コード例 #1
        public void Build_Builds_Object_From_Delegate_Supplied()
            const int expected = 11;
            var builder = new DelegateBuilder<int>(() => expected);

            Assert.AreEqual(builder.Build(), expected);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds this method into a delegate that invokes the method using the argument to the first
        /// parameter of the action as the target object and returns void.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks><b>Must be non-static method.</b> For static methods, see <see cref="BuildDelegateStatic{TDelegate}(MethodInfo, Type[])"/>.</remarks>
        /// <typeparam name="TDelegate">The type of <see cref="Delegate"/> to build the method into.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="method">The method to build into an action.</param>
        /// <exception cref="IncompatibleInstanceException">The method is static and no instance is given.
        ///     -or-The method is non-static and an instance is given.
        ///     -or-The method is not defined for the instance given.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentCountMismatchException">The number of arguments given does not match the
        ///     number of parameters on the given method.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="IncompatibleArgumentTypeException">An argument value given can't be cast to be compatible with the
        ///     corresponding parameter in the method signature.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="IncompatibleParameterTypeException">An argument-mapped parameter type given can't be cast to be compatible with the
        ///     corresponding parameter in the method signature.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="IncompatibleReturnTypeException">The return type of the method cannot be converted into the given return type.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="method"/> is null.</exception>
        public static TDelegate CreateDelegate <TDelegate>(this MethodInfo method, Action <DelegateBuilder> builderSetup)
            where TDelegate : Delegate
            var builder = new DelegateBuilder(method);


            return(builder.Build <TDelegate>());
コード例 #3
        public void Build_BuildAnActionFromTypeAndMethodInfo_ReturnsActionThatDoesNotThrow()
            var             analyzer        = new Analyzer();
            PerformanceSet  set             = analyzer.GetPerformanceSets((typeof(Test).Assembly)).First();
            PerformanceUnit performanceUnit = set.PerformanceUnits.First();

            var builder = new DelegateBuilder();

            Action action = builder.Build(set.Type, performanceUnit.MethodInfo);

コード例 #4
        public void Run_RunsAMarkedMethodOneHundredTimes_ReturnsResultWithOneHundredResults()
            var analyzer = new Analyzer();
            IEnumerable<PerformanceSet> sets = analyzer.GetPerformanceSets((typeof (Test).Assembly));
            PerformanceSet set = sets.First();
            PerformanceUnit unit = set.PerformanceUnits.First();

            MethodInfo methodInfo = unit.MethodInfo;

            var builder = new DelegateBuilder();
            Action action = builder.Build(set.Type, methodInfo);

            var runner = new UnitRunner();

            Result result = runner.Run(set.Name, methodInfo.Name, action, unit.Runs);

コード例 #5
        public void Run_RunsAMarkedMethodOneHundredTimes_ReturnsResultWithOneHundredResults()
            var analyzer = new Analyzer();
            IEnumerable <PerformanceSet> sets = analyzer.GetPerformanceSets((typeof(Test).Assembly));
            PerformanceSet  set  = sets.First();
            PerformanceUnit unit = set.PerformanceUnits.First();

            MethodInfo methodInfo = unit.MethodInfo;

            var    builder = new DelegateBuilder();
            Action action  = builder.Build(set.Type, methodInfo);

            var runner = new UnitRunner();

            Result result = runner.Run(set.Name, methodInfo.Name, action, unit.Runs);
