public void AddObjective <T>(T objective, float delay, Action callback = null) where T : AIObjective { if (objective == null) { #if DEBUG DebugConsole.ThrowError($"{character.Name}: Attempted to add a null objective to AIObjectiveManager\n" + Environment.StackTrace.CleanupStackTrace()); #endif return; } if (DelayedObjectives.TryGetValue(objective, out CoroutineHandle coroutine)) { CoroutineManager.StopCoroutines(coroutine); DelayedObjectives.Remove(objective); } coroutine = CoroutineManager.InvokeAfter(() => { //round ended before the coroutine finished #if CLIENT if (GameMain.GameSession == null || Level.Loaded == null && !(GameMain.GameSession.GameMode is TestGameMode)) { return; } #else if (GameMain.GameSession == null || Level.Loaded == null) { return; } #endif DelayedObjectives.Remove(objective); AddObjective(objective); callback?.Invoke(); }, delay); DelayedObjectives.Add(objective, coroutine); }
public void CreateAutonomousObjectives() { if (character.IsDead) { #if DEBUG DebugConsole.ThrowError("Attempted to create autonomous orders for a dead character"); #else return; #endif } foreach (var delayedObjective in DelayedObjectives) { CoroutineManager.StopCoroutines(delayedObjective.Value); } DelayedObjectives.Clear(); Objectives.Clear(); FailedAutonomousObjectives = false; AddObjective(new AIObjectiveFindSafety(character, this)); AddObjective(new AIObjectiveIdle(character, this)); int objectiveCount = Objectives.Count; foreach (var autonomousObjective in character.Info.Job.Prefab.AutonomousObjectives) { var orderPrefab = Order.GetPrefab(autonomousObjective.identifier); if (orderPrefab == null) { throw new Exception($"Could not find a matching prefab by the identifier: '{autonomousObjective.identifier}'"); } Item item = null; if (orderPrefab.MustSetTarget) { item = orderPrefab.GetMatchingItems(character.Submarine, mustBelongToPlayerSub: false, requiredTeam: character.Info.TeamID, interactableFor: character)?.GetRandom(); } var order = new Order(orderPrefab, item ?? character.CurrentHull as Entity, orderPrefab.GetTargetItemComponent(item), orderGiver: character); if (order == null) { continue; } if (autonomousObjective.ignoreAtOutpost && Level.IsLoadedOutpost && character.TeamID != CharacterTeamType.FriendlyNPC) { if (Submarine.MainSub != null && Submarine.MainSub.DockedTo.None(s => s.TeamID != CharacterTeamType.FriendlyNPC && s.TeamID != character.TeamID)) { continue; } } var objective = CreateObjective(order, autonomousObjective.option, character, isAutonomous: true, autonomousObjective.priorityModifier); if (objective != null && objective.CanBeCompleted) { AddObjective(objective, delay: Rand.Value() / 2); objectiveCount++; } } _waitTimer = Math.Max(_waitTimer, Rand.Range(0.5f, 1f) * objectiveCount); }