public void CreateDatabase_using_Migrations_does_not_suppress_initializers()
                var internalContext = CreateMockContextForMigrator().Object;


                new DatabaseCreator().CreateDatabase(
                    (config, context) => new Mock <DbMigrator>(config, context, DatabaseExistenceState.Unknown).Object,

コード例 #2
        // <summary>
        // Initializes the underlying <see cref="ObjectContext" />.
        // </summary>
        protected override void InitializeContext()

            if (_objectContext == null)
                if (_creatingModel)
                    throw Error.DbContext_ContextUsedInModelCreating();
                    var contextInfo = DbContextInfo.TryGetInfoForContext(Owner.GetType());
                    if (contextInfo != null)

                    _creatingModel = true;

                    if (_createdWithExistingModel)
                        // A DbCompiledModel was supplied, which means we should just create the ObjectContext from the model.
                        // The connection cannot be an EF connection because it would then contain a second source of model info.
                        if (_internalConnection.ConnectionHasModel)
                            throw Error.DbContext_ConnectionHasModel();

                        Debug.Assert(_model != null);
                        _objectContext = _model.CreateObjectContext <ObjectContext>(_internalConnection.Connection);
                        // No model was supplied, so we should either create one using Code First, or if an EF connection
                        // was supplied then we should use the metadata in that connection to create a model.

                        if (_internalConnection.ConnectionHasModel)
                            _objectContext = _internalConnection.CreateObjectContextFromConnectionModel();
                            // The idea here is that for a given derived context type and provider we will only ever create one DbCompiledModel.
                            // The delegate given to GetOrAdd may be executed more than once even though ultimately only one of the
                            // values will make it in the dictionary. The RetryLazy ensures that that delegate only gets called
                            // exactly one time, thereby ensuring that OnModelCreating will only ever be called once.  BUT, sometimes
                            // the delegate will fail (and throw and exception). This may be due to some resource issue--most notably
                            // a problem with the database connection. In such a situation it makes sense to have the model creation
                            // try again later when the resource issue has potentially been resolved. To enable this RetryLazy will
                            // try again next time GetValue called. We have to pass the context to GetValue so that the next time it tries
                            // again it will use the new connection.

                            var key = _cacheKeyFactory(Owner);

                            var model
                                = _cachedModels.GetOrAdd(
                                      key, t => new RetryLazy <LazyInternalContext, DbCompiledModel>(CreateModel)).GetValue(this);

                            _objectContext = model.CreateObjectContext <ObjectContext>(_internalConnection.Connection);

                            // Don't actually set the _model unless we succeed in creating the object context.
                            _model = model;

                    _objectContext.ContextOptions.EnsureTransactionsForFunctionsAndCommands = _initialEnsureTransactionsForFunctionsAndCommands;
                    _objectContext.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled              = _initialLazyLoadingFlag;
                    _objectContext.ContextOptions.ProxyCreationEnabled            = _initialProxyCreationFlag;
                    _objectContext.ContextOptions.UseCSharpNullComparisonBehavior = !_useDatabaseNullSemanticsFlag;
                    _objectContext.CommandTimeout = _commandTimeout;

                    _objectContext.ContextOptions.UseConsistentNullReferenceBehavior = true;

                    _objectContext.InterceptionContext = _objectContext.InterceptionContext.WithDbContext(Owner);


                    _creatingModel = false;