(OnToggleParticle); unsafeParticle.Changed += new EventHandler(OnChangeUnsafe); toggleTiles.Click += new EventHandler(OnToggleTiles); toggleAnimatedSprite.Click += new EventHandler(OnToggleAnimatedSprite); toggleMovingSprite.Click += new EventHandler(OnToggleMovingSprite); particleIsUsingUnsafeMethods = true; tilesEnabled = true; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the application /// </summary> public void InitializeApplication() { int y = 10; // Initialize the HUD Button fullScreen = hud.AddButton(ToggleFullscreen, "Toggle full screen", 35, y, 125, 22); Button toggleRef = hud.AddButton(ToggleReference, "Toggle reference (F3)", 35, y += 24, 125, 22); Button changeDevice = hud.AddButton(ChangeDevice, "Change Device (F2)", 35, y += 24, 125, 22); // Hook the button events for when these items are clicked fullScreen.Click += new EventHandler(OnFullscreenClicked); toggleRef.Click += new EventHandler(OnRefClicked); changeDevice.Click += new EventHandler(OnChangeDevicClicked); // Now add the sample specific UI y = 10; sampleUi.IsUsingKeyboardInput = true; sampleUi.AddStatic(DetailLabel, "Level of Detail:", 0, y, 200, 16); Checkbox opt = sampleUi.AddCheckBox(UseOptimizedCheckBox, "Use optimized mesh", 50, y, 200, 20, true); Slider sl = sampleUi.AddSlider(Detail, 10, y += 16, 200, 16, 4, 4, 4, false); // Hook the sample events opt.Changed += new EventHandler(OnOptimizedChanged); sl.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(OnDetailChanged); // Set button masks camera.SetButtonMasks((int)MouseButtonMask.Left, (int)MouseButtonMask.Wheel, 0); }
public static void AppQuitButtonHandler(Enlightenment.Evas.Item item, object EventInfo) { Dialog d = new Dialog("Quit Application", "Are you sure you want to quit?", "Quitting will lose all unsaved data!"); d.AddButton("Yes", AppQuitButtonYesHandler); d.AddButton("No", AppQuitButtonNoHandler); d.Run(); }
static void OptionsDialog() { Dialog d = new Dialog(62, 15, "Options"); d.Add(new Label(1, 1, " Download Directory:")); d.Add(new Label(1, 3, " Listen Port:")); d.Add(new Label(1, 5, " Upload Speed Limit:")); d.Add(new Label(35, 5, "kB/s")); d.Add(new Label(1, 7, "Download Speed Limit:")); d.Add(new Label(35, 7, "kB/s")); Entry download_dir = new Entry(24, 1, 30, "~/Download"); d.Add(download_dir); Entry listen_port = new Entry(24, 3, 6, "34"); d.Add(listen_port); Entry upload_limit = new Entry(24, 5, 10, "1024"); d.Add(upload_limit); Entry download_limit = new Entry(24, 7, 10, "1024"); d.Add(download_limit); bool ok = false; Button b = new Button("Ok", true); b.Clicked += delegate { ok = true; b.Container.Running = false; }; d.AddButton(b); b = new Button("Cancel"); b.Clicked += delegate { b.Container.Running = false; }; d.AddButton(b); Application.Run(d); if (ok) { int v; if (!Int32.TryParse(listen_port.Text, out v)) { Application.Error("Error", "The value `{0}' is not a valid port number", listen_port.Text); return; } if (!Directory.Exists(download_dir.Text)) { Application.Error("Error", "The directory\n{0}\ndoes not exist", download_dir.Text); return; } } }
void OnOpen(object sender, EventArgs args) { bool cancel = false; if (!isSaved) { var dialog = new Dialog(); dialog.AddButton("Close without save", ResponseType.No); dialog.AddButton(Stock.Cancel, ResponseType.Cancel); dialog.AddButton("Save changes", ResponseType.Ok); var dialogLabel = new Label("Save changes in file?"); dialog.VBox.PackStart(dialogLabel, false, false, 0); dialog.ShowAll(); int response = dialog.Run(); if (response == (int)ResponseType.Ok) { System.IO.File.WriteAllText(fileName, editorView.Buffer.Text); } if (response == (int)ResponseType.Cancel) { cancel = true; } dialog.Destroy(); } if (!cancel) { Gtk.FileChooserDialog filechooser = new Gtk.FileChooserDialog("Choose the file to open", parent, FileChooserAction.Open ); filechooser.Visible = true; filechooser.AddButton(Stock.Cancel, ResponseType.Cancel); filechooser.AddButton(Stock.Open, ResponseType.Ok); if (filechooser.Run() == (int)ResponseType.Ok) { fileName = filechooser.Filename; editorView.Buffer.Text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(filechooser.Filename); } filechooser.Destroy(); parent.Title = fileName; isSaved = true; saveBtn.Sensitive = false; save.Sensitive = false; undoBtn.Sensitive = false; undo.Sensitive = false; undoStack.Clear(); redoBtn.Sensitive = false; redo.Sensitive = false; redoStack.Clear(); } }
public void Initialize() { dialog = new Dialog(Framework.Instance); dialog.SetFont(0, "Arial", 14, FontWeight.Normal); dialog.SetFont(1, "Arial", 20, FontWeight.Bold); dialog.SetSize(600, 400); dialog.SetBackgroundColors( new ColorValue(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 128f), new ColorValue(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 128f), new ColorValue(0, 0, 0, 128f), new ColorValue(0, 0, 0, 128f)); text = dialog.AddStatic((int)WelcomeDialogControlIds.Static, "Hi, and welcome to R/C Desk Pilot.\nDownloading news, please wait...", dialog.Width / 2 - 290, 10, 580, 265); Element e = text[0]; e.FontIndex = 1; e.textFormat = DrawTextFormat.Top | DrawTextFormat.Center | DrawTextFormat.WordBreak; infoButton = dialog.AddButton((int)WelcomeDialogControlIds.InfoButton, "website", dialog.Width / 2 - 70, dialog.Height - 120, 140, 30); infoButton.Click += new EventHandler(infoButton_Click); e = infoButton[0]; e.FontIndex = 1; e.textFormat = DrawTextFormat.VerticalCenter | DrawTextFormat.Center | DrawTextFormat.WordBreak; e = infoButton[1]; e.FontIndex = 1; e.textFormat = DrawTextFormat.VerticalCenter | DrawTextFormat.Center | DrawTextFormat.WordBreak; startText = dialog.AddStatic((int)WelcomeDialogControlIds.Static, "Click one of the buttons below to start flying or watch the demo.", dialog.Width / 2 - 290, dialog.Height - 80, 580, 30); e = startText[0]; e.FontIndex = 1; e.textFormat = DrawTextFormat.Top | DrawTextFormat.Center | DrawTextFormat.WordBreak; startButton = dialog.AddButton((int)WelcomeDialogControlIds.StartButton, "Start", dialog.Width / 4 - 60, dialog.Height - 40, 120, 30); startButton.Click += new EventHandler(startButton_Click); e = startButton[0]; e.FontIndex = 1; e.textFormat = DrawTextFormat.VerticalCenter | DrawTextFormat.Center | DrawTextFormat.WordBreak; e = startButton[1]; e.FontIndex = 1; e.textFormat = DrawTextFormat.VerticalCenter | DrawTextFormat.Center | DrawTextFormat.WordBreak; demoButton = dialog.AddButton((int)WelcomeDialogControlIds.DemoButton, "Demo", 3 * dialog.Width / 4 - 60, dialog.Height - 40, 120, 30); demoButton.Click += new EventHandler(demoButton_Click); e = demoButton[0]; e.FontIndex = 1; e.textFormat = DrawTextFormat.VerticalCenter | DrawTextFormat.Center | DrawTextFormat.WordBreak; e = demoButton[1]; e.FontIndex = 1; e.textFormat = DrawTextFormat.VerticalCenter | DrawTextFormat.Center | DrawTextFormat.WordBreak; }
/// <summary> /// Prompt user for items to be deployed to the device. /// </summary> /// <param name="targetDevice"></param> private async Task ChooseDeployments(Device targetDevice) { using (var newDialog = new Dialog(parentForm)) { newDialog.Text = "Select Installs"; newDialog.AutoSize = false; newDialog.Height = 500; newDialog.Width = 260; var selectListBox = new CheckedListBox(); selectListBox.CheckOnClick = true; selectListBox.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(300, 250); selectListBox.DisplayMember = nameof(TaskInfo.TaskName); var depList = await GetModules(); foreach (var d in depList) { selectListBox.Items.Add(d, false); } // Add deployment selection list. newDialog.AddCustomControl("TaskList", "Select items to install:", selectListBox); // Add a 'Select None' button with lamba action. var selectNone = newDialog.AddButton("selectNoneButton", "Select None", () => { for (int i = 0; i < selectListBox.Items.Count; i++) { selectListBox.SetItemChecked(i, false); } }); selectNone.Width = 200; // Add a 'Select All' button with lamba action. var selectAll = newDialog.AddButton("selectAllButton", "Select All", () => { for (int i = 0; i < selectListBox.Items.Count; i++) { selectListBox.SetItemChecked(i, true); } }); selectAll.Width = 200; newDialog.ShowDialog(); if (newDialog.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (TaskInfo task in selectListBox.CheckedItems) { deployments.Enqueue(task); } } } }
public static void NewFolder() { string newFolderName = "New Folder"; int newFolderCount = 0; while (MyDrive.Files != null && MyDrive.Files.Find((file) => file.Name.Equals(newFolderName)) != null) { newFolderName = string.Format("New Folder ({0})", ++newFolderCount); } Dialog dialog = new Dialog("Enter Folder Name", 50, 8); TextField textField = new TextField(newFolderName) { X = 1, Y = 1, Width = Dim.Fill(1) }; dialog.Add(textField); Button btnOk = new Button("OK", true); btnOk.Clicked = delegate() { Utils.Drive.NewFolder(MyDrive.CurrentDirectory.Id, textField.Text.ToString()).ContinueWith((task) => { Application.MainLoop.Invoke(() => { MyDrive.Files.Add(task.Result); MyDrive.SortItems(); MyDrive.SelectItem(task.Result); dialog.Running = false; Application.Top.SetFocus(MyDrive.Window); }); }); }; Button btnCancel = new Button("Cancel"); btnCancel.Clicked = delegate() { dialog.Running = false; Application.Top.SetFocus(MyDrive.Window); }; dialog.AddButton(btnOk); dialog.AddButton(btnCancel); Application.Run(dialog); Application.Refresh(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the application /// </summary> public void InitializeApplication() { int y = 10; // Initialize the HUD Bonsai.Core.Controls.Button fullScreen = hud.AddButton(ToggleFullscreen, "Toggle full screen", 35, y, 125, 22); Bonsai.Core.Controls.Button changeDevice = hud.AddButton(ChangeDevice, "Change Device (F2)", 35, y += 24, 125, 22); //fullScreen.IsVisible = false; //changeDevice.IsVisible = false; // Hook the button events for when these items are clicked fullScreen.Click += new EventHandler(OnFullscreenClicked); changeDevice.Click += new EventHandler(OnChangeDeviceClicked); }
/// <summary> /// Adds the guid stuff to the application /// </summary> public void InitializeApplication() { int y = 10; // Create the buttons Button fullScreen = hud.AddButton(2, "Toggle full screen", 35, y, 125, 22); Button toggleRef = hud.AddButton(3, "Toggle reference (F3)", 35, y += 24, 125, 22); Button changeDevice = hud.AddButton(4, "Change Device (F2)", 35, y += 24, 125, 22); // Hook the button events for when these items are clicked fullScreen.Click += new EventHandler(OnFullscreenClicked); toggleRef.Click += new EventHandler(OnRefClicked); changeDevice.Click += new EventHandler(OnChangeDevicClicked); }
protected void CleanDBActivated(object o, System.EventArgs args) { Dialog dlg = new Dialog("You will delete the database, are you sure?", controller.mainwindow, DialogFlags.Modal); dlg.AddButton("Yes, clean the database", ResponseType.Accept); dlg.AddButton("No", ResponseType.Cancel); if (dlg.Run() == (int)ResponseType.Accept) { controller.database.Ejecutar("DELETE FROM Songs"); controller.View_ThreadLoadSongs(); } dlg.Destroy(); }
protected void OnButtonPickDatePeriodClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { #region Widget creation Window parentWin = (Window)Toplevel; var selectDate = new Dialog("Укажите период", parentWin, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent); selectDate.Modal = true; selectDate.AddButton("Отмена", ResponseType.Cancel); selectDate.AddButton("Ok", ResponseType.Ok); periodSummary = new Label(); selectDate.VBox.Add(periodSummary); HBox hbox = new HBox(true, 6); StartDateCalendar = new Calendar(); StartDateCalendar.DisplayOptions = DisplayOptions; StartDateCalendar.Date = StartDateOrNull ?? DateTime.Today; StartDateCalendar.DaySelected += StartDateCalendar_DaySelected; EndDateCalendar = new Calendar(); EndDateCalendar.DisplayOptions = DisplayOptions; EndDateCalendar.Date = EndDateOrNull ?? DateTime.Today; EndDateCalendar.DaySelected += EndDateCalendar_DaySelected; hbox.Add(StartDateCalendar); hbox.Add(EndDateCalendar); selectDate.VBox.Add(hbox); selectDate.ShowAll(); #endregion int response = selectDate.Run(); if (response == (int)ResponseType.Ok) { startDate = StartDateCalendar.GetDate(); endDate = EndDateCalendar.GetDate(); OnStartDateChanged(); OnEndDateChanged(); OnPeriodChanged(); OnPeriodChangedByUser(); } #region Destroy EndDateCalendar.Destroy(); StartDateCalendar.Destroy(); hbox.Destroy(); selectDate.Destroy(); #endregion }
void DeadlineButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { var dialog = new Dialog("Sample", null, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent); dialog.Modal = true; dialog.AddButton("Cancel", ResponseType.Cancel); dialog.AddButton("OK", ResponseType.Ok); dialog.ContentArea.Add(calendar); calendar.Show(); if (dialog.Run() == (int)ResponseType.Ok) { deadlineButton.Label = calendar.Date.ToShortDateString(); } dialog.Destroy(); }
/// <summary>Initializes the application</summary> public void InitializeApplication() { isUsingPreshader = true; for (int i = 0; i < MaxNumberLights; i++) { lightControl[i] = new DirectionWidget(); lightControl[i].LightDirection = new Vector3((float)Math.Sin((float)Math.PI * 2 * i / MaxNumberLights - (float)Math.PI / 6), 0, -(float)Math.Cos((float)Math.PI * 2 * i / MaxNumberLights - (float)Math.PI / 6)); } activeLight = 0; numberActiveLights = 1; lightScale = 1.0f; int y = 10; // Initialize the dialogs Button fullScreen = hud.AddButton(ToggleFullscreen, "Toggle full screen", 35, y, 125, 22); Button toggleRef = hud.AddButton(ToggleReference, "Toggle reference (F3)", 35, y += 24, 125, 22); Button changeDevice = hud.AddButton(ChangeDevice, "Change Device (F2)", 35, y += 24, 125, 22); // Hook the button events for when these items are clicked fullScreen.Click += new EventHandler(OnFullscreenClicked); toggleRef.Click += new EventHandler(OnRefClicked); changeDevice.Click += new EventHandler(OnChangeDevicClicked); // Now add the sample specific UI y = 10; sampleUi.AddStatic(NumberLightsStatic, string.Format("# Lights: {0}", numberActiveLights), 35, y += 24, 125, 22); Slider lightSlider = sampleUi.AddSlider(NumberLights, 50, y += 24, 100, 22, 1, MaxNumberLights, numberActiveLights, false); y += 24; sampleUi.AddStatic(LightScaleStatic, string.Format("Light scale: {0}", lightScale.ToString("f2", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture)), 35, y += 24, 125, 22); Slider scaleSlider = sampleUi.AddSlider(LightScaleControl, 50, y += 24, 100, 22, 0, 20, (int)(lightScale * 10.0f), false); y += 24; Button activeLightControl = sampleUi.AddButton(ActiveLightControl, "Change active light (K)", 35, y += 24, 125, 22, System.Windows.Forms.Keys.K, false); Checkbox preShader = sampleUi.AddCheckBox(EnablePreshader, "Enable preshaders", 35, y += 24, 125, 22, isUsingPreshader); // Hook the events preShader.Changed += new EventHandler(OnPreshaderClick); lightSlider.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(OnNumberLightsChanged); activeLightControl.Click += new EventHandler(OnActiveLightClick); scaleSlider.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(OnLightScaleChanged); }
private void Input_msgShow(object sender, EventArgs e) { //IL_0009: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000f: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_000f: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0014: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0021: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_003b: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0045: Expected O, but got Unknown InputArgs inputArgs = (InputArgs)e; Dialog val = null; try { Entry val2 = (Entry)(object)new Entry(); Dialog val3 = new Dialog(); ((Window)val3).set_Title(inputArgs.Title); val = (Dialog)(object)val3; val.AddButton("ok", (ResponseType)(-5)); ((Container)val.get_VBox()).Add((Widget)(object)new Label(inputArgs.Message)); ((Window)val).SetPosition((WindowPosition)3); ((Container)val.get_VBox()).Add((Widget)(object)val2); ((Widget)val).ShowAll(); val.Run(); inputArgs.Response = val2.get_Text(); } finally { if (val != null) { ((Object)val).Destroy(); } } }
private void GetForcast(object sender, EventArgs e) { //IL_000d: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0013: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_0025: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_002a: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0036: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_005c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0066: Expected O, but got Unknown Dialog val = null; try { LinkButton val2 = (LinkButton)(object)new LinkButton(weatherResponse.OptionalLink); ((Button)val2).add_Clicked((EventHandler)Weather_Clicked); Dialog val3 = new Dialog(); ((Window)val3).set_Title("Forcast"); val = (Dialog)(object)val3; val.AddButton("ok", (ResponseType)(-5)); ((Window)val).SetPosition((WindowPosition)3); ((Container)val.get_VBox()).Add((Widget)(object)new Label(weatherResponse.ForcastDescription)); ((Container)val.get_VBox()).Add((Widget)(object)val2); ((Widget)val).ShowAll(); val.Run(); } finally { if (val != null) { ((Object)val).Destroy(); } } }
private void MBox_msgShow(object sender, EventArgs e) { //IL_0009: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_000e: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_001b: Expected O, but got Unknown //IL_003c: Unknown result type (might be due to invalid IL or missing references) //IL_0046: Expected O, but got Unknown msgBoxEventArg msgBoxEventArg = (msgBoxEventArg)e; Dialog val = null; try { Dialog val2 = new Dialog(); ((Window)val2).set_Title(msgBoxEventArg.Title); val = (Dialog)(object)val2; val.AddButton("ok", (ResponseType)(-5)); ((Window)val).SetPosition((WindowPosition)3); ((Container)val.get_VBox()).Add((Widget)(object)new Label(msgBoxEventArg.Message)); ((Widget)val).ShowAll(); val.Run(); } finally { if (val != null) { ((Object)val).Destroy(); } } }
void Init() { Dialog.KeepWindowTitle = true; SetSize(Progress.FORM_WIDTH, (CanCancel ? 7 : 5) + _LineCount); _textActivity = new IText[_LineCount]; for (int iLine = 0; iLine < _LineCount; ++iLine) { _textActivity[iLine] = Dialog.AddText(5, -1, 5 + Progress.TEXT_WIDTH - 1, string.Empty); } _textProgress = Dialog.AddText(5, -1, 5 + Progress.TEXT_WIDTH - 1, string.Empty); if (CanCancel) { Dialog.AddText(5, -1, 0, string.Empty).Separator = 1; IButton button = Dialog.AddButton(0, -1, _jobThread == null ? "Cancel" : "Abort"); button.CenterGroup = true; Dialog.Default = button; } Dialog.Initialized += OnInitialized; Dialog.Closing += OnClosing; Dialog.Idled += OnIdled; }
public static void AppAboutButtonHandler(Enlightenment.Evas.Item item, object EventInfo) { Dialog d = new Dialog("About EFL#", "EFL# Widget Test", "Coded by Hisham Mardam Bey"); d.AddButton("Close", AppAboutButtonCloseHandler); d.Run(); }
private void saveFile() { var fileChooser = new FileChooserDialog( "Save File (*.clong)", this, FileChooserAction.Save, "Cancel", ResponseType.Cancel, "Save As", ResponseType.Accept ); fileChooser.Filter = new FileFilter(); fileChooser.Filter.AddPattern("*.clong"); if (fileChooser.Run() == (int)ResponseType.Accept) { FileManager.Save( fileChooser.Filename, docView.GetText(), exView.Examples, dictView.Words ); currentFile = fileChooser.Filename; Title = AppSettings.WindowTitle + " - " + currentFile; var popup = new Dialog( "Success", this, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent ); popup.ContentArea.Add(new Label("Successfully saved!")); popup.AddButton("Okay", ResponseType.Accept); popup.ShowAll(); popup.Resizable = false; popup.Run(); popup.Dispose(); } fileChooser.Dispose(); }
private static void UpdateDialog(string format, params object[] args) { string text = String.Format(format, args); if (dialog == null) { dialog = new Dialog(); dialog.Title = "Loading data from assemblies..."; dialog.AddButton(Stock.Cancel, 1); dialog.Response += new ResponseHandler(ResponseCB); dialog.SetDefaultSize(480, 100); VBox vbox = dialog.VBox; HBox hbox = new HBox(false, 4); vbox.PackStart(hbox, true, true, 0); Gtk.Image icon = new Gtk.Image(Stock.DialogInfo, IconSize.Dialog); hbox.PackStart(icon, false, false, 0); dialog_label = new Label(text); hbox.PackStart(dialog_label, false, false, 0); dialog.ShowAll(); } else { dialog_label.Text = text; while (Application.EventsPending()) { Application.RunIteration(); } } }