public override string getPeopleListMetadata() { try { XmlNode node = searchData.SelectSingleNode("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/prns:numberOfConnections", namespaceManager); Int32 resultSize = Convert.ToInt32(node.InnerText); if (resultSize == 1) { return("" + resultSize + " profile"); } else if (resultSize <= searchLimit) { return("" + resultSize + " profiles"); } else { return("top " + searchLimit + " profiles"); } } catch (Exception e) { DebugLogging.Log(e.Message); } return("Error reading results"); }
public void PutSocket(CustomSocket socket) { DebugLogging.Log("Put Socket -> Pool size: " + availableSockets.Count.ToString()); lock (availableSockets) { TimeSpan socketLifeTime = DateTime.Now.Subtract(socket.TimeCreated); if (availableSockets.Count < POOL_MAX_SIZE && socketLifeTime.Seconds < EXPIRE_SECONDS) { if (socket != null) { if (socket.Connected) { availableSockets.Enqueue(socket); DebugLogging.Log("Socket Queued -> Pool size: " + availableSockets.Count.ToString()); } else { socket.Close(); } } } else { socket.Close(); DebugLogging.Log("PutSocket - Socket is forced " + "to closed -> Pool size: " + availableSockets.Count.ToString()); } } }
public CustomSocket GetSocket() { DebugLogging.Log("Get Socket -> Pool size: " + availableSockets.Count.ToString()); if (availableSockets.Count > 0) { lock (availableSockets) { CustomSocket socket = null; while (availableSockets.Count > 0) { socket = availableSockets.Dequeue(); if (socket.Connected) { DebugLogging.Log("Socket Dequeued -> Pool size: " + availableSockets.Count.ToString()); return(socket); } else { socket.Close(); System.Threading.Interlocked.Decrement(ref SocketCounter); DebugLogging.Log("GetSocket -- Close -- Count: " + SocketCounter.ToString()); } } } } return(ConnectSocket()); }
public override string getCallbackResponse() { try { searchRequest.SelectSingleNode("/SearchOptions/OutputOptions/Offset").InnerText = "0"; searchRequest.SelectSingleNode("/SearchOptions/OutputOptions/Limit").InnerText = "500"; XmlDocument searchData = new Profiles.Search.Utilities.DataIO().Search(searchRequest, false, false); DebugLogging.Log("SeachCallbackResponse :" + searchRequest.ToString()); List <string> peopleURIs = new List <string>(); XmlNodeList people = searchData.GetElementsByTagName("rdf:object"); for (int i = 0; i < people.Count; i++) { peopleURIs.Add(people[i].Attributes["rdf:resource"].Value); } if (peopleURIs.Count > 0) { return(BuildJSONPersonIds(peopleURIs, "" + peopleURIs.Count + " people found")); } } catch (Exception e) { DebugLogging.Log(e.Message); } return(null); }
public static void LoadProfile(string profile) { if (IsCurrentProfile(profile)) { return; } string sProfilePath = string.Empty; if (profile.Contains("Loader")) { sProfilePath = XmlLoaderProfile; } else { sProfilePath = DataPath + @"\" + profile; } if (sProfilePath == null || profile == null) { DebugLogging.Log("[LoadProfile] Failed to Load Profile, file: " + sProfilePath); return; } try { DebugLogging.Log("[LoadProfile] Load Profile, file: " + sProfilePath); ProfileManager.Load(sProfilePath); } catch { } }
public object Search(queryrequest xml) { SemWeb.Query.Query query = null; string q = string.Empty; try { query = new SparqlEngine(new StringReader(xml.query)); } catch (QueryFormatException ex) { var malformed = new malformedquery(); malformed.faultdetails = ex.Message; return(malformed); } // Load the data from sql server SemWeb.Stores.SQLStore store; string connstr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SemWebDB"].ConnectionString; DebugLogging.Log(connstr); store = (SemWeb.Stores.SQLStore)SemWeb.Store.CreateForInput(connstr); //Create a Sink for the results to be writen once the query is run. MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); XmlTextWriter writer = new XmlTextWriter(ms, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); QueryResultSink sink = new SparqlXmlQuerySink(writer); try { // Run the query. query.Run(store, sink); } catch (Exception ex) { // Run the query. query.Run(store, sink); DebugLogging.Log("Run the query a second time"); DebugLogging.Log(ex.Message); } //flush the writer then load the memory stream writer.Flush(); ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); //Write the memory stream out to the response. ASCIIEncoding ascii = new ASCIIEncoding(); DebugLogging.Log(ascii.GetString(ms.ToArray()).Replace("???", "")); writer.Close(); DebugLogging.Log("End of Processing"); return(SerializeXML.DeserializeObject(ascii.GetString(ms.ToArray()).Replace("???", ""), typeof(sparql)) as sparql); }
public bool IsVisible() { // always have turned on for Profile/Display.aspx because we want to generate the "profile was viewed" in Javascript (bot proof) // regardless of any gadgets being visible, and we need this to be True for the shindig javascript libraries to load bool retval = shindigURL != null && (GetVisibleGadgets().Count > 0); DebugLogging.Log("OpenSocialIsVisible = " + retval); return retval; }
private string BuildJSONPersonIds(string uri) { DebugLogging.Log("BuildJSONPersonIds " + uri); List <string> personIds = new List <string>(); personIds.Add(uri); return(BuildJSONPersonIds(personIds)); }
public static string BuildJSONPersonIds(string uri, string message) { DebugLogging.Log("BuildJSONPersonIds " + uri + " : " + message); List <string> personIds = new List <string>(); personIds.Add(uri); return(BuildJSONPersonIds(personIds, message)); }
private static string SocketSendReceive(string viewer, string owner, string gadget) { // These keys need to match what you see in edu.ucsf.profiles.shindig.service.SecureTokenGeneratorService in Shindig string request = "c=default" + (viewer != null ? "&v=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(viewer) : "") + (owner != null ? "&o=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(owner) : "") + "&u=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(gadget) + "\r\n"; Byte[] bytesSent = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(request); Byte[] bytesReceived = new Byte[256]; // Create a socket connection with the specified server and port. //Socket s = ConnectSocket(tokenService[0], Int32.Parse(tokenService[1])); // during startup we might fail a few times, so be will to retry string page = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 3 && page.Length == 0; i++) { CustomSocket s = null; try { s = sockets.GetSocket(); if (s == null) { return("Connection failed"); } // Send request to the server. DebugLogging.Log("Sending Bytes"); s.Send(bytesSent, bytesSent.Length, 0); // Receive the server home page content. int bytes = 0; // The following will block until te page is transmitted. do { DebugLogging.Log("Receiving Bytes"); bytes = s.Receive(bytesReceived, bytesReceived.Length, 0); page = page + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytesReceived, 0, bytes); DebugLogging.Log("Socket Page=" + page + "|"); }while (page.Length == page.TrimEnd().Length&& bytes > 0); } catch (Exception ex) { DebugLogging.Log("Socket Error :" + ex.Message); page = ""; } finally { if (sockets != null) { sockets.PutSocket(s); } } } return(page.TrimEnd()); }
public static string CallORNGRPC(string guid, string channel, string opt_params) { DebugLogging.Log("CallORNGRPC " + guid + ":" + channel); ORNGRPCService responder = ORNGRPCService.GetRPCService(new Guid(guid), channel); string retval = responder != null?, opt_params) : null; DebugLogging.Log("CallORNGRPC " + (responder == null ? "ORNGRPCService not found! guid =" : guid)); return(retval != null ? retval : ""); }
public static string CallORNGResponder(string guid, string request) { DebugLogging.Log("OpenSocialManager CallORNGResponder " + guid + ":" + request); ORNGCallbackResponder responder = ORNGCallbackResponder.GetORNGCallbackResponder(new Guid(guid), request); string retval = responder != null?responder.getCallbackResponse() : null; DebugLogging.Log("OpenSocialManager CallORNGResponder " + (responder == null ? "CallbackReponder not found! " : retval)); return(retval); }
public static string CallORNGRPC(string guid, string request) { DebugLogging.Log("CallORNGRPC " + guid + ":" + request); ORNGRPCService responder = ORNGRPCService.GetRPCService(new Guid(guid)); string retval = responder != null? : null; DebugLogging.Log("CallORNGRPC " + (responder == null ? "ORNGRPCService not found! guid =" : guid)); return(retval != null ? retval : ""); }
public ORNGRPCService(string uri, Page page, bool editMode, string[] chnls) { = OpenSocialManager.GetOpenSocialManager(uri, page, false); this.channels.AddRange(chnls); // Add to Session so that it does not get prematurely garbage collected HttpContext.Current.Session[KEY_PREFIX + ":" + om.GetGuid().ToString()] = this; managers.Add(new WeakReference(this)); DebugLogging.Log("ORNGRPCService created :" + om.GetGuid().ToString() + " channels " + this.channels.ToString()); }
public static void LeaveGame() { DebugLogging.Log("LeaveGame"); LoadProfile("UberBotLeaveGame.xml"); MyUsedProfiles.Clear(); UberBot.MyRunInfos.GameCount++; UberBot.MyRunInfos.LastProfile = 0; }
internal string GetSecurityToken(String gadgetURL) { if (Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["DEBUG"]) == true) { Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start(); string retval = SocketSendReceive(GetViewerURI(), GetOwnerURI(), gadgetURL); sw.Stop(); socketTime += sw.Elapsed.TotalSeconds; DebugLogging.Log("Average socket = " + (socketTime / socketCounter++) + ", Elapsed = " + sw.Elapsed); return retval; } else { return SocketSendReceive(GetViewerURI(), GetOwnerURI(), gadgetURL); } }
public void LoadAssets() { // Only do this once per page, and do it only for the last request! // should synchronize int currentCount = (int)page.Items[OPENSOCIAL_PAGE_REQUESTS]; page.Items[OPENSOCIAL_PAGE_REQUESTS] = --currentCount; DebugLogging.Log("OpenSocialCurrentCount = " + currentCount); if (!IsVisible() || currentCount > 0) { return; } // trigger the javascript to render gadgets HtmlGenericControl body = (HtmlGenericControl)page.Master.FindControl("bodyMaster"); body.Attributes.Add("onload", "my.init();"); HtmlLink gadgetscss = new HtmlLink(); gadgetscss.Href = Root.Domain + "/ORNG/CSS/gadgets.css"; gadgetscss.Attributes["rel"] = "stylesheet"; gadgetscss.Attributes["type"] = "text/css"; gadgetscss.Attributes["media"] = "all"; page.Header.Controls.Add(gadgetscss); HtmlGenericControl containerjs = new HtmlGenericControl("script"); containerjs.Attributes.Add("type", "text/javascript"); containerjs.Attributes.Add("src", GetContainerJavascriptSrc()); page.Header.Controls.Add(containerjs); HtmlGenericControl gadgetjs = new HtmlGenericControl("script"); gadgetjs.Attributes.Add("type", "text/javascript"); gadgetjs.InnerHtml = GetGadgetJavascipt(); page.Header.Controls.Add(gadgetjs); HtmlGenericControl shindigjs = new HtmlGenericControl("script"); shindigjs.Attributes.Add("type", "text/javascript"); shindigjs.Attributes.Add("src", Root.Domain + "/ORNG/JavaScript/orng.js"); page.Header.Controls.Add(shindigjs); }
public static ORNGRPCService GetRPCService(Guid guid) { DebugLogging.Log("ORNGRPCService guid :" + guid); ORNGRPCService retval = null; foreach (WeakReference wr in managers.ToArray <WeakReference>()) { if (wr.Target == null) { DebugLogging.Log("ORNGRPCService removing WeakReference :" + wr); managers.Remove(wr); } else if (guid.Equals(((ORNGRPCService)wr.Target).om.GetGuid())) { retval = wr.Target as ORNGRPCService; } } return(retval); }
public static ORNGCallbackResponder GetORNGCallbackResponder(Guid guid, string request) { DebugLogging.Log("GetORNGCallbackResponder guid :" + guid + ":" + request); ORNGCallbackResponder retval = null; foreach (WeakReference wr in managers.ToArray <WeakReference>()) { if (wr.Target == null) { DebugLogging.Log("GetORNGCallbackResponder removing WeakReference :" + wr); managers.Remove(wr); } else if (request.Equals(((ORNGCallbackResponder)wr.Target).requestToRespondTo) && guid.Equals(((ORNGCallbackResponder)wr.Target).om.GetGuid())) { retval = wr.Target as ORNGCallbackResponder; } } return(retval); }
private List <GadgetSpec> GetGadgetSpecifications() { DebugLogging.Log("OpenSocialManager GetAllDBGadgets " + !noCache); Dictionary <string, GadgetSpec> allDBGadgets = GetAllDBGadgets(!noCache); List <GadgetSpec> gadgetSpecs = new List <GadgetSpec>(); // if someone used the sandbox to log in, grab those gadgets, and only those gadget. // if a gadget with the same file name is in the DB, merge it in so that we can inherit it's configuruation if (page.Session != null && (string)page.Session[ORNG_GADGETS] != null) { // Add sandbox gadgets if there are any // Note that this block of code only gets executed after someone logs in with GadgetSandbox.aspx! String openSocialGadgetURLS = (string)page.Session[ORNG_GADGETS]; String[] urls = openSocialGadgetURLS.Split(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); for (int i = 0; i < urls.Length; i++) { String openSocialGadgetURL = urls[i]; if (openSocialGadgetURL.Length == 0) { continue; } GadgetSpec sandboxGadget = new GadgetSpec(openSocialGadgetURL); // see if we have a gadget with the same file name in the DB, if so use its configuration if (allDBGadgets.ContainsKey(sandboxGadget.GetFileName())) { GadgetSpec gadget = allDBGadgets[sandboxGadget.GetFileName()]; gadget.MergeWithUnrecognizedGadget(sandboxGadget); gadgetSpecs.Add(gadget); } else { gadgetSpecs.Add(sandboxGadget); } } } else { // the normal use case // just add in the db gadgets gadgetSpecs.AddRange(allDBGadgets.Values); } return(gadgetSpecs); }
public SocketConnectionPool(string server, int port, int minConnections, int maxConnections, int expire, int timeout) { this.POOL_MAX_SIZE = maxConnections; this.POOL_MIN_SIZE = minConnections; this.EXPIRE_SECONDS = expire; this.RECIEVE_TIMEOUT = timeout; this.server = server; this.port = port; this.availableSockets = new Queue <CustomSocket>(); for (int i = 0; i < minConnections; i++) { CustomSocket cachedSocket = ConnectSocket(); PutSocket(cachedSocket); } DebugLogging.Log("Connection Pool is initialized" + " with Max Number of " + POOL_MAX_SIZE.ToString() + " And Min number of " + availableSockets.Count.ToString()); }
private static void LegendaryCheck() { if (IsLegendaryOnFloor) { if (!LegendaryDropped) { LegendaryDropped = true; Logging.Log("Legendary dropped !"); DebugLogging.Log("[LegendaryCheck] " + ItemState(LegendaryObject)); } if (OrganObject != null && OrganObject.Position != BlankVector) { Navigator.MoveTo(OrganObject.Position, ItemState(LegendaryObject)); } } else if (LegendaryDropped) { Logging.Log("Legendary acquired !"); LegendaryDropped = false; } }
private static void OrganCheck() { if (IsOrganOnFloor) { if (!OrganDropped) { OrganDropped = true; Logging.Log("Uber Organ dropped !"); DebugLogging.Log("[OrganCheck] " + ItemState(OrganObject)); } if (OrganObject != null && OrganObject.Position != BlankVector) { Navigator.MoveTo(OrganObject.Position, ItemState(OrganObject)); } } else if (OrganDropped) { Logging.Log("Uber Organ acquired !"); OrganDropped = false; } }
public override List <string> getPeople() { try { List <string> peopleURIs = new List <string>(); int offSet = 0; Boolean hasMorePeople = true; while (peopleURIs.Count < searchLimit && hasMorePeople) { searchRequest.SelectSingleNode("/SearchOptions/OutputOptions/Offset").InnerText = "" + offSet; searchRequest.SelectSingleNode("/SearchOptions/OutputOptions/Limit").InnerText = "" + searchLimit; XmlDocument searchData = new Profiles.Search.Utilities.DataIO().Search(searchRequest, false, false); DebugLogging.Log("SeachCallbackResponse :" + searchRequest.ToString()); XmlNodeList people = searchData.GetElementsByTagName("rdf:object"); for (int i = 0; i < people.Count; i++) { peopleURIs.Add(people[i].Attributes["rdf:resource"].Value); } // increase offset by amount found XmlNode node = searchData.SelectSingleNode("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/prns:numberOfConnections", namespaceManager); offSet += people.Count; hasMorePeople = Convert.ToInt32(node.InnerText) > peopleURIs.Count; } if (peopleURIs.Count > 0) { return(peopleURIs); } } catch (Exception e) { DebugLogging.Log(e.Message); } return(null); }
private OpenSocialManager(string ownerUri, Page page, bool editMode) { this.guid = Guid.NewGuid(); this.isDebug = page.Session != null && page.Session[ORNG_DEBUG] != null && (bool)page.Session[ORNG_DEBUG]; this.noCache = page.Session != null && page.Session[ORNG_NOCACHE] != null && (bool)page.Session[ORNG_NOCACHE]; = page; this.pageName = page.AppRelativeVirtualPath.Substring(2).ToLower(); DebugLogging.Log("Creating OpenSocialManager for " + ownerUri + ", " + pageName); if (shindigURL == null) { // do nothing return; } this.ownerUri = ownerUri; // in editMode we need to set the viewer to be the same as the owner // otherwise, the gadget will not be able to save appData correctly if (editMode) { viewerUri = ownerUri; } else { Profiles.Framework.Utilities.SessionManagement sm = new Profiles.Framework.Utilities.SessionManagement(); // if they have a Profile, use the Profile URI otherwise use the User URI. This allows admins and other folks without profile pages to use gadgets if (sm.Session().PersonURI != null && sm.Session().PersonURI.Trim().Length > 0) { viewerUri = sm.Session().PersonURI; } else { viewerUri = sm.Session().UserURI; } if (viewerUri != null && viewerUri.Trim().Length == 0) { viewerUri = null; } } string requestAppId = page.Request.QueryString["appId"]; foreach (GadgetSpec gadgetSpec in GetGadgetSpecifications()) { // only add ones that are visible in this context! if (((requestAppId == null && gadgetSpec.IsEnabled()) || gadgetSpec.GetAppId() == Convert.ToInt32(requestAppId)) && gadgetSpec.Show(viewerUri, ownerUri, GetPageName())) { gadgets.Add(new PreparedGadget(gadgetSpec, this)); } } // if we are in edit mode, clear the cache if (editMode) { ClearOwnerCache(); } // sort the gadgets DebugLogging.Log("Visible Gadget Count : " + gadgets.Count); gadgets.Sort(); }
private void DrawProfilesModule() { XsltArgumentList args = new XsltArgumentList(); long offset = 0; long perpage = 0; long totalcount = 0; long totalpageremainder = 0; long totalpages = 0; long startrecord = 0; long page = 0; string searchfor = ""; string classgroupuri = ""; string classuri = ""; string fname = ""; string lname = ""; string institution = ""; string department = ""; string division = ""; string sort = ""; string sortdirection = ""; string searchrequest = ""; XmlDocument xmlsearchrequest; xmlsearchrequest = new XmlDocument(); Int16 showcolumns = 0; string otherfilters = ""; string institutionallexcept = string.Empty; string departmentallexcept = string.Empty; string divisionallexcept = string.Empty; string exactphrase = "false"; // UCSF default value to allow old Mini Search to work string searchtype = ""; Search.Utilities.DataIO data = new Profiles.Search.Utilities.DataIO(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["searchrequest"]) == false) { searchrequest = data.DecryptRequest(Request.QueryString["searchrequest"]); xmlsearchrequest.LoadXml(searchrequest); } else if (Session["searchrequest"] != null) { searchrequest = Session["searchrequest"].ToString(); xmlsearchrequest.LoadXml(searchrequest); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(base.MasterPage.SearchRequest) == false) { searchrequest = data.DecryptRequest(base.MasterPage.SearchRequest); xmlsearchrequest.LoadXml(searchrequest); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["searchtype"]) == false) { searchtype = Request.QueryString["searchtype"]; } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["searchtype"]) == false) { searchtype = Request.Form["searchtype"]; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["searchfor"]) == false) { searchfor = Request.QueryString["searchfor"]; //exactphrase = Request.QueryString["exactphrase"]; This is causing a bug. We test and set this if present later in this block anyway } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["txtSearchFor"]) == false) { searchfor = Request.Form["txtSearchFor"]; } else if (xmlsearchrequest.ChildNodes.Count > 0) { try { searchfor = xmlsearchrequest.SelectSingleNode("SearchOptions/MatchOptions/SearchString").InnerText; } catch (Exception) { // Do nothing, leave searchfor = null } } if (searchfor == null) { searchfor = string.Empty; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["lname"]) == false) { lname = Request.QueryString["lname"]; } else { lname = Request.Form["txtLname"]; } if (lname == null) { lname = string.Empty; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["fname"]) == false) { fname = Request.QueryString["fname"]; } else { fname = Request.Form["txtFname"]; } if (fname == null) { fname = string.Empty; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["institution"]) == false) { institution = Request.QueryString["institution"]; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["department"]) == false) { department = Request.QueryString["department"]; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["division"]) == false) { division = Request.QueryString["division"]; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["perpage"]) == false) { perpage = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["perpage"]); if (!(perpage > 0)) { perpage = 15; } //if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["perpage"])==false) // perpage = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["perpage"]); //else // perpage = 15; } else { perpage = 15; //default } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["offset"]) == false) { offset = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["offset"]); //if (Request.QueryString["offset"] != string.Empty) // offset = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["offset"]); //else // offset = 0; } else { offset = 0; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["page"]) == false) { page = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["page"]); if (!(page > 0)) { page = 1; } //if (Request.QueryString["page"] != string.Empty) // page = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["page"]); //else // page = 1; } else { page = 1; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["classgroupuri"]) == false) { classgroupuri = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["classgroupuri"]); } else { classgroupuri = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.Form["classgroupuri"]); } if (classgroupuri != null) { if (classgroupuri.Contains("!")) { classgroupuri = classgroupuri.Replace('!', '#'); } } else { classgroupuri = string.Empty; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["classuri"]) == false) { classuri = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["classuri"]); } else { classuri = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.Form["classuri"]); } if (classuri != null) { if (classuri.Contains("!")) { classuri = classuri.Replace('!', '#'); } } else { classuri = string.Empty; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["sortby"]) == false) { sort = Request.QueryString["sortby"]; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["sortdirection"]) == false) { sortdirection = Request.QueryString["sortdirection"]; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["showcolumns"]) == false) { showcolumns = Convert.ToInt16(Request.QueryString["showcolumns"]); } else { showcolumns = 1; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["otherfilters"]) == false) { otherfilters = Request.QueryString["otherfilters"]; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["institutionallexcept"]) == false) { institutionallexcept = Request.QueryString["institutionallexcept"]; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["departmentallexcept"]) == false) { departmentallexcept = Request.QueryString["departmentallexcept"]; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["divisionallexcept"]) == false) { divisionallexcept = Request.QueryString["divisionallexcept"]; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["exactphrase"]) == false) { exactphrase = Request.QueryString["exactphrase"]; } try { totalcount = data.GetTotalSearchConnections(this.SearchData, base.Namespaces); if (page < 0) { page = 1; } totalpages = Math.DivRem(totalcount, Convert.ToInt64(perpage), out totalpageremainder); if (totalpageremainder > 0) { totalpages = totalpages + 1; } if (page > totalpages) { page = totalpages; } startrecord = ((Convert.ToInt32(page) * Convert.ToInt32(perpage)) + 1) - Convert.ToInt32(perpage); if (startrecord < 0) { startrecord = 1; } if (searchrequest.Trim() != string.Empty) { searchrequest = data.EncryptRequest(searchrequest); } List <GenericListItem> g = new List <GenericListItem>(); g = data.GetListOfFilters(); if (otherfilters.IsNullOrEmpty() && base.BaseData.SelectSingleNode("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/vivo:overview/SearchOptions/MatchOptions/SearchFiltersList/SearchFilter[@Property='']", base.Namespaces) != null) { string s = string.Empty; foreach (XmlNode x in base.BaseData.SelectSingleNode("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/vivo:overview/SearchOptions/MatchOptions/SearchFiltersList/SearchFilter[@Property='']", base.Namespaces)) { s = data.GetConvertedURIListItem(g, x.InnerText); otherfilters += "," + s; } } switch (searchtype.ToLower()) { case "everything": xmlsearchrequest = data.SearchRequest(searchfor, exactphrase, classgroupuri, classuri, perpage.ToString(), (startrecord - 1).ToString()); break; default: xmlsearchrequest = data.SearchRequest(searchfor, exactphrase, fname, lname, institution, institutionallexcept, department, departmentallexcept, division, divisionallexcept, "", perpage.ToString(), (startrecord - 1).ToString(), sort, sortdirection, otherfilters, "", true, ref searchrequest); HttpContext.Current.Session["PERSON-SEARCH-ADD"] = "true"; break; } this.SearchData = data.Search(xmlsearchrequest, false); this.SearchRequest = data.EncryptRequest(xmlsearchrequest.OuterXml); base.MasterPage.SearchRequest = this.SearchRequest; base.MasterPage.RDFData = this.SearchData; base.MasterPage.RDFNamespaces = this.Namespaces; // only shows these if we are not doing an everything search, or we are looking at people in the everything search if (!"everything".Equals(searchtype.ToLower()) || "".Equals(classgroupuri)) { new ORNGSearchRPCService(Page, this.SearchData, xmlsearchrequest, this.Namespaces); } } catch (DisallowedSearchException se) { litEverythingResults.Text = se.Message; return; } catch (Exception ex) { ex = ex; DebugLogging.Log("ERROR" + ex.Message); //for now just flip it back to the defaults. This is if someone keys some funky divide by zero stuff in the URL // to try and break the system. startrecord = 1; perpage = 15; } args.AddParam("root", "", Root.Domain); args.AddParam("perpage", "", perpage); args.AddParam("offset", "", offset); args.AddParam("totalpages", "", totalpages); args.AddParam("page", "", page); args.AddParam("searchfor", "", searchfor); args.AddParam("exactphrase", "", exactphrase); args.AddParam("classGrpURIpassedin", "", classgroupuri); args.AddParam("classURIpassedin", "", classuri); args.AddParam("searchrequest", "", this.SearchRequest); switch (searchtype.ToLower()) { case "everything": litEverythingResults.Text = XslHelper.TransformInMemory(Server.MapPath("~/Search/Modules/SearchResults/EverythingResults.xslt"), args, this.SearchData.OuterXml); break; case "people": args.AddParam("showcolumns", "", showcolumns.ToString()); if ((showcolumns & 1) == 1) { args.AddParam("institution", "", "true"); } else { args.AddParam("institution", "", "false"); } if ((showcolumns & 2) == 2) { args.AddParam("department", "", "true"); } else { args.AddParam("department", "", "false"); } if ((showcolumns & 8) == 8) { args.AddParam("facrank", "", "true"); } else { args.AddParam("facrank", "", "false"); } //Profiles.Search.Utilities.DataIO dropdowns = new Profiles.Search.Utilities.DataIO(); if (Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ShowInstitutions"]) == true) { args.AddParam("ShowInstitutions", "", "true"); } else { args.AddParam("ShowInstitutions", "", "false"); } if (Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ShowDepartments"]) == true) { args.AddParam("ShowDepartments", "", "true"); } else { args.AddParam("ShowDepartments", "", "false"); } //Faculty Rank always shows args.AddParam("ShowFacRank", "", "true"); args.AddParam("currentsort", "", sort); args.AddParam("currentsortdirection", "", sortdirection); if (base.BaseData.SelectNodes("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/vivo:overview/SearchDetails/SearchPhraseList", base.Namespaces).Count > 0) { args.AddParam("why", "", true); } else { args.AddParam("why", "", false); } litEverythingResults.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(XslHelper.TransformInMemory(Server.MapPath("~/Search/Modules/SearchResults/PeopleResults.xslt"), args, this.SearchData.OuterXml)); break; } }
private void DrawProfilesModule() { XsltArgumentList args = new XsltArgumentList(); long offset = 0; long perpage = 0; long totalcount = 0; long totalpageremainder = 0; long totalpages = 0; long startrecord = 0; long page = 0; string searchfor = ""; string classgroupuri = ""; string classuri = ""; string fname = ""; string lname = ""; string institution = ""; string department = ""; string division = ""; string searchrequest = ""; XmlDocument xmlsearchrequest; xmlsearchrequest = new XmlDocument(); string otherfilters = ""; string institutionallexcept = string.Empty; string departmentallexcept = "0"; string divisionallexcept = string.Empty; string exactphrase = "false"; // UCSF default value to allow old Mini Search to work string country = (Request.QueryString["country"].IsNullOrEmpty() ? "(All)" : Request.QueryString["country"]); department = country; string keywordOrPerson = "keyword"; string searchtype = ""; Search.Utilities.DataIO data = new Profiles.Search.Utilities.DataIO(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["searchtype"]) == false) { searchtype = Request.QueryString["searchtype"]; } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["searchtype"]) == false) { searchtype = Request.Form["searchtype"]; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["searchfor"]) == false) { searchfor = Request.QueryString["searchfor"]; //exactphrase = Request.QueryString["exactphrase"]; This is causing a bug. We test and set this if present later in this block anyway } else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["txtSearchFor"]) == false) { searchfor = Request.Form["txtSearchFor"]; } if (searchfor == null) { searchfor = string.Empty; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["lname"]) == false) { lname = Request.QueryString["lname"]; } else { lname = Request.Form["txtLname"]; } if (lname == null) { lname = string.Empty; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["fname"]) == false) { fname = Request.QueryString["fname"]; } else { fname = Request.Form["txtFname"]; } if (fname == null) { fname = string.Empty; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["perpage"]) == false) { perpage = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["perpage"]); if (!(perpage > 0)) { perpage = 15; } } else { perpage = 15; //default } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["offset"]) == false) { offset = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["offset"]); } else { offset = 0; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["page"]) == false) { page = Convert.ToInt64(Request.QueryString["page"]); if (!(page > 0)) { page = 1; } } else { page = 1; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["classgroupuri"]) == false) { classgroupuri = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["classgroupuri"]); } else { classgroupuri = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.Form["classgroupuri"]); } if (classgroupuri != null) { if (classgroupuri.Contains("!")) { classgroupuri = classgroupuri.Replace('!', '#'); } } else { classgroupuri = string.Empty; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["classuri"]) == false) { classuri = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["classuri"]); } else { classuri = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.Form["classuri"]); } if (classuri != null) { if (classuri.Contains("!")) { classuri = classuri.Replace('!', '#'); } } else { classuri = string.Empty; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["otherfilters"]) == false) { otherfilters = Request.QueryString["otherfilters"]; } try { totalcount = data.GetTotalSearchConnections(this.SearchData, base.Namespaces); if (page < 0) { page = 1; } totalpages = Math.DivRem(totalcount, Convert.ToInt64(perpage), out totalpageremainder); if (totalpageremainder > 0) { totalpages = totalpages + 1; } if (page > totalpages) { page = totalpages; } startrecord = ((Convert.ToInt32(page) * Convert.ToInt32(perpage)) + 1) - Convert.ToInt32(perpage); if (startrecord < 0) { startrecord = 1; } List <GenericListItem> g = new List <GenericListItem>(); g = data.GetListOfFilters(); if (otherfilters.IsNullOrEmpty() && base.BaseData.SelectSingleNode("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/vivo:overview/SearchOptions/MatchOptions/SearchFiltersList/SearchFilter[@Property='']", base.Namespaces) != null) { string s = string.Empty; foreach (XmlNode x in base.BaseData.SelectSingleNode("rdf:RDF/rdf:Description/vivo:overview/SearchOptions/MatchOptions/SearchFiltersList/SearchFilter[@Property='']", base.Namespaces)) { s = data.GetConvertedURIListItem(g, x.InnerText); otherfilters += "," + s; } } //added this test for search type so we could split the person keyword search into a split to remove the why col for person keywordOrPerson = data.SearchType(searchfor); if (keywordOrPerson == "person") { xmlsearchrequest = data.CovidPersonSearchRequest(searchfor, (startrecord - 1).ToString(), perpage.ToString(), country); } else { xmlsearchrequest = data.SearchRequest(searchfor, exactphrase, fname, lname, institution, institutionallexcept, department, departmentallexcept, division, divisionallexcept, "", perpage.ToString(), (startrecord - 1).ToString(), otherfilters, "", true, ref searchrequest); HttpContext.Current.Session["PERSON-SEARCH-ADD"] = "true"; } this.SearchData = data.Search(xmlsearchrequest, false, false); this.SearchRequest = xmlsearchrequest.OuterXml; base.MasterPage.SearchRequest = this.SearchRequest; base.MasterPage.RDFData = this.SearchData; base.MasterPage.RDFNamespaces = this.Namespaces; } catch (DisallowedSearchException se) { litEverythingResults.Text = se.Message; return; } catch (Exception ex) { ex = ex; DebugLogging.Log("ERROR " + ex.Message); //for now just flip it back to the defaults. This is if someone keys some funky divide by zero stuff in the URL // to try and break the system. startrecord = 1; perpage = 15; } args.AddParam("root", "", Root.Domain); args.AddParam("perpage", "", perpage); args.AddParam("offset", "", offset); args.AddParam("totalpages", "", totalpages); args.AddParam("page", "", page); args.AddParam("searchfor", "", searchfor); args.AddParam("exactphrase", "", exactphrase); args.AddParam("classGrpURIpassedin", "", classgroupuri); args.AddParam("classURIpassedin", "", classuri); switch (searchtype.ToLower()) { case "everything": litEverythingResults.Text = XslHelper.TransformInMemory(Server.MapPath("~/Search/Modules/SearchResults/EverythingResults.xslt"), args, this.SearchData.OuterXml); break; case "people": args.AddParam("country", "", country); if (keywordOrPerson == "keyword") { args.AddParam("why", "", true); } else { args.AddParam("why", "", false); } litEverythingResults.Text = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(XslHelper.TransformInMemory(Server.MapPath("~/Search/Modules/SearchResults/PeopleResults.xslt"), args, this.SearchData.OuterXml)); break; } }
private OpenSocialManager(string ownerUri, Page page, bool editMode) { this.guid = Guid.NewGuid(); this.isDebug = page.Session != null && page.Session[OPENSOCIAL_DEBUG] != null && (bool)page.Session[OPENSOCIAL_DEBUG]; this.noCache = page.Session != null && page.Session[OPENSOCIAL_NOCACHE] != null && (bool)page.Session[OPENSOCIAL_NOCACHE]; = page; this.pageName = page.AppRelativeVirtualPath.Substring(2).ToLower(); DebugLogging.Log("Creating OpenSocialManager for " + ownerUri + ", " + pageName); if (shindigURL == null) { // do nothing return; } this.ownerUri = ownerUri; // in editMode we need to set the viewer to be the same as the owner // otherwise, the gadget will not be able to save appData correctly if (editMode) { viewerUri = ownerUri; } else { Profiles.Framework.Utilities.SessionManagement sm = new Profiles.Framework.Utilities.SessionManagement(); viewerUri = sm.Session().PersonURI; if (viewerUri != null && viewerUri.Trim().Length == 0) { viewerUri = null; } } string requestAppId = page.Request.QueryString["appId"]; DebugLogging.Log("OpenSocialManager GetAllDBGadgets " + !noCache); Dictionary <string, GadgetSpec> allDBGadgets = GetAllDBGadgets(!noCache); // if someone used the sandbox to log in, grab those gadgets refreshed from the DB if (page.Session != null && (string)page.Session[OPENSOCIAL_GADGETS] != null) { gadgets = GetSandboxGadgets(allDBGadgets, requestAppId); } else { DebugLogging.Log("OpenSocialManager GetSecurityToken " + !noCache); foreach (GadgetSpec gadgetSpec in allDBGadgets.Values) { // only add ones that are visible in this context! int moduleId = 0; if (((requestAppId == null && gadgetSpec.IsEnabled()) || gadgetSpec.GetAppId() == Convert.ToInt32(requestAppId)) && gadgetSpec.Show(viewerUri, ownerUri, GetPageName())) { String securityToken = SocketSendReceive(viewerUri, ownerUri, gadgetSpec.GetGadgetURL()); gadgets.Add(new PreparedGadget(gadgetSpec, this, moduleId++, securityToken)); } } } // if we are in edit mode, clear the cache if (editMode) { ClearOwnerCache(); } // sort the gadgets DebugLogging.Log("Visible Gadget Count : " + gadgets.Count); gadgets.Sort(); }