public bool Load(string Filename) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filename)) { return(false); } if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Filename)) { return(false); } this.Filename = Filename; Clear(); System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(Filename, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader Stream = new BinaryReader(fs); PreviewTex = new Texture2D(0, 0); TexturemapTex = new Texture2D(0, 0); TexturemapTex2 = new Texture2D(0, 0); NormalmapTex = new Texture2D(0, 0); WatermapTex = new Texture2D(0, 0); WaterDataTexture = new Texture2D(0, 0); byte[] TexturemapData = new byte[0]; byte[] TexturemapData2 = new byte[0]; byte[] NormalmapData = new byte[0]; byte[] WatermapData = new byte[0]; int Count = 0; BinaryReader _with1 = Stream; //# Header Section # if (_with1.ReadInt32() == MAP_MAGIC) { VersionMajor = _with1.ReadInt32(); //? always 2 Unknown10 = _with1.ReadInt32(); //? always EDFE EFBE Unknown11 = _with1.ReadInt32(); //? always 2 Unknown16 = _with1.ReadSingle(); //Map Width (in float) Unknown17 = _with1.ReadSingle(); //Map Height (in float) Unknown12 = _with1.ReadSingle(); //? always 0 Unknown13 = _with1.ReadInt16(); //? always 0 PreviewImageLength = _with1.ReadInt32(); PreviewData = _with1.ReadBytes(PreviewImageLength); VersionMinor = _with1.ReadInt32(); if (VersionMinor <= 0) { VersionMinor = 56; } //# Heightmap Section # Width = _with1.ReadInt32(); Height = _with1.ReadInt32(); HeightScale = _with1.ReadSingle(); //Height Scale, usually 1/128 HeightmapData = new ushort[(Height + 1) * (Width + 1)]; for (int i = 0; i < HeightmapData.Length; i++) { HeightmapData[i] = _with1.ReadUInt16(); } //HeightmapData = _with1.ReadInt16Array((Height + 1) * (Width + 1));//TODO: Current saving method gets a memory overload on trying to reload the map here. //heightmap dimension is always 1 more than texture dimension! if (VersionMinor >= 56) { Unknown15 = _with1.ReadByte(); } else { Unknown15 = 0; } //Always 0? //# Texture Definition Section # TerrainShader = _with1.ReadStringNull(); //Terrain Shader, usually "TTerrain" TexPathBackground = _with1.ReadStringNull(); TexPathSkyCubemap = _with1.ReadStringNull(); if (VersionMinor >= 56) { Count = _with1.ReadInt32(); //always 1? EnvCubemapsName = new string[Count]; EnvCubemapsFile = new string[Count]; for (int i = 0; i <= Count - 1; i++) { EnvCubemapsName[i] = _with1.ReadStringNull(); EnvCubemapsFile[i] = _with1.ReadStringNull(); } } else { EnvCubemapsName = new string[3]; EnvCubemapsFile = new string[3]; EnvCubemapsName[0] = "<aeon>"; EnvCubemapsName[1] = "<default>"; EnvCubemapsName[2] = "<seraphim>"; EnvCubemapsFile[0] = "/textures/environment/"; EnvCubemapsFile[1] = _with1.ReadStringNull(); EnvCubemapsFile[2] = "/textures/environment/"; } LightingMultiplier = _with1.ReadSingle(); SunDirection = _with1.ReadVector3(); SunAmbience = _with1.ReadVector3(); SunColor = _with1.ReadVector3(); ShadowFillColor = _with1.ReadVector3(); SpecularColor = _with1.ReadVector4(); Bloom = _with1.ReadSingle(); FogColor = _with1.ReadVector3(); FogStart = _with1.ReadSingle(); FogEnd = _with1.ReadSingle(); Water.Load(Stream); Count = _with1.ReadInt32(); WaveGenerators.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i <= Count - 1; i++) { WaveGenerator WaveGen = new WaveGenerator(); WaveGen.Load(Stream); WaveGenerators.Add(WaveGen); } if (VersionMinor < 56) { _with1.ReadStringNull(); // always "No Tileset" Count = _with1.ReadInt32(); //always 6 for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { Layer Layer = new Layer(); Layer.Load(Stream); Layers.Add(Layer); } for (int i = 5; i <= 8; i++) { Layers.Add(new Layer()); } for (int i = 9; i <= 9; i++) { Layer Layer = new Layer(); Layer.Load(Stream); Layers.Add(Layer); } } else { MinimapContourInterval = _with1.ReadInt32(); int argb = _with1.ReadInt32(); MinimapDeepWaterColor = Int32ToColor(argb); /*int r = (argb)&0xFF; * int g = (argb>>8)&0xFF; * int b = (argb>>16)&0xFF; * int a = (argb>>24)&0xFF; * MinimapDeepWaterColor = new Color(r,g,b,a);*/ int argb2 = _with1.ReadInt32(); /*int r2 = (argb2)&0xFF; * int g2 = (argb2>>8)&0xFF; * int b2 = (argb2>>16)&0xFF; * int a2 = (argb2>>24)&0xFF; * MinimapContourColor = new Color(r2,g2,b2,a2);*/ MinimapContourColor = Int32ToColor(argb2); int argb3 = _with1.ReadInt32(); /*int r3 = (argb3)&0xFF; * int g3 = (argb3>>8)&0xFF; * int b3 = (argb3>>16)&0xFF; * int a3 = (argb3>>24)&0xFF; * MinimapShoreColor = new Color(r3,g3,b3,a3);*/ MinimapShoreColor = Int32ToColor(argb3); int argb4 = _with1.ReadInt32(); /*int r4 = (argb4)&0xFF; * int g4 = (argb4>>8)&0xFF; * int b4 = (argb4>>16)&0xFF; * int a4 = (argb4>>24)&0xFF; * MinimapLandStartColor = new Color(r4,g4,b4,a4);*/ MinimapLandStartColor = Int32ToColor(argb4); int argb5 = _with1.ReadInt32(); /*int r5 = (argb5)&0xFF; * int g5 = (argb5>>8)&0xFF; * int b5 = (argb5>>16)&0xFF; * int a5 = (argb5>>24)&0xFF; * MinimapLandEndColor = new Color(r5,g5,b5,a5);*/ MinimapLandEndColor = Int32ToColor(argb5); if (VersionMinor > 56) { Unknown14 = _with1.ReadSingle(); //Not sure what this is. } Count = 10; for (int i = 0; i <= Count - 1; i++) { Layer Layer = new Layer(); Layer.LoadAlbedo(Stream); Layers.Add(Layer); } for (int i = 0; i <= Count - 2; i++) { Layers[i].LoadNormal(Stream); } } Unknown7 = _with1.ReadInt32(); //? Unknown8 = _with1.ReadInt32(); //? int DecalCount = _with1.ReadInt32(); //Debug.Log(DecalCount); for (int i = 0; i < DecalCount; i++) { Decal Feature = new Decal(); Feature.Load(Stream); Decals.Add(Feature); } int GroupCount = _with1.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i <= GroupCount - 1; i++) { IntegerGroup Group = new IntegerGroup(); Group.Load(Stream); DecalGroups.Add(Group); } _with1.ReadInt32(); //Width again _with1.ReadInt32(); //Height again int Length = 0; int NormalmapCount = _with1.ReadInt32(); //always 1 for (int i = 0; i < NormalmapCount; i++) { Length = _with1.ReadInt32(); if (i == 0) { NormalmapData = _with1.ReadBytes(Length); } else { _with1.BaseStream.Position += Length; // just to make sure that it doesn't crash if it is not just 1 normalmap for some reason } } if (VersionMinor < 56) { _with1.ReadInt32(); } //always 1 Length = _with1.ReadInt32(); TexturemapData = _with1.ReadBytes(Length); if (VersionMinor >= 56) { Length = _with1.ReadInt32(); TexturemapData2 = _with1.ReadBytes(Length); } //Watermap _with1.ReadInt32(); //always 1 Length = _with1.ReadInt32(); WatermapData = _with1.ReadBytes(Length); int HalfSize = (Width / 2) * (Height / 2); WaterFoamMask = _with1.ReadBytes(HalfSize); WaterFlatnessMask = _with1.ReadBytes(HalfSize); WaterDepthBiasMask = _with1.ReadBytes(HalfSize); WaterDataTexture = new Texture2D(Width / 2, Height / 2, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); Color32[] NewColors = new Color32[HalfSize]; for (int i = 0; i < HalfSize; i++) { NewColors[i] = new Color32(WaterFoamMask[i], WaterFlatnessMask[i], WaterDepthBiasMask[i], 0); } WaterDataTexture.SetPixels32(NewColors); WaterDataTexture.Apply(); TerrainTypeData = _with1.ReadBytes(Width * Height); // TerrainTypeData = _with1.ReadBytes(Width * Height).ToList(); if (VersionMinor <= 52) { _with1.ReadInt16(); } //Debug.Log("Scmap file version: " + VersionMinor); if (VersionMinor >= 60) { AdditionalSkyboxData.Load(_with1); } else { ScmapEditor.Current.LoadDefaultSkybox(); } try { int PropCount = _with1.ReadInt32(); //Debug.Log ("PropCount: " + PropCount + ", v" + VersionMinor ); for (int i = 0; i < PropCount; i++) { Prop Prop = new Prop(); Prop.Load(Stream); Props.Add(Prop); //Debug.Log(Prop.BlueprintPath); } } catch { Debug.LogError("Loading props crashed"); } } _with1.Close(); fs.Close(); fs.Dispose(); PreviewTextHeader = GetGamedataFile.GetDdsFormat(PreviewData); PreviewTextHeader.Format = TextureFormat.BGRA32; PreviewTex = TextureLoader.ConvertToRGBA(TextureLoader.LoadTextureDXT(PreviewData, PreviewTextHeader)); try { TextureMapHeader = GetGamedataFile.GetDdsFormat(TexturemapData); TextureMapHeader.Format = TextureFormat.BGRA32; //TexturemapTex = TextureLoader.LoadTextureDXT(TexturemapData, TextureMapHeader); TexturemapTex = TextureLoader.ConvertToRGBA(TextureLoader.LoadTextureDXT(TexturemapData, TextureMapHeader)); TexturemapData = new byte[0]; } catch (Exception e) { TexturemapTex = new Texture2D(Width / 2, Height / 2); Debug.LogException(e); } if (TexturemapData2.Length > 0) { TextureMap2Header = GetGamedataFile.GetDdsFormat(TexturemapData2); TextureMap2Header.Format = TextureFormat.BGRA32; TexturemapTex2 = TextureLoader.ConvertToRGBA(TextureLoader.LoadTextureDXT(TexturemapData2, TextureMap2Header)); TexturemapData2 = new byte[0]; } else { TextureMap2Header = TextureMapHeader; TexturemapTex2 = new Texture2D(Width / 2, Height / 2); Color[] Pixels = TexturemapTex2.GetPixels(); for (int p = 0; p < Pixels.Length; p++) { Pixels[p] = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0); } TexturemapTex2.SetPixels(Pixels); TexturemapTex2.Apply(); } TexturemapTex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; TexturemapTex2.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; NormalmapHeader = GetGamedataFile.GetDdsFormat(NormalmapData); NormalmapHeader.Format = TextureFormat.DXT5; NormalmapTex = TextureLoader.LoadTextureDXT(NormalmapData, NormalmapHeader); NormalmapData = new byte[0]; UncompressedNormalmapTex = new Texture2D(NormalmapTex.width, NormalmapTex.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); UncompressedNormalmapTex.SetPixels(NormalmapTex.GetPixels()); UncompressedNormalmapTex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; UncompressedNormalmapTex.Apply(); try { WatermapHeader = GetGamedataFile.GetDdsFormat(WatermapData); WatermapHeader.Format = TextureFormat.DXT5; WatermapTex = TextureLoader.LoadTextureDXT(WatermapData, WatermapHeader); WatermapData = new byte[0]; } catch (Exception e) { WatermapTex = new Texture2D(Width / 2, Height / 2); Debug.LogException(e); } UncompressedWatermapTex = new Texture2D(WatermapTex.width, WatermapTex.height, TextureFormat.RGBA32, false); UncompressedWatermapTex.SetPixels(WatermapTex.GetPixels()); UncompressedWatermapTex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp; UncompressedWatermapTex.Apply(); if (VersionMinor < 56) { ConvertToV56(); } return(true); }
public bool Load(string Filename) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Filename)) return false; if (!System.IO.File.Exists(Filename)) return false; this.Filename = Filename; Clear(); System.IO.FileStream fs = new System.IO.FileStream(Filename, System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader Stream = new BinaryReader(fs); TexturemapTex = new Texture2D(0,0); TexturemapTex2 = new Texture2D(0,0); NormalmapTex = new Texture2D(0,0); WatermapTex = new Texture2D(0,0); PreviewTex = new Texture2D(0,0); byte[] PreviewData = new byte[0]; byte[] TexturemapData = new byte[0]; byte[] TexturemapData2 = new byte[0]; byte[] NormalmapData = new byte[0]; byte[] WatermapData = new byte[0]; int Count = 0; BinaryReader _with1 = Stream; //# Header Section # if (_with1.ReadInt32() == MAP_MAGIC) { VersionMajor = _with1.ReadInt32(); //? always 2 Unknown10 = _with1.ReadInt32(); //? always EDFE EFBE Unknown11 = _with1.ReadInt32(); //? always 2 _with1.ReadSingle(); //Map Width (in float) _with1.ReadSingle(); //Map Height (in float) Unknown12 = _with1.ReadInt32(); //? always 0 Unknown13 = _with1.ReadInt16(); //? always 0 int ImageLength = _with1.ReadInt32(); PreviewData = _with1.ReadBytes(ImageLength); VersionMinor = _with1.ReadInt32(); if (VersionMinor <= 0) VersionMinor = 56; if (VersionMinor > 56) { Console.WriteLine("This map uses SCMAP file version" + VersionMinor + " which is not yet supported by this editor. I will try to load it with the newest known version (" + 56 + "), but it is very likely to fail or cause errors."); } //# Heightmap Section # Width = _with1.ReadInt32(); Height = _with1.ReadInt32(); HeightScale = _with1.ReadSingle(); //Height Scale, usually 1/128 HeightmapData = _with1.ReadInt16Array((Height + 1) * (Width + 1));//TODO: Current saving method gets a memory overload on trying to reload the map here. //heightmap dimension is always 1 more than texture dimension! if (VersionMinor >= 56) _with1.ReadByte(); //Always 0? //# Texture Definition Section # TerrainShader = _with1.ReadStringNull(); //Terrain Shader, usually "TTerrain" TexPathBackground = _with1.ReadStringNull(); TexPathSkyCubemap = _with1.ReadStringNull(); if (VersionMinor >= 56) { Count = _with1.ReadInt32(); //always 1? EnvCubemapsName = new string[Count]; EnvCubemapsFile = new string[Count]; for (int i = 0; i <= Count - 1; i++) { EnvCubemapsName[i] = _with1.ReadStringNull(); EnvCubemapsFile[i] = _with1.ReadStringNull(); } } else { EnvCubemapsName = new string[2]; EnvCubemapsName[0] = "<default>"; EnvCubemapsFile = new string[2]; EnvCubemapsFile[0] = _with1.ReadStringNull(); } LightingMultiplier = _with1.ReadSingle(); SunDirection = _with1.ReadVector3(); SunAmbience = _with1.ReadVector3(); SunColor = _with1.ReadVector3(); ShadowFillColor = _with1.ReadVector3(); SpecularColor = _with1.ReadVector4(); Bloom = _with1.ReadSingle(); FogColor = _with1.ReadVector3(); FogStart = _with1.ReadSingle(); FogEnd = _with1.ReadSingle(); Water.Load(Stream); Count = _with1.ReadInt32(); WaveGenerators.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i <= Count - 1; i++) { WaveGenerator WaveGen = new WaveGenerator(); WaveGen.Load(Stream); WaveGenerators.Add(WaveGen); } if (VersionMinor < 56) { _with1.ReadStringNull(); // always "No Tileset" Count = _with1.ReadInt32(); //always 6 for (int i = 0; i <= 4; i++) { Layer Layer = new Layer(); Layer.Load(Stream); Layers.Add(Layer); } for (int i = 5; i <= 8; i++) { Layers.Add(new Layer()); } for (int i = 9; i <= 9; i++) { Layer Layer = new Layer(); Layer.Load(Stream); Layers.Add(Layer); } } else { MinimapContourInterval = _with1.ReadInt32(); int argb = _with1.ReadInt32(); int r = (argb)&0xFF; int g = (argb>>8)&0xFF; int b = (argb>>16)&0xFF; int a = (argb>>24)&0xFF; MinimapDeepWaterColor = new Color(r,g,b,a); int argb2 = _with1.ReadInt32(); int r2 = (argb2)&0xFF; int g2 = (argb2>>8)&0xFF; int b2 = (argb2>>16)&0xFF; int a2 = (argb2>>24)&0xFF; MinimapContourColor = new Color(r2,g2,b2,a2); int argb3 = _with1.ReadInt32(); int r3 = (argb3)&0xFF; int g3 = (argb3>>8)&0xFF; int b3 = (argb3>>16)&0xFF; int a3 = (argb3>>24)&0xFF; MinimapShoreColor = new Color(r3,g3,b3,a3); int argb4 = _with1.ReadInt32(); int r4 = (argb4)&0xFF; int g4 = (argb4>>8)&0xFF; int b4 = (argb4>>16)&0xFF; int a4 = (argb4>>24)&0xFF; MinimapLandStartColor = new Color(r4,g4,b4,a4); int argb5 = _with1.ReadInt32(); int r5 = (argb5)&0xFF; int g5 = (argb5>>8)&0xFF; int b5 = (argb5>>16)&0xFF; int a5 = (argb5>>24)&0xFF; MinimapLandEndColor = new Color(r5,g5,b5,a5); if (VersionMinor > 56) { Unknown14 = _with1.ReadSingle(); //Not sure what this is. } Count = 10; for (int i = 0; i <= Count - 1; i++) { Layer Layer = new Layer(); Layer.LoadAlbedo(Stream); Layers.Add(Layer); } for (int i = 0; i <= Count - 2; i++) { Layers[i].LoadNormal(Stream); } } Unknown7 = _with1.ReadInt32(); //? Unknown8 = _with1.ReadInt32(); //? int DecalCount = _with1.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i <= DecalCount - 1; i++) { Decal Feature = new Decal(); Feature.Load(Stream); Decals.Add(Feature); } int GroupCount = _with1.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i <= GroupCount - 1; i++) { IntegerGroup Group = new IntegerGroup(); Group.Load(Stream); DecalGroups.Add(Group); } _with1.ReadInt32(); //Width again _with1.ReadInt32(); //Height again int Length = 0; int NormalmapCount = _with1.ReadInt32(); //always 1 for (int i = 0; i <= NormalmapCount - 1; i++) { Length = _with1.ReadInt32(); if (i == 0) { NormalmapData = _with1.ReadBytes(Length); } else { _with1.BaseStream.Position += Length; // just to make sure that it doesn't crash if it is not just 1 normalmap for some reason } } if (VersionMinor < 56) _with1.ReadInt32(); //always 1 Length = _with1.ReadInt32(); TexturemapData = _with1.ReadBytes(Length); if (VersionMinor >= 56) { Length = _with1.ReadInt32(); TexturemapData2 = _with1.ReadBytes(Length); } //Watermap _with1.ReadInt32(); //always 1 Length = _with1.ReadInt32(); WatermapData = _with1.ReadBytes(Length); int HalfSize = (Width / 2) * (Height / 2); WaterFoamMask = _with1.ReadBytes(HalfSize); WaterFlatnessMask = _with1.ReadBytes(HalfSize); WaterDepthBiasMask = _with1.ReadBytes(HalfSize); TerrainTypeData = _with1.ReadBytes(Width * Height); if (VersionMinor <= 52) _with1.ReadInt16(); //always 0 int PropCount = _with1.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i <= PropCount - 1; i++) { Prop Prop = new Prop(); Prop.Load(Stream); Props.Add(Prop); } } _with1.Close(); fs.Close(); fs.Dispose(); PreviewTex = TextureLoader.LoadTextureDXT(PreviewData,TextureFormat.DXT5);//.LoadImage(PreviewData);// = Texture.FromMemory(Device, PreviewData, 256, 256, 1, Usage.None, Format.A8R8G8B8, Pool.Scratch, Filter.None, Filter.None, 0); PreviewData = new byte[0]; // PreviewBitmap = TextureToBitmap(PreviewTex); TexturemapTex = TextureLoader.LoadTextureDXT(TexturemapData,TextureFormat.RGBA32);//.LoadImage(TexturemapData);// = Texture.FromMemory(Device, TexturemapData, Width / 2, Height / 2, 1, Usage.None, Format.A8R8G8B8, Pool.Scratch, Filter.None, Filter.None, 0); TexturemapData = new byte[0]; if (TexturemapData2.Length > 0) { TexturemapTex2 = TextureLoader.LoadTextureDXT(TexturemapData2,TextureFormat.ARGB32);//.LoadImage(TexturemapData2);// = Texture.FromMemory(Device, TexturemapData2, Width / 2, Height / 2, 1, Usage.None, Format.A8R8G8B8, Pool.Scratch, Filter.None, Filter.None, 0); TexturemapData2 = new byte[0]; } else { TexturemapTex2 = new Texture2D(Width/2,Height/2);//(Device, Width / 2, Height / 2, 1, Usage.None, Format.A8R8G8B8, Pool.Managed); } NormalmapTex = TextureLoader.LoadTextureDXT(NormalmapData,TextureFormat.DXT5);//.LoadImage(NormalmapData);// = Texture.FromMemory(Device, NormalmapData, Width, Height, 1, Usage.None, Format.Dxt5, Pool.Scratch, Filter.None, Filter.None, 0); NormalmapData = new byte[0]; WatermapTex = TextureLoader.LoadTextureDXT(WatermapData,TextureFormat.DXT5);//.LoadImage(WatermapData);// = Texture.FromMemory(Device, WatermapData, Width / 2, Height / 2, 1, Usage.None, Format.Dxt5, Pool.Scratch, Filter.None, Filter.None, 0); WatermapData = new byte[0]; return true; }