public static bool launch(string parentFormTitle) { try { if (isGuiLoaded()) { PublicDI.log.error("There is already a GUI loaded and only one can be loaded"); return(false); } parentFormTitle = ClickOnceDeployment.getFormTitle_forClickOnce(parentFormTitle); //new O2DockPanel(); O2Thread.staThread(() => new O2DockPanel()); var maxTimeToWaitForGuiCreation = 20000; if (O2DockPanel.guiLoaded.WaitOne(maxTimeToWaitForGuiCreation)) { O2AscxGUI.o2GuiWithDockPanel.invokeOnThread(() => O2AscxGUI.o2GuiWithDockPanel.Text = parentFormTitle); return(true); } if (false == DebugMsg.IsDebuggerAttached()) { //PublicDI.log.reportCriticalErrorToO2Developers(null, null, "from O2AscxGUI: GUI was not available after 20 seconds"); PublicDI.log.error("from O2AscxGUI: GUI was not available after 20 seconds"); } return(false); } catch (Exception) { return(false); } }
public static O2DockContent addAscxControlToO2GuiWithDockPanelWithDockState(Type ascxControlToLoad, DockState dockState, String name, bool showControl) { if (O2AscxGUI.o2GuiWithDockPanel == null) { PublicDI.log.error(" in addAscxControlToO2GuiWithDockPanelWithDockState o2GuiWithDockPanel was null, so aborting load of {0}", ascxControlToLoad.FullName); return(null); } var o2DocContent = new O2DockContent(ascxControlToLoad, dockState, name); // add it as soon as possible to this list (in case there is a request for it from another thread) O2DockUtils.addO2DockContentToDIGlobalVar(o2DocContent); if (showControl) { //add content to DockPanel (in a thread safe way) showO2DockContentInDockPanel(o2DocContent); // wait for control to be loaded if (false == DebugMsg.IsDebuggerAttached()) { o2DocContent.controlLoadedIntoGui.WaitOne(); } else if (false == o2DocContent.controlLoadedIntoGui.WaitOne(10000)) { PublicDI.log.error("Failed to load control {0} in 10 sec",; } } return(o2DocContent); }
public static bool close() { if (isGuiLoaded()) { try { if (O2AscxGUI.o2GuiWithDockPanel.okThread(delegate { close(); })) { // before we close this we need to remove all loaded Ascx from the O2AscxGUI.dO2LoadedO2DockContent O2AscxGUI.dO2LoadedO2DockContent.Clear(); // now close the GUI O2AscxGUI.o2GuiWithDockPanel.Close(); //O2AscxGUI.o2GuiWithDockPanel.Dispose(); } } catch (Exception ex) { PublicDI.log.ex(ex, "in O2AscxGUI.close"); return(false); } } if (O2AscxGUI.o2GuiWithDockPanel == null) { return(true); } if (false == DebugMsg.IsDebuggerAttached()) { waitForAscxGuiClose(5000); } else { waitForAscxGuiClose(); }"Gui Closed"); return(true); }