protected void btn_del_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { string strsql = "delete from tbl_banner where bannerid = @id"; int i = DbControl.Data_delete(strsql, Selected_id.Value); ListView1.DataBind(); }
public static int Article_item_Update(List <article.ItemData> itemData) { string strsql = "delete from tbl_article_item where articleId =@id"; NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection(); int i = 0; foreach (article.ItemData idx in itemData) { if (i == 0) { i = DbControl.Data_delete(strsql, idx.Id.ToString()); } i++; nvc.Clear(); strsql = @"insert into tbl_article_item (articleId,secno,subject,contents) values (@articleId,@secno,@subject,@contents)"; nvc.Add("articleId", idx.Id.ToString()); nvc.Add("secno", idx.Secno.ToString()); nvc.Add("subject", idx.Title); nvc.Add("contents", idx.Contents); i = DbControl.Data_add(strsql, nvc); } return(i); }
//刪除 protected void link_delete(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { LinkButton obj = sender as LinkButton; Selected_id.Value = obj.CommandArgument; string strsql = "update tbl_banner set status='D' where bannerid = @id"; int i = DbControl.Data_delete(strsql, Selected_id.Value); selectSQL(); }
protected void Btn_save_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { LinkButton obj = sender as LinkButton; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- string uploadPath = Server.MapPath("~/webimages/banner/"); string Filename = ""; string[] allowedExtensions = { ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".gif" }; string fileExtension; if (FileUpload1.HasFile) { fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.FileName.ToLower()); if (Array.IndexOf(allowedExtensions, fileExtension) >= 0) { Filename = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssfff") + fileExtension; FileUpload1.PostedFile.SaveAs(uploadPath + Filename); HiddenField1.Value = Filename; } else { Response.Write("檔案格式有誤"); } } NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection(); string strsql = ""; if (Btn_save.CommandArgument == "add") { strsql = @"INSERT INTO tbl_banner(filename, path, url, targetblank, sort, enabledate, disabledate, status, title, createdate, createuserid, classId,viewcount,contents,categoryid,articleId ) VALUES (@filename, @path, @url, @targetblank, @sort, @enabledate, @disabledate, @status, @title, @createdate , @createuserid, @classId,0,@contents, @categoryid, @articleId) "; nvc.Add("createdate", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")); nvc.Add("createuserid", Session["userid"].ToString()); } else { strsql = "delete from tbl_recommend where bannerid=@id"; DbControl.Data_delete(strsql, Selected_id.Value); strsql = @"UPDATE tbl_banner SET filename =@filename, path =@path, url =@url, targetblank =@targetblank, sort =@sort, enabledate =@enabledate, disabledate =@disabledate, status =@status, title =@title, classId =@classId ,contents=@contents,categoryid=@categoryid,articleId=@articleId where bannerid=@bannerid"; nvc.Add("bannerid", Selected_id.Value); } nvc.Add("filename", HiddenField1.Value); nvc.Add("path", "webimages/banner/"); nvc.Add("url", t_url.Text); nvc.Add("targetblank", t_targetblank.Text); nvc.Add("sort", t_sort.Text); nvc.Add("enabledate", sdate.Text + " " + stime.SelectedValue + ":00:00"); nvc.Add("status", t_status.SelectedValue); nvc.Add("title", t_title.Text); nvc.Add("classId", classid.SelectedValue); nvc.Add("categoryid", DropDownList2.SelectedValue); nvc.Add("articleId", DropDownList3.SelectedValue); if (edate.Text != "") { nvc.Add("disabledate", edate.Text + " " + etime.SelectedValue + ":00:00"); } else { nvc.Add("disabledate", "DBNull"); } nvc.Add("contents", contents.Text); int i = DbControl.Data_add(strsql, nvc); if (Btn_save.CommandArgument == "add") { strsql = "select max(bannerid ) from tbl_banner "; DataTable dt = DbControl.Data_Get(strsql, nvc); Selected_id.Value = dt.Rows[0][0].ToString(); dt.Dispose(); } for (i = 0; i < classid.Items.Count; i++) { if (classid.Items[i].Selected) { nvc.Clear(); strsql = "insert into tbl_recommend (bannerid,classid) values (@bannerid,@classid) "; nvc.Add("bannerid", Selected_id.Value); nvc.Add("classid", classid.Items[i].Value); DbControl.Data_add(strsql, nvc); } } selectSQL(); MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0; cleaninput(); }
public static int Article_Update(article.MainData ad) { article.Lesson Lesson = ad.Lesson; string strsql = @"update tbl_article set subject =@subject,pic=@pic,subtitle=@subtitle,postday=@postday,contents=@contents , keywords=@keywords,status=@status,author=@author,recommend=@recommend ,kind=@kind,YoutubeUrl=@YoutubeUrl,NextRead=@NextRead,ViewCount=@ViewCount, flag=@flag where articleId =@id "; NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection { { "subject", ad.Subject }, { "pic", ad.Pic }, { "subtitle", ad.SubTitle }, { "postday", ad.PostDay.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") }, { "contents", ad.Contents }, { "keywords", ad.Keywords }, { "author", ad.Author }, { "status", ad.Status }, { "recommend", ad.Recommend }, { "kind", ad.kind == "L" ? "Y":"N" }, { "YoutubeUrl", ad.YoutubeUrl }, { "NextRead", ad.NextRead }, { "flag", ad.Flag }, { "ViewCount", ad.Viewcount.ToString() } //{ "startday",ad.StartDay.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") }, //{ "endday",ad.EndDay.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") }, }; int i = DbControl.Data_Update(strsql, nvc, ad.Id.ToString()); nvc.Clear(); strsql = "delete from tbl_article_tag where articleId =@id and unitid =13 "; i = DbControl.Data_delete(strsql, ad.Id.ToString()); string[] tags = ad.Tags; foreach (string s in tags) { nvc.Clear(); strsql = @"insert into tbl_article_tag (articleId,tagid,unitid) values (@articleId,@tagid,@unitid)"; nvc.Add("articleId", ad.Id.ToString()); nvc.Add("tagid", s); nvc.Add("unitid", "13"); i = DbControl.Data_add(strsql, nvc); } strsql = "delete from Tbl_article_category where articleId =@id"; i = DbControl.Data_delete(strsql, ad.Id.ToString()); List <Category> categoryid = ad.Category; foreach (var s in categoryid) { nvc.Clear(); strsql = @"insert into Tbl_article_category (articleId,categoryid) values (@articleId,@categoryid)"; nvc.Add("articleId", ad.Id.ToString()); nvc.Add("categoryid", s.CategoryId.ToString()); i = DbControl.Data_add(strsql, nvc); } nvc.Clear(); // bool exists = Lesson.Exists(p => p.Id == ad.Id); if (Lesson.Id > 0) { // var L = Lesson.Find(p => p.Id == ad.Id); strsql = "delete from tbl_lesson where articleId =@id "; DbControl.Data_delete(strsql, ad.Id.ToString()); nvc.Clear(); strsql = @"insert into tbl_lesson (articleId,address,startday,endday,lessontime) values (@id,@address,@startday,@endday,@lessontime) "; nvc.Add("id", ad.Id.ToString()); nvc.Add("address", Lesson.Address); nvc.Add("lessontime", Lesson.Lessontime); nvc.Add("startday", Lesson.StartDay.ToShortDateString()); nvc.Add("endday", Lesson.EndDay.ToShortDateString()); i = DbControl.Data_add(strsql, nvc); nvc.Clear(); strsql = "delete from tbl_article_tag where articleId =@id and unitid =14"; i = DbControl.Data_delete(strsql, ad.Id.ToString()); string[] lecturer = Lesson.Lecturer; foreach (string s in lecturer) { nvc.Clear(); strsql = @"insert into tbl_article_tag (articleId,tagid,unitid) values (@articleId,@tagid,@unitid)"; nvc.Add("articleId", ad.Id.ToString()); nvc.Add("tagid", s); nvc.Add("unitid", "14"); i = DbControl.Data_add(strsql, nvc); } nvc.Clear(); //strsql = "delete from tbl_lesson_class where articleId =@id"; //i = DbControl.Data_delete(strsql, ad.Id.ToString()); List <article.LessonDetail> detail = Lesson.LessonDetail; foreach (var v in detail) { nvc.Clear(); string lessonId = v.LessonId.ToString(); if (lessonId == "0" || lessonId == "") { strsql = @"insert into tbl_lesson_class (articleId, price, sellprice,limitnum,description,sort,strdat,enddat,flag) values (@articleId, @price, @sellprice,@limitnum,@description,@sort ,@strdat,@enddat,@flag)"; } else { strsql = @"update tbl_lesson_class set articleId=@articleId, price=@price, sellprice=@sellprice,limitnum=@limitnum, description=@description,sort=@sort ,strdat=@strdat,enddat=@enddat,flag=@flag where lessonId=@lessonId "; } nvc.Add("lessonId", lessonId); nvc.Add("articleId", ad.Id.ToString()); nvc.Add("description", v.Description); nvc.Add("limitnum", v.Limitnum.ToString()); nvc.Add("price", v.Price.ToString()); nvc.Add("sellprice", v.Sellprice.ToString()); nvc.Add("sort", v.LessonId.ToString()); nvc.Add("strdat", v.Strdat.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")); nvc.Add("enddat", v.Enddat.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")); nvc.Add("flag", v.Flag); i = DbControl.Data_add(strsql, nvc); } } nvc.Clear(); strsql = "update tbl_article_file set articleid =@articleid where (articleId =@tempid or tempid=@tempid)"; nvc.Add("articleId", ad.Id.ToString()); nvc.Add("tempid", ad.Tempid); i = DbControl.Data_add(strsql, nvc); return(i); }