public void DrawSlots(Pawn wearer, CompSlotsBackpack SlotsBackpackComp, Rect inventoryRect) { // draw text message if no contents inside if (SlotsBackpackComp.slots.Count == 0) { Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; Widgets.Label(inventoryRect, "No Items"); Text.Anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; } // draw slots else { Rect slotRect = new Rect(inventoryRect.x, inventoryRect.y, Width / iconsPerRow - 1f, Height / 2 - 1f); for (int currentSlotInd = 0; currentSlotInd < iconsPerRow * numOfRow; currentSlotInd++) { if (currentSlotInd >= backpack.MaxItem) { slotRect.x = inventoryRect.x + inventoryRect.width / iconsPerRow * (currentSlotInd % iconsPerRow); slotRect.y = inventoryRect.y + Height / 2 * (currentSlotInd / iconsPerRow); Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(slotRect, NoAvailableTex, 1.0f); } if (currentSlotInd >= SlotsBackpackComp.slots.Count) { slotRect.x = inventoryRect.x + inventoryRect.width / iconsPerRow * (currentSlotInd % iconsPerRow); slotRect.y = inventoryRect.y + Height / 2 * (currentSlotInd / iconsPerRow); Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(slotRect, EmptyTex, 1.0f); } // draw occupied slots if (currentSlotInd < SlotsBackpackComp.slots.Count) { slotRect.x = inventoryRect.x + inventoryRect.width / iconsPerRow * (currentSlotInd % iconsPerRow); slotRect.y = inventoryRect.y + Height / 2 * (currentSlotInd / iconsPerRow); Thing currentThing = SlotsBackpackComp.slots[currentSlotInd]; // draws greyish slot background Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(slotRect.ContractedBy(3f), texOccupiedSlotBG, 1f); if (currentThing.def.IsMeleeWeapon) { Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(slotRect, MeleeWeaponTex, 1.0f); } if (currentThing.def.IsRangedWeapon) { Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(slotRect, RangedWeaponTex, 1.0f); } Widgets.DrawBox(slotRect); // highlights slot if mouse over Widgets.DrawHighlightIfMouseover(slotRect.ContractedBy(3f)); // tooltip if mouse over TooltipHandler.TipRegion(slotRect, currentThing.def.LabelCap); // draw thing texture Widgets.ThingIcon(slotRect, currentThing); // interaction with slots if (Widgets.ButtonInvisible(slotRect)) { // mouse button pressed if (Event.current.button == 0) { //Weapon if (currentThing != null && currentThing.def.equipmentType == EquipmentType.Primary && (currentThing.def.IsRangedWeapon || currentThing.def.IsMeleeWeapon)) { SlotsBackpackComp.SwapEquipment(currentThing as ThingWithComps); } //// equip weapon in slot //if (currentThing.def.equipmentType == EquipmentType.Primary) //{ // slotsComp.SwapEquipment(currentThing as ThingWithComps); //} } // mouse button released else if (Event.current.button == 1) { List <FloatMenuOption> options = new List <FloatMenuOption> { new FloatMenuOption("Info", () => { Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_InfoCard(currentThing)); }), new FloatMenuOption("Drop", () => { Thing resultThing; SlotsBackpackComp.slots.TryDrop(currentThing, wearer.Position, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out resultThing); }) }; // get thing info card // drop thing // Else //Weapon if (currentThing != null && currentThing.def.equipmentType == EquipmentType.Primary) { options.Add(new FloatMenuOption("Equip".Translate(currentThing.LabelCap), () => { SlotsBackpackComp.SwapEquipment(currentThing as ThingWithComps); })); } //Medicine if (currentThing.def.IsMedicine) { if (wearer.workSettings != null && wearer.workSettings.WorkIsActive(WorkTypeDefOf.Doctor)) { options.Add(new FloatMenuOption("TreatPatientWithMedicine".Translate(), () => { Designator_ApplyMedicine designator = new Designator_ApplyMedicine(); designator.SlotsBackpackComp = SlotsBackpackComp; designator.medicine = currentThing; = wearer; designator.icon = currentThing.def.uiIcon; designator.activateSound = SoundDef.Named("Click"); DesignatorManager.Select(designator); })); } } //Food if (currentThing.def.thingCategories.Contains(DefDatabase <ThingCategoryDef> .GetNamed("FoodMeals"))) { // if ( != HungerCategory.Fed) options.Add(new FloatMenuOption("ConsumeThing".Translate(currentThing.LabelCap), () => { Thing dummy; SlotsBackpackComp.slots.TryDrop(currentThing, wearer.Position, ThingPlaceMode.Direct, currentThing.def.ingestible.maxNumToIngestAtOnce, out dummy); Job jobNew = new Job(JobDefOf.Ingest, dummy); jobNew.maxNumToCarry = currentThing.def.ingestible.maxNumToIngestAtOnce; jobNew.ignoreForbidden = true; wearer.drafter.TakeOrderedJob(jobNew); })); } // Drugs if (currentThing.def.ingestible?.drugCategory >= DrugCategory.Any) { options.Add(new FloatMenuOption("ConsumeThing".Translate(currentThing.LabelCap), () => { Thing dummy; SlotsBackpackComp.slots.TryDrop(currentThing, wearer.Position, ThingPlaceMode.Direct, currentThing.def.ingestible.maxNumToIngestAtOnce, out dummy); Job jobNew = new Job(JobDefOf.Ingest, dummy); jobNew.maxNumToCarry = dummy.def.ingestible.maxNumToIngestAtOnce; jobNew.ignoreForbidden = true; wearer.drafter.TakeOrderedJob(jobNew); })); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new FloatMenu(options, currentThing.LabelCap)); } // plays click sound on each click SoundDefOf.Click.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } } slotRect.x = inventoryRect.x + Height / 2 * (currentSlotInd % iconsPerRow); slotRect.y = inventoryRect.y + Height / 2 * (currentSlotInd / iconsPerRow); // slotRect.x += Height; } } }
public static void DrawGizmoGrid(IEnumerable <Gizmo> gizmos, float startX, out Gizmo mouseoverGizmo) { GizmoGridDrawer.gizmoGroups.Clear(); foreach (Gizmo current in gizmos) { bool flag = false; for (int i = 0; i < GizmoGridDrawer.gizmoGroups.Count; i++) { if (GizmoGridDrawer.gizmoGroups[i][0].GroupsWith(current)) { flag = true; GizmoGridDrawer.gizmoGroups[i].Add(current); break; } } if (!flag) { List <Gizmo> list = new List <Gizmo>(); list.Add(current); GizmoGridDrawer.gizmoGroups.Add(list); } } GizmoGridDrawer.firstGizmos.Clear(); for (int j = 0; j < GizmoGridDrawer.gizmoGroups.Count; j++) { List <Gizmo> source = GizmoGridDrawer.gizmoGroups[j]; Gizmo gizmo = source.FirstOrDefault((Gizmo opt) => !opt.disabled); if (gizmo == null) { gizmo = source.FirstOrDefault <Gizmo>(); } GizmoGridDrawer.firstGizmos.Add(gizmo); } Verse.GizmoGridDrawer.drawnHotKeys.Clear(); float num = (float)(Screen.width - 140); Text.Font = GameFont.Tiny; Vector2 topLeft = new Vector2(startX, (float)(Screen.height - 35) - GizmoGridDrawer.GizmoSpacing.y - 75f); mouseoverGizmo = null; Gizmo interactedGiz = null; Event @event = null; for (int k = 0; k < GizmoGridDrawer.firstGizmos.Count; k++) { Gizmo gizmo2 = GizmoGridDrawer.firstGizmos[k]; if (gizmo2.Visible) { if (topLeft.x + gizmo2.Width + GizmoGridDrawer.GizmoSpacing.x > num) { topLeft.x = startX; topLeft.y -= 75f + GizmoGridDrawer.GizmoSpacing.x; } GizmoGridDrawer.heightDrawnFrame = Time.frameCount; GizmoGridDrawer.heightDrawn = (float)Screen.height - topLeft.y; GizmoResult gizmoResult = gizmo2.GizmoOnGUI(topLeft); if (gizmoResult.State == GizmoState.Interacted) { @event = gizmoResult.InteractEvent; interactedGiz = gizmo2; } if (gizmoResult.State >= GizmoState.Mouseover) { mouseoverGizmo = gizmo2; } Rect rect = new Rect(topLeft.x, topLeft.y, gizmo2.Width, 75f + GizmoGridDrawer.GizmoSpacing.y); rect = rect.ContractedBy(-12f); GenUI.AbsorbClicksInRect(rect); topLeft.x += gizmo2.Width + GizmoGridDrawer.GizmoSpacing.x; } } if (interactedGiz != null) { List <Gizmo> list2 = GizmoGridDrawer.gizmoGroups.First((List <Gizmo> group) => group.Contains(interactedGiz)); for (int l = 0; l < list2.Count; l++) { Gizmo gizmo3 = list2[l]; if (gizmo3 != interactedGiz && !gizmo3.disabled && gizmo3.InheritInteractionsFrom(interactedGiz)) { gizmo3.ProcessInput(@event); } } if (interactedGiz is Designator_Build) { if (@event.button != 1 && GizmoGridDrawer.rightClickMaterialPreference != null && GizmoGridDrawer.rightClickMaterialPreference.Value) { Command command = interactedGiz as Command; if (command != null && command.CurActivateSound != null) { command.CurActivateSound.PlayOneShotOnCamera(); } Designator designator = interactedGiz as Designator; if (designator != null) { DesignatorManager.Select(designator); } } else { interactedGiz.ProcessInput(@event); } } else { interactedGiz.ProcessInput(@event); } Event.current.Use(); } }
public override GizmoResult GizmoOnGUI(UnityEngine.Vector2 topLeft) { Rect overRect = new Rect(topLeft.x, topLeft.y, curWidth, Height); Widgets.DrawWindowBackground(overRect); //Equipment slot Pawn wearer = backpack.wearer; ThingWithComps dummy; Rect thingIconRect = new Rect(topLeft.x, topLeft.y, widthPerItem, Height / 2); int numOfCurItem = 0; List <Thing> things = wearer.inventory.container.ToList(); //Draw Gizmo for (int i = 0; i < numOfMaxItemsPerRow * numOfRow; i++) { if (i >= backpack.MaxItem) { thingIconRect.x = topLeft.x + widthPerItem * (i % numOfMaxItemsPerRow); thingIconRect.y = topLeft.y + (Height / 2) * (i / numOfMaxItemsPerRow); Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(thingIconRect, NoAvailableTex, 1.0f); continue; } if (i >= things.Count) { thingIconRect.x = topLeft.x + widthPerItem * (i % numOfMaxItemsPerRow); thingIconRect.y = topLeft.y + (Height / 2) * (i / numOfMaxItemsPerRow); Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(thingIconRect, EmptyTex, 1.0f); continue; } Thing item = things[i]; Widgets.DrawBox(thingIconRect, 1); Widgets.ThingIcon(thingIconRect, item); if (thingIconRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { Widgets.DrawTextureFitted(thingIconRect, FilledTex, 1.0f); } //Interaction with item if (Widgets.InvisibleButton(thingIconRect)) { thingIconSound = SoundDefOf.Click; if (Event.current.button == 0) { //Weapon if (item.def.equipmentType == EquipmentType.Primary) { if ( != null) {, wearer.inventory.container, out dummy); } else { backpack.numOfSavedItems--; } as ThingWithComps); wearer.inventory.container.Remove(item as ThingWithComps); if ( != null) {; } } //Medicine else if (item.def.thingCategories.Contains(medicine)) { if (wearer.workSettings.WorkIsActive(WorkTypeDefOf.Doctor)) { Designator_ApplyMedicine designator = new Designator_ApplyMedicine(); designator.medicine = item; = wearer; designator.icon = item.def.uiIcon; designator.activateSound = SoundDef.Named("Click"); DesignatorManager.Select(designator); } else { Messages.Message(txtNoDoctor.Translate(), MessageSound.RejectInput); Messages.Update(); thingIconSound = SoundDefOf.ClickReject; } } //Food else if (item.def.thingCategories.Contains(foodMeals)) { if ( != HungerCategory.Fed) { Job jobNew = new Job(JobDefOf.Ingest, item); jobNew.maxNumToCarry = 1; jobNew.ignoreForbidden = true; wearer.drafter.TakeOrderedJob(jobNew); } else { Messages.Message(txtCannotEatAnymore.Translate(), MessageSound.RejectInput); Messages.Update(); thingIconSound = SoundDefOf.ClickReject; } } //Apparel else if (item is Apparel) { //if (!wearer.apparel.CanWearWithoutDroppingAnything(item.def)) // wearer.apparel.WornApparel.Find(apparel => apparel.def.apparel.layers.Any); for (int index = wearer.apparel.WornApparel.Count - 1; index >= 0; --index) { Apparel ap = wearer.apparel.WornApparel[index]; if (!ApparelUtility.CanWearTogether(item.def, ap.def)) { Apparel resultingAp; wearer.apparel.TryDrop(ap, out resultingAp, wearer.Position, false); wearer.inventory.container.TryAdd(resultingAp); backpack.numOfSavedItems++; } } wearer.apparel.Wear(item as Apparel); wearer.inventory.container.Remove(item as ThingWithComps); backpack.numOfSavedItems--; } else { //Add another type of item you want to interact } } else if (Event.current.button == 1) { List <FloatMenuOption> options = new List <FloatMenuOption>(); options.Add(new FloatMenuOption(txtThingInfo, () => { Find.WindowStack.Add((Window) new Dialog_InfoCard(item)); })); options.Add(new FloatMenuOption(txtDropThing, () => { Thing dummy1; wearer.inventory.container.TryDrop(item, wearer.Position, ThingPlaceMode.Near, out dummy1); })); Find.WindowStack.Add((Window) new FloatMenu(options, item.LabelCap, false, false)); } SoundStarter.PlayOneShotOnCamera(thingIconSound); } numOfCurItem++; thingIconRect.x = topLeft.x + widthPerItem * (numOfCurItem % numOfMaxItemsPerRow); thingIconRect.y = topLeft.y + (Height / 2) * (numOfCurItem / numOfMaxItemsPerRow); } if (numOfCurItem == 0) { Rect textRect = new Rect(topLeft.x + Width / 2 - textWidth / 2, topLeft.y + Height / 2 - textHeight / 2, textWidth, textHeight); Widgets.Label(textRect, txtNoItem.Translate()); } return(new GizmoResult(GizmoState.Clear)); }