//private static KestrelMetricServer Server; public static void InitServer() { var diagnosticSourceRegistration = DiagnosticSourceAdapter.StartListening(); Server = new MetricServer(port: 1234); Server.Start(); }
public static IDisposable SubscribeWithAdapter( this DiagnosticListener diagnostic, object target, Func <string, object, object, bool> isEnabled) { var adapter = new DiagnosticSourceAdapter(target, isEnabled); return(diagnostic.Subscribe(adapter, (Func <string, object, object, bool>)adapter.IsEnabled)); }
private static void Main() { // Uncomment this to suppress the default sample metrics. //Metrics.SuppressDefaultMetrics(); // Replace the first line with an appropriate type of tester to run different manual tests. var tester = new MetricPusherTester(); //var tester = new KestrelMetricServerTester(); //var tester = new AspNetCoreMiddlewareTester(); //var tester = new MetricServerTester(); // For testing Kestrel metric server with HTTPS, you need at least a self-signed certificate (one included here) // and the matching domain pointed to (e.g. hardcoded in the PCs hosts file) and you also need to // import this certificate into your Trusted Root Certification Authorities certificate store to trust it. //var certificate = new X509Certificate2("prometheus-net.test.pfx", "prometheus-net.test"); //var tester = new KestrelMetricServerTester("prometheus-net.test", certificate); tester.OnStart(); var metricServer = tester.InitializeMetricServer(); metricServer?.Start(); var counter = Metrics.CreateCounter("myCounter", "help text", new CounterConfiguration { LabelNames = new[] { "method", "endpoint" } }); counter.WithLabels("GET", "/").Inc(); counter.WithLabels("POST", "/cancel").Inc(); Metrics.CreateCounter("always_zero", "This counter is always zero but still needs to be present in the output!"); var gauge = Metrics.CreateGauge("gauge", "help text"); gauge.Inc(3.4); gauge.Dec(2.1); gauge.Set(5.3); // As the initial value is suppressed and a new one never assigned, this one never shows up in the export. Metrics.CreateGauge("should_not_show_up", "", new GaugeConfiguration { SuppressInitialValue = true }); var hist = Metrics.CreateHistogram("myHistogram", "help text", new HistogramConfiguration { Buckets = new[] { 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9 } }); hist.Observe(0.4); var timedHistogram = Metrics.CreateHistogram("myTimedHistogram", "help text", new HistogramConfiguration { Buckets = new[] { 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9 } }); var latestGauge = Metrics.CreateGauge("latestGauge", "Reports the latest cycle time"); var summary = Metrics.CreateSummary("mySummary", "help text"); summary.Observe(5.3); // Example implementation of updating values before every collection. var collectionCount = Metrics.CreateCounter("beforecollect_example", "This counter is incremented before every data collection."); // Synchronous callbacks should be instantaneous, to avoid causing delays in the pipeline. Metrics.DefaultRegistry.AddBeforeCollectCallback(() => collectionCount.Inc()); var googlePageBytes = Metrics.CreateCounter("beforecollect_async_example", "This counter is incremented before every data collection, but asynchronously."); // Callbacks can also be asynchronous. It is fine for these to take a bit more time. // For example, you can make an asynchronous HTTP request to a remote system in such a callback. var httpClient = new HttpClient(); Metrics.DefaultRegistry.AddBeforeCollectCallback(async(cancel) => { // Probe a remote system. var response = await httpClient.GetAsync("https://google.com", cancel); // Increase a counter by however many bytes we loaded. googlePageBytes.Inc(response.Content.Headers.ContentLength ?? 0); }); // Uncomment this to test deliberately causing collections to fail. This should result in 503 responses. // With MetricPusherTester you might get a 1st push already before it fails but after that it should stop pushing. //Metrics.DefaultRegistry.AddBeforeCollectCallback(() => throw new ScrapeFailedException()); #if NETCOREAPP var diagnosticSourceRegistration = DiagnosticSourceAdapter.StartListening(); #endif var cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); var random = new Random(); // Update metrics on a regular interval until told to stop. var updateInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.5); var updateTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(async delegate { while (!cts.IsCancellationRequested) { using (latestGauge.NewTimer()) using (timedHistogram.NewTimer()) { var duration = Stopwatch.StartNew(); counter.Inc(); counter.Labels("GET", "/").Inc(2); gauge.Set(random.NextDouble() + 2); hist.Observe(random.NextDouble()); summary.Observe(random.NextDouble()); try { tester.OnTimeToObserveMetrics(); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine(ex); } var sleepTime = updateInterval - duration.Elapsed; if (sleepTime > TimeSpan.Zero) { await Task.Delay(sleepTime, cts.Token); } } } }).Result; Console.WriteLine("Press enter to stop metricServer"); Console.ReadLine(); cts.Cancel(); try { updateTask.GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { } metricServer?.StopAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult(); tester.OnEnd(); Console.WriteLine("Press enter to stop tester"); Console.ReadLine(); }
public static IDisposable SubscribeWithAdapter(this DiagnosticListener diagnostic, object target) { var adapter = new DiagnosticSourceAdapter(target); return(diagnostic.Subscribe(adapter, (Predicate <string>)adapter.IsEnabled)); }