コード例 #1
        private void buildGraph()
            //create the nodes
            foreach (ASystem sys in unsorted)
                //create the node
                DiGraph<ASystem>.Node node = new DiGraph<ASystem>.Node(sys);

                //add it to the data structures
                nodeLookup[sys.GetType()] = node;

            //create the edges
            foreach (DiGraph<ASystem>.Node node in graph.nodes)
                //for each system that must run after this one
                foreach (Type childSystem in node.data.GetChildren())
                    //create an edge from that system to this one to indicate that dependency
                    DiGraph<ASystem>.Node childNode = nodeLookup[childSystem];

                //for each system that must run before this one
                foreach (Type parentSystem in node.data.GetParents())
                    //create an edge from this system to that one to indicate that dependency
                    DiGraph<ASystem>.Node parentNode = nodeLookup[parentSystem];