public void GivenTheUserEnteresValidDepartmentDetails_() { departmentEditModel = new DepartmentEditModel { DepartmentName = PrimeActs.Service.IDGenerator.NewGuid('L').ToString().Replace("-", ""), //SelectedDivision = "" }; }
public DepartmentEditModel UpdateDepartment(DepartmentEditModel model) { var department = ApplyChanges(model); department.ObjectState = ObjectState.Modified; department.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; _departmentService.Update(department); _departmentService.RefreshCache(); return(model); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Put([FromBody] DepartmentEditModel model) { var mapping = new Func <Department, Task <Department> >(async(entity) => { entity.Name = model.Name; entity.ParentId = model.ParentId; entity.Description = model.Description; return(await Task.FromResult(entity)); }); return(await _PutRequest(model.Id, mapping)); }
public JsonResult Edit(DepartmentEditModel model) { var objectId = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ID) && !ObjectId.TryParse(model.ID, out objectId)) { return(Json(new { Code = 300, Msg = "ID is not allowed." })); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Name)) { return(Json(new { Code = 300, Msg = "Name is not allowed to be empty." })); } if (model.ParentID == null) { model.ParentID = ""; } if (model.AdministratorID == null) { model.AdministratorID = ""; } var mongo = new MongoHelper(); var filter = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter.Eq("ID", objectId); var update1 = Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Set("ParentID", model.ParentID); var update2 = Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Set("Name", model.Name); var update3 = Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Set("AdministratorID", model.AdministratorID); var update = Builders <BsonDocument> .Update.Combine(update1, update2, update3); mongo.UpdateOne(Constant.DepartmentCollectionName, filter, update); return(Json(new { Code = 200, Msg = "Saved successfully!" })); }
private Department ApplyChanges(DepartmentEditModel model) { return(new Department { DepartmentID = Guid.Empty != model.DepartmentId ? model.DepartmentId : PrimeActs.Service.IDGenerator.NewGuid(_serverCode.ToCharArray()[0]), DepartmentName = model.DepartmentName, IsActive = model.IsActive, UpdatedDate = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.UpdatedDate)? (DateTime?)null: DateTime.Parse(model.UpdatedDate), CreatedDate = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.CreatedDate) ? (DateTime?)null : DateTime.Parse(model.CreatedDate), DivisionID = model.RelatedDivisionId, }); }
public DepartmentEditModel CreateDepartment(DepartmentEditModel model) { var department = ApplyChanges(model); department.ObjectState = ObjectState.Added; department.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; department.IsActive = true; _departmentService.Insert(department); _departmentService.RefreshCache(); model.DepartmentId = department.DepartmentID; return(model); }
public void Delete(DepartmentEditModel obj) { Channel.Delete(obj); try { if (this.State != System.ServiceModel.CommunicationState.Faulted) { this.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { this.Abort(); } }
public DepartmentEditModel Insert(DepartmentEditModel obj) { var result = Channel.Insert(obj); try { if (this.State != System.ServiceModel.CommunicationState.Faulted) { this.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { this.Abort(); } return(result); }
public JsonResult Add(DepartmentEditModel model) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Name)) { return(Json(new { Code = 300, Msg = "Name is not allowed to be empty." })); } if (model.ParentID == null) { model.ParentID = ""; } if (model.AdministratorID == null) { model.AdministratorID = ""; } var mongo = new MongoHelper(); var doc = new BsonDocument { ["ID"] = ObjectId.GenerateNewId(), ["ParentID"] = model.ParentID, ["Name"] = model.Name, ["AdministratorID"] = model.AdministratorID, ["Status"] = 0 }; mongo.InsertOne(Constant.DepartmentCollectionName, doc); return(Json(new { Code = 200, Msg = "Saved successfully!" })); }
public void GivenTheUserHasnTEnteredDepartmentName() { departmentEditModel = new DepartmentEditModel { DepartmentName = "" }; }
public UserContextModel GetUserContext(IEnumerable <ApplicationUserRole> applicationUserRoles) { UserContextModel contextOptions = new UserContextModel(); foreach (var applicationUserRole in applicationUserRoles) { CompanyModel company = null; DivisionModel division = null; DepartmentEditModel department = null; if (applicationUserRole.Company == null) { // if company is null => access to all companies divisions and departments foreach (var domainCompany in _companyService.GetAllCompanies()) { company = new CompanyModel() { CompanyName = domainCompany.CompanyName, CompanyId = domainCompany.CompanyID }; if (contextOptions.Companies.All(c => c.CompanyId != company.CompanyId)) { contextOptions.Companies.Add(company); } else { company = contextOptions.Companies.Find(c => c.CompanyId == company.CompanyId); } foreach (var domainDivision in _divisonService.GetDivisionsByCompanyID(domainCompany.CompanyID)) { division = new DivisionModel() { DivisionName = domainDivision.DivisionName, DivisionId = domainDivision.DivisionID }; if (company.Divisions.All(d => d.DivisionId != division.DivisionId)) { company.Divisions.Add(division); } else { division = company.Divisions.Find(d => d.DivisionId == division.DivisionId); } division.Departments.AddRange( _departmentService.GetAllDeptByDivID(domainDivision.DivisionID) .Select( c => new DepartmentEditModel() { DepartmentName = c.DepartmentName, DepartmentId = c.DepartmentID })); } } continue; } company = new CompanyModel() { CompanyName = applicationUserRole.Company.CompanyName, CompanyId = applicationUserRole.CompanyId ?? Guid.Empty }; if (contextOptions.Companies.All(c => c.CompanyId != company.CompanyId)) { contextOptions.Companies.Add(company); } else { company = contextOptions.Companies.Find(c => c.CompanyId == company.CompanyId); } if (applicationUserRole.Division == null) { // if division is null => access to all divisions and departments foreach ( var domainDivision in _divisonService.GetDivisionsByCompanyID(applicationUserRole.Company.CompanyID)) { division = new DivisionModel() { DivisionName = domainDivision.DivisionName, DivisionId = domainDivision.DivisionID }; if (company.Divisions.All(d => d.DivisionId != division.DivisionId)) { company.Divisions.Add(division); } else { division = company.Divisions.Find(d => d.DivisionId == division.DivisionId); } division.Departments.AddRange( _departmentService.GetAllDeptByDivID(domainDivision.DivisionID) .Select( c => new DepartmentEditModel() { DepartmentName = c.DepartmentName, DepartmentId = c.DepartmentID })); } continue; } division = new DivisionModel() { DivisionName = applicationUserRole.Division.DivisionName, DivisionId = applicationUserRole.DivisionId ?? Guid.Empty }; if (company.Divisions.All(d => d.DivisionId != division.DivisionId)) { company.Divisions.Add(division); } else { division = company.Divisions.Find(d => d.DivisionId == division.DivisionId); } if (applicationUserRole.Department == null) { division.Departments.AddRange( applicationUserRole.Division.Departments.Select( c => new DepartmentEditModel() { DepartmentName = c.DepartmentName, DepartmentId = c.DepartmentID })); continue; } department = new DepartmentEditModel() { DepartmentName = applicationUserRole.Department.DepartmentName, DepartmentId = applicationUserRole.DepartmentId ?? Guid.Empty }; division.Departments.Add(department); } return(contextOptions); }
public void Delete(DepartmentEditModel obj) { _service.Delete(obj.Target); }
public void Update(DepartmentEditModel obj) { _service.Update(obj.Target); }
public DepartmentEditModel Insert(DepartmentEditModel obj) { var item = _service.Insert(obj.Target); return(BuildModel(item)); }
private async void btnOK_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { #region 新增 if (Om == OperationMode.AddMode) { string strErrorMsg = string.Empty; try { DepartmentEditModel newEditDepartment = new DepartmentEditModel(); newEditDepartment.DepartmentCode = txtDeptCode.Text.Trim(); newEditDepartment.Name = txtName.Text.Trim(); newEditDepartment.ShowIndex = Convert.ToInt16(txtShowIndex.Value.Value); newEditDepartment.Remark = txtRemark.Text.Trim(); newEditDepartment.IsRealy = chkIsRealDept.IsChecked.HasValue ? chkIsRealDept.IsChecked.Value : false; DepartmentDisplayModel selectDept = cmbFatherDept.SelectedItem as DepartmentDisplayModel; if (selectDept != null) { newEditDepartment.ParentCode = selectDept.Code; } newEditDepartment = await asyncProxy.CallAsync(c => c.Add(newEditDepartment, IsParent)); this.ShowAutoCloseDialogOwter(UIResources.MsgInfo, "新增部门成功!"); //MessageDialogResult result = await DialogManager.ShowMessageAsync(this, UIResources.MsgInfo, "新增部门成功!", MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative, null); this.DialogResult = true; #region 延时1s的弹窗 ////this.MetroDialogOptions.ColorScheme = UseAccentForDialogsMenuItem.IsChecked ? MetroDialogColorScheme.Accented : MetroDialogColorScheme.Theme; //this.ShowAutoCloseDialogOwter(UIResources.MsgInfo, "新增部门成功!"); #endregion } catch (TimeoutException timeProblem) { strErrorMsg = timeProblem.Message + UIResources.TimeOut + timeProblem.Message; } catch (FaultException <LCFault> af) { strErrorMsg = af.Detail.Message; } catch (FaultException unknownFault) { strErrorMsg = UIResources.UnKnowFault + unknownFault.Message; } catch (CommunicationException commProblem) { strErrorMsg = UIResources.ConProblem + commProblem.Message + commProblem.StackTrace; } if (strErrorMsg != string.Empty) { await DialogManager.ShowMessageAsync(this, UIResources.MsgError, "新增部门失败!原因:" + strErrorMsg, MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative, null); //AisinoMessageBox.Show("新增部门失败!原因:" + strMsg, UIResources.MsgError, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error, MessageBoxResult.OK); } } #endregion #region 修改 else { SelectSysDepartment.Name = txtName.Text.Trim(); SelectSysDepartment.ShowIndex = Convert.ToInt16(txtShowIndex.Value.Value); SelectSysDepartment.Remark = txtRemark.Text.Trim(); SelectSysDepartment.IsRealy = chkIsRealDept.IsChecked.HasValue ? chkIsRealDept.IsChecked.Value : false; SelectSysDepartment.Stopped = chkIsStoped.IsChecked.HasValue ? chkIsStoped.IsChecked.Value : false; DepartmentDisplayModel selectDept = cmbFatherDept.SelectedItem as DepartmentDisplayModel; if (selectDept != null) { SelectSysDepartment.ParentCode = selectDept.Code; } string strErrorMsg = string.Empty; try { SelectSysDepartment = await asyncProxy.CallAsync(c => c.Update(SelectSysDepartment)); //MessageDialogResult result = await DialogManager.ShowMessageAsync(this, UIResources.MsgInfo, "修改部门成功!", MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative, null); this.ShowAutoCloseDialogOwter(UIResources.MsgInfo, "修改部门成功!"); this.DialogResult = true; } catch (TimeoutException timeProblem) { strErrorMsg = timeProblem.Message + UIResources.TimeOut + timeProblem.Message; } catch (FaultException <LCFault> af) { strErrorMsg = af.Detail.Message; } catch (FaultException unknownFault) { strErrorMsg = UIResources.UnKnowFault + unknownFault.Message; } catch (CommunicationException commProblem) { strErrorMsg = UIResources.ConProblem + commProblem.Message + commProblem.StackTrace; } if (strErrorMsg != string.Empty) { await DialogManager.ShowMessageAsync(this, UIResources.MsgError, "修改部门失败!原因:" + strErrorMsg, MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative, null); //AisinoMessageBox.Show("修改部门失败!原因:" + strMsg, UIResources.MsgError, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error, MessageBoxResult.OK); } } #endregion }
private async void BindDepartment(DepartmentEditModel selectDepartment) { string strErrorMsg = string.Empty; try { lstDepartments = await asyncProxy.CallAsync(c => c.GetAllDisplayModel()); if (lstDepartments != null && lstDepartments.Count > 0) { cmbFatherDept.ItemsSource = lstDepartments; cmbFatherDept.DisplayMemberPath = "Name"; cmbFatherDept.SelectedIndex = 0; } if (this.Om == OperationMode.EditMode) { if (selectDepartment != null) { foreach (DepartmentDisplayModel deptItem in cmbFatherDept.Items) { if (deptItem.Code == selectDepartment.ParentCode) { cmbFatherDept.SelectedItem = deptItem; break; } } txtDeptCode.Text = selectDepartment.DepartmentCode == null ? "" : selectDepartment.DepartmentCode.Trim(); txtName.Text = selectDepartment.Name == null ? "" : selectDepartment.Name.Trim(); txtShowIndex.Value = selectDepartment.ShowIndex; txtRemark.Text = selectDepartment.Remark == null ? "" : selectDepartment.Remark.Trim(); chkIsRealDept.IsChecked = selectDepartment.IsRealy; chkIsStoped.IsChecked = selectDepartment.Stopped; } } else if (this.Om == OperationMode.AddMode) { if (selectDepartment != null) { cmbFatherDept.Text = selectDepartment.Name; } } } catch (TimeoutException timeProblem) { strErrorMsg = timeProblem.Message + UIResources.TimeOut + timeProblem.Message; } catch (FaultException <LCFault> af) { strErrorMsg = af.Detail.Message; } catch (FaultException unknownFault) { strErrorMsg = UIResources.UnKnowFault + unknownFault.Message; } catch (CommunicationException commProblem) { strErrorMsg = UIResources.ConProblem + commProblem.Message + commProblem.StackTrace; } catch (Exception ex) { strErrorMsg = ex.Message; //AisinoMessageBox.Show(ex.Message, UIResources.MsgInfo, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error, MessageBoxResult.OK); } if (strErrorMsg != string.Empty) { await DialogManager.ShowMessageAsync(this, UIResources.MsgError, "绑定部门信息失败!原因:" + strErrorMsg, MessageDialogStyle.Affirmative, null); } }