コード例 #1
        static void TestDelta <TInputStream, TOutputStream>(NetworkSchema schema, List <object> values, List <object> baselineValues)  where TInputStream : NetworkCompression.IInputStream, new()
            where TOutputStream : NetworkCompression.IOutputStream, new()
            var inputBuffer    = new byte[1024 * 64];
            var baselineBuffer = new byte[1024 * 64];
            var deltaBuffer    = new byte[1024 * 64];
            var outputBuffer   = new byte[1024 * 64];

            NetworkTestUtils.WriteValues(values, inputBuffer, schema);

            if (baselineValues != null)
                NetworkTestUtils.WriteValues(baselineValues, baselineBuffer, schema);
                baselineBuffer = new byte[1024 * 64];

            var outputStream = new TOutputStream();

            outputStream.Initialize(NetworkCompressionModel.DefaultModel, deltaBuffer, 0, null);
            uint hash = 0;

            DeltaWriter.Write(ref outputStream, schema, inputBuffer, baselineBuffer, zeroFieldsChanged, 0, ref hash);

            var inputStream = new TInputStream();

            inputStream.Initialize(NetworkCompressionModel.DefaultModel, deltaBuffer, 0);
            hash = 0;
            DeltaReader.Read(ref inputStream, schema, outputBuffer, baselineBuffer, zeroFieldsChanged, 0, ref hash);

            NetworkTestUtils.ReadAndAssertValues(values, outputBuffer, schema);
コード例 #2
        void WriteCommands <TOutputStream>(ClientPackageInfo packageInfo, ref TOutputStream output) where TOutputStream : NetworkCompression.IOutputStream

            var includeSchema = commandSequenceAck == 0;

            output.WriteRawBits(includeSchema ? 1U : 0, 1);
            if (includeSchema)
                NetworkSchema.WriteSchema(commandSchema, ref output);

            var sequence = commandSequence;

            output.WriteRawBits(Sequence.ToUInt16(commandSequence), 16);

            packageInfo.commandSequence = commandSequence;
            packageInfo.commandTime     = commandsOut[commandSequence].time;

            CommandInfo previous = defaultCommandInfo;
            CommandInfo command;

            while (commandsOut.TryGetValue(sequence, out command))
                // 1 bit to tell there is a command
                output.WriteRawBits(1, 1);
                output.WritePackedIntDelta(command.time, previous.time, NetworkConfig.commandTimeContext);
                uint hash = 0;
                DeltaWriter.Write(ref output, commandSchema, command.data, previous.data, zeroFieldsChanged, 0, ref hash);

                previous = command;
            output.WriteRawBits(0, 1);
コード例 #3
        unsafe void WriteSnapshot(ref RawOutputStream output)

            bool enableNetworkPrediction = network_prediction.IntValue != 0;
            //bool enableHashing = debug_hashing.IntValue != 0;

            // Check if the baseline from the client is too old. We keep N number of snapshots on the server
            // so if the client baseline is older than that we cannot generate the snapshot. Furthermore, we require
            // the client to keep the last N updates for any entity, so even though the client might have much older
            // baselines for some entities we cannot guarantee it.
            // TODO : Can we make this simpler?
            var haveBaseline = maxSnapshotAck != 0;

            if (_server.m_ServerSequence - maxSnapshotAck >= NetworkConfig.snapshotDeltaCacheSize - 2) // -2 because we want 3 baselines!
                if (serverDebug.IntValue > 0)
                    GameDebug.Log("ServerSequence ahead of latest ack'ed snapshot by more than cache size. " + (haveBaseline ? "nobaseline" : "baseline"));
                haveBaseline = false;
            var baseline = haveBaseline ? maxSnapshotAck : 0;

            int snapshot0Baseline       = baseline;
            int snapshot1Baseline       = baseline;
            int snapshot2Baseline       = baseline;
            int snapshot0BaselineClient = snapshotPackageBaseline;
            int snapshot1BaselineClient = snapshotPackageBaseline;
            int snapshot2BaselineClient = snapshotPackageBaseline;

            if (enableNetworkPrediction && haveBaseline)
                var end = snapshotPackageBaseline - NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize;
                end = end < 0 ? 0 : end;
                var a = snapshotPackageBaseline - 1;
                while (a > end)
                    if (snapshotAcks[a % NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize])
                        var base1 = snapshotSeqs[a % NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize];
                        if (_server.m_ServerSequence - base1 < NetworkConfig.snapshotDeltaCacheSize - 2)
                            snapshot1Baseline       = base1;
                            snapshot1BaselineClient = a;
                            snapshot2Baseline       = snapshotSeqs[a % NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize];
                            snapshot2BaselineClient = a;
                while (a > end)
                    if (snapshotAcks[a % NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize])
                        var base2 = snapshotSeqs[a % NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize];
                        if (_server.m_ServerSequence - base2 < NetworkConfig.snapshotDeltaCacheSize - 2)
                            snapshot2Baseline       = base2;
                            snapshot2BaselineClient = a;
            output.WriteRawBits(haveBaseline ? 1u : 0, 1);
            output.WritePackedIntDelta(snapshot0BaselineClient, outSequence - 1, NetworkConfig.baseSequenceContext);
            output.WriteRawBits(enableNetworkPrediction ? 1u : 0u, 1);
            //output.WriteRawBits(enableHashing ? 1u : 0u, 1);
            if (enableNetworkPrediction)
                output.WritePackedIntDelta(haveBaseline ? snapshot1BaselineClient : 0, snapshot0BaselineClient - 1, NetworkConfig.baseSequence1Context);
                output.WritePackedIntDelta(haveBaseline ? snapshot2BaselineClient : 0, snapshot1BaselineClient - 1, NetworkConfig.baseSequence2Context);

            // NETTODO: For us serverTime == tick but network layer only cares about a growing int
            output.WritePackedIntDelta(_server.serverTime, haveBaseline ? maxSnapshotTime : 0, NetworkConfig.serverTimeContext);
            // NETTODO: a more generic way to send stats
            var temp = _server.m_ServerSimTime * 10;

            output.WriteRawBits((byte)temp, 8);


            _server.m_PredictionIndex = 0;
            for (int id = 0, c = _server.m_Entities.Count; id < c; id++)
                var entity = _server.m_Entities[id];

                // Skip freed
                if (entity.spawnSequence == 0)

                bool spawnedSinceBaseline = (entity.spawnSequence > baseline);
                bool despawned            = (entity.despawnSequence > 0);

                // Note to future self: This is a bit tricky... We consider lifetimes of entities
                // re the baseline (last ack'ed, so in the past) and the snapshot we are building (now)
                // There are 6 cases (S == spawn, D = despawn):
                //  --------------------------------- time ----------------------------------->
                //                   BASELINE          SNAPSHOT
                //                      |                 |
                //                      v                 v
                //  1.    S-------D                                                  IGNORE
                //  2.    S------------------D                                       SEND DESPAWN
                //  3.    S-------------------------------------D                    SEND UPDATE
                //  4.                        S-----D                                IGNORE
                //  5.                        S-----------------D                    SEND SPAWN + UPDATE
                //  6.                                         S----------D          INVALID (FUTURE)

                if (despawned && entity.despawnSequence <= baseline)
                    continue;                               // case 1: ignore
                if (despawned && !spawnedSinceBaseline)
                    _server.m_TempDespawnList.Add(id);       // case 2: despawn

                if (spawnedSinceBaseline && despawned)
                    continue;                               // case 4: ignore
                if (spawnedSinceBaseline)
                    _server.m_TempSpawnList.Add(id);         // case 5: send spawn + update
                // case 5. and 3. fall through to here and gets updated

                // Send data from latest tick
                var tickToSend = _server.m_ServerSequence;
                // If despawned, however, we have stopped generating updates so pick latest valid
                if (despawned)
                    tickToSend = Mathf.Max(entity.updateSequence, entity.despawnSequence - 1);

                    var entityType = _server.m_EntityTypes[entity.typeId];

                    var snapshot = entity.snapshots[tickToSend];

                    // NOTE : As long as the server haven't gotten the spawn acked, it will keep sending
                    // delta relative to 0 as we cannot know if we have a valid baseline on the client or not

                    uint  num_baselines = 1; // if there is no normal baseline, we use schema baseline so there is always one
                    uint *baseline0     = entityType.baseline;
                    int   time0         = maxSnapshotTime;

                    if (haveBaseline && entity.spawnSequence <= maxSnapshotAck)
                        baseline0 = entity.snapshots[snapshot0Baseline].start;

                    if (enableNetworkPrediction)
                        uint *baseline1 = entityType.baseline;
                        uint *baseline2 = entityType.baseline;
                        int   time1     = maxSnapshotTime;
                        int   time2     = maxSnapshotTime;

                        if (haveBaseline && entity.spawnSequence <= maxSnapshotAck)
                            GameDebug.Assert(_server.m_Snapshots[snapshot0Baseline % _server.m_Snapshots.Length].serverTime == maxSnapshotTime, "serverTime == maxSnapshotTime");
                            GameDebug.Assert(entity.snapshots.Exists(snapshot0Baseline), "Exists(snapshot0Baseline)");

                            // Newly spawned entities might not have earlier baselines initially
                            if (snapshot1Baseline != snapshot0Baseline && entity.snapshots.Exists(snapshot1Baseline))
                                num_baselines = 2;
                                baseline1     = entity.snapshots[snapshot1Baseline].start;
                                time1         = _server.m_Snapshots[snapshot1Baseline % _server.m_Snapshots.Length].serverTime;

                                if (snapshot2Baseline != snapshot1Baseline && entity.snapshots.Exists(snapshot2Baseline))
                                    num_baselines = 3;
                                    baseline2     = entity.snapshots[snapshot2Baseline].start;
                                    //time2 = entity.snapshots[snapshot2Baseline].serverTime;
                                    time2 = _server.m_Snapshots[snapshot2Baseline % _server.m_Snapshots.Length].serverTime;

                        entity.prediction = _server.m_Prediction + _server.m_PredictionIndex;
                        NetworkPrediction.PredictSnapshot(entity.prediction, entity.fieldsChangedPrediction, entityType.schema, num_baselines, (uint)time0, baseline0, (uint)time1, baseline1, (uint)time2, baseline2, (uint)_server.serverTime, entity.GetFieldMask(ConnectionId));
                        _server.m_PredictionIndex += entityType.schema.GetByteSize() / 4;
                        //_server.statsProcessedOutgoing += entityType.schema.GetByteSize();

                        if (UnsafeUtility.MemCmp(entity.prediction, snapshot.start, entityType.schema.GetByteSize()) != 0)

                        if (serverDebug.IntValue > 2)
                            GameDebug.Log((haveBaseline ? "Upd [BL]" : "Upd [  ]") +
                                          "num_baselines: " + num_baselines + " serverSequence: " + tickToSend + " " +
                                          snapshot0Baseline + "(" + snapshot0BaselineClient + "," + time0 + ") - " +
                                          snapshot1Baseline + "(" + snapshot1BaselineClient + "," + time1 + ") - " +
                                          snapshot2Baseline + "(" + snapshot2BaselineClient + "," + time2 + "). Sche: " +
                                          _server.m_TempTypeList.Count + " Spwns: " + _server.m_TempSpawnList.Count + " Desp: " + _server.m_TempDespawnList.Count + " Upd: " + _server.m_TempUpdateList.Count);
                        var prediction = baseline0;

                        var fcp = entity.fieldsChangedPrediction;
                        for (int i = 0, l = fcp.Length; i < l; ++i)
                            fcp[i] = 0;

                        if (UnsafeUtility.MemCmp(prediction, snapshot.start, entityType.schema.GetByteSize()) != 0)

                        if (serverDebug.IntValue > 2)
                            GameDebug.Log((haveBaseline ? "Upd [BL]" : "Upd [  ]") + snapshot0Baseline + "(" + snapshot0BaselineClient + "," + time0 + "). Sche: " + _server.m_TempTypeList.Count + " Spwns: " + _server.m_TempSpawnList.Count + " Desp: " + _server.m_TempDespawnList.Count + " Upd: " + _server.m_TempUpdateList.Count);

            if (serverDebug.IntValue > 1 && (_server.m_TempSpawnList.Count > 0 || _server.m_TempDespawnList.Count > 0))
                GameDebug.Log(ConnectionId + ": spwns: " + string.Join(",", _server.m_TempSpawnList) + "    despwans: " + string.Join(",", _server.m_TempDespawnList));

            foreach (var pair in _server.m_EntityTypes)
                if (pair.Value.createdSequence > maxSnapshotAck)

            output.WritePackedUInt((uint)_server.m_TempTypeList.Count, NetworkConfig.schemaCountContext);
            foreach (var typeInfo in _server.m_TempTypeList)
                output.WritePackedUInt(typeInfo.typeId, NetworkConfig.schemaTypeIdContext);
                NetworkSchema.WriteSchema(typeInfo.schema, ref output);

                GameDebug.Assert(typeInfo.baseline != null);
                NetworkSchema.CopyFieldsFromBuffer(typeInfo.schema, typeInfo.baseline, ref output);

            int previousId = 1;

            output.WritePackedUInt((uint)_server.m_TempSpawnList.Count, NetworkConfig.spawnCountContext);
            foreach (var id in _server.m_TempSpawnList)
                output.WritePackedIntDelta(id, previousId, NetworkConfig.idContext);
                previousId = id;

                var entity = _server.m_Entities[id];

                output.WritePackedUInt((uint)entity.typeId, NetworkConfig.spawnTypeIdContext);
                output.WriteRawBits(entity.GetFieldMask(ConnectionId), 8);

            output.WritePackedUInt((uint)_server.m_TempDespawnList.Count, NetworkConfig.despawnCountContext);
            foreach (var id in _server.m_TempDespawnList)
                output.WritePackedIntDelta(id, previousId, NetworkConfig.idContext);
                previousId = id;

            int numUpdates = _server.m_TempUpdateList.Count;

            output.WritePackedUInt((uint)numUpdates, NetworkConfig.updateCountContext);

            foreach (var id in _server.m_TempUpdateList)
                var entity     = _server.m_Entities[id];
                var entityType = _server.m_EntityTypes[entity.typeId];

                uint *prediction = null;
                if (enableNetworkPrediction)
                    prediction = entity.prediction;
                    prediction = entityType.baseline;
                    if (haveBaseline && entity.spawnSequence <= maxSnapshotAck)
                        prediction = entity.snapshots[snapshot0Baseline].start;

                output.WritePackedIntDelta(id, previousId, NetworkConfig.idContext);
                previousId = id;

                // TODO It is a mess that we have to repeat the logic about tickToSend from above here
                int tickToSend = _server.m_ServerSequence;
                if (entity.despawnSequence > 0)
                    tickToSend = Mathf.Max(entity.despawnSequence - 1, entity.updateSequence);

                GameDebug.Assert(_server.m_ServerSequence - tickToSend < NetworkConfig.snapshotDeltaCacheSize);

                if (!entity.snapshots.Exists(tickToSend))
                    GameDebug.Log("maxSnapAck: " + maxSnapshotAck);
                    GameDebug.Log("lastWritten: " + snapshotServerLastWritten);
                    GameDebug.Log("spawn: " + entity.spawnSequence);
                    GameDebug.Log("despawn: " + entity.despawnSequence);
                    GameDebug.Log("update: " + entity.updateSequence);
                    GameDebug.Log("tick: " + _server.m_ServerSequence);
                    GameDebug.Log("id: " + id);
                    GameDebug.Log("snapshots: " + entity.snapshots.ToString());
                    GameDebug.Log("WOULD HAVE crashed looking for " + tickToSend + " changing to " + (entity.despawnSequence - 1));
                    tickToSend = entity.despawnSequence - 1;
                    GameDebug.Assert(false, "Unable to find " + tickToSend + " in snapshots. Would update have worked?");
                var snapshotInfo = entity.snapshots[tickToSend];

                // NOTE : As long as the server haven't gotten the spawn acked, it will keep sending
                // delta relative to 0 as we cannot know if we have a valid baseline on the client or not
                uint entity_hash = 0;
                DeltaWriter.Write(ref output, entityType.schema, snapshotInfo.start, prediction, entity.fieldsChangedPrediction, entity.GetFieldMask(ConnectionId), ref entity_hash);

            if (!haveBaseline && serverDebug.IntValue > 0)
                Debug.Log("Sending no-baseline snapshot. C: " + ConnectionId + " Seq: " + outSequence + " Max: " + maxSnapshotAck + "  Total entities sent: " + _server.m_TempUpdateList.Count + " Type breakdown:");
                //foreach (var c in _server.m_EntityTypes) {
                //    Debug.Log(c.Value.name + " " + c.Key + " #" + (c.Value.stats_count) + " " + (c.Value.stats_bits / 8) + " bytes");

            snapshotSeqs[outSequence % NetworkConfig.clientAckCacheSize] = _server.m_ServerSequence;
            snapshotServerLastWritten = _server.m_ServerSequence;
