public static void IsWorkSpotClear(string type, Vector3 pos) { World world; Tile t; if (ModUtils.GetCurrentWorld(out world) && ModUtils.GetTileAt(pos, out t)) { if (world.FurnitureManager.IsWorkSpotClear(type, t)) { DevConsole.Log("Work spot is clear!", "green"); } else { DevConsole.LogWarning("Work spot isn't clear!"); } } }
private static void ProcessLevel(string path, LevelLocation location) { Main.SpecialCode = "Loading Level " + path != null ? path : "null"; if (!path.EndsWith(".lev")) { return; } path = path.Replace('\\', '/'); LevelData levelData = DuckFile.LoadLevel(path); levelData.SetPath(path); path = path.Substring(0, path.Length - 4); path.Substring(path.IndexOf("/levels/") + 8); bool flag1 = true; if (levelData.modData.workshopIDs.Count != 0) { foreach (ulong workshopId in levelData.modData.workshopIDs) { bool flag2 = false; foreach (Mod accessibleMod in (IEnumerable <Mod>)ModLoader.accessibleMods) { if (accessibleMod.configuration != null && (long)accessibleMod.configuration.workshopID == (long)workshopId) { flag2 = true; break; } } if (!flag2) { flag1 = false; break; } } } if (flag1 && !levelData.modData.hasLocalMods) { RandomLevelDownloader._readyLevels.Add(levelData); DevConsole.Log(DCSection.Steam, "Downloaded random level " + RandomLevelDownloader._readyLevels.Count.ToString() + "/" + RandomLevelDownloader.numToHaveReady.ToString()); } else { DevConsole.Log(DCSection.Steam, "Downloaded level had mods, and was ignored!"); } }
public static void CreateProject(string projectPath, string name) { if (!Directory.Exists(projectPath)) { DevConsole.Log(LogType.Error, $"Path for project not found. {projectPath}"); return; } projectPath = projectPath + "/" + name; Directory.CreateDirectory(projectPath); ProjectData newProject = new ProjectData(name, "0.0.1"); string json = JsonSerializer.Serialize(newProject); File.WriteAllText(projectPath + "/" + projectFileName, json); ValidateProjectFolders(projectPath); }
public void ChangeState(MatchmakingState s, float wait = 0.0f) { if (s == MatchmakingState.Waiting) { return; } DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGYELLOW|CHANGE STATE " + s.ToString(), Color.White); if ((double)wait == 0.0) { this.OnStateChange(s); } else { UIMatchmakingBox._state = MatchmakingState.Waiting; this._pendingState = s; this._stateWait = wait; } }
void resetReskin(Profile pro) { Reskin skin; if (!ActiveReskins.TryGetValue(pro, out skin)) { return; } ActiveReskins.Remove(pro); pro.persona.sprite.texture.Dispose(); pro.persona.armSprite.texture.Dispose(); pro.persona.arrowSprite.texture.Dispose(); pro.persona.featherSprite.texture.Dispose(); pro.persona.quackSprite.texture.Dispose(); pro.persona.skipSprite.texture.Dispose(); pro.persona.controlledSprite.texture.Dispose(); pro.persona.fingerPositionSprite.texture.Dispose(); var personas = (Persona.all as List <DuckPersona>); int index = personas.FindIndex(persona => persona == pro.persona || persona.color == pro.persona.color); DevConsole.Log("reset skin: " + + ", with persona index: " + index, Color.Green); try { personas[index] = pro.persona = new DuckPersona(pro.persona.color); } catch { DevConsole.Log("invalid index! Could not correct persona because duckgame messed up persona indexes earlier.", Color.Red); } if ( == null) { return; }; foreach (var component in skin.Components) { component.OnSkinReset(; } }
private static void LoadEditor() { imgui = new EntyImGui(mainWindow.Size.X, mainWindow.Size.Y); var style = ImGui.GetStyle(); style.WindowRounding = 0; style.AntiAliasedLines = true; mainEditorDrawer.AttachDrawer(new MainMenuBarDrawer()); mainEditorDrawer.AttachDrawer(new AssetsWindow()); mainEditorDrawer.AttachDrawer(new ClientWindow()); mainEditorDrawer.AttachDrawer(new ConsoleWindow()); mainEditorDrawer.AttachDrawer(new WorldWindow()); mainEditorDrawer.AttachDrawer(new DetailsWindow()); EntygineApp.LoadEngine(); DevConsole.Log(LogType.Info, "Editor started succesfully."); }
public static void ValidateProjectFolders(string projectPath) { if (!Directory.Exists(projectPath)) { DevConsole.Log(LogType.Error, "Project path doesn't exists"); return; } if (!File.Exists(projectPath + "/" + projectFileName)) { DevConsole.Log(LogType.Error, "No project was found on path"); return; } if (!Directory.Exists(projectPath + "/" + assetFolder)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(projectPath + "/" + assetFolder); } }
// This function is run after all mods are loaded. protected override void OnPostInitialize() { base.OnPostInitialize(); Network.Initialize(); void thread() { while (!(Level.current is TeamSelect2)) // This prevent crash { Thread.Sleep(1000); } DevConsole.Log(DCSection.Mod, "--KillCounter", -1); File.WriteAllText("stateLog.txt", "\n"); stateMachine = new StateMachine(); killCounter = new KillCounter(stateMachine); } new Thread(thread).Start(); }
public void AddDepthBuffer(bool multisampling) { if (depthBuffer != -1) { DevConsole.Log(LogType.Error, "Framebuffer already has depth buffer"); return; } multisampledDepth = multisampling; TextureTarget textureTarget = multisampling ? TextureTarget.Texture2DMultisample : TextureTarget.Texture2D; depthBuffer = Ogl.GenTexture($"{name} - Depth"); Ogl.BindTexture(textureTarget, depthBuffer); if (multisampling) { Ogl.TexImage2DMultisample(TextureTargetMultisample.Texture2DMultisample, 4, PixelInternalFormat.DepthComponent, Size.x, Size.y, true); } else { Ogl.TexImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, PixelInternalFormat.DepthComponent, Size.x, Size.y, 0, PixelFormat.DepthComponent, PixelType.Float, null); Ogl.TexParameter(textureTarget, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, TextureMinFilter.Nearest); Ogl.TexParameter(textureTarget, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, TextureMagFilter.Nearest); Ogl.TexParameter(textureTarget, TextureParameterName.TextureWrapS, TextureWrapMode.ClampToBorder); Ogl.TexParameter(textureTarget, TextureParameterName.TextureWrapT, TextureWrapMode.ClampToBorder); Ogl.TexParameter(textureTarget, TextureParameterName.TextureBorderColor, new float[] { 1, 1, 1, 1 }); } Ogl.BindFramebuffer(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, handle); Ogl.FramebufferTexture2D(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, FramebufferAttachment.DepthAttachment, textureTarget, depthBuffer, 0); var error = Ogl.CheckFramebufferStatus(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer); if (error != FramebufferErrorCode.FramebufferComplete) { DevConsole.Log(LogType.Warning, error); } Ogl.BindFramebuffer(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, 0); }
public static void NewCharacter(Vector3 pos, string name = "") { World world; Tile t; if (ModUtils.GetCurrentWorld(out world) && ModUtils.GetTileAt(pos, out t)) { Character character = world.CharacterManager.Create(t); if (character != null) { if (name != string.Empty) { = name; } DevConsole.Log("Say hello to: " + character.GetName()); } } }
protected override void OnPreInitialize() { base.OnPreInitialize(); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += delegate(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) { if (args.Name.Contains("0Harmony, Version=")) { Assembly A = null; foreach (Assembly a in (typeof(ModLoader).GetField("_modAssemblies", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(null) as Dictionary <Assembly, Mod>).Keys) { if (a.GetName().Name == @"0Harmony") { A = a; break; } } if (A == null) { A = Assembly.LoadFrom( + @"\0Harmony.dll"); (typeof(ModLoader).GetField("_modAssemblies", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(null) as Dictionary <Assembly, Mod>).Add(A, new DisabledMod()); DevConsole.Log("ziggy puedes provido el harmony lib!", Color.Green); } if (A != null) { return(A); } } else if (args.Name.Contains("Newtonsoft.Json, Version=")) { Assembly A = Assembly.LoadFrom( + @"\Newtonsoft.Json.dll"); if (A != null) { DevConsole.Log("yo resolvo un newtonsoft", Color.Green); return(A); } } DevConsole.Log(args.Name, Color.Brown); return(null); }; }
public void AddColorBuffer(bool multisampling) { if (colorBuffer != -1) { DevConsole.Log(LogType.Error, "Framebuffer already has color buffer"); return; } multisampledColor = multisampling; TextureTarget textureTarget = multisampling ? TextureTarget.Texture2DMultisample : TextureTarget.Texture2D; colorBuffer = Ogl.GenTexture($"{name} - Color"); Ogl.BindTexture(textureTarget, colorBuffer); if (multisampling) { Ogl.TexImage2DMultisample(TextureTargetMultisample.Texture2DMultisample, 4, PixelInternalFormat.Rgb, Size.x, Size.y, true); } else { Ogl.TexImage2D(TextureTarget.Texture2D, 0, PixelInternalFormat.Rgb, Size.x, Size.y, 0, PixelFormat.Rgb, PixelType.UnsignedByte, null); Ogl.TexParameter(textureTarget, TextureParameterName.TextureMinFilter, TextureMinFilter.Linear); Ogl.TexParameter(textureTarget, TextureParameterName.TextureMagFilter, TextureMagFilter.Linear); Ogl.TexParameter(textureTarget, TextureParameterName.TextureWrapS, TextureWrapMode.Repeat); Ogl.TexParameter(textureTarget, TextureParameterName.TextureWrapT, TextureWrapMode.Repeat); } Ogl.BindFramebuffer(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, handle); Ogl.FramebufferTexture2D(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, FramebufferAttachment.ColorAttachment0, textureTarget, colorBuffer, 0); var error = Ogl.CheckFramebufferStatus(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer); if (error != FramebufferErrorCode.FramebufferComplete) { DevConsole.Log(LogType.Warning, error); } Ogl.BindFramebuffer(FramebufferTarget.Framebuffer, 0); }
public static void SetFontSize(int size = 14) { if (size < 10) { DevConsole.LogError("Font size would be too small"); } else if (size > 20) { DevConsole.LogError("Font size would be too big"); } else { Text textObj = DevConsole.TextObject(); if (textObj != null) { textObj.fontSize = size; } DevConsole.Log("Change successful :D", "green"); } }
private void OnStateChange(MatchmakingState s) { UIMatchmakingBox._state = s; this._stateWait = 0.0f; switch (UIMatchmakingBox._state) { case MatchmakingState.Searching: Steam.SearchForLobby((User)null); DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGYELLOW|Searching for lobbies.", Color.White); break; case MatchmakingState.Disconnect: Network.Disconnect(); break; case MatchmakingState.Connecting: this._tryConnectTimeout = 9f + Rando.Float(2f); DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGYELLOW|Attempting connection to server.", Color.White); break; } }
public static void OnDataRecieved(NetworkConnection connection, byte index, BitBuffer data, short session, bool last) { if (!ActiveSessions.ContainsKey(connection)) { ActiveSessions.Add(connection, new DataTransferSession(session, index, data, last)); DevConsole.Log("Starting new TransferSession" + session, Color.Green); return; } var TransferSession = ActiveSessions[connection]; if ( != session) { TransferSession.Reset(session); } TransferSession.RecieveData(index, data, last); if (!TransferSession.finished) { return; } DevConsole.Log("recieved last dataslice", Color.Green); ActiveSessions.Remove(connection); byte[] bytes = decompress(TransferSession.GetData()); onMessageCompleted(connection, new DataTransferArgs() { data = bytes.Skip(1).ToArray(), dataType = dataTypes[bytes[0]], profile = connection.profile }); }
public void OnUserStatusChange(User who, SteamLobbyUserStatusFlags flags, User responsible) { if ((flags & SteamLobbyUserStatusFlags.Entered) != (SteamLobbyUserStatusFlags)0) { DevConsole.Log(DCSection.Steam, "|DGGREEN|" + + " has joined the Steam lobby."); if (Network.isServer && DuckNetwork.localConnection.status == ConnectionStatus.Connected) { this.AttemptConnection((object)who); } } else if ((flags & SteamLobbyUserStatusFlags.Left) != (SteamLobbyUserStatusFlags)0) { DevConsole.Log(DCSection.Steam, "|DGRED|" + + " has left the Steam lobby."); } else if ((flags & SteamLobbyUserStatusFlags.Disconnected) != (SteamLobbyUserStatusFlags)0) { DevConsole.Log(DCSection.Steam, "|DGRED|" + + " has disconnected from the Steam lobby."); } if ((flags & SteamLobbyUserStatusFlags.Kicked) == (SteamLobbyUserStatusFlags)0) { return; } DevConsole.Log(DCSection.Steam, "|DGYELLOW|" + + " kicked " + + "."); }
public static void Help(string tag = "") { DevConsole.Log("-- Help --", "green"); string text = string.Empty; CommandBase[] consoleCommands = DevConsole.CommandArray(tag); for (int i = 0; i < consoleCommands.Length; i++) { text += "\n<color=orange>" + consoleCommands[i].Title + "</color>" + DevConsole.GetParameters(consoleCommands[i]) + (consoleCommands[i].Description == null ? string.Empty : " <color=green>// " + consoleCommands[i].Description + "</color>"); } DevConsole.Log(text); DevConsole.Log("\n<color=orange>Note:</color> If the function has no parameters you <color=red> don't</color> need to use the parameter modifier."); DevConsole.Log("<color=orange>Note:</color> You <color=red>don't</color> need to use the trailing parameter modifier either"); DevConsole.Log("You can use constants to replace common parameters (they are case insensitive but require ' ' around them):"); DevConsole.Log("- 'Center' (or 'Centre') is the position of the center/centre of the map."); DevConsole.Log("- 'MousePos' is the position of the mouse"); DevConsole.Log("- 'TimeScale' is the current time scale"); DevConsole.Log("- 'Pi' is 3.141..."); DevConsole.Log("- 'E' is 2.718..."); }
public static void Update() { foreach (var profile in reskinMod.ActiveReskins.Keys) { if (!Infos.ContainsKey(profile)) { Infos.Add(profile, new DuckInfo(; DevConsole.Log("added profile!", Color.Green); return; } var info = Infos[profile]; info.UpdateInfo(; if (info.exists && !info.pexists) { OnDuckSpawn(profile, new EventArgs()); } if (info.quack && !info.pquack) { OnDuckQuack(profile, new EventArgs()); } } }
/// <summary> /// To prevent C# Modding side of commands from getting lost /// </summary> public static void SetTimeStamp(bool on) { CommandSettings.ShowTimeStamp = on; DevConsole.Log("Change successful :D", "green"); }
public static void DoBuildHelp() { DevConsole.Log("Does build mode using the furniture/floor/whatever type provided at position pos"); DevConsole.Log("The options for build mode are: FLOOR = 0, ROOMBEHAVIOUR= 1, FURNITURE= 2, UTILITY = 3, and DECONSTRUCT= 4"); }
public void OnConnectionFailed(User who) => DevConsole.Log(DCSection.Steam, "|DGRED|Connection with " + + " has failed!");
public override void Update() { this._scroll += 0.1f; if ((double)this._scroll > 9.0) { this._scroll = 0.0f; } this._dots += 0.01f; if ((double)this._dots > 1.0) { this._dots = 0.0f; } if ( { foreach (BlacklistServer failedAttempt in this._failedAttempts) { failedAttempt.cooldown = Lerp.Float(failedAttempt.cooldown, 0.0f, Maths.IncFrameTimer()); } if (this._signalCrossLocal.currentAnimation == "idle") { if (UIMatchmakingBox.pulseLocal) { this._signalCrossLocal.SetAnimation("flicker"); UIMatchmakingBox.pulseLocal = false; } } else if (this._signalCrossLocal.finished) { this._signalCrossLocal.SetAnimation("idle"); } if (this._signalCrossNetwork.currentAnimation == "idle") { if (UIMatchmakingBox.pulseNetwork) { this._signalCrossNetwork.SetAnimation("flicker"); UIMatchmakingBox.pulseNetwork = false; } } else if (this._signalCrossNetwork.finished) { this._signalCrossNetwork.SetAnimation("idle"); } if (Network.connections.Count > 0 && UIMatchmakingBox._state != MatchmakingState.Connecting) { this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.Connecting); DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGGREEN|Network appears to be connecting...", Color.White); } if (DuckNetwork.status == DuckNetStatus.Connected) { if (this._tryHostingLobby != null) { (Level.current as TeamSelect2).CloseAllDialogs(); Level.current = (Level) new TeamSelect2(); DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGGREEN|Finished! (HOST).", Color.White); return; } if (Level.current is TeamSelect2) { (Level.current as TeamSelect2).CloseAllDialogs(); Level.current = (Level) new ConnectingScreen(); DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGGREEN|Finished! (CLIENT).", Color.White); return; } Network.Disconnect(); this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.SearchForLobbies); DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGGREEN|Last minute connection error.", Color.White); return; } switch (UIMatchmakingBox._state) { case MatchmakingState.ConnectToMoon: Steam.AddLobbyStringFilter("started", "true", SteamLobbyComparison.Equal); Steam.SearchForLobby((User)null); Steam.RequestGlobalStats(); UIMatchmakingBox.pulseLocal = true; this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.ConnectingToMoon); break; case MatchmakingState.ConnectingToMoon: if (Steam.lobbySearchComplete) { if (this.searchTryIndex == 0) { this._totalInGameLobbies = Steam.lobbiesFound; if (this._totalInGameLobbies < 0) { this._totalInGameLobbies = 0; } ++this.searchTryIndex; Steam.AddLobbyStringFilter("started", "false", SteamLobbyComparison.Equal); Steam.SearchForLobby((User)null); break; } UIMatchmakingBox.pulseNetwork = true; this._totalLobbiesFound = Steam.lobbiesFound; List <User> users = Steam.GetSearchLobbyAtIndex(0).users; this._newStatusList.Add("|DGGREEN|Connected to Moon!"); this._newStatusList.Add(""); this._newStatusList.Add("|DGYELLOW|Searching for companions."); this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.SearchForLobbies); break; } break; case MatchmakingState.SearchForLobbies: if (this._triesSinceSearch == 3) { Steam.AddLobbyStringFilter("started", "true", SteamLobbyComparison.Equal); Steam.SearchForLobby((User)null); this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.CheckingTotalGames); return; } if (this._tries > 0 && this._tryHostingLobby == null) { DuckNetwork.Host(TeamSelect2.GetSettingInt("maxplayers"), NetworkLobbyType.Public); this._tryHostingLobby = (Network.activeNetwork.core as NCSteam).lobby; if (!this.triedHostingAlready) { this._newStatusList.Add("|DGYELLOW|Searching even harder."); } else { this._newStatusList.Add("|DGYELLOW|Searching."); } this.triedHostingAlready = true; DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGYELLOW|Opened lobby while searching.", Color.White); this._tryHostingWait = 5f + Rando.Float(2f); } foreach (MatchSetting matchSetting in TeamSelect2.matchSettings) { if (matchSetting.value is int) { if (matchSetting.filtered) { Steam.AddLobbyNumericalFilter(, (int)matchSetting.value, (SteamLobbyComparison)matchSetting.filterMode); } else if (!matchSetting.filtered) { Steam.AddLobbyNearFilter(, (int)matchSetting.defaultValue); } } if (matchSetting.value is bool) { if (matchSetting.filtered) { Steam.AddLobbyNumericalFilter(, (bool)matchSetting.value ? 1 : 0, (SteamLobbyComparison)matchSetting.filterMode); } else if (!matchSetting.filtered) { Steam.AddLobbyNearFilter(, (bool)matchSetting.defaultValue ? 1 : 0); } } } foreach (MatchSetting onlineSetting in TeamSelect2.onlineSettings) { if (onlineSetting.value is int) { if (onlineSetting.filtered) { Steam.AddLobbyNumericalFilter(, (int)onlineSetting.value, (SteamLobbyComparison)onlineSetting.filterMode); } else if (!onlineSetting.filtered) { Steam.AddLobbyNearFilter(, (int)onlineSetting.defaultValue); } } if (onlineSetting.value is bool) { if ( == "modifiers") { if (onlineSetting.filtered) { Steam.AddLobbyStringFilter(, (bool)onlineSetting.value ? "true" : "false", SteamLobbyComparison.Equal); } } else if (onlineSetting.filtered) { Steam.AddLobbyNumericalFilter(, (bool)onlineSetting.value ? 1 : 0, (SteamLobbyComparison)onlineSetting.filterMode); } else if (!onlineSetting.filtered) { Steam.AddLobbyNearFilter(, (bool)onlineSetting.defaultValue ? 1 : 0); } } } Steam.AddLobbyStringFilter("started", "false", SteamLobbyComparison.Equal); Steam.AddLobbyStringFilter("beta", "2.0", SteamLobbyComparison.Equal); Steam.AddLobbyStringFilter("dev", DG.devBuild ? "true" : "false", SteamLobbyComparison.Equal); Steam.AddLobbyStringFilter("modhash", ModLoader.modHash, SteamLobbyComparison.Equal); if (!Steam.waitingForGlobalStats) { this._globalKills = (long)Steam.GetDailyGlobalStat("kills"); } Steam.RequestGlobalStats(); UIMatchmakingBox.pulseLocal = true; this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.Searching); ++this._triesSinceSearch; ++this._tries; break; case MatchmakingState.CheckingTotalGames: if (Steam.lobbySearchComplete) { this._totalInGameLobbies = Steam.lobbiesFound; if (this._totalInGameLobbies < 0) { this._totalInGameLobbies = 0; } this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.SearchForLobbies); this._triesSinceSearch = 0; break; } break; case MatchmakingState.Searching: if (Steam.lobbySearchComplete) { this._totalLobbiesFound = Steam.lobbiesFound; if (this._tryHostingLobby != null) { --this._totalLobbiesFound; } List <Lobby> lobbyList = new List <Lobby>(); DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |LIME|found " + (object)Math.Max(this._totalLobbiesFound, 0) + " lobbies.", Color.White); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < 2; ++index1) { int num1 = index1 != 0 ? lobbyList.Count : Steam.lobbiesFound; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < num1; ++index2) { Lobby lobby = index1 != 0 ? lobbyList[index2] : Steam.GetSearchLobbyAtIndex(index2); if (this._tryHostingLobby == null || (long) != (long) { if (index2 == Steam.lobbiesFound - 1) { this._failedAttempts.RemoveAll((Predicate <BlacklistServer>)(x => (double)x.cooldown <= 0.0)); } if (UIMatchmakingBox.nonPreferredServers.Contains( && index1 == 0) { lobbyList.Add(lobby); DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGRED|Skipping " + (object) + " (NOT PREFERRED)", Color.White); } else if (this.IsBlacklisted( { DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGRED|Skipping " + (object) + " (BLACKLISTED)", Color.White); } else { if (this._tryHostingLobby != null) { int num2 = -1; try { string lobbyData = lobby.GetLobbyData("randomID"); if (lobbyData != "") { num2 = Convert.ToInt32(lobbyData); } } catch { } if (num2 == -1) { DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGYELLOW|Bad lobby seed.", Color.White); num2 = Rando.Int(2147483646); } if (num2 >= this._tryHostingLobby.randomID) { DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGYELLOW|Lobby beats own lobby, Attempting join.", Color.White); } else { DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGYELLOW|Skipping lobby (Chose to keep hosting).", Color.White); NCSteam.UpdateRandomID(this._tryHostingLobby); continue; } } this._tryConnectLobby = lobby; if (lobby.owner != null) { this._newStatusList.Add("|LIME|Trying to join " + + "."); } else { this._newStatusList.Add("|LIME|Trying to join server."); } this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.Disconnect); break; } } } } if (this._tryConnectLobby == null) { DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGYELLOW|Found no valid lobbies.", Color.White); this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.SearchForLobbies, 3f); break; } break; } break; case MatchmakingState.Waiting: this._stateWait -= Maths.IncFrameTimer(); if ((double)this._stateWait <= 0.0) { this._stateWait = 0.0f; this.OnStateChange(this._pendingState); break; } break; default: int state = (int)UIMatchmakingBox._state; break; } if (Input.Pressed("QUACK")) { this._quit = true; this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.Disconnect); } } if (this._newStatusList.Count > 0) { this._newStatusWait -= 0.1f; if ((double)this._newStatusWait <= 0.0) { this._newStatusWait = 1f; while ((double)this._fancyFont.GetWidth(this._newStatusList[0]) > 98.0) { this._newStatusList[0] = this._newStatusList[0].Substring(0, this._newStatusList[0].Length - 1); } this._statusList.Add(this._newStatusList[0]); if (this._statusList.Count > 7) { this._statusList.RemoveAt(0); } this._newStatusList.RemoveAt(0); } } base.Update(); }
public static void Status() { DevConsole.Log("Developer Mode is " + (CommandSettings.DeveloperModeToggle ? "on" : "off"), "yellow"); DevConsole.Log("Time is " + (TimeManager.Instance.IsPaused ? "paused" : TimeManager.Instance.TimeScale + "x"), "yellow"); }
public static void FinishMacro(string file) { file = ModUtils.HandlePath(file); DevConsole.FinishMacro(file); DevConsole.Log("Finished Macro saved at: " + file); }
public static void Status() { // Purely a placeholder, add more content as required. DevConsole.Log("Developer Mode is " + (SettingsKeyHolder.DeveloperMode ? "on" : "off"), "yellow"); DevConsole.Log("Time is " + (TimeManager.Instance.IsPaused ? "paused" : TimeManager.Instance.TimeScale + "x"), "yellow"); }
/// <summary> /// To prevent C# Modding side of commands from getting lost /// </summary> public static void SetTimeStamp(bool on) { SettingsKeyHolder.TimeStamps = on; DevConsole.Log("Change successful :D", "green"); }
public void OnSessionEnded(DuckNetErrorInfo error) { if (! { return; } if (UIMatchmakingBox._state == MatchmakingState.Disconnect) { if (this._tryHostingLobby != null) { this._tries = 0; } this._tryHostingLobby = (Lobby)null; if (this._quit) { HUD.CloseAllCorners(); this.Close(); this._openOnClose.Open(); } else if (this._tryConnectLobby != null) { DuckNetwork.Join(; this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.Connecting); } else { this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.SearchForLobbies); } } else { if (error != null) { if (error.error == DuckNetError.VersionMismatch) { if (error.tooNew) { this._newStatusList.Add("|DGRED|Their version was older."); } else { this._newStatusList.Add("|DGRED|Their version was newer."); } if (this._tryConnectLobby != null) { this._permenantBlacklist.Add(new BlacklistServer() { lobby =, cooldown = 15f }); } } else if (error.error == DuckNetError.FullServer) { this._newStatusList.Add("|DGRED|Failed (FULL SERVER)"); } else if (error.error == DuckNetError.ConnectionTimeout) { this._newStatusList.Add("|DGRED|Failed (TIMEOUT)"); } else if (error.error == DuckNetError.GameInProgress) { this._newStatusList.Add("|DGRED|Failed (IN PROGRESS)"); } else { this._newStatusList.Add("|DGRED|Unknown connection error."); if (this._tryConnectLobby != null) { this._permenantBlacklist.Add(new BlacklistServer() { lobby =, cooldown = 15f }); } } } else { this._newStatusList.Add("|DGRED|Connection timeout."); if (this._tryConnectLobby != null) { this._permenantBlacklist.Add(new BlacklistServer() { lobby =, cooldown = 15f }); } } if (this._tryConnectLobby != null) { this._failedAttempts.Add(new BlacklistServer() { lobby =, cooldown = 15f }); } DevConsole.Log("|PURPLE|MATCHMAKING |DGGREEN|Connection failure, continuing search.", Color.White); this._tryConnectLobby = (Lobby)null; this.ChangeState(MatchmakingState.SearchForLobbies); } }
public static void ChangeCameraPosition(Vector3 newPos, string logThis) { Camera.main.transform.position = newPos; DevConsole.Log(logThis, "green"); }
public static void StartMacro() { DevConsole.Log("Starting Macro!"); DevConsole.StartMacro(); }
public static void AllTags() { DevConsole.Log("All the tags: ", "green"); DevConsole.Log(string.Join(", ", DevConsole.CommandArray().SelectMany(x => x.Tags).Select(x => x.Trim()).Distinct().ToArray())); }