コード例 #1
        public void ProcessExceptionTypes(string excTypeFile)
            string[]      excTypes      = File.ReadAllLines(excTypeFile);
            DefineTracker defineTracker = new DefineTracker(defineConstants, Log, excTypeFile);

            foreach (string def in excTypes)
                if (defineTracker.ProcessLine(def) || !defineTracker.IsActiveSection)

                // E.g., DEFINE_EXCEPTION(g_InteropNS,          MarshalDirectiveException,      false,  COR_E_MARSHALDIRECTIVE)
                if (def.StartsWith("DEFINE_EXCEPTION("))
                    char[]   separators     = { ',', '(', ')', ' ', '\t' };
                    string[] defElements    = def.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    string   classId        = null;
                    string   classNamespace = defElements[1];                   // g_InteropNS
                    string   className      = defElements[2];                   // MarshalDirectiveException
                    AddClass(classNamespace, className, classId);
                    AddMethod(".ctor", classId, classNamespace, className);
コード例 #2
        public void ProcessCoreTypes(string corTypeFile)
            string[]      corTypes      = File.ReadAllLines(corTypeFile);
            DefineTracker defineTracker = new DefineTracker(defineConstants, Log, corTypeFile);

            foreach (string def in corTypes)
                if (defineTracker.ProcessLine(def) || !defineTracker.IsActiveSection)

                // E.g., TYPEINFO(ELEMENT_TYPE_VOID,         "System", "Void",          0,              TYPE_GC_NONE,   false,  true,   false,  false,  false) // 0x01
                if (def.StartsWith("TYPEINFO("))
                    char[]   separators     = { ',', '(', ')', '"', ' ', '\t' };
                    string[] defElements    = def.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    string   classId        = null;
                    string   classNamespace = defElements[2];                   // System
                    string   className      = defElements[3];                   // Void
                    AddClass(classNamespace, className, classId);
コード例 #3
        void ProcessMscorlib(string typeFile)
            string[]      types         = File.ReadAllLines(typeFile);
            DefineTracker defineTracker = new DefineTracker(defineConstants, Log, typeFile);
            string        classId;

            foreach (string def in types)
                if (defineTracker.ProcessLine(def) || !defineTracker.IsActiveSection)

                string[] defElements = null;
                if (def.StartsWith("DEFINE_") || def.StartsWith("// DEFINE_"))
                    char[] separators = { ',', '(', ')', ' ', '\t', '/' };
                    defElements = def.Split(separators, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                if (def.StartsWith("DEFINE_CLASS(") || def.StartsWith("// DEFINE_CLASS("))
                    // E.g., DEFINE_CLASS(APP_DOMAIN,            System,                 AppDomain)
                    classId = defElements[1];                                   // APP_DOMAIN
                    string classNamespace = defElements[2];                     // System
                    string className      = defElements[3];                     // AppDomain
                    AddClass(classNamespace, className, classId);
                else if (def.StartsWith("DEFINE_CLASS_U("))
                    // E.g., DEFINE_CLASS_U(System,                 AppDomain,      AppDomainBaseObject)
                    string classNamespace = defElements[1];                     // System
                    string className      = defElements[2];                     // AppDomain
                    classId = defElements[3];                                   // AppDomainBaseObject
                    // For these classes the sizes of managed and unmanaged classes and field offsets
                    // are compared so we need to preserve all fields.
                    const bool keepAllFields = true;
                    AddClass(classNamespace, className, classId, keepAllFields);
                else if (def.StartsWith("DEFINE_FIELD("))
                    // E.g., DEFINE_FIELD(ACCESS_VIOLATION_EXCEPTION, IP,                _ip)
                    classId = defElements[1];                              // ACCESS_VIOLATION_EXCEPTION
                    string fieldName = defElements[3];                     // _ip
                    AddField(fieldName, classId);
                else if (def.StartsWith("DEFINE_METHOD("))
                    // E.g., DEFINE_METHOD(APP_DOMAIN,           ON_ASSEMBLY_LOAD,       OnAssemblyLoadEvent,        IM_Assembly_RetVoid)
                    string methodName = defElements[3];                     // OnAssemblyLoadEvent
                    classId = defElements[1];                               // APP_DOMAIN
                    AddMethod(methodName, classId);
                else if (def.StartsWith("DEFINE_PROPERTY(") || def.StartsWith("DEFINE_STATIC_PROPERTY("))
                    // E.g., DEFINE_PROPERTY(ARRAY,              LENGTH,                 Length,                     Int)
                    // or    DEFINE_STATIC_PROPERTY(THREAD,      CURRENT_THREAD,         CurrentThread,              Thread)
                    string propertyName = defElements[3];                              // Length or CurrentThread
                    classId = defElements[1];                                          // ARRAY or THREAD
                    AddMethod("get_" + propertyName, classId);
                else if (def.StartsWith("DEFINE_SET_PROPERTY("))
                    // E.g., DEFINE_SET_PROPERTY(THREAD,         UI_CULTURE,             CurrentUICulture,           CultureInfo)
                    string propertyName = defElements[3];                     // CurrentUICulture
                    classId = defElements[1];                                 // THREAD
                    AddMethod("get_" + propertyName, classId);
                    AddMethod("set_" + propertyName, classId);