コード例 #1
        public override Lifecycle NewInstance(KernelContext context, Dependencies dependencies)
            Config config    = dependencies.Config;
            bool   ephemeral = config.Get(GraphDatabaseSettings.ephemeral);
            FileSystemAbstraction fileSystemAbstraction = dependencies.FileSystem();
            DirectoryFactory      directoryFactory      = directoryFactory(ephemeral);
            OperationalMode       operationalMode       = context.DatabaseInfo().OperationalMode;
            JobScheduler          scheduler             = dependencies.Scheduler();

            IndexDirectoryStructure.Factory directoryStructureFactory = SubProviderDirectoryStructure(context.Directory());
            TokenHolders tokenHolders = dependencies.TokenHolders();
            Log          log          = dependencies.LogService.getInternalLog(typeof(FulltextIndexProvider));
            AuxiliaryTransactionStateManager auxiliaryTransactionStateManager;

                auxiliaryTransactionStateManager = dependencies.AuxiliaryTransactionStateManager();
            catch (UnsatisfiedDependencyException e)
                string message = "Fulltext indexes failed to register as transaction state providers. This means that, if queried, they will not be able to " +
                                 "uncommitted transactional changes into account. This is fine if the indexes are opened for non-transactional work, such as for " +
                                 "consistency checking. The reason given is: " + e.Message;
                LogDependencyException(context, log.ErrorLogger(), message);
                auxiliaryTransactionStateManager = new NullAuxiliaryTransactionStateManager();

            FulltextIndexProvider provider = new FulltextIndexProvider(Descriptor, directoryStructureFactory, fileSystemAbstraction, config, tokenHolders, directoryFactory, operationalMode, scheduler, auxiliaryTransactionStateManager, log);

            string procedureRegistrationFailureMessage = "Failed to register the fulltext index procedures. The fulltext index provider will be loaded and " +
                                                         "updated like normal, but it might not be possible to query any fulltext indexes. The reason given is: ";

                dependencies.Procedures().registerComponent(typeof(FulltextAdapter), procContext => provider, true);
            catch (KernelException e)
                string message = procedureRegistrationFailureMessage + e.getUserMessage(new NonTransactionalTokenNameLookup(tokenHolders));
                // We use the 'warn' logger in this case, because it can occur due to multi-database shenanigans, or due to internal restarts in HA.
                // These scenarios are less serious, and will _probably_ not prevent FTS from working. Hence we only warn about this.
                LogDependencyException(context, log.WarnLogger(), message);
            catch (UnsatisfiedDependencyException e)
                string message = procedureRegistrationFailureMessage + e.Message;
                LogDependencyException(context, log.ErrorLogger(), message);
