public IHttpActionResult PostCustomer([FromUri] string senderID, [FromBody] GeneralUserModel userModel) { Customer customer = new Customer(userModel.Username, userModel.Password) { FirstName = userModel.FirstName, LastName = userModel.LastName, Gender = userModel.Gender, JMBG = userModel.JMBG, Phone = userModel.Phone, Email = userModel.Email, }; userModel.TaxiDrivesIDs.ForEach(td => customer.TaxiDrives.Add(DbTaxiDrive.GetSingleEntityByKey(td))); //Customer ne pravi sam svoj nalog if (senderID != customer.Username) { if (!LoggedUsers.Contains(senderID)) { return(Content(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Not logged in.")); } else if (!DbAdmin.Exists(senderID)) { return(Content(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized, "Not a dispatcher nor the user to be added.")); } } if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } bool result; try { result = DbCustomer.Add(customer); } catch (Exception e) { Trace.Write($"Error on 'PostCustomer()'. Error message: {e.Message}"); Trace.Write($"[STACK_TRACE] {e.StackTrace}"); return(InternalServerError(e)); } if (result) { return(Ok(customer)); } else { return(BadRequest("Customer already exists.")); } }