public IEnumerable <string> GetActiveAccounts(IConfiguration configuration) { string connetionString = DbSetting.ConnectionString(configuration, "Unisol"); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connetionString); connection.Open(); string sql = "SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS" + " WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'hrpSalProcess' AND COLUMN_NAME IN (SELECT [Code]" + " FROM hrpPayAcc where Closed = 0) ORDER BY COLUMN_NAME ASC"; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); var listActiveColumns = new List <string>(); using (var rdr = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (rdr.Read()) { listActiveColumns.Add(Convert.ToString(rdr[0])); } } command.Dispose(); connection.Close(); return(listActiveColumns); }
public IEnumerable <string> GetAccountsAmount(IConfiguration configuration, List <string> activeAccounts, StaffUtilities staffUtilities, string month, string userCode) { string connetionString = DbSetting.ConnectionString(configuration, "Unisol"); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connetionString); connection.Open(); var colString = staffUtilities.GetColumnTypes(activeAccounts); var getAmountsSql = "SELECT " + colString + " FROM hrpSalProcess WHERE SPeriod='" + month + "' AND EmpNo='" + userCode + "'"; if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { connection.Open(); } var amountCommand = new SqlCommand(getAmountsSql, connection); var reader = amountCommand.ExecuteReader(); var listActiveAmountOnColumns = new List <string>(); while (reader.Read()) { activeAccounts.ForEach(column => { listActiveAmountOnColumns.Add(Convert.ToString(reader[column])); }); } amountCommand.Dispose(); connection.Close(); return(listActiveAmountOnColumns); }
private void AdjustInvoice(StudInvoiceAdj studInvoiceAdj) { try { studInvoiceAdj.Ref = GetInvoiceNo(); var query = "INSERT INTO StudInvoiceAdj (ref, AdmnNo, term, notes, Class, Amount, rdate) " + "VALUES (@ref, @admnno, @term, @notes, @class, @fee, @rdate)"; string connetionString = DbSetting.ConnectionString(_configuration, "Unisol"); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connetionString); if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { connection.Open(); } var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(query, connection); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ref", studInvoiceAdj.Ref); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@admnno", studInvoiceAdj.AdmnNo.ToUpper()); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@term", studInvoiceAdj.Term.ToUpper()); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@notes", "BOARDING FEES"); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@class", studInvoiceAdj.Class.ToUpper()); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@fee", studInvoiceAdj.Amount); sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@rdate", DateTime.UtcNow.Date); sqlCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlCommand.Dispose(); connection.Close(); } catch (Exception) { } }
public string GetIPPayeCode(IConfiguration configuration) { string connetionString = DbSetting.ConnectionString(configuration, "Unisol"); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connetionString); connection.Open(); var query = "select code from hrpPayAcc where names = (SELECT PAYE FROM hrpSetup)"; if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { connection.Open(); } var amountCommand = new SqlCommand(query, connection); var reader = amountCommand.ExecuteReader(); var code = ""; while (reader.Read()) { code = reader[0].ToString(); } amountCommand.Dispose(); connection.Close(); return(code); }
public double GetBalance(string accType, string userCode, string code, IConfiguration configuration, string accName, string month) { var balance = 0.0; string connetionString = DbSetting.ConnectionString(configuration, "Unisol"); var queryResults = new QueryResults(); if (accType.ToUpper().Equals("DEDUCTION")) { var hrpPayemain = _context.HrpPayemain.OrderByDescending(p => p.Id).FirstOrDefault(); var personalRelief = hrpPayemain.Prelief == null ? balance : Convert.ToDouble(hrpPayemain.Prelief); balance = (accName.ToUpper().Contains("P.A.Y.E") || accName.ToUpper().Contains("PAYE")) ? personalRelief : balance; } if (accType.ToUpper().Equals("UNION")) { var sharesContributionQuery = "SELECT CONVERT(decimal(12, 4), ISNULL(SUM([" + code + "]), 0) ) as totalunion from " + "hrpSalProcess where EmpNo='" + userCode + "'"; queryResults = ExecuteQuery(sharesContributionQuery, connetionString); double.TryParse(queryResults.Balance, out double processedAmount); var sharesQuery = "SELECT CONVERT(decimal(12, 4), ISNULL(SUM(Shares), 0) ) as totalunion from hrpSharesOB " + "where EmpNo='" + userCode + "' and Account like '%" + accName + "%'"; queryResults = ExecuteQuery(sharesQuery, connetionString); double.TryParse(queryResults.Balance, out double abtainedShares); var payoffSharesQuery = "SELECT CONVERT(decimal(12, 4), ISNULL(SUM(Shares), 0) ) as totalunion from hrpSharesPayOff " + "where EmpNo='" + userCode + "'and Account like '%" + accName + "%'"; queryResults = ExecuteQuery(payoffSharesQuery, connetionString); double.TryParse(queryResults.Balance, out double payoffShares); balance = processedAmount + abtainedShares - payoffShares; } if (accType.ToUpper().Equals("LOAN")) { DateTime date = DateTime.UtcNow; var firstDayOfMonth = new DateTime(date.Year, date.Month, 1); var firstdayom = firstDayOfMonth.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); var loanQuery = "set DATEFORMAT dmy select sum(b.Premium) as Amount,a.SDate from hrpLoanSetup a join hrpLoanSub b " + "on a.ID = b.Ref join hrpPayAcc c on a.Loan =c.[Names] where a.EmpNo='" + userCode + "' and c.Code='" + code + "' " + "and a.Closed= 0 AND a.EDate >='" + firstdayom + "' group by a.SDate"; queryResults = ExecuteQuery(loanQuery, connetionString, "loanQuery"); double.TryParse(queryResults.Balance, out double loanAmount); var startDate = queryResults.Date?.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); var loanContributionQuery = "SET DATEFORMAT dmy select CONVERT(decimal(12, 4), ISNULL(SUM([" + code + "]), 0) ) as totalunion " + "from hrpSalProcess p LEFT JOIN hrpSalPeriod s ON s.[Names]=p.SPeriod where EmpNo='" + userCode + "' " + "AND s.SDate >='" + startDate + "' and rDate <=(SELECT rdate FROM hrpSalProcess WHERE SPeriod = '" + month + "' AND EmpNo='" + userCode + "')"; queryResults = ExecuteQuery(loanContributionQuery, connetionString); double.TryParse(queryResults.Balance, out double loanContributions); balance = loanAmount - loanContributions; } return(balance); }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container. public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { //var constring = $"Server=;Database=unisoluoemdb;User Id=portal;[email protected];"; var unisolDbConnection = DbSetting.ConnectionString(Configuration, "Unisol"); var libraryDbConnection = DbSetting.ConnectionString(Configuration, "Library"); services.AddMvc(); services.AddSingleton <IPortalApiProxy, PortalApiProxy>(); services.AddTransient <IStudentServices, StudentServices>(); services.AddTransient <IStaffServices, StaffServices>(); services.AddTransient <ISystemServices, SystemServices>(); services.AddTransient <IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>(); services.AddDbContext <UnisolAPIdbContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(unisolDbConnection)); services.AddDbContext <LibraryAPIdbContext>(options => options.UseMySQL(libraryDbConnection)); }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container. public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { var issuer = Configuration["AuthSettings:Issuer"]; var audience = Configuration["AuthSettings:Audience"]; var sharedKey = Configuration["AuthSettings:SigningKey"]; var signingKey = new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sharedKey)); services.AddAuthentication(JwtBearerDefaults.AuthenticationScheme) .AddJwtBearer(options => { options.TokenValidationParameters = new TokenValidationParameters { // Clock skew compensates for server time drift. // We recommend 5 minutes or less: ClockSkew = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), // Specify the key used to sign the token: IssuerSigningKey = signingKey, RequireSignedTokens = true, ValidateIssuerSigningKey = true, // Ensure the token hasn't expired: RequireExpirationTime = true, ValidateLifetime = true, // Ensure the token audience matches our audience value (default true): ValidateAudience = true, ValidAudience = audience, // Ensure the token was issued by a trusted authorization server (default true): ValidateIssuer = true, ValidIssuer = issuer }; }); services.AddMvc().SetCompatibilityVersion(CompatibilityVersion.Version_2_1); // In production, the Angular files will be served from this directory services.AddSpaStaticFiles(configuration => { configuration.RootPath = "ClientApp/dist"; }); var electionMembership = DbSetting.ConnectionString(Configuration, "Portal"); services.AddDbContext <ElectionsDbContest>(options => options.UseSqlServer(electionMembership)); services.AddSingleton <IUnisolApiProxy, UnisolApiProxy>(); services.AddTransient <IUnitOfWork, UnitOfWork>(); services.AddTransient <IUserServices, UserServices>(); services.AddTransient <IAuthService, AuthService>(); services.AddTransient <IEmailService, EmailService>(); }
public ReturnData <List <RecipientViewModel> > GetMessageRecepients(string userName) { var users = new List <RecipientViewModel>(); var isGenesis = _studentServices.CheckIfGenesis().Success; string connetionString = DbSetting.ConnectionString(_configuration, "Unisol"); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connetionString); connection.Open(); string sql = "SELECT AdmnNo as username,[names] as fullname FROM Register" + " UNION" + " SELECT EmpNo as username,[Names] as fullname FROM hrpEmployee order by fullname asc"; if (isGenesis) { sql = "SELECT EmpNo as username,[Names] as fullname FROM hrpEmployee order by fullname asc"; } SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql, connection); var listActiveColumns = new List <string>(); using (var rdr = command.ExecuteReader()) { while (rdr.Read()) { var newUser = new RecipientViewModel { UserName = rdr.GetValue(0).ToString(), RecipientName = rdr.GetValue(1).ToString() }; users.Add(newUser); } } var distinctUsers = users.GroupBy(u => u.UserName).Select(u => u.First()).ToList(); command.Dispose(); connection.Close(); return(new ReturnData <List <RecipientViewModel> > { Data = distinctUsers, Success = true, Message = "Recipients found", }); }
public double GetIpTax(IConfiguration configuration, HrpSalPeriod salaryPeriod, string userCode) { string connetionString = DbSetting.ConnectionString(configuration, "Unisol"); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connetionString); connection.Open(); var code = GetIPPayeCode(configuration); if (salaryPeriod == null) { salaryPeriod = new HrpSalPeriod { Sdate = DateTime.UtcNow, Edate = DateTime.UtcNow } } ; var query = $"SET DATEFORMAT mdy SELECT ISNULL(SUM(p.[{code}]), 0) FROM hrpIPProcess p " + $"INNER JOIN hrpIPProjects j ON p.Project = j.Names WHERE j.Duedate >= '{salaryPeriod.Sdate}' AND j.Duedate <= '{salaryPeriod.Edate}' AND j.NonTaxable = 0 AND p.EmpNo = '{userCode}'"; if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { connection.Open(); } double ipTax = 0; try { var amountCommand = new SqlCommand(query, connection); var reader = amountCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { double.TryParse(reader[0].ToString(), out ipTax); } amountCommand.Dispose(); connection.Close(); } catch (Exception) { } return(Math.Round(ipTax)); }
private ReturnData <dynamic> GetProcessAmount(string userCode, string project, string payeCode, decimal deductionAmount) { try { string connetionString = DbSetting.ConnectionString(_configuration, "Unisol"); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connetionString); connection.Open(); var processAmountQuery = $"SELECT ISNULL(hrpIPProcess.[{payeCode}], 0) as Amount, Project FROM hrpIPProcess where EmpNo = '{userCode}' and Project = '{project}'"; var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(processAmountQuery, connection); var reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); var deductions = new List <dynamic>(); while (reader.Read()) { var projectName = reader[1].ToString(); decimal.TryParse(reader[0].ToString(), out decimal processAmount); deductionAmount = deductionAmount < 0 ? processAmount : deductionAmount; deductions.Add(new { projectName, deductionAmount }); } sqlCommand.Dispose(); connection.Close(); return(new ReturnData <dynamic> { Success = true, Data = deductions }); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new ReturnData <dynamic> { Success = false, Message = "Sorry, An error occurred" }); } }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container. public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { var oldMembershipConnection = DbSetting.ConnectionString(Configuration, "OldMembership"); var membership = DbSetting.ConnectionString(Configuration, "Portal"); var unisolDbConnection = DbSetting.ConnectionString(Configuration, "Unisol"); services.AddMvc(); services.AddDbContext <PortalCoreContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(membership)); services.AddDbContext <OldMembershipContext>( options => options.UseSqlServer(oldMembershipConnection) ); services.AddDbContext <UnisolAPIdbContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(unisolDbConnection) ); services.AddSingleton <IWeatherProvider, WeatherProviderFake>(); services.AddSingleton <IUnisolApiProxy, UnisolApiProxy>(); services.AddSingleton <IEmailConfiguration>(Configuration.GetSection("EmailConfiguration").Get <EmailConfiguration>()); services.AddTransient <IEmailService, EmailService>(); services.AddSingleton <IConfiguration>(Configuration); services.AddTransient <IPortalServices, PortalServices>(); services.AddTransient <IUserManagementService, UserManagementService>(); services.AddTransient <IAcademicsServices, AcademicsServices>(); services.AddTransient <ICroneJobs, CroneJobs>(); services.AddOptions(); services.AddHangfire(x => x.UseSqlServerStorage(membership)); //services.AddAuthentication(options => //{ // options.DefaultAuthenticateScheme = CustomAuthOptions.DefaultScheme; // options.DefaultChallengeScheme = CustomAuthOptions.DefaultScheme; //}) // // Call custom authentication extension method // .AddCustomAuth(options => // { // // Configure single or multiple passwords for authentication // options.AuthKey = "custom auth key"; // }); }
private string GetMaxNo(string refQuery) { var connetionString = DbSetting.ConnectionString(_configuration, "Portal"); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connetionString); if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { connection.Open(); } var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(refQuery, connection); var reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); var refNo = ""; while (reader.Read()) { refNo = reader[0]?.ToString() ?? ""; } sqlCommand.Dispose(); connection.Close(); return(refNo); }
public List <AccountAmountViewModel> ReturnPaidLoan(string userCode, string loanColumn) { try { string connetionString = null; SqlConnection connection; SqlCommand command; string sql = null; connetionString = DbSetting.ConnectionString(_configuration, "Unisol"); connection = new SqlConnection(connetionString); connection.Open(); var getAmountsSql = "SELECT Speriod, ISNULL([" + loanColumn + "],0) as [" + loanColumn + "] FROM hrpSalProcess WHERE " + " EmpNo='" + userCode + "'"; //var nconnection = new SqlConnection(connetionString); if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { connection.Open(); } var amountCommand = new SqlCommand(getAmountsSql, connection); var reader = amountCommand.ExecuteReader(); var listActiveAmountOnColumns = new List <dynamic>(); while (reader.Read()) { listActiveAmountOnColumns.Add( new { loan = Convert.ToString(reader[loanColumn]), Speriod = Convert.ToString(reader["Speriod"]) } ); } var accountsAmountList = new List <AccountAmountViewModel>(); listActiveAmountOnColumns.ForEach(l => { accountsAmountList.Add( new AccountAmountViewModel { AccountName = l.Speriod, Amount = } ); }); amountCommand.Dispose(); connection.Close(); return(accountsAmountList); } catch (Exception ex) { return(new List <AccountAmountViewModel>()); } }
public IEnumerable <MarksheetResults> GetStudentResults(TranscriptRequestViewModel transcriptModel, string institutionInitials, IConfiguration configuration) { var sysSetup = _context.SysSetup.FirstOrDefault(); var results = _context.MarkSheet.Join(_context.Subjects, m => m.Subject, s => s.Code, (m, s) => new MarksheetResults { AdmnNo = m.AdmnNo, Term = m.Term, Code = m.Subject, Title = s.Names, Exam = m.Exam, Cat = m.Cat }).Where(r => r.AdmnNo == transcriptModel.Usercode).ToList(); if (institutionInitials.ToUpper().Equals("KCNP") || institutionInitials.ToUpper().Equals("NTTI")) { string connetionString = DbSetting.ConnectionString(configuration, "Unisol"); SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connetionString); if (connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed) { connection.Open(); } var marks = "SELECT m.admnno, m.term, m.subject, s.names, m.exam, m.[cat1], m.[cat2] FROM MarkSheet m INNER JOIN Subjects s ON m.subject = s.code " + "WHERE m.admnno = '" + transcriptModel.Usercode + "'"; if (institutionInitials.ToUpper().Equals("NTTI")) { marks = "SELECT m.admnno, m.term, m.subject, s.names, m.exam, m.[cat 1], m.[cat 2] FROM MarkSheet m INNER JOIN Subjects s ON m.subject = s.code " + "WHERE m.admnno = '" + transcriptModel.Usercode + "'"; } var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(marks, connection); var reader = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(); results = new List <MarksheetResults>(); while (reader.Read()) { decimal cat1 = 0, cat2 = 0, exam = 0; decimal.TryParse(reader[5].ToString(), out cat1); decimal.TryParse(reader[6].ToString(), out cat2); decimal.TryParse(reader[4].ToString(), out exam); var cat = (cat1 + cat2) * 0.5m; if (institutionInitials.ToUpper().Equals("NTTI")) { cat = (sysSetup.OtherTests / 100) * cat1 ?? 0; exam = (sysSetup.Exam / 100) * exam ?? 0; } results.Add(new MarksheetResults { AdmnNo = reader[0].ToString(), Term = reader[1].ToString(), Code = reader[2].ToString(), Title = reader[3].ToString(), Exam = Math.Round(exam, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero), Cat = Math.Round(cat, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) }); } sqlCommand.Dispose(); connection.Close(); } return(results); }