public static string GetTreatmentDisplayName( DiagnosedSurgery s, DiagnosedRadiation r, DiagnosedChemeotherapy c, DiagnosedEndocrineTreatment e) { var surgery = ""; var radiation = ""; var chemeotherapy = ""; var endocrine = ""; if (s != DiagnosedSurgery.S4) { surgery += "Surgery"; } if (r != DiagnosedRadiation.R0) { radiation += "Radiation"; } if (c != DiagnosedChemeotherapy.C1) { chemeotherapy += "Chemeotherapy"; } if (e != DiagnosedEndocrineTreatment.E0) { endocrine += "EndocrineTreatment"; } var arr = new string[] { surgery, radiation, chemeotherapy, endocrine }; return(string.Join("+", arr.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)))); }
public static string GetTreatmentDescription( DiagnosedSurgery s, DiagnosedRadiation r, DiagnosedChemeotherapy c, DiagnosedEndocrineTreatment e) { var surgery = ""; var radiation = ""; var chemeotherapy = ""; var endocrine = ""; if (s != DiagnosedSurgery.S4) { surgery += TranslateSurgery(s); } if (r != DiagnosedRadiation.R0) { radiation += TranslateRadiation(r); } if (c != DiagnosedChemeotherapy.C1) { chemeotherapy += TranslateChemeotherapy(c); } if (e != DiagnosedEndocrineTreatment.E0) { endocrine += TranslateEndocrineTreatment(e); } var arr = new string[] { surgery, radiation, chemeotherapy, endocrine }; return(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, arr.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)))); }
private static string TranslateChemeotherapy(DiagnosedChemeotherapy state) { var chemeotherapyState = ""; if (state == DiagnosedChemeotherapy.C1) { chemeotherapyState += "C1 None"; } else if (state == DiagnosedChemeotherapy.C2) { chemeotherapyState += "C2 Systemic adjuvant therapy as indicated by ER, PR, and HER2 status and predictive tests for chemotherapy benefit."; } else if (state == DiagnosedChemeotherapy.C3) { chemeotherapyState += "C3 Pre-operative systemic therapy"; } else if (state == DiagnosedChemeotherapy.C4) { chemeotherapyState += "C4 If bone disease present, denosumab, zoledronic acid, or pamidronate."; } return(chemeotherapyState); }