private void btnComplete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool printFeatures = false; if (chkPrintFeaturesTag.Checked) { printFeatures = true; } Item.PfiTags = Utilities.GetIntegerValue(txtTagsToReprint.Text); try { DesktopSession.PrintTags(Item, printFeatures); this.Hide(); MessageBox.Show("Tag(s) printed successfully."); if (SenderObject == ReprintVerifySender.ChangeRetailPrice) { ChangeRetailPriceSearch itemSearchFrm = new ChangeRetailPriceSearch(DesktopSession); Form currForm = DesktopSession.HistorySession.Lookup(itemSearchFrm); if (currForm.GetType() == typeof(ChangeRetailPriceSearch)) { currForm.Show(); } } this.Close(); } catch (Exception eX) { if (FileLogger.Instance.IsLogError) { FileLogger.Instance.logMessage(LogLevel.ERROR, this, "Cannot re-print tag. Exception thrown: {0} {1}", eX, eX.Message); } MessageBox.Show("Failed to print tag. Please try again."); } }
public static bool ProcessChargeonNewItems(DesktopSession desktopSession, List <Item> tempItems, string storeNumber) { foreach (Item pItem in tempItems) { if (pItem != null) { QuickCheck pItemQInfo = pItem.QuickInformation; Int64[] primaryMasks = getMasks(pItem); //Insert MDSE record for this pawn item //Calculate the cost amount of the item //Requirement is that cost will be 65% of the amount entered as retail amount //decimal itemCost = Utilities.GetDecimalValue(.65) * Utilities.GetDecimalValue(pItem.ItemAmount); decimal itemCost = pItem.ItemAmount; string errorCode; string errorMessage; bool curRetValue = ProcessTenderProcedures.ExecuteInsertMDSERecord( pItem.mStore, pItem.mStore, pItem.mYear, pItem.mDocNumber, "" + pItem.mDocType, 1, 0, pItem.CategoryCode, "", itemCost, 0, pItemQInfo.Manufacturer, pItemQInfo.Model, pItemQInfo.SerialNumber, pItemQInfo.Weight, primaryMasks, pItem.TicketDescription, pItem.ItemAmount, pItem.StorageFee, "AUDIT", ShopDateTime.Instance.ShopDate.FormatDate(), ShopDateTime.Instance.ShopDate.ToShortDateString() + " " + ShopDateTime.Instance.ShopTime.ToString(), "", "", pItem.mDocType, "", out errorCode, out errorMessage); if (!curRetValue) { return(false); } foreach (ItemAttribute iAttr in pItem.Attributes) { if (iAttr.Answer.AnswerCode == OTHERDSC_CODE) { bool otherDscVal = ProcessTenderProcedures.ExecuteInsertOtherDscRecord( storeNumber, pItem.mStore, pItem.mYear, pItem.mDocNumber, "" + pItem.mDocType, 1, 0, iAttr.MaskOrder, iAttr.Answer.AnswerText, "AUDIT", out errorCode, out errorMessage); if (!otherDscVal) { return(false); } } } MerchandiseProcedures.UpdateMerchandiseRetailPrice(desktopSession, new Icn(pItem.Icn), pItem.RetailPrice, out errorCode, out errorMessage, storeNumber); if (errorCode != "0") { return(false); } desktopSession.PrintTags(pItem, CurrentContext.AUDITCHARGEON); } } return(true); }