コード例 #1
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: palmarci/dcontUploader
        private static DbGlucoTransferRecord getTransferInfo(List <byte> data)
            DbGlucoTransferRecord transfer = new DbGlucoTransferRecord();

            // glucoResponse.operationResult = GlucoOperationResultEnum.Failed;
                if (data == null || data.Count == 0)
                int    count    = data.Count;
                uint[] numArray = new uint[data.Count];
                for (int index = 0; index < data.Count; ++index)
                    numArray[index] = (uint)data[index];
                DbGlucoTransferRecord glucoTransferRecord = new DbGlucoTransferRecord();
                glucoTransferRecord.Status   = (uint)((int)numArray[0] | (int)numArray[1] << 8 | (int)numArray[2] << 16 | (int)numArray[3] << 24);
                glucoTransferRecord.Code     = numArray[8] | numArray[9] << 8;
                glucoTransferRecord.Version  = (uint)((int)numArray[count - 6] | (int)numArray[count - 7] << 8 | (int)numArray[count - 8] << 16 | (int)numArray[count - 9] << 24);
                glucoTransferRecord.Dcont_ID = (uint)((int)numArray[count - 5] | (int)numArray[count - 4] << 8 | (int)numArray[count - 3] << 16 | (int)numArray[count - 2] << 24);
                //    SOFTWARE_VERSION = (int)numArray[count - 9]; what the f**k
            catch (Exception ex)
                // glucoResponse.error = ex.ToString();
            // glucoResponse.operationResult = GlucoOperationResultEnum.Success;
            //         return transfer;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: palmarci/dcontUploader
        static uint getSoftVer(List <byte> data)
            DbGlucoTransferRecord glucoTransferRecord = new DbGlucoTransferRecord();
            uint SoftwareVersion = 0;

                if (data == null || data.Count == 0)
                    //  return glucoResponse;
                    Console.WriteLine("data is null!");
                int    count    = data.Count;
                uint[] numArray = new uint[data.Count];
                for (int index = 0; index < data.Count; ++index)
                    numArray[index] = (uint)data[index];
                glucoTransferRecord.Status   = (uint)((int)numArray[0] | (int)numArray[1] << 8 | (int)numArray[2] << 16 | (int)numArray[3] << 24);
                glucoTransferRecord.Code     = numArray[8] | numArray[9] << 8;
                glucoTransferRecord.Version  = (uint)((int)numArray[count - 6] | (int)numArray[count - 7] << 8 | (int)numArray[count - 8] << 16 | (int)numArray[count - 9] << 24);
                glucoTransferRecord.Dcont_ID = (uint)((int)numArray[count - 5] | (int)numArray[count - 4] << 8 | (int)numArray[count - 3] << 16 | (int)numArray[count - 2] << 24);
                SoftwareVersion = numArray[count - 9];
                //     glucoTransferRecord.returnValue = (object)data;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception4: " + ex);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: palmarci/dcontUploader
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //auto com port selector, xml serializer, cli input - output, argument commands (u-pload, d-ump), more cs files for the helper functions and the classes

            string      username, password;
            XmlDocument connCheckResponse = invokeService("checkConnection");

            SERVER_TIME = DateTime.Parse(extractTag(connCheckResponse, "ServerDate"));

            username = "";
            password = "";

            if (username == "" || password == "")
                handleError("no username or password given");

            XmlDocument loginResponse     = invokeService("login", "<username>" + username + "</username><password>" + password + "</password><client_IPAddress>" + getRetardedIpAddress() + "</client_IPAddress>");
            XmlDocument patientIdResponse = invokeService("getPatientId", "<userName>" + username + "</userName><password>" + password + "</password>");

            string loginString = extractTag(loginResponse, "returnValue");
            string patientId   = extractTag(patientIdResponse, "returnValue");

            SerialPort    comPort  = new SerialPort();
            List <string> usbPorts = GetUsbPorts();

            GlucoResponse contents = dumpFromComPort(comPort, usbPorts[0]);

            float low;
            float high;
            int   fieldSize;
            int   softwareVersion = (int)getSoftVer((List <byte>)contents.returnValue);
            int   dataLength      = ((List <byte>)contents.returnValue).Count + 2; //wtf

            XmlDocument fieldSizeResponse = invokeService("getDcontFieldSize", "<deviceType>0</deviceType><softwareVersion>" + softwareVersion + "</softwareVersion><dataLength>" + dataLength + "</dataLength>");

            float[] fieldSizes = getFieldSizes(extractTag(fieldSizeResponse, "returnValue"));
            low       = fieldSizes[0];
            high      = fieldSizes[1];
            fieldSize = (int)fieldSizes[2];

            DbGlucoTransferRecord transferInfo = getTransferInfo(((List <byte>)contents.returnValue));
            GlucoResponse         measurements = analyze(fieldSize, softwareVersion, low, high, ((List <byte>)contents.returnValue));

            dumpToXmlFile((List <DbMeasurementRecord>)measurements.returnValue);
            measurements.returnValue = xmlFileToObject([MODDED XML PATH]); //i know, it will fail, a reminder to change the path