コード例 #1
        public void ValidateSchemaCompareOptionsDefaultAgainstDacFx()
            DeploymentOptions deployOptions = new DeploymentOptions();
            DacDeployOptions  dacOptions    = new DacDeployOptions();

            System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] deploymentOptionsProperties = deployOptions.GetType().GetProperties();
            System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] ddProperties = dacOptions.GetType().GetProperties();

            // Note that DatabaseSpecification and sql cmd variables list is not present in Sqltools service - its not settable and is not used by ADS options.
            // TODO : update this test if the above options are added later
            Assert.True(deploymentOptionsProperties.Length == ddProperties.Length - 2, $"Number of properties is not same Deployment options : {deploymentOptionsProperties.Length} DacFx options : {ddProperties.Length}");

            foreach (var deployOptionsProp in deploymentOptionsProperties)
                var dacProp = dacOptions.GetType().GetProperty(deployOptionsProp.Name);
                Assert.True(dacProp != null, $"DacDeploy property not present for {deployOptionsProp.Name}");

                var deployOptionsValue = deployOptionsProp.GetValue(deployOptions);
                var dacValue           = dacProp.GetValue(dacOptions);

                if (deployOptionsProp.Name != "ExcludeObjectTypes") // do not compare for ExcludeObjectTypes because it will be different
                    Assert.True((deployOptionsValue == null && dacValue == null) || deployOptionsValue.Equals(dacValue), $"DacFx DacDeploy property not equal to Tools Service DeploymentOptions for { deployOptionsProp.Name}, SchemaCompareOptions value: {deployOptionsValue} and DacDeployOptions value: {dacValue} ");
コード例 #2
        private DacDeployOptions CreateSchemaCompareOptions(DeploymentOptions deploymentOptions)
            System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] deploymentOptionsProperties = deploymentOptions.GetType().GetProperties();

            DacDeployOptions dacOptions = new DacDeployOptions();

            foreach (var deployOptionsProp in deploymentOptionsProperties)
                var prop = dacOptions.GetType().GetProperty(deployOptionsProp.Name);
                if (prop != null)
                    prop.SetValue(dacOptions, deployOptionsProp.GetValue(deploymentOptions));
コード例 #3
        private bool OptionsEqualsDefault(SchemaCompareOptionsResult options)
            DeploymentOptions defaultOpt = new DeploymentOptions();
            DeploymentOptions actualOpt  = options.DefaultDeploymentOptions;

            System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] deploymentOptionsProperties = defaultOpt.GetType().GetProperties();
            foreach (var v in deploymentOptionsProperties)
                var defaultP = v.GetValue(defaultOpt);
                var actualP  = v.GetValue(actualOpt);
                if (v.Name == "ExcludeObjectTypes")
                    Assert.True((defaultP as ObjectType[]).Length == (actualP as ObjectType[]).Length, $"Number of excluded objects is different; expected: {(defaultP as ObjectType[]).Length} actual: {(actualP as ObjectType[]).Length}");
                    Assert.True((defaultP == null && actualP == null) || defaultP.Equals(actualP), $"Actual Property from Service is not equal to default property for { v.Name}, Actual value: {actualP} and Default value: {defaultP}");
コード例 #4
        public void ValidateSchemaCompareOptionsDefaultAgainstDacFx()
            DeploymentOptions deployOptions = new DeploymentOptions();
            DacDeployOptions  dacOptions    = new DacDeployOptions();

            // Changes to match new defaults
            dacOptions.AllowDropBlockingAssemblies      = true;
            dacOptions.AllowIncompatiblePlatform        = true;
            dacOptions.DropObjectsNotInSource           = true;
            dacOptions.DropPermissionsNotInSource       = true;
            dacOptions.DropRoleMembersNotInSource       = true;
            dacOptions.IgnoreKeywordCasing              = false;
            dacOptions.IgnoreSemicolonBetweenStatements = false;
            dacOptions.IgnoreWhitespace = false;

            System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] deploymentOptionsProperties = deployOptions.GetType().GetProperties();
            System.Reflection.PropertyInfo[] ddProperties = dacOptions.GetType().GetProperties();

            // Note that DatabaseSpecification and sql cmd variables list is not present in Sqltools service - its not settable and is not used by ADS options.
            // TODO : update this test if the above options are added later
            Assert.True(deploymentOptionsProperties.Length == ddProperties.Length - 2, $"Number of properties is not same Deployment options : {deploymentOptionsProperties.Length} DacFx options : {ddProperties.Length}");

            foreach (var deployOptionsProp in deploymentOptionsProperties)
                var dacProp = dacOptions.GetType().GetProperty(deployOptionsProp.Name);
                Assert.True(dacProp != null, $"DacDeploy property not present for {deployOptionsProp.Name}");

                var deployOptionsValue = deployOptionsProp.GetValue(deployOptions);
                var dacValue           = dacProp.GetValue(dacOptions);

                if (deployOptionsProp.Name != "ExcludeObjectTypes") // do not compare for ExcludeObjectTypes because it will be different
                    Assert.True((deployOptionsValue == null && dacValue == null) || deployOptionsValue.Equals(dacValue), $"DacFx DacDeploy property not equal to Tools Service DeploymentOptions for { deployOptionsProp.Name}, SchemaCompareOptions value: {deployOptionsValue} and DacDeployOptions value: {dacValue} ");