/// <summary> /// Contructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceProfile"> /// the customer' device to edit /// </param> public DeviceProfileForm(DeviceProfileEntity deviceProfile) { if (deviceProfile == null) { this.Dispose(); return; } else { deviceProfileCustomer = deviceProfile; } InitializeComponent(); }
public CustomerEntity llenarPerfil() { Customer customerBusiness = new Customer(); CustomerEntity customer = new CustomerEntity(); PreferenceEntity preference = new PreferenceEntity(); CategoryEntity category = new CategoryEntity(); category.Description = "Sport"; preference.Category = category; preference.Active = true; PreferenceEntity preference2 = new PreferenceEntity(); CategoryEntity category2 = new CategoryEntity(); category2.Description = "Food"; preference2.Category = category2; preference2.Active = true; customer.Preferences = new ArrayList(); customer.Preferences.Add(preference); customer.Preferences.Add(preference2); DeviceProfileEntity device = new DeviceProfileEntity(); device.DeviceType = "Smartphone"; device.DeviceModel = "5.5"; device.MacAddress = "8F-6A-88-F0-AA-10"; device.WindowsMobileVersion = "6.0"; customer.Id = 1; customer.Name = "Javier"; customer.Surname = "Dall' Amore"; customer.Phonenumber = "4871419"; customer.Address = "Facundo Quiroga 2525"; customer.UserName = "******"; customer.Password = "******"; customer.IdMall = 1; customer.DeviceProfile = device; customerBusiness.Delete(customer, ""); customerBusiness.Save(customer, ""); return(customer); }
private void FillSaveParameters(DeviceProfileEntity deviceProfile, SqlCeCommand sqlCommand) { SqlCeParameter parameter; parameter = dataAccess.GetNewDataParameter("@deviceType", DbType.String); parameter.Value = deviceProfile.DeviceType; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceProfile.DeviceType)) { parameter.Value = DBNull.Value; } sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(parameter); parameter = dataAccess.GetNewDataParameter("@deviceModel", DbType.String); parameter.Value = deviceProfile.DeviceModel; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceProfile.DeviceModel)) { parameter.Value = DBNull.Value; } sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(parameter); parameter = dataAccess.GetNewDataParameter("@macAddress", DbType.String); parameter.Value = deviceProfile.MacAddress; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceProfile.MacAddress)) { parameter.Value = DBNull.Value; } sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(parameter); parameter = dataAccess.GetNewDataParameter("@windowsMobileVersion", DbType.String); parameter.Value = deviceProfile.WindowsMobileVersion; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(deviceProfile.WindowsMobileVersion)) { parameter.Value = DBNull.Value; } sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(parameter); parameter = dataAccess.GetNewDataParameter("@idCustomer", DbType.Int32); parameter.Value = deviceProfile.IdCustomer; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(parameter); }
/// <summary> /// Función para cargar un DeviceProfileEntity desde la base de datos. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">El id del registro a cargar</param> /// <param name="loadRelation">Si es true carga las relaciones</param> /// <param name="scope">Estructura interna usada para evitar la referencia circular, debe ser proveida si es llamada desde otro data access</param> /// <returns>La instancia de la entidad</returns> /// <exception cref="UtnEmallDataAccessException"> /// Si una DbException ocurre mientras se accede a la base de datos /// </exception> public DeviceProfileEntity Load(int id, bool loadRelation, Dictionary <string, IEntity> scope) { // Crea una clave para el objeto de scope interno string scopeKey = id.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + "DeviceProfile"; if (scope != null) { // Si el scope contiene el objeto, este ya fue cargado // retorna el objeto situado en el scope para evitar referencias circulares if (scope.ContainsKey(scopeKey)) { return((DeviceProfileEntity)scope[scopeKey]); } } else { // Si no existe un scope, crear uno scope = new Dictionary <string, IEntity>(); } DeviceProfileEntity deviceProfile = null; // Chequear si la entidad fue ya cargada por el data access actual // y retornar si fue ya cargada if (inMemoryEntities.ContainsKey(id)) { deviceProfile = inMemoryEntities[id]; // Agregar el objeto actual al scope scope.Add(scopeKey, deviceProfile); } else { bool closeConnection = false; try { // Abrir una nueva conexión si no es una transaccion if (dbConnection == null || dbConnection.State.CompareTo(ConnectionState.Closed) == 0) { closeConnection = true; dbConnection = dataAccess.GetNewConnection(); dbConnection.Open(); } string cmdText = "SELECT idDeviceProfile, deviceType, deviceModel, macAddress, windowsMobileVersion, idCustomer, timestamp FROM [DeviceProfile] WHERE idDeviceProfile = @idDeviceProfile"; // Crea el command SqlCeCommand sqlCommand = dataAccess.GetNewCommand(cmdText, dbConnection, dbTransaction); // Crear el parametro id para la consulta SqlCeParameter parameter = dataAccess.GetNewDataParameter("@idDeviceProfile", DbType.Int32); parameter.Value = id; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(parameter); // Usar el datareader para cargar desde la base de datos IDataReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); deviceProfile = new DeviceProfileEntity(); if (reader.Read()) { // Cargar las filas de la entidad deviceProfile.Id = reader.GetInt32(0); if (!reader.IsDBNull(1)) { deviceProfile.DeviceType = reader.GetString(1); } if (!reader.IsDBNull(2)) { deviceProfile.DeviceModel = reader.GetString(2); } if (!reader.IsDBNull(3)) { deviceProfile.MacAddress = reader.GetString(3); } if (!reader.IsDBNull(4)) { deviceProfile.WindowsMobileVersion = reader.GetString(4); } deviceProfile.IdCustomer = reader.GetInt32(5); // Agregar el objeto actual al scope scope.Add(scopeKey, deviceProfile); // Agregar el objeto a la cahce de entidades cargadas inMemoryEntities.Add(deviceProfile.Id, deviceProfile); // Lee el timestamp y establece las propiedades nuevo y cambiado deviceProfile.Timestamp = reader.GetDateTime(6); deviceProfile.IsNew = false; deviceProfile.Changed = false; // Cerrar el Reader reader.Close(); // Carga los objetos relacionadoss if required if (loadRelation) { } } else { reader.Close(); } } catch (DbException dbException) { // Relanza la excepcion como una excepcion personalizada throw new UtnEmallDataAccessException(dbException.Message, dbException); } finally { // Cierra la conexión si fue creada dentro de la Función if (closeConnection) { dbConnection.Close(); } } } // Retorna la entidad cargada return(deviceProfile); }
/// <summary> /// Función que elimina un DeviceProfileEntity de la base de datos. /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceProfile">DeviceProfileEntity a eliminar</param> /// <param name="scope">Estructura interna para evitar problemas de referencia circular.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// Si <paramref name="deviceProfile"/> no es un <c>DeviceProfileEntity</c>. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="UtnEmallDataAccessException"> /// Si una DbException ocurre cuando se accede a la base de datos /// </exception> public void Delete(DeviceProfileEntity deviceProfile, Dictionary <string, IEntity> scope) { if (deviceProfile == null) { throw new ArgumentException("The argument can't be null"); } try { // Abrir una nueva conexión e inicializar una transacción si es necesario if (!isGlobalTransaction) { dbConnection = dataAccess.GetNewConnection(); dbConnection.Open(); dbTransaction = dbConnection.BeginTransaction(); } // Carga la entidad para garantizar eliminar todos los datos antiguos. deviceProfile = this.Load(deviceProfile.Id, true); if (deviceProfile == null) { throw new UtnEmallDataAccessException("Error al recuperar datos al intentar eliminar."); } // Crea un nuevo command para eliminar string cmdText = "DELETE FROM [DeviceProfile] WHERE idDeviceProfile = @idDeviceProfile"; SqlCeCommand sqlCommand = dataAccess.GetNewCommand(cmdText, dbConnection, dbTransaction); // Agrega los valores de los parametros SqlCeParameter parameterID = dataAccess.GetNewDataParameter("@idDeviceProfile", DbType.Int32); parameterID.Value = deviceProfile.Id; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterID); // Ejecuta el comando sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Elimina los objetos relacionados // Confirma la transacción si se inicio dentro de la función if (!isGlobalTransaction) { dbTransaction.Commit(); } // Eliminamos la entidad de la lista de entidades cargadas en memoria inMemoryEntities.Remove(deviceProfile.Id); // Eliminamos la entidad del scope if (scope != null) { string scopeKey = deviceProfile.Id.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + "DeviceProfile"; scope.Remove(scopeKey); } } catch (DbException dbException) { // Anula la transaccion if (!isGlobalTransaction) { dbTransaction.Rollback(); } // Relanza una excepcion personalizada throw new UtnEmallDataAccessException(dbException.Message, dbException); } finally { // Cierra la conexión si fue abierta dentro de la Función if (!isGlobalTransaction) { dbConnection.Close(); dbConnection = null; dbTransaction = null; } } }
/// <summary> /// Función que elimina un DeviceProfileEntity de la base de datos. /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceProfile">DeviceProfileEntity a eliminar</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// Si <paramref name="deviceProfile"/> no es un <c>DeviceProfileEntity</c>. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="UtnEmallDataAccessException"> /// Si una DbException ocurre cuando se accede a la base de datos /// </exception> public void Delete(DeviceProfileEntity deviceProfile) { Delete(deviceProfile, null); }
/// <summary> /// Función que guarda un DeviceProfileEntity en la base de datos. /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceProfile">DeviceProfileEntity a guardar</param> /// <param name="scope">Estructura interna para evitar problemas con referencias circulares</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// Si <paramref name="deviceProfile"/> no es un <c>DeviceProfileEntity</c>. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="UtnEmallDataAccessException"> /// Si una DbException ocurre cuando se accede a la base de datos /// </exception> public void Save(DeviceProfileEntity deviceProfile, Dictionary <string, IEntity> scope) { if (deviceProfile == null) { throw new ArgumentException("The argument can't be null"); } // Crear una clave unica para identificar el objeto dentro del scope interno string scopeKey = deviceProfile.Id.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + "DeviceProfile"; if (scope != null) { // Si se encuentra dentro del scope lo retornamos if (scope.ContainsKey(scopeKey)) { return; } } else { // Crea un nuevo scope si este no fue enviado scope = new Dictionary <string, IEntity>(); } try { // Crea una nueva conexion y una nueva transaccion si no hay una a nivel superior if (!isGlobalTransaction) { dbConnection = dataAccess.GetNewConnection(); dbConnection.Open(); dbTransaction = dbConnection.BeginTransaction(); } string commandName = ""; bool isUpdate = false; // Verifica si se debe hacer una actualización o una inserción if (deviceProfile.IsNew || !DataAccessConnection.ExistsEntity(deviceProfile.Id, "DeviceProfile", "idDeviceProfile", dbConnection, dbTransaction)) { commandName = "INSERT INTO [DeviceProfile] (idDeviceProfile, DEVICETYPE, DEVICEMODEL, MACADDRESS, WINDOWSMOBILEVERSION, IDCUSTOMER, [TIMESTAMP] ) VALUES( @idDeviceProfile, @deviceType,@deviceModel,@macAddress,@windowsMobileVersion,@idCustomer, GETDATE()); "; } else { isUpdate = true; commandName = "UPDATE [DeviceProfile] SET deviceType = @deviceType, deviceModel = @deviceModel, macAddress = @macAddress, windowsMobileVersion = @windowsMobileVersion, idCustomer = @idCustomer , timestamp=GETDATE() WHERE idDeviceProfile = @idDeviceProfile"; } // Se crea un command SqlCeCommand sqlCommand = dataAccess.GetNewCommand(commandName, dbConnection, dbTransaction); // Agregar los parametros del command . SqlCeParameter parameter; if (!isUpdate && deviceProfile.Id == 0) { deviceProfile.Id = DataAccessConnection.GetNextId("idDeviceProfile", "DeviceProfile", dbConnection, dbTransaction); } parameter = dataAccess.GetNewDataParameter("@idDeviceProfile", DbType.Int32); parameter.Value = deviceProfile.Id; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(parameter); FillSaveParameters(deviceProfile, sqlCommand); // Ejecutar el command sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); scopeKey = deviceProfile.Id.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + "DeviceProfile"; // Agregar la entidad al scope actual scope.Add(scopeKey, deviceProfile); // Guarda las colecciones de objetos relacionados. // Guardar objetos relacionados con la entidad actual // Actualizar // Cierra la conexión si fue abierta en la función if (!isGlobalTransaction) { dbTransaction.Commit(); } // Actualizar los campos new y changed deviceProfile.IsNew = false; deviceProfile.Changed = false; } catch (DbException dbException) { // Anula la transaccion if (!isGlobalTransaction) { dbTransaction.Rollback(); } // Relanza una excepcion personalizada throw new UtnEmallDataAccessException(dbException.Message, dbException); } finally { // Cierra la conexión si fue inicializada if (!isGlobalTransaction) { dbConnection.Close(); dbConnection = null; dbTransaction = null; } } }
/// <summary> /// Función que guarda un DeviceProfileEntity en la base de datos. /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceProfile">DeviceProfileEntity a guardar</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// Si <paramref name="deviceProfile"/> no es un <c>DeviceProfileEntity</c>. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="UtnEmallDataAccessException"> /// Si una DbException ocurre cuando se accede a la base de datos /// </exception> public void Save(DeviceProfileEntity deviceProfile) { Save(deviceProfile, null); }
/// <summary> /// Function to load a DeviceProfileEntity from database. /// </summary> /// <param name="id">The ID of the record to load</param> /// <param name="loadRelation">if is true load the relation</param> /// <param name="scope">Internal structure used to avoid circular reference locks, must be provided if calling from other data access object</param> /// <returns>The entity instance</returns> /// <exception cref="UtnEmallDataAccessException"> /// If a DbException occurs while accessing the database. /// </exception> public DeviceProfileEntity Load(int id, bool loadRelation, Dictionary <string, IEntity> scope) { // Build a key for internal scope object string scopeKey = id.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + "DeviceProfile"; if (scope != null) { // If scope contains the object it was already loaded, // return it to avoid circular references if (scope.ContainsKey(scopeKey)) { return((DeviceProfileEntity)scope[scopeKey]); } } else { // If there isn't a current scope create one scope = new Dictionary <string, IEntity>(); } DeviceProfileEntity deviceProfile = null; // Check if the entity was already loaded by current data access object // and return it if that is the case if (inMemoryEntities.ContainsKey(id)) { deviceProfile = inMemoryEntities[id]; // Add current object to current load scope scope.Add(scopeKey, deviceProfile); } else { bool closeConnection = false; try { // Open a new connection if it isn't on a transaction if (dbConnection == null || dbConnection.State.CompareTo(ConnectionState.Closed) == 0) { closeConnection = true; dbConnection = dataAccess.GetNewConnection(); dbConnection.Open(); } string cmdText = "SELECT idDeviceProfile, deviceType, deviceModel, macAddress, windowsMobileVersion, idCustomer, timestamp FROM [DeviceProfile] WHERE idDeviceProfile = @idDeviceProfile"; // Create the command IDbCommand sqlCommand = dataAccess.GetNewCommand(cmdText, dbConnection, dbTransaction); // Create the Id parameter for the query IDbDataParameter parameter = dataAccess.GetNewDataParameter("@idDeviceProfile", DbType.Int32); parameter.Value = id; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(parameter); // Use a DataReader to get data from db IDataReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); deviceProfile = new DeviceProfileEntity(); if (reader.Read()) { // Load fields of entity deviceProfile.Id = reader.GetInt32(0); if (!reader.IsDBNull(1)) { deviceProfile.DeviceType = reader.GetString(1); } if (!reader.IsDBNull(2)) { deviceProfile.DeviceModel = reader.GetString(2); } if (!reader.IsDBNull(3)) { deviceProfile.MacAddress = reader.GetString(3); } if (!reader.IsDBNull(4)) { deviceProfile.WindowsMobileVersion = reader.GetString(4); } deviceProfile.IdCustomer = reader.GetInt32(5); // Add current object to the scope scope.Add(scopeKey, deviceProfile); // Add current object to cache of loaded entities inMemoryEntities.Add(deviceProfile.Id, deviceProfile); // Read the timestamp and set new and changed properties deviceProfile.Timestamp = reader.GetDateTime(6); deviceProfile.IsNew = false; deviceProfile.Changed = false; // Close the reader reader.Close(); // Load related objects if required if (loadRelation) { } } else { reader.Close(); } } catch (DbException dbException) { // Catch DBException and rethrow as custom exception throw new UtnEmallDataAccessException(dbException.Message, dbException); } finally { // Close connection if it was opened by ourself if (closeConnection) { dbConnection.Close(); } } } // Return the loaded entity return(deviceProfile); }
/// <summary> /// Function to Delete a DeviceProfileEntity from database. /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceProfile">DeviceProfileEntity to delete</param> /// <param name="scope">Internal structure to avoid circular reference locks. Must provide an instance while calling from other data access object.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// If <paramref name="deviceProfile"/> is not a <c>DeviceProfileEntity</c>. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="UtnEmallDataAccessException"> /// If an DbException occurs in the try block while accessing the database. /// </exception> public void Delete(DeviceProfileEntity deviceProfile, Dictionary <string, IEntity> scope) { if (deviceProfile == null) { throw new ArgumentException("The argument can't be null"); } try { // Open connection and initialize a transaction if needed if (!isGlobalTransaction) { dbConnection = dataAccess.GetNewConnection(); dbConnection.Open(); dbTransaction = dbConnection.BeginTransaction(); } // Reload the entity to ensure deletion of older data deviceProfile = this.Load(deviceProfile.Id, true); if (deviceProfile == null) { throw new UtnEmallDataAccessException("Error retrieving data while trying to delete."); } // Create a command for delete string cmdText = "DeleteDeviceProfile"; IDbCommand sqlCommand = dataAccess.GetNewCommand(cmdText, dbConnection, dbTransaction); sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // Add values to parameters IDbDataParameter parameterID = dataAccess.GetNewDataParameter("@idDeviceProfile", DbType.Int32); parameterID.Value = deviceProfile.Id; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterID); // Execute the command sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); // Delete related objects // Commit transaction if is mine if (!isGlobalTransaction) { dbTransaction.Commit(); } // Remove entity from loaded objects inMemoryEntities.Remove(deviceProfile.Id); // Remove entity from current internal scope if (scope != null) { string scopeKey = deviceProfile.Id.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + "DeviceProfile"; scope.Remove(scopeKey); } } catch (DbException dbException) { // Rollback transaction if (!isGlobalTransaction) { dbTransaction.Rollback(); } // Rethrow as custom exception throw new UtnEmallDataAccessException(dbException.Message, dbException); } finally { // Close connection if it was initiated by this instance if (!isGlobalTransaction) { dbConnection.Close(); dbConnection = null; dbTransaction = null; } } }
/// <summary> /// Function to Save a DeviceProfileEntity in the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceProfile">DeviceProfileEntity to save</param> /// <param name="scope">Interna structure to avoid circular reference locks. Provide an instance when calling from other data access object.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"> /// If <paramref name="deviceProfile"/> is not a <c>DeviceProfileEntity</c>. /// </exception> /// <exception cref="UtnEmallDataAccessException"> /// If an DbException occurs in the try block while accessing the database. /// </exception> public void Save(DeviceProfileEntity deviceProfile, Dictionary <string, IEntity> scope) { if (deviceProfile == null) { throw new ArgumentException("The argument can't be null"); } // Create a unique key to identify the object in the internal scope string scopeKey = deviceProfile.Id.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + "DeviceProfile"; if (scope != null) { // If it's on the scope return it, don't save again if (scope.ContainsKey(scopeKey)) { return; } } else { // Create a new scope if it's not provided scope = new Dictionary <string, IEntity>(); } try { // Open a DbConnection and a new transaction if it isn't on a higher level one if (!isGlobalTransaction) { dbConnection = dataAccess.GetNewConnection(); dbConnection.Open(); dbTransaction = dbConnection.BeginTransaction(); } string commandName = ""; bool isUpdate = false; // Check if it is an insert or update command if (deviceProfile.IsNew || !DataAccessConnection.ExistsEntity(deviceProfile.Id, "DeviceProfile", "idDeviceProfile", dbConnection, dbTransaction)) { commandName = "SaveDeviceProfile"; } else { isUpdate = true; commandName = "UpdateDeviceProfile"; } // Create a db command IDbCommand sqlCommand = dataAccess.GetNewCommand(commandName, dbConnection, dbTransaction); sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; // Add parameters values to current command IDbDataParameter parameter; if (isUpdate) { parameter = dataAccess.GetNewDataParameter("@idDeviceProfile", DbType.Int32); parameter.Value = deviceProfile.Id; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(parameter); } FillSaveParameters(deviceProfile, sqlCommand); // Execute the command if (isUpdate) { sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } else { IDbDataParameter parameterIdOutput = dataAccess.GetNewDataParameter("@idDeviceProfile", DbType.Int32); parameterIdOutput.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterIdOutput); sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); deviceProfile.Id = Convert.ToInt32(parameterIdOutput.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } scopeKey = deviceProfile.Id.ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) + "DeviceProfile"; // Add entity to current internal scope scope.Add(scopeKey, deviceProfile); // Save collections of related objects to current entity // Save objects related to current entity // Update // Close transaction if initiated by me if (!isGlobalTransaction) { dbTransaction.Commit(); } // Update new and changed flags deviceProfile.IsNew = false; deviceProfile.Changed = false; } catch (DbException dbException) { // Rollback transaction if (!isGlobalTransaction) { dbTransaction.Rollback(); } // Rethrow as custom exception throw new UtnEmallDataAccessException(dbException.Message, dbException); } finally { // Close connection if initiated by me if (!isGlobalTransaction) { dbConnection.Close(); dbConnection = null; dbTransaction = null; } } }
/// <summary> /// Updates the database to reflect the current state of the list. /// </summary> /// <param name="collectionDataAccess">the IDataAccess of the relation</param> /// <param name="parent">the parent of the object</param> /// <param name="collection">a collection of items</param> /// <param name="isNewParent">if the parent is a new object</param> /// <param name="scope">internal data structure to aviod problems with circular referencies on entities</param> /// <exception cref="UtnEmallDataAccessException"> /// If an DbException occurs in the try block while accessing the database. /// </exception> private void SaveDeviceProfileCollection(DeviceProfileDataAccess collectionDataAccess, CustomerEntity parent, Collection <DeviceProfileEntity> collection, bool isNewParent, Dictionary <string, IEntity> scope) { if (collection == null) { return; } // Set connection objects on collection data access collectionDataAccess.SetConnectionObjects(dbConnection, dbTransaction); // Set the child/parent relation for (int i = 0; i < collection.Count; i++) { bool changed = collection[i].Changed; collection[i].Customer = parent; collection[i].Changed = changed; } // If the parent is new save all childs, else check diferencies with db if (isNewParent) { for (int i = 0; i < collection.Count; i++) { collectionDataAccess.Save(collection[i], scope); } } else { // Check the childs that are not part of the parent any more string idList = "0"; if (collection.Count > 0) { idList = "" + collection[0].Id; } for (int i = 1; i < collection.Count; i++) { idList += ", " + collection[i].Id; } // Returns the ids that doesn't exists in the current collection string command = "SELECT idDeviceProfile FROM [DeviceProfile] WHERE idCustomer = @idCustomer AND idDeviceProfile NOT IN (" + idList + ")"; SqlCeCommand sqlCommand = dataAccess.GetNewCommand(command, dbConnection, dbTransaction); SqlCeParameter sqlParameterId = dataAccess.GetNewDataParameter("@idCustomer", DbType.Int32); sqlParameterId.Value = parent.Id; sqlCommand.Parameters.Add(sqlParameterId); IDataReader reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); Collection <DeviceProfileEntity> objectsToDelete = new Collection <DeviceProfileEntity>(); // Insert Ids on a list List <int> listId = new List <int>(); while (reader.Read()) { listId.Add(reader.GetInt32(0)); } reader.Close(); // Load items to be removed foreach (int id in listId) { DeviceProfileEntity entityToDelete = collectionDataAccess.Load(id, scope); objectsToDelete.Add(entityToDelete); } // Have to do this because the reader must be closed before // deletion of entities for (int i = 0; i < objectsToDelete.Count; i++) { collectionDataAccess.Delete(objectsToDelete[i], scope); } System.DateTime timestamp; // Check all the properties of the collection items // to see if they have changed (timestamp) for (int i = 0; i < collection.Count; i++) { DeviceProfileEntity item = collection[i]; if (!item.Changed && !item.IsNew) { // Create the command string sql = "SELECT timestamp FROM [DeviceProfile] WHERE idDeviceProfile = @idDeviceProfile"; SqlCeCommand sqlCommandTimestamp = dataAccess.GetNewCommand(sql, dbConnection, dbTransaction); // Set the command's parameters values SqlCeParameter sqlParameterIdPreference = dataAccess.GetNewDataParameter("@idDeviceProfile", DbType.Int32); sqlParameterIdPreference.Value = item.Id; sqlCommandTimestamp.Parameters.Add(sqlParameterIdPreference); timestamp = ((System.DateTime)sqlCommandTimestamp.ExecuteScalar()); if (item.Timestamp != timestamp) { item.Changed = true; } } // Save the item if it changed or is new if (item.Changed || item.IsNew) { collectionDataAccess.Save(item); } } } }