コード例 #1
 public OracleTransformationProvider(Dialect dialect, string connectionString)
     : base(dialect, connectionString)
     connection = new OracleConnection();
     connection.ConnectionString = base.connectionString;
コード例 #2
		protected TransformationProvider(Dialect dialect, string connectionString, string defaultSchema)
			_dialect = dialect;
			_connectionString = connectionString;
			_defaultSchema = defaultSchema;
			_logger = new Logger(false);
コード例 #3
		/// <summary>
		/// Configures the TableGenerator by reading the value of <c>table</c>, 
		/// <c>column</c>, and <c>schema</c> from the <c>parms</c> parameter.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="type">The <see cref="IType"/> the identifier should be.</param>
		/// <param name="parms">An <see cref="IDictionary"/> of Param values that are keyed by parameter name.</param>
		/// <param name="dialect">The <see cref="Dialect.Dialect"/> to help with Configuration.</param>
		public virtual void Configure( IType type, IDictionary parms, Dialect.Dialect dialect )
			this.tableName = PropertiesHelper.GetString( Table, parms, "hibernate_unique_key" );
			this.columnName = PropertiesHelper.GetString( Column, parms, "next_hi" );
			string schemaName = ( string ) parms[ Schema ];
			if( schemaName != null && tableName.IndexOf( StringHelper.Dot ) < 0 )
				tableName = schemaName + "." + tableName;

			query = "select " + columnName + " from " + tableName;
			if( dialect.SupportsForUpdate )
				query += " for update";

			// build the sql string for the Update since it uses parameters
			Parameter setParam = new Parameter( columnName, new Int32SqlType() );
			Parameter whereParam = new Parameter( columnName, new Int32SqlType() );

			SqlStringBuilder builder = new SqlStringBuilder();
			builder.Add( "update " + tableName + " set " )
				.Add( columnName )
				.Add( " = " )
				.Add( setParam )
				.Add( " where " )
				.Add( columnName )
				.Add( " = " )
				.Add( whereParam );

			updateSql = builder.ToSqlString();

コード例 #4
ファイル: IncrementGenerator.cs プロジェクト: pallmall/WCell
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="type"></param>
		/// <param name="parms"></param>
		/// <param name="d"></param>
		public void Configure(IType type, IDictionary<string, string> parms, Dialect.Dialect d)
			string tableList;
			string column;
			string schema;
			string catalog;

			if (!parms.TryGetValue("tables", out tableList))
				parms.TryGetValue(PersistentIdGeneratorParmsNames.Tables, out tableList);
			string[] tables = StringHelper.Split(", ", tableList);
			if (!parms.TryGetValue("column", out column))
				parms.TryGetValue(PersistentIdGeneratorParmsNames.PK, out column);
			returnClass = type.ReturnedClass;
			parms.TryGetValue(PersistentIdGeneratorParmsNames.Schema, out schema);
			parms.TryGetValue(PersistentIdGeneratorParmsNames.Catalog, out catalog);

			StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
			for (int i = 0; i < tables.Length; i++)
				if (tables.Length > 1)
					buf.Append("select ").Append(column).Append(" from ");
				buf.Append(Table.Qualify(catalog, schema, tables[i]));
				if (i < tables.Length - 1)
					buf.Append(" union ");
			if (tables.Length > 1)
				buf.Insert(0, "( ").Append(" ) ids_");
				column = "ids_." + column;

			sql = "select max(" + column + ") from " + buf;
コード例 #5
		/// <summary>
		/// Generates the SQL string to create the named Foreign Key Constraint in the database.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="d">The <see cref="Dialect.Dialect"/> to use for SQL rules.</param>
		/// <param name="constraintName">The name to use as the identifier of the constraint in the database.</param>
		/// <param name="defaultSchema"></param>
		/// <param name="defaultCatalog"></param>
		/// <returns>
		/// A string that contains the SQL to create the named Foreign Key Constraint.
		/// </returns>
		public override string SqlConstraintString(Dialect.Dialect d, string constraintName, string defaultCatalog, string defaultSchema)
			string[] cols = new string[ColumnSpan];
			string[] refcols = new string[ColumnSpan];
			int i = 0;
			IEnumerable<Column> refiter;
			if (IsReferenceToPrimaryKey)
				refiter = referencedTable.PrimaryKey.ColumnIterator;
				refiter = referencedColumns;
			foreach (Column column in ColumnIterator)
				cols[i] = column.GetQuotedName(d);

			i = 0;
			foreach (Column column in refiter)
				refcols[i] = column.GetQuotedName(d);
			string result = d.GetAddForeignKeyConstraintString(constraintName, cols, referencedTable.GetQualifiedName(d, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema), refcols, IsReferenceToPrimaryKey);
			return cascadeDeleteEnabled && d.SupportsCascadeDelete ? result + " on delete cascade" : result;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Fixture.cs プロジェクト: NikGovorov/nhibernate-core
		protected override bool AppliesTo(Dialect.Dialect dialect)
			return !(dialect is Dialect.Oracle8iDialect);
			// Oracle sometimes causes: ORA-12520: TNS:listener could not find available handler for requested type of server
			// Following links bizarrely suggest it's an Oracle limitation under load:
			// http://www.orafaq.com/forum/t/60019/2/ & http://www.ispirer.com/wiki/sqlways/troubleshooting-guide/oracle/import/tns_listener
コード例 #7
		protected TransformationProvider(Dialect dialect, string connectionString, string schemaName)
			_dialect = dialect;
			_connectionString = connectionString;
		    _schemaName = schemaName;
		    _logger = new Logger(false);
コード例 #8
		/// <summary>
		/// Configures the SequenceGenerator by reading the value of <c>sequence</c> and
		/// <c>schema</c> from the <c>parms</c> parameter.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="type">The <see cref="IType"/> the identifier should be.</param>
		/// <param name="parms">An <see cref="IDictionary"/> of Param values that are keyed by parameter name.</param>
		/// <param name="dialect">The <see cref="Dialect.Dialect"/> to help with Configuration.</param>
		public virtual void Configure(IType type, IDictionary<string, string> parms, Dialect.Dialect dialect)
			var nativeSequenceName = PropertiesHelper.GetString(Sequence, parms, "hibernate_sequence");
			bool needQuote = StringHelper.IsBackticksEnclosed(nativeSequenceName);
			bool isQuelified = nativeSequenceName.IndexOf('.') > 0;
			if (isQuelified)
				string qualifier = StringHelper.Qualifier(nativeSequenceName);
				nativeSequenceName = StringHelper.Unqualify(nativeSequenceName);
				nativeSequenceName = StringHelper.PurgeBackticksEnclosing(nativeSequenceName);
				sequenceName = qualifier + '.' + (needQuote ? dialect.QuoteForTableName(nativeSequenceName) : nativeSequenceName);
				nativeSequenceName = StringHelper.PurgeBackticksEnclosing(nativeSequenceName);
				sequenceName = needQuote ? dialect.QuoteForTableName(nativeSequenceName) : nativeSequenceName;
			string schemaName;
			string catalogName;
			parms.TryGetValue(Parameters, out parameters);
			parms.TryGetValue(PersistentIdGeneratorParmsNames.Schema, out schemaName);
			parms.TryGetValue(PersistentIdGeneratorParmsNames.Catalog, out catalogName);

			if (!isQuelified)
				sequenceName = dialect.Qualify(catalogName, schemaName, sequenceName);

			identifierType = type;
			sql = new SqlString(dialect.GetSequenceNextValString(sequenceName));
コード例 #9
		/// <summary>
		/// Configures the TableHiLoGenerator by reading the value of <c>table</c>, 
		/// <c>column</c>, <c>max_lo</c>, and <c>schema</c> from the <c>parms</c> parameter.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="type">The <see cref="IType"/> the identifier should be.</param>
		/// <param name="parms">An <see cref="IDictionary"/> of Param values that are keyed by parameter name.</param>
		/// <param name="dialect">The <see cref="Dialect.Dialect"/> to help with Configuration.</param>
		public override void Configure(IType type, IDictionary<string, string> parms, Dialect.Dialect dialect)
			base.Configure(type, parms, dialect);
			maxLo = PropertiesHelper.GetInt64(MaxLo, parms, Int16.MaxValue);
			lo = maxLo + 1; // so we "clock over" on the first invocation
			returnClass = type.ReturnedClass;
コード例 #10
ファイル: PrimaryKey.cs プロジェクト: jlevitt/nhibernate-core
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the SQL string to drop this Constraint in the database.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="dialect">The <see cref="Dialect.Dialect"/> to use for SQL rules.</param>
		/// <param name="defaultCatalog"></param>
		/// <param name="defaultSchema"></param>
		/// <returns>
		/// A string that contains the SQL to drop this Constraint.
		/// </returns>
		public override string SqlDropString(Dialect.Dialect dialect, string defaultCatalog, string defaultSchema)
			string ifExists = dialect.GetIfExistsDropConstraint(Table, Name);
			string drop = string.Format("alter table {0}{1}", Table.GetQualifiedName(dialect, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema), dialect.GetDropPrimaryKeyConstraintString(Name));
			string end = dialect.GetIfExistsDropConstraintEnd(Table, Name);
			return ifExists + Environment.NewLine + drop + Environment.NewLine + end;
コード例 #11
		public override string SqlCreateString(
			Dialect.Dialect dialect,
			IMapping p,
			string defaultSchema)
			return InjectCatalogAndSchema(sqlCreateString, defaultSchema);
コード例 #12
		/// <summary> Build a SQLExceptionConverter instance. </summary>
		/// <param name="dialect">The defined dialect. </param>
		/// <param name="properties">The configuration properties. </param>
		/// <returns> An appropriate <see cref="ISQLExceptionConverter"/> instance. </returns>
		/// <remarks>
		/// First, looks for a <see cref="Cfg.Environment.SqlExceptionConverter"/> property to see
		/// if the configuration specified the class of a specific converter to use.  If this
		/// property is set, attempt to construct an instance of that class.  If not set, or
		/// if construction fails, the converter specific to the dialect will be used.
		/// </remarks>
		public static ISQLExceptionConverter BuildSQLExceptionConverter(Dialect.Dialect dialect, IDictionary<string, string> properties)
			ISQLExceptionConverter converter = null;

			string converterClassName;
			properties.TryGetValue(Cfg.Environment.SqlExceptionConverter, out converterClassName);
			if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(converterClassName))
				converter = ConstructConverter(converterClassName, dialect.ViolatedConstraintNameExtracter);

			if (converter == null)
				log.Info("Using dialect defined converter");
				converter = dialect.BuildSQLExceptionConverter();

			IConfigurable confConv = converter as IConfigurable;
			if (confConv != null)
				catch (HibernateException e)
					log.Warn("Unable to configure SQLExceptionConverter", e);

			return converter;
コード例 #13
 public MySqlTransformationProvider(Dialect dialect, string connectionString)
     : base(dialect, connectionString)
     connection = new MySqlConnection(base.connectionString);
     connection.ConnectionString = base.connectionString;
コード例 #14
ファイル: DataTypeParser.cs プロジェクト: 991899783/DbEntry
		public static string ParseToString(object o, Dialect.DbDialect dd)
            if (o == null)
                return "NULL";
			var ot = o.GetType();
			if ( typeof(bool) == ot )
				return Convert.ToInt32(o).ToString();
		    if	( typeof(string) == ot )
		        string s = o.ToString();
		        s = s.Replace("'", "''");
		        return string.Format("N'{0}'", s);
		    if ( typeof(DateTime) == ot || typeof(Date) == ot || typeof(Time) == ot )
		        return dd.QuoteDateTimeValue(o.ToString());
		    if (ot.IsEnum)
		        return Convert.ToInt32(o).ToString();
		    if (typeof(byte[]) == ot)
		        throw new ApplicationException("Sql without Parameter can not support blob, please using Parameter mode.");
            return o.ToString();
コード例 #15
ファイル: SelectBuilder.cs プロジェクト: SharpTools/sharpdata
		public SelectBuilder(Dialect dialect, string[] tables, string[] columns) {
			_dialect = dialect;
			_tables = tables;
			_columns = columns;

			Parameters = new In[0];
 public OracleManagedDriverTransformationProvider(Dialect dialect, string connectionString, string defaultSchema)
     : base(dialect, connectionString, defaultSchema)
     _connection = new OracleConnection();
     _connection.ConnectionString = _connectionString;
コード例 #17
ファイル: MappingRootBinder.cs プロジェクト: zibler/zibler
 public MappingRootBinder(Mappings mappings, XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager,
     Dialect.Dialect dialect)
     : base(mappings)
     this.namespaceManager = namespaceManager;
     this.dialect = dialect;
コード例 #18
ファイル: DatabaseMetadata.cs プロジェクト: ray2006/WCell
		public DatabaseMetadata(DbConnection connection, Dialect.Dialect dialect, bool extras)
			schemaReader = new InformationSchemaReader(connection);
			this.extras = extras;
			InitSequences(connection, dialect);
			sqlExceptionConverter = dialect.BuildSQLExceptionConverter();
コード例 #19
		/// <summary>
		/// Gets the schema qualified name of the Table using the specified qualifier
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="dialect">The <see cref="Dialect.Dialect"/> that knows how to Quote the Table name.</param>
		/// <param name="defaultQualifier">The Qualifier to use when accessing the table.</param>
		/// <returns>A String representing the Qualified name.</returns>
		/// <remarks>If this were used with MSSQL it would return a dbo.table_name.</remarks>
		public string GetQualifiedName( Dialect.Dialect dialect, string defaultQualifier )
			string quotedName = GetQuotedName( dialect );
			return schema == null ?
				( ( defaultQualifier == null ) ? quotedName : defaultQualifier + StringHelper.Dot + quotedName ) :
				GetQualifiedName( dialect );
コード例 #20
ファイル: Index.cs プロジェクト: hazzik/nh-contrib-everything
		public static string BuildSqlDropIndexString(Dialect.Dialect dialect, Table table, string name, string defaultCatalog, string defaultSchema)
			string ifExists = dialect.GetIfExistsDropConstraint(table, name);
			string drop = string.Format("drop index {0}", StringHelper.Qualify(table.GetQualifiedName(dialect, defaultCatalog, defaultSchema), name));
			string end = dialect.GetIfExistsDropConstraintEnd(table, name);
			return ifExists + Environment.NewLine + drop + Environment.NewLine + end;
コード例 #21
 public PostgreSQLTransformationProvider(Dialect dialect, string connectionString)
     : base(dialect, connectionString)
     connection = new NpgsqlConnection();
     connection.ConnectionString = connectionString;
コード例 #22
		public virtual void Configure(IType type, IDictionary<string, string> parms, Dialect.Dialect dialect)
			IdentifierType = type;

			bool forceTableUse = PropertiesHelper.GetBoolean(ForceTableParam, parms, false);

			string sequenceName = DetermineSequenceName(parms, dialect);

			int initialValue = DetermineInitialValue(parms);
			int incrementSize = DetermineIncrementSize(parms);

			string optimizationStrategy = DetermineOptimizationStrategy(parms, incrementSize);
			incrementSize = DetermineAdjustedIncrementSize(optimizationStrategy, incrementSize);

			Optimizer = OptimizerFactory.BuildOptimizer(
				PropertiesHelper.GetInt32(InitialParam, parms, -1)); // Use -1 as default initial value here to signal that it's not set.

			if (!forceTableUse && RequiresPooledSequence(initialValue, incrementSize, Optimizer) && !dialect.SupportsPooledSequences)
				// force the use of a table (overriding whatever the user configured) since the dialect
				// doesn't support the sequence features we need.
				forceTableUse = true;
				Log.Info("Forcing table use for sequence-style generator due to optimizer selection where db does not support pooled sequences.");

			DatabaseStructure = BuildDatabaseStructure(type, parms, dialect, forceTableUse, sequenceName, initialValue, incrementSize);
コード例 #23
		public SequenceStructure(Dialect.Dialect dialect, string sequenceName, int initialValue, int incrementSize)
			_sequenceName = sequenceName;
			_initialValue = initialValue;
			_incrementSize = incrementSize;
			_sql = new SqlString(dialect.GetSequenceNextValString(sequenceName));
コード例 #24
ファイル: ForeignGenerator.cs プロジェクト: zibler/zibler
 /// <summary>
 /// Configures the ForeignGenerator by reading the value of <c>property</c> 
 /// from the <c>parms</c> parameter.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">The <see cref="IType"/> the identifier should be.</param>
 /// <param name="parms">An <see cref="IDictionary"/> of Param values that are keyed by parameter name.</param>
 /// <param name="d">The <see cref="Dialect.Dialect"/> to help with Configuration.</param>
 /// <exception cref="MappingException">
 /// Thrown if the key <c>property</c> is not found in the <c>parms</c> parameter.
 /// </exception>
 public void Configure(IType type, IDictionary<string, string> parms, Dialect.Dialect d)
     parms.TryGetValue("property", out propertyName);
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))
         throw new MappingException("param named \"property\" is required for foreign id generation strategy");
コード例 #25
ファイル: TableStructure.cs プロジェクト: renefc3/nhibernate
		public virtual string[] SqlCreateStrings(Dialect.Dialect dialect)
			return new String[]
			       		"create table " + tableName + " ( " + valueColumnName + " " + dialect.GetTypeName(SqlTypeFactory.Int64)
			       		+ " )", "insert into " + tableName + " values ( " + initialValue + " )"
コード例 #26
ファイル: Assigned.cs プロジェクト: marchlud/nhibernate-core
		public void Configure(IType type, IDictionary<string, string> parms, Dialect.Dialect dialect)
			parms.TryGetValue(IdGeneratorParmsNames.EntityName, out entityName);
			if (entityName == null)
				throw new MappingException("no entity name");
コード例 #27
		/// <summary>
		/// Configures the ForeignGenerator by reading the value of <c>property</c> 
		/// from the <c>parms</c> parameter.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="type">The <see cref="IType"/> the identifier should be.</param>
		/// <param name="parms">An <see cref="IDictionary"/> of Param values that are keyed by parameter name.</param>
		/// <param name="d">The <see cref="Dialect.Dialect"/> to help with Configuration.</param>
		/// <exception cref="MappingException">
		/// Thrown if the key <c>property</c> is not found in the <c>parms</c> parameter.
		/// </exception>
		public void Configure( IType type, IDictionary parms, Dialect.Dialect d )
			propertyName = ( string ) parms[ "property" ];
			if( propertyName == null || propertyName.Length == 0 )
				throw new MappingException( "param named \"property\" is required for foreign id generation strategy" );
コード例 #28
ファイル: TestDialect.cs プロジェクト: pontillo/PowerNap
		public static TestDialect GetTestDialect(Dialect.Dialect dialect)
			string testDialectTypeName = "NHibernate.Test.TestDialects." + dialect.GetType().Name.Replace("Dialect", "TestDialect");
			System.Type testDialectType = System.Type.GetType(testDialectTypeName);
			if (testDialectType != null)
				return (TestDialect)Activator.CreateInstance(testDialectType, dialect);
			return new TestDialect(dialect);
コード例 #29
		public DatabaseMetadata(DbConnection connection, Dialect.Dialect dialect, bool extras)
			meta = dialect.GetDataBaseSchema(connection);
		    this.dialect = dialect;
		    this.extras = extras;
			InitSequences(connection, dialect);
			sqlExceptionConverter = dialect.BuildSQLExceptionConverter();
コード例 #30
 public IngresTransformationProvider(Dialect dialect, string connectionString, string scope, string providerName)
     : base(dialect, connectionString, null, scope)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(providerName)) providerName = "Ingres.Client";
     var fac = DbProviderFactories.GetFactory(providerName);
     _connection = fac.CreateConnection();
     _connection.ConnectionString = _connectionString;
コード例 #31
        public async Task FilestreamEffectiveLevel_PropertyGet_ThrowsNothing()
            var serverProps = await Dialect.GetServerProperties2008(Config.ConnectionFactory).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.That(() => serverProps.FilestreamEffectiveLevel, Throws.Nothing);
コード例 #32
 public void Nolock()
     Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => Dialect.SetNolock(""));
コード例 #33
 public EnumTests(Dialect dialect) : base(dialect)
コード例 #34
 public EnumAsIntAsPkTests(Dialect dialect) : base(dialect)
コード例 #35
            public void SchemaAndTable_ReturnsProperlyQuoted()
                string result = Dialect.GetTableName("bar", "foo", null);

                Assert.AreEqual("[bar_foo]", result);
コード例 #36
 private static void RegisterFunction(Dialect dialect, String name, ISQLFunction function)
     registerFunctionMethod.Invoke(dialect, new Object[] { name, function });
コード例 #37
 public string[] SqlDropString(Dialect dialect)
     return(new [] { dialect.GetDropTableString(tableName) });
コード例 #38
 public DatabaseOperations(string connectionString, Dialect dialect)
     this.connectionString = connectionString;
     this.dialect          = dialect;
コード例 #39
 public override ITransformationProvider GetTransformationProvider(Dialect dialect, string connectionString, string defaultSchema, string scope, string providerName)
     return(new MariaDBTransformationProvider(dialect, connectionString, scope, providerName));
コード例 #40
        public async Task IsIntegratedSecurityOnly_PropertyGet_IsNotNull()
            var serverProps = await Dialect.GetServerProperties2008(Config.ConnectionFactory).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.That(serverProps.IsIntegratedSecurityOnly, Is.Not.Null);
コード例 #41
        public async Task IsFullTextInstalled_PropertyGet_IsNotNull()
            var serverProps = await Dialect.GetServerProperties2008(Config.ConnectionFactory).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.That(serverProps.IsFullTextInstalled, Is.Not.Null);
コード例 #42
        public async Task NumLicenses_PropertyGet_IsNull()
            var serverProps = await Dialect.GetServerProperties2008(Config.ConnectionFactory).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.That(serverProps.NumLicenses, Is.Null);
コード例 #43
        public async Task ResourceLastUpdateDateTime_PropertyGet_IsNotNull()
            var serverProps = await Dialect.GetServerProperties2008(Config.ConnectionFactory).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.That(() => serverProps.ResourceLastUpdateDateTime, Throws.Nothing);
コード例 #44
        public async Task Collation_PropertyGet_IsNotNull()
            var serverProps = await Dialect.GetServerProperties2008(Config.ConnectionFactory).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.That(serverProps.Collation, Is.Not.Null);
コード例 #45
        public async Task GetDatabaseVersionAsync_GivenValidConnection_ReturnsNonNullVersion()
            var version = await Dialect.GetDatabaseVersionAsync(Connection).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.That(version, Is.Not.Null);
コード例 #46
 public OracleTransformationProvider(Dialect dialect, string connectionString)
     : base(dialect, connectionString)
     _connection = new OracleConnection();
     _connection.ConnectionString = _connectionString;
コード例 #47
 public IncorrectIndexDetector(Configuration configuration)
     this.dialect              = Dialect.GetDialect(configuration.Properties);
     this.connectionHelper     = new ManagedProviderConnectionHelper(MergeProperties(configuration.Properties));
     this.timeoutEntityMapping = configuration.GetClassMapping(typeof(TimeoutEntity));
コード例 #48
 public OrmLiteTestBase(Dialect dialect)
     Dialect = dialect;
コード例 #49
        public void Configure(IType type, IDictionary <string, string> parms, Dialect dialect)
            tableName   = PropertiesHelper.GetString(TableParamName, parms, DefaultTableName);
            columnName  = PropertiesHelper.GetString(ColumnParamName, parms, DefaultColumnName);
            whereColumn = PropertiesHelper.GetString(WhereColumn, parms, DefaultWhereColumnName);
            whereValue  = PropertiesHelper.GetString(WhereValue, parms, string.Empty);
            max_lo      = PropertiesHelper.GetInt64(MaxLo, parms, Int16.MaxValue);
            lo          = max_lo + 1;
            returnClass = type.ReturnedClass;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(whereValue))
                log.Error("wherevalue for SingleTableHiLoGenerator is empty");
                throw new InvalidOperationException("wherevalue is empty");


            var schemaName  = PropertiesHelper.GetString(PersistentIdGeneratorParmsNames.Schema, parms, null);
            var catalogName = PropertiesHelper.GetString(PersistentIdGeneratorParmsNames.Catalog, parms, null);

            if (tableName.IndexOf('.') < 0)
                tableName = dialect.Qualify(catalogName, schemaName, tableName);

            var selectBuilder = new SqlStringBuilder(100);

            selectBuilder.Add("select " + columnName)
            .Add(" from " + dialect.AppendLockHint(LockMode.Upgrade, tableName))
            .Add(" where ")


            query = selectBuilder.ToString();

            columnType = type as PrimitiveType;
            if (columnType == null)
                log.Error("Column type for TableGenerator is not a value type");
                throw new ArgumentException("type is not a ValueTypeType", "type");

            // build the sql string for the Update since it uses parameters
            if (type is Int16Type)
                columnSqlType = SqlTypeFactory.Int16;
            else if (type is Int64Type)
                columnSqlType = SqlTypeFactory.Int64;
                columnSqlType = SqlTypeFactory.Int32;
            wherecolumnSqlType = SqlTypeFactory.GetString(255);

            parameterTypes = new[] { columnSqlType, columnSqlType };

            var builder = new SqlStringBuilder(100);

            builder.Add("update " + tableName + " set ")
            .Add(" where ")
            .Add(" and ")

            updateSql = builder.ToSqlString();
コード例 #50
 public override ITransformationProvider GetTransformationProvider(Dialect dialect, string connectionString, string defaultSchema)
     return(new OracleTransformationProvider(dialect, connectionString, defaultSchema));
コード例 #51
 public CompositeKeyTests(Dialect dialect) : base(dialect)
コード例 #52
 public override string ObjectToSQLString(object value, Dialect dialect)
コード例 #53
            public void AllParams_ReturnsProperlyQuoted()
                string result = Dialect.GetTableName("bar", "foo", "al");

                Assert.AreEqual("[bar_foo] AS [al]", result);
コード例 #54
 public SentenceSplitter(Dialect dialect)
     this.dialect = dialect;
コード例 #55
            public void TableNameOnly_ReturnsProperlyQuoted()
                string result = Dialect.GetTableName(null, "foo", null);

                Assert.AreEqual("[foo]", result);
コード例 #56
        /// <summary></summary>
        public SqlString ToSqlString()
            // 4 = the "SELECT", selectClause, "FROM", fromClause are straight strings
            // plus the number of parts in outerJoinsAfterFrom SqlString.
            // 1 = the "WHERE"
            // plus the number of parts in outerJoinsAfterWhere SqlString.
            // 1 = the whereClause
            // 2 = the "ORDER BY" and orderByClause
            var joinAfterFrom   = outerJoinsAfterFrom != null ? outerJoinsAfterFrom.Count : 0;
            var joinAfterWhere  = outerJoinsAfterWhere != null ? outerJoinsAfterWhere.Count : 0;
            int initialCapacity = 4 + joinAfterFrom + 1 + joinAfterWhere + 1 + 2;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment))

            SqlStringBuilder sqlBuilder = new SqlStringBuilder(initialCapacity + 2);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment))
                sqlBuilder.Add("/* " + comment + " */ ");

            sqlBuilder.Add("SELECT ")
            .Add(" FROM ")

            if (StringHelper.IsNotEmpty(outerJoinsAfterFrom))

            if (StringHelper.IsNotEmpty(whereClause) || StringHelper.IsNotEmpty(outerJoinsAfterWhere))
                sqlBuilder.Add(" WHERE ");
                // the outerJoinsAfterWhere needs to come before where clause to properly
                // handle dynamic filters
                if (StringHelper.IsNotEmpty(outerJoinsAfterWhere))
                    if (StringHelper.IsNotEmpty(whereClause))
                        sqlBuilder.Add(" AND ");

                if (StringHelper.IsNotEmpty(whereClause))

            if (StringHelper.IsNotEmpty(groupByClause))
                sqlBuilder.Add(" GROUP BY ")

            if (StringHelper.IsNotEmpty(havingClause))
                sqlBuilder.Add(" HAVING ")

            if (StringHelper.IsNotEmpty(orderByClause))
                sqlBuilder.Add(" ORDER BY ")

            if (lockMode != null)

            if (log.IsDebugEnabled)
                if (initialCapacity < sqlBuilder.Count)
                        "The initial capacity was set too low at: " + initialCapacity + " for the SelectSqlBuilder " +
                        "that needed a capacity of: " + sqlBuilder.Count + " for the table " + fromClause);
                else if (initialCapacity > 16 && ((float)initialCapacity / sqlBuilder.Count) > 1.2)
                        "The initial capacity was set too high at: " + initialCapacity + " for the SelectSqlBuilder " +
                        "that needed a capacity of: " + sqlBuilder.Count + " for the table " + fromClause);

 public CompositeIndexNamingStrategyIssue(Dialect dialect) : base(dialect)
コード例 #58
 public ARSchemaCreator(Configuration config)
     this.connectionProperties = config.Properties;
     this.dialect = Dialect.GetDialect(connectionProperties);
コード例 #59
        public async Task FilestreamShareName_PropertyGet_IsNotNull()
            var serverProps = await Dialect.GetServerProperties2008(Config.ConnectionFactory).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.That(serverProps.FilestreamShareName, Is.Not.Null);
コード例 #60
        public async Task SqlSortOrder_PropertyGet_IsNotZero()
            var serverProps = await Dialect.GetServerProperties2008(Config.ConnectionFactory).ConfigureAwait(false);

            Assert.That(serverProps.SqlSortOrder, Is.Not.Zero);