public static void AddressData() { using (DbStoreContext context = new DbStoreContext()) { context.addresses.AddRange( new Data.Address { AddressLine1 = "127/71", AddressLine2 = "saket nagar", City = "Kanpur", State = "UP", Pincode = "208014" }, new Data.Address { AddressLine1 = "b-31", AddressLine2 = "AWAS VIKAS ", City = "Kanpur", State = "UP", Pincode = "208014" }, new Data.Address { AddressLine1 = "H-281", AddressLine2 = "Sector 62", City = "Noida", State = "UP", Pincode = "208014" }, new Data.Address { AddressLine1 = "127/17", AddressLine2 = "Kidwai nagar", City = "Kanpur", State = "UP", Pincode = "208012" }, new Data.Address { AddressLine1 = "123/62", AddressLine2 = "Govind nagar", City = "Lucknow", State = "UP", Pincode = "208011" } ); context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("DATA ADDED"); } }
public static void StaffData() { using (DbStoreContext context = new DbStoreContext()) { context.staffs.AddRange( new Data.Staff { First_Name = "Henry", Last_Name = "Dsouza", Gender = "M", Phone_Number = "7865435678", Salary = 5000, RoleId = 2, AddressId = 2 }, new Data.Staff { First_Name = "Natasha", Last_Name = "Sharma", Gender = "F", Phone_Number = "7865435672", Salary = 3000, RoleId = 1, AddressId = 3 }, new Data.Staff { First_Name = "Shruti", Last_Name = "Bakshi", Gender = "F", Phone_Number = "7865436678", Salary = 5000, RoleId = 2, AddressId = 4 }, new Data.Staff { First_Name = "Medha", Last_Name = "Gupta", Gender = "F", Phone_Number = "7865465672", Salary = 3000, RoleId = 1, AddressId = 1 }, new Data.Staff { First_Name = "Sanjeev", Last_Name = "Sharma", Gender = "M", Phone_Number = "7868435672", Salary = 15000, RoleId = 3, AddressId = 5 } ); context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("DATA ADDED"); } }
public static void ProductInStock() { using (DbStoreContext context = new DbStoreContext()) { var q = from Product in context.products where Product.ProductInStock == true select new { Product }; foreach (var details in q) { Console.WriteLine($"{details.Product.ProductName},{details.Product.Manufacturer},{details.Product.ProductCode}"); } } }
public static void StaffQueryNamePhoneNumber() { using (DbStoreContext context = new DbStoreContext()) { var q = (from Staff in context.staffs where Staff.Phone_Number == "7865435678" || Staff.First_Name == "Shruti" select new { Staff }).ToList(); foreach (var stafflist in q) { Console.WriteLine($"{stafflist.Staff.First_Name},{stafflist.Staff.Last_Name}"); } } }
public static void StaffRole() { using (DbStoreContext context = new DbStoreContext()) { var q = from Staff in context.staffs join role in context.roles on Staff.RoleId equals role.RoleId select new { Staff, role }; foreach (var detail in q) { Console.WriteLine($"{detail.Staff.First_Name},{detail.Staff.Last_Name},{detail.role.Rolename}"); } } }
public static void ProductCategoryPrice() { using (DbStoreContext context = new DbStoreContext()) { var q = from Product in context.products join ProductCategory in context.productCategories on Product.ProductId equals ProductCategory.ProductId join Category in context.categories on ProductCategory.CategoryId equals Category.CategoryId select new { Product, Category }; foreach (var details in q) { Console.WriteLine($"{details.Product.ProductName},{details.Product.Manufacturer},{details.Category.CategoryName},{details.Category.CategoryCode}"); } } }
public static void SuppliersData() { using (DbStoreContext context = new DbStoreContext()) { var q = from supplier in context.Set <Supplier>() join supplireprodorder in context.Set <SupplierProductOrder>() on supplier.SupplierId equals supplireprodorder.SupplierId join prodt in context.Set <Product>() on supplireprodorder.ProductId equals prodt.ProductId join prodorder in context.Set <ProductOrder>() on supplireprodorder.ProductOrderId equals prodorder.ProductOrderId select(new { supplier, prodorder, prodt }); foreach (var details in q) { Console.WriteLine($"{details.supplier.SupplierName},{details.supplier.SupplierEmail},{details.supplier.SupplierPhonenumber}" + $"{details.supplier.SupplierAge},{details.prodt.ProductName}"); } } }
public static void ProductData() { using (DbStoreContext context = new DbStoreContext()) { context.products.AddRange( new Data.Product { ProductName = "Laptop", ProductInStock = true, Manufacturer = "Dell", ProductCode = "LAP0", CategoryId = 1 }, new Data.Product { ProductName = "Tshirt", ProductInStock = false, Manufacturer = "Allen Solly", ProductCode = "TS10", CategoryId = 3 }, new Data.Product { ProductName = "Yougurt", ProductInStock = true, Manufacturer = "Amul", ProductCode = "YOG10", CategoryId = 2 } ); context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("DATA ADDED"); } }
public static void InventoryData() { using (DbStoreContext context = new DbStoreContext()) { context.inventories.AddRange( new Data.Inventory { ProductId = 1, TotalQuantity = 21 }, new Data.Inventory { ProductId = 2, TotalQuantity = 30 }, new Data.Inventory { ProductId = 3, TotalQuantity = 12 } ); context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("DATA ADDED"); } }
public static void RoleData() { using (DbStoreContext context = new DbStoreContext()) { context.roles.AddRange( new Data.Role { Rolename = "Working Staff", Description = "working with products" }, new Data.Role { Rolename = "Reception Staff", Description = "biling counter" }, new Data.Role { Rolename = "Manager", Description = "management of workers" } ); context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("DATA ADDED"); } }
public static void ProductPriceData() { using (DbStoreContext context = new DbStoreContext()) { context.productPrices.AddRange( new Data.ProductPrice { ProductId = 1, CostPrice = 20000, SellingPrice = 23000, IsActive = true, Month = new DateTime(2020, 01, 12) }, new Data.ProductPrice { ProductId = 1, CostPrice = 2500, SellingPrice = 2599, IsActive = false, Month = new DateTime(2020, 02, 11) }, new Data.ProductPrice { ProductId = 1, CostPrice = 20, SellingPrice = 24, IsActive = true, Month = new DateTime(2020, 05, 23) } ); context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("DATA ADDED"); } }
public static void CategoryData() { using (DbStoreContext context = new DbStoreContext()) { context.categories.AddRange( new Data.Category { CategoryName = "Technology Items", CategoryCode = "TECH" }, new Data.Category { CategoryName = "Dairy Items", CategoryCode = "DAIR" }, new Data.Category { CategoryName = "Wordrobe Items", CategoryCode = "WORD" } ); context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("DATA ADDED"); } }
public static void ProductCategoryInAscending() { using (DbStoreContext context = new DbStoreContext()) { var query = from category in context.Set <Category>() join prodcategory in context.Set <ProductCategory>() on category.CategoryId equals prodcategory.CategoryId join product in context.Set <Product>() on prodcategory.ProductId equals product.ProductId group product by category.CategoryId into x orderby x.Count <Product>() descending select(new { count = x.Count <Product>(), CategoryId = x.Key }); foreach (var details in query) { Console.WriteLine($"{details.CategoryId} {details.count}"); } } }
public static void ProductCategoryData() { using (DbStoreContext context = new DbStoreContext()) { context.productCategories.AddRange( new Data.ProductCategory { ProductId = 1, CategoryId = 1 }, new Data.ProductCategory { ProductId = 2, CategoryId = 3 }, new Data.ProductCategory { ProductId = 3, CategoryId = 2 } ); context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("DATA ADDED"); } }
public static void SupplierProductOrderData() { using (DbStoreContext context = new DbStoreContext()) { context.supplierProductOrders.AddRange( new Data.SupplierProductOrder { ProductId = 1, ProductOrderId = 2, SupplierId = 4 }, new Data.SupplierProductOrder { ProductId = 2, ProductOrderId = 3, SupplierId = 2 }, new Data.SupplierProductOrder { ProductId = 3, ProductOrderId = 2, SupplierId = 3 }, new Data.SupplierProductOrder { ProductId = 1, ProductOrderId = 1, SupplierId = 3 }); context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("DATA ADDED"); } }
public static void ProductOrderData() { using (DbStoreContext context = new DbStoreContext()) { context.productOrders.AddRange( new Data.ProductOrder { OrderTime = new DateTime(2021, 01, 11), Qunatity = 22 }, new Data.ProductOrder { OrderTime = new DateTime(2021, 05, 15), Qunatity = 10 }, new Data.ProductOrder { OrderTime = new DateTime(2021, 03, 17), Qunatity = 3 }, new Data.ProductOrder { OrderTime = new DateTime(2020, 01, 11), Qunatity = 2 } ); context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("DATA ADDED"); } }
public static void SupplierData() { using (DbStoreContext context = new DbStoreContext()) { context.suppliers.AddRange( new Data.Supplier { SupplierName = "Hina", SupplierAge = 29, SupplierEmail = "*****@*****.**", SupplierGender = "F", SupplierPhonenumber = "657853890" }, new Data.Supplier { SupplierName = "Akash", SupplierAge = 49, SupplierEmail = "*****@*****.**", SupplierGender = "M", SupplierPhonenumber = "659953890" }, new Data.Supplier { SupplierName = "Harsh", SupplierAge = 39, SupplierEmail = "*****@*****.**", SupplierGender = "M", SupplierPhonenumber = "657887890" }, new Data.Supplier { SupplierName = "Shvani", SupplierAge = 42, SupplierEmail = "*****@*****.**", SupplierGender = "F", SupplierPhonenumber = "657653890" } ); context.SaveChanges(); Console.WriteLine("DATA ADDED"); } }
public StaffController(DbStoreContext context, IMapper mapper) { _context = context; mapper1 = mapper; }
public ProductController(DbStoreContext context, IMapper mapper) { _context = context; mapper1 = mapper; }