コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Either inserts or updates a silo metrics row.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deploymentId">The deployment ID.</param>
        /// <param name="siloId">The silo ID.</param>
        /// <param name="gateway">The gateway information.</param>
        /// <param name="siloAddress">The silo address information.</param>
        /// <param name="hostName">The host name.</param>
        /// <param name="siloMetrics">The silo metrics to be either updated or inserted.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal Task UpsertSiloMetricsAsync(string deploymentId, string siloId, IPEndPoint gateway,
                                             SiloAddress siloAddress, string hostName, ISiloPerformanceMetrics siloMetrics)
            return(ExecuteAsync(dbStoredQueries.UpsertSiloMetricsKey, command =>
                var columns = new DbStoredQueries.Columns(command);

                columns.DeploymentId = deploymentId;
                columns.HostName = hostName;
                columns.SiloMetrics = siloMetrics;
                columns.SiloAddress = siloAddress;
                columns.GatewayAddress = gateway.Address;
                columns.GatewayPort = gateway.Port;
                columns.SiloId = siloId;
                return columns;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts the given statistics counters to the Orleans database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="deploymentId">The deployment ID.</param>
        /// <param name="hostName">The hostname.</param>
        /// <param name="siloOrClientName">The silo or client name.</param>
        /// <param name="id">The silo address or client ID.</param>
        /// <param name="counters">The counters to be inserted.</param>
        internal Task InsertStatisticsCountersAsync(string deploymentId, string hostName, string siloOrClientName,
                                                    string id, List <ICounter> counters)
            var queryTemplate = dbStoredQueries.InsertOrleansStatisticsKey;

            //Zero statistic values mean either that the system is not running or no updates. Such values are not inserted and pruned
            //here so that no insert query or parameters are generated.
            counters =
                counters.Where(i => !"0".Equals(i.IsValueDelta ? i.GetDeltaString() : i.GetValueString())).ToList();
            if (counters.Count == 0)

            //Note that the following is almost the same as RelationalStorageExtensions.ExecuteMultipleInsertIntoAsync
            //the only difference being that some columns are skipped. Likely it would be beneficial to introduce
            //a "skip list" to RelationalStorageExtensions.ExecuteMultipleInsertIntoAsync.

            //The template contains an insert for online. The part after SELECT is copied
            //out so that certain parameters can be multiplied by their count. Effectively
            //this turns a query of type (transaction details vary by vendor)
            //BEGIN TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO [OrleansStatisticsTable] <columns> SELECT <variables>; COMMIT TRANSACTION;
            //to BEGIN TRANSACTION; INSERT INTO [OrleansStatisticsTable] <columns> SELECT <variables>; UNION ALL <variables> COMMIT TRANSACTION;
            //where the UNION ALL is multiplied as many times as there are counters to insert.
            int startFrom = queryTemplate.IndexOf("SELECT", StringComparison.Ordinal) + "SELECT".Length + 1;
            //This +1 is to have a space between SELECT and the first parameter name to not to have a SQL syntax error.
            int lastSemicolon = queryTemplate.LastIndexOf(";", StringComparison.Ordinal);
            int endTo         = lastSemicolon > 0 ? queryTemplate.LastIndexOf(";", lastSemicolon - 1, StringComparison.Ordinal) : -1;
            var template      = queryTemplate.Substring(startFrom, endTo - startFrom);

            //HACK: The oracle query template ends with FROM DUAL, other providers queries don´t.
            //It has to stay in the query template, but needs to removed from the template variable, because
            //the otherwise the Replace which used for the union generation below would generate an invalid query
            template = template.Replace(" FROM DUAL", String.Empty);

            var parameterNames = template.Split(new[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                                 .Select(i => i.Trim()).ToArray();

            var collectionOfParametersToBeUnionized = new List <string>();
            var parametersToBeUnioned = new string[parameterNames.Length];

            for (int counterIndex = 0; counterIndex < counters.Count; ++counterIndex)
                for (int parameterNameIndex = 0; parameterNameIndex < parameterNames.Length; ++parameterNameIndex)
                    //The column names in InsertStatisticsMultiupdateColumns are without parameter placeholders,
                    //but parameterNames are with placeholders. As the placeholder is provider dependent, we are ignoring
                    //the placeholder when looking for columns.
                    if (InsertStatisticsMultiupdateColumns.Any(x => parameterNames[parameterNameIndex].EndsWith(x)))
                        //These parameters change for each row. The format is
                        //@StatValue0, @StatValue1, @StatValue2, ... @sStatValue{counters.Count}.
                        parametersToBeUnioned[parameterNameIndex] = $"{parameterNames[parameterNameIndex]}{counterIndex}";
                        //These parameters remain constant for every and each row.
                        parametersToBeUnioned[parameterNameIndex] = parameterNames[parameterNameIndex];
                collectionOfParametersToBeUnionized.Add($"{string.Join(",", parametersToBeUnioned)}");

            var storageConsts = DbConstantsStore.GetDbConstants(storage.InvariantName);
            var query         = queryTemplate.Replace(template, string.Join(storageConsts.UnionAllSelectTemplate, collectionOfParametersToBeUnionized));

            return(ExecuteAsync(query, command =>
                var columns = new DbStoredQueries.Columns(command)
                    DeploymentId = deploymentId,
                    HostName = hostName,
                    Name = siloOrClientName,
                    Id = id
                columns.Counters = counters;
                return columns;