コード例 #1
        private IType MakeDestructuringAssignment(DestructuringAssignmentNode node, TypeInferrerVisitor visitor)
            var tupleIValueSymbol = node.Left.Visit(visitor);
            var exprIValueSymbol  = node.Right.Visit(visitor);

            return(visitor.Inferrer.FindMostGeneralType(tupleIValueSymbol, exprIValueSymbol));
コード例 #2
        private ISymbol MakeDestructuringAssignment(DestructuringAssignmentNode node, SymbolResolverVisitor visitor)
            var left  = node.Left.Visit(visitor);
            var right = node.Right.Visit(visitor);

            if (!left.IsAssignable())
                throw new SymbolException($"'{left.Name}' is a {left.GetType().Name} and cannot be used as a left-hand side in an assignment expression");

            if (!right.IsAssignable())
                throw new SymbolException($"'{right.Name}' is a {right.GetType().Name} and cannot be used as a right-hand side in an assignment expression");

            // On an assignment statement, we always return the left-hand side type
コード例 #3
        private CheckedType MakeDestructuringAssignment(DestructuringAssignmentNode node, TypeCheckerVisitor checker)
            var tupleCheckedType = node.Left.Visit(checker);
            var exprCheckedType  = node.Right.Visit(checker);

            var tupleTypes = tupleCheckedType.TypeSymbol as Tuple;
            var exprTypes  = exprCheckedType.TypeSymbol as Tuple;

            for (int i = 0; i < tupleTypes.Count; i++)
                var varType = tupleTypes.Elements[i];

                if (varType == null)

                var varnode = node.Left.Items[i];

                if (varnode.Expression is AccessorNode accessor && accessor.Parent != null)
                    var enc = accessor.Parent.Visit(checker);

                    /*if (enc.ITypeSymbol is Class c)
                     *  throw new System.Exception($"An instance of {c.Name} '{c.ClassName}' is required to access member '{accessor.Target.Value}'");*/

                var leftHandSide = varnode.Expression.Visit(checker);

                if (leftHandSide.Symbol.Storage == Symbols.Storage.Constant)
                    throw new System.Exception($"Cannot change value of constant {leftHandSide.TypeSymbol.Name} '{leftHandSide.Symbol.Name}'");

                var exprType = exprTypes.Elements[i];

                /*if (!varType.IsAssignableFrom(exprType))
                 *  throw new System.Exception($"Cannot convert from {varType} to {exprType}");*/

コード例 #4
        private MutabilityCheckResult CheckDestructuringAssignment(DestructuringAssignmentNode node, MutabilityCheckerVisitor checker)
            for (int i = 0; i < node.Right.Items.Count; i++)
                var varType = node.Right.Items[i];

                if (varType == null)

                var varnode = node.Left.Items[i];

                var leftHandSide = varnode.Expression.Visit(checker);

                /*if (leftHandSide.Symbol.Storage == Symbols.Storage.Immutable)
                 *  throw new System.Exception($"Cannot change value of immutable variable {leftHandSide.Symbol.Name} '{leftHandSide.Symbol.Name}'");*/
