コード例 #1
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            var host = CreateHostBuilder(args).Build();

            // If app is called with `fill` as first command line argument,
            // it will fill the connected database with demo data using
            // the `DemoDataGenerator` class.
            if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "fill")
                // Create an EFCore data context from dependency injection's service collection
                using var scope = host.Services.CreateScope();
                using var dc    = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <UserManagementDataContext>();

                // Trigger filling of database
                var generator = new DemoDataGenerator(dc);
                await generator.ClearAll();

                await generator.Fill();

                Console.WriteLine("Database has been successfully filled");

            // We are not in "fill DB with demo data" mode.
            // Therefore, we start the web server for the web API.