private static string GetRecording(string recordingUrl, int dealerId) { try { //var recordingUrl = ""; //var fileUniqueName = Guid.NewGuid(); var dbset = new DbUtilities(); var path = dbset.GetAudioPath(); var audioFileName = "RingCentral_" + recordingUrl.Split('/')[8] + ".mp3"; var audioPath = $"{dealerId}\\"; var webPath = $"{dealerId}/"; Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(path.PhysicalFolder, audioPath)); var wc = new WebClient { UseDefaultCredentials = true, Credentials = new NetworkCredential("administrator", "aalwayss!") // Check with Tim where to get this, else when it got change we have to change here }; wc.Headers.Add("Authorization", $"Bearer " + accessToken); wc.DownloadFile(recordingUrl, Path.Combine(path.PhysicalFolder, audioPath) + audioFileName); return(Path.Combine(path.WebUrl, webPath) + audioFileName); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }