public void DoTable_RaidFactionSampled() { int ticksGame = Find.TickManager.TicksGame; Find.TickManager.DebugSetTicksGame(36000000); List <TableDataGetter <Faction> > list = new List <TableDataGetter <Faction> >(); list.Add(new TableDataGetter <Faction>("name", (Faction f) => f.Name)); foreach (float item in DebugActionsUtility.PointsOptions(extended: false)) { Dictionary <Faction, int> factionCount = new Dictionary <Faction, int>(); foreach (Faction allFaction in Find.FactionManager.AllFactions) { factionCount.Add(allFaction, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { IncidentParms incidentParms = new IncidentParms(); = Find.CurrentMap; incidentParms.points = item; if (TryResolveRaidFaction(incidentParms)) { factionCount[incidentParms.faction]++; } } list.Add(new TableDataGetter <Faction>(item.ToString("F0"), (Faction str) => ((float)factionCount[str] / 500f).ToStringPercent())); } Find.TickManager.DebugSetTicksGame(ticksGame); DebugTables.MakeTablesDialog(Find.FactionManager.AllFactions, list.ToArray()); }
public void DoTable_RaidStrategySampled(Faction fac) { int ticksGame = Find.TickManager.TicksGame; Find.TickManager.DebugSetTicksGame(36000000); List <TableDataGetter <RaidStrategyDef> > list = new List <TableDataGetter <RaidStrategyDef> >(); list.Add(new TableDataGetter <RaidStrategyDef>("defName", (RaidStrategyDef d) => d.defName)); foreach (float item in DebugActionsUtility.PointsOptions(extended: false)) { Dictionary <RaidStrategyDef, int> strats = new Dictionary <RaidStrategyDef, int>(); foreach (RaidStrategyDef allDef in DefDatabase <RaidStrategyDef> .AllDefs) { strats.Add(allDef, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { IncidentParms incidentParms = new IncidentParms(); = Find.CurrentMap; incidentParms.points = item; incidentParms.faction = fac; if (TryResolveRaidFaction(incidentParms)) { ResolveRaidStrategy(incidentParms, PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat); if (incidentParms.raidStrategy != null) { strats[incidentParms.raidStrategy]++; } } } list.Add(new TableDataGetter <RaidStrategyDef>(item.ToString("F0"), (RaidStrategyDef str) => ((float)strats[str] / 500f).ToStringPercent())); } Find.TickManager.DebugSetTicksGame(ticksGame); DebugTables.MakeTablesDialog(DefDatabase <RaidStrategyDef> .AllDefs, list.ToArray()); }
public static void MechClusterBuildingSelection() { List <DebugMenuOption> list = new List <DebugMenuOption>(); foreach (float item in DebugActionsUtility.PointsOptions(extended: false)) { float localPoints = item; list.Add(new DebugMenuOption(item.ToString("F0"), DebugMenuOptionMode.Action, delegate { string text = ""; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { int num = Rand.Range(10, 20); List <ThingDef> buildingDefsForCluster_NewTemp = GetBuildingDefsForCluster_NewTemp(localPoints, new IntVec2(num, num), canBeDormant: true, localPoints); text = text + "points: " + localPoints + " , size: " + num; foreach (ThingDef item2 in buildingDefsForCluster_NewTemp) { text = text + "\n- " + item2.defName; } text += "\n\n"; } Log.Message(text); })); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_DebugOptionListLister(list)); }
private static void ExecuteRaidWithFaction() { StorytellerComp storytellerComp = Find.Storyteller.storytellerComps.First((StorytellerComp x) => x is StorytellerComp_OnOffCycle || x is StorytellerComp_RandomMain); IncidentParms parms = storytellerComp.GenerateParms(IncidentCategoryDefOf.ThreatBig, Find.CurrentMap); List <DebugMenuOption> list = new List <DebugMenuOption>(); foreach (Faction localFac2 in Find.FactionManager.AllFactions) { Faction localFac = localFac2; list.Add(new DebugMenuOption(localFac.Name + " (" + localFac.def.defName + ")", DebugMenuOptionMode.Action, delegate() { parms.faction = localFac; List <DebugMenuOption> list2 = new List <DebugMenuOption>(); foreach (float num in DebugActionsUtility.PointsOptions(true)) { float localPoints = num; list2.Add(new DebugMenuOption(num + " points", DebugMenuOptionMode.Action, delegate() { parms.points = localPoints; IEnumerable <RaidStrategyDef> allDefs = DefDatabase <RaidStrategyDef> .AllDefs; Func <RaidStrategyDef, bool> predicate = ((RaidStrategyDef s) => s.Worker.CanUseWith(parms, PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat)); List <RaidStrategyDef> source = allDefs.Where(predicate).ToList(); Log.Message("Available strategies: " + string.Join(", ", (from s in source select s.defName).ToArray <string>())); parms.raidStrategy = VehicleRaidStrategyDefOf.ArmoredAttack; if (parms.raidStrategy != null) { Log.Message("Strategy: " + parms.raidStrategy.defName); IEnumerable <PawnsArrivalModeDef> allDefs2 = DefDatabase <PawnsArrivalModeDef> .AllDefs; parms.raidArrivalMode = PawnsArrivalModeDefOf.EdgeWalkIn; //source2.RandomElement<PawnsArrivalModeDef>(); Log.Message("Arrival mode: " + parms.raidArrivalMode.defName); } IncidentDef incidentDef; if (parms.faction.HostileTo(Faction.OfPlayer)) { incidentDef = IncidentDefOf.RaidEnemy; } else { incidentDef = IncidentDefOf.RaidFriendly; } incidentDef.Worker.TryExecute(parms); })); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_DebugOptionListLister(list2)); })); } Find.WindowStack.Add(new Dialog_DebugOptionListLister(list)); }
public void DoTable_RaidStrategySampled(Faction fac) { int ticksGame = Find.TickManager.TicksGame; Find.TickManager.DebugSetTicksGame(36000000); List <TableDataGetter <RaidStrategyDef> > list = new List <TableDataGetter <RaidStrategyDef> >(); list.Add(new TableDataGetter <RaidStrategyDef>("defName", (RaidStrategyDef d) => d.defName)); foreach (float points in DebugActionsUtility.PointsOptions(false)) { Dictionary <RaidStrategyDef, int> strats = new Dictionary <RaidStrategyDef, int>(); foreach (RaidStrategyDef current in DefDatabase <RaidStrategyDef> .AllDefs) { strats.Add(current, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { IncidentParms incidentParms = new IncidentParms(); = Find.CurrentMap; incidentParms.points = points; incidentParms.faction = fac; if (this.TryResolveRaidFaction(incidentParms)) { this.ResolveRaidStrategy(incidentParms, PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat); if (incidentParms.raidStrategy != null) { Dictionary <RaidStrategyDef, int> strats2; RaidStrategyDef raidStrategy; (strats2 = strats)[raidStrategy = incidentParms.raidStrategy] = strats2[raidStrategy] + 1; } } } list.Add(new TableDataGetter <RaidStrategyDef>(points.ToString("F0"), delegate(RaidStrategyDef str) { int num = strats[str]; return(((float)num / 500f).ToStringPercent()); })); } Find.TickManager.DebugSetTicksGame(ticksGame); DebugTables.MakeTablesDialog <RaidStrategyDef>(DefDatabase <RaidStrategyDef> .AllDefs, list.ToArray()); }
public static void PawnGroupsMade() { Dialog_DebugOptionListLister.ShowSimpleDebugMenu(Find.FactionManager.AllFactions.Where((Faction fac) => !fac.def.pawnGroupMakers.NullOrEmpty()), (Faction fac) => fac.Name + " (" + fac.def.defName + ")", delegate(Faction fac) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("FACTION: " + fac.Name + " (" + fac.def.defName + ") min=" + fac.def.MinPointsToGeneratePawnGroup(PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat)); Action <float> action = delegate(float points) { if (!(points < fac.def.MinPointsToGeneratePawnGroup(PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat))) { PawnGroupMakerParms pawnGroupMakerParms = new PawnGroupMakerParms { groupKind = PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat, tile = Find.CurrentMap.Tile, points = points, faction = fac }; sb.AppendLine("Group with " + pawnGroupMakerParms.points + " points (max option cost: " + MaxPawnCost(fac, points, RaidStrategyDefOf.ImmediateAttack, PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat) + ")"); float num = 0f; foreach (Pawn item in from pa in GeneratePawns(pawnGroupMakerParms, warnOnZeroResults: false) orderby pa.kindDef.combatPower select pa) { string text = (( == null) ? "no-equipment" :; Apparel apparel = item.apparel.FirstApparelOnBodyPartGroup(BodyPartGroupDefOf.Torso); string text2 = ((apparel == null) ? "shirtless" : apparel.LabelCap); sb.AppendLine(" " + item.kindDef.combatPower.ToString("F0").PadRight(6) + item.kindDef.defName + ", " + text + ", " + text2); num += item.kindDef.combatPower; } sb.AppendLine(" totalCost " + num); sb.AppendLine(); } }; foreach (float item2 in DebugActionsUtility.PointsOptions(extended: false)) { action(item2); } Log.Message(sb.ToString()); }); }
public void DoTable_RaidArrivalModeSampled(Faction fac) { int ticksGame = Find.TickManager.TicksGame; Find.TickManager.DebugSetTicksGame(36000000); List <TableDataGetter <PawnsArrivalModeDef> > list = new List <TableDataGetter <PawnsArrivalModeDef> >(); list.Add(new TableDataGetter <PawnsArrivalModeDef>("mode", (PawnsArrivalModeDef f) => f.defName)); foreach (float points in DebugActionsUtility.PointsOptions(false)) { Dictionary <PawnsArrivalModeDef, int> modeCount = new Dictionary <PawnsArrivalModeDef, int>(); foreach (PawnsArrivalModeDef current in DefDatabase <PawnsArrivalModeDef> .AllDefs) { modeCount.Add(current, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { IncidentParms incidentParms = new IncidentParms(); = Find.CurrentMap; incidentParms.points = points; incidentParms.faction = fac; if (this.TryResolveRaidFaction(incidentParms)) { this.ResolveRaidStrategy(incidentParms, PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat); this.ResolveRaidArriveMode(incidentParms); Dictionary <PawnsArrivalModeDef, int> modeCount2; PawnsArrivalModeDef raidArrivalMode; (modeCount2 = modeCount)[raidArrivalMode = incidentParms.raidArrivalMode] = modeCount2[raidArrivalMode] + 1; } } list.Add(new TableDataGetter <PawnsArrivalModeDef>(points.ToString("F0"), delegate(PawnsArrivalModeDef str) { int num = modeCount[str]; return(((float)num / 500f).ToStringPercent()); })); } Find.TickManager.DebugSetTicksGame(ticksGame); DebugTables.MakeTablesDialog <PawnsArrivalModeDef>(DefDatabase <PawnsArrivalModeDef> .AllDefs, list.ToArray()); }
public void DoTable_RaidFactionSampled() { int ticksGame = Find.TickManager.TicksGame; Find.TickManager.DebugSetTicksGame(36000000); List <TableDataGetter <Faction> > list = new List <TableDataGetter <Faction> >(); list.Add(new TableDataGetter <Faction>("name", (Faction f) => f.Name)); foreach (float points in DebugActionsUtility.PointsOptions(false)) { Dictionary <Faction, int> factionCount = new Dictionary <Faction, int>(); foreach (Faction current in Find.FactionManager.AllFactions) { factionCount.Add(current, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { IncidentParms incidentParms = new IncidentParms(); = Find.CurrentMap; incidentParms.points = points; if (this.TryResolveRaidFaction(incidentParms)) { Dictionary <Faction, int> factionCount2; Faction faction; (factionCount2 = factionCount)[faction = incidentParms.faction] = factionCount2[faction] + 1; } } list.Add(new TableDataGetter <Faction>(points.ToString("F0"), delegate(Faction str) { int num = factionCount[str]; return(((float)num / 500f).ToStringPercent()); })); } Find.TickManager.DebugSetTicksGame(ticksGame); DebugTables.MakeTablesDialog <Faction>(Find.FactionManager.AllFactions, list.ToArray()); }
public static void FlareRaidPawnGroupsMade() { Dialog_DebugOptionListLister.ShowSimpleDebugMenu( elements : from fac in Find.FactionManager.AllFactions where !fac.def.pawnGroupMakers.NullOrEmpty() && fac.def.humanlikeFaction && fac.def.techLevel >= TechLevel.Industrial select fac, label : fac => fac.Name + " (" + fac.def.defName + ")", chosen : delegate(Faction fac) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine($"Point multiplier = ;{SolarRaidGroupMaker.PointMultiplier};;Max pawn cost multiplier = ;{SolarRaidGroupMaker.MaxPawnCostMultiplier};;"); float minPointsToGen = fac.def.MinPointsToGeneratePawnGroup(groupKind: PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat); sb.AppendLine($"Faction =;{fac.def.defName};;Min pts to gen CombatGroup = ;{minPointsToGen};;"); Action <float> action = delegate(float points) { if (points < fac.def.MinPointsToGeneratePawnGroup(groupKind: PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat)) { return; } float originalPoints = points; points = IncidentWorker_Raid.AdjustedRaidPoints( points, PawnsArrivalModeDefOf.CenterDrop, RaidStrategyDefOf.ImmediateAttack, fac, PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat ); var pawnGroupMakerParms = new PawnGroupMakerParms { groupKind = PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat, tile = Find.CurrentMap.Tile, points = points, faction = fac, raidStrategy = RaidStrategyDefOf.ImmediateAttack }; pawnGroupMakerParms.groupKind = PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat; float maxPawnCost = PawnGroupMakerUtility.MaxPawnCost( faction: fac, totalPoints: points, raidStrategy: RaidStrategyDefOf.ImmediateAttack, groupKind: PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat ); sb.AppendLine( value: $"Adjusted Points =;{pawnGroupMakerParms.points};Original points;{originalPoints};Max pawn cost;{maxPawnCost};"); //Points: X; MaxPawnCost: //$"{};{};{};{};{};{}" //150; Mercenary_Slasher; Gladius; Y; Apparel_FlakJacket; NV_tinted_goggles var num2 = 0f; SolarRaidGroupMaker.TryGetRandomPawnGroupMaker(parms: pawnGroupMakerParms, out var groupMaker); Log.Message(new string('-', 20)); Log.Message($"Random group maker result:"); Log.Message($"points = {points}"); Log.Message($"groupMaker. = {groupMaker.options.ConvertAll(opt => opt.kind.LabelCap).ToStringSafeEnumerable()}"); Log.Message(new string('-', 20)); foreach (Pawn pawn in SolarRaid_PawnGenerator.GeneratePawns(parms: pawnGroupMakerParms, groupMaker, false) .OrderBy(keySelector: pa => pa.kindDef.combatPower)) { sb.Append($" {pawn.kindDef.combatPower.ToString(format: "F0").PadRight(totalWidth: 6)};{pawn.kindDef.LabelCap};"); if ( != null) {, (builder, comps) => builder.Append(comps.def.LabelCap + ",")); } else { sb.Append("no equipment"); } sb.Append(";"); var wornApparel = pawn.apparel.WornApparel; string torsoGear = ""; string eyeWear = ""; string shield = ""; for (int i = 0; i < wornApparel.Count; i++) { Apparel apparel = wornApparel[i]; for (int j = 0; j < apparel.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups.Count; j++) { if (apparel.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups[j] == BodyPartGroupDefOf.Torso) { torsoGear += $"{apparel.def.LabelCap}, "; } else if (apparel.def.apparel.bodyPartGroups[j] == BodyPartGroupDefOf.Eyes) { eyeWear += $"{apparel.def.LabelCap}, "; } if (apparel is ShieldBelt && shield.NullOrEmpty()) { shield = $"Y;"; } } } torsoGear = torsoGear.NullOrEmpty() ? "shirtless" : torsoGear.TrimEnd(' ', ','); eyeWear = eyeWear.NullOrEmpty() ? "not bespectacled" : eyeWear.TrimEnd(' ', ','); shield = shield.NullOrEmpty() ? "N" : shield; sb.Append($"{shield};{torsoGear};{eyeWear};"); if ( > 0) {, (builder, comps) => builder.Append(comps.def.LabelCap + ",")); } else { sb.Append("no hediffs"); } sb.AppendLine(); num2 += pawn.kindDef.combatPower; } sb.AppendLine($";;;;Final point cost;{num2};"); sb.AppendLine(); }; foreach (float num in /*Dialog_DebugActionsMenu*/ DebugActionsUtility.PointsOptions(extended: false)) { float obj = num; action(obj: obj); } Log.Message(text: sb.ToString()); #if DEBUG GUIUtility.systemCopyBuffer = sb.ToString(); #endif } ); }
public static void FlareRaidPawnGroupsMadeToXml() { Dialog_DebugOptionListLister.ShowSimpleDebugMenu( elements: new List <int> { 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44 }, label : i => $"Points x{i / 10} | MaxPawn x{i % 10}", chosen : delegate(int multi) { var trialData = new pawnGenTrial(); SolarRaidGroupMaker.PointMultiplier = multi / 10; SolarRaidGroupMaker.MaxPawnCostMultiplier = multi % 10; trialData.pointMultiplier = SolarRaidGroupMaker.PointMultiplier; trialData.maxPawnCostMultiplier = SolarRaidGroupMaker.MaxPawnCostMultiplier; trialData.trialID = $"{multi}PawnGenTrial{Rand.Int}"; var factions = Find.FactionManager.AllFactions.Where( fac => !fac.def.pawnGroupMakers.NullOrEmpty() && fac.def.humanlikeFaction && fac.def.techLevel >= TechLevel.Industrial ).ToList(); int numTrials = factions.Count; trialData.trial = new pawnGenTrialTrial[numTrials]; for (var ind = 0; ind < factions.Count; ind++) { Faction fac = factions[ind]; pawnGenTrialTrial trial = new pawnGenTrialTrial { factionName = fac.def.LabelCap, minPointsToGenCombatGroup = fac.def.MinPointsToGeneratePawnGroup(groupKind: PawnGroupKindDefOf.Combat) }; List <float> floats = DebugActionsUtility.PointsOptions(extended: false).ToList(); trial.groupGenerated = new pawnGenTrialTrialGroupGenerated[floats.Count]; for (var index = 0; index < floats.Count; index++) { float num = floats[index]; float obj = num; trial.groupGenerated[index] = groupGenerated(fac: fac, obj); } trialData.trial[ind] = trial; } XmlSerializer mySerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(pawnGenTrial)); using (var writer = new StreamWriter("pawnGenData" + Rand.Int + ".xml")) { mySerializer.Serialize(writer, trialData); } } ); }