コード例 #1
        private DbConnectionPool?GetConnectionPool(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionPoolGroup connectionPoolGroup)
            // if poolgroup is disabled, it will be replaced with a new entry

            Debug.Assert(null != owningObject, "null owningObject?");
            Debug.Assert(null != connectionPoolGroup, "null connectionPoolGroup?");

            // It is possible that while the outer connection object has
            // been sitting around in a closed and unused state in some long
            // running app, the pruner may have come along and remove this
            // the pool entry from the master list.  If we were to use a
            // pool entry in this state, we would create "unmanaged" pools,
            // which would be bad.  To avoid this problem, we automagically
            // re-create the pool entry whenever it's disabled.

            // however, don't rebuild connectionOptions if no pooling is involved - let new connections do that work
            if (connectionPoolGroup.IsDisabled && (null != connectionPoolGroup.PoolGroupOptions))
                // reusing existing pool option in case user originally used SetConnectionPoolOptions
                DbConnectionPoolGroupOptions?poolOptions = connectionPoolGroup.PoolGroupOptions;

                // get the string to hash on again
                DbConnectionOptions?connectionOptions = connectionPoolGroup.ConnectionOptions;
                Debug.Assert(null != connectionOptions, "prevent expansion of connectionString");

                connectionPoolGroup = GetConnectionPoolGroup(connectionPoolGroup.PoolKey, poolOptions, ref connectionOptions) !;
                Debug.Assert(null != connectionPoolGroup, "null connectionPoolGroup?");
                SetConnectionPoolGroup(owningObject, connectionPoolGroup);
            DbConnectionPool?connectionPool = connectionPoolGroup.GetConnectionPool(this);

コード例 #2
        internal void MakePooledConnection(DbConnectionPool connectionPool)
            // Used by DbConnectionFactory to indicate that this object IS part of
            // a connection pool.
            _createTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            _connectionPool = connectionPool;
コード例 #3
        internal void MakeNonPooledObject(object owningObject)
            // Used by DbConnectionFactory to indicate that this object IS NOT part of
            // a connection pool.

            _connectionPool      = null;
            _owningObject.Target = owningObject;
            _pooledCount         = -1;
コード例 #4
        internal void MakePooledConnection(DbConnectionPool connectionPool)
            // Used by DbConnectionFactory to indicate that this object IS part of
            // a connection pool.

            // TODO: consider using ADP.TimerCurrent() for this.
            _createTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

            _connectionPool      = connectionPool;
            _performanceCounters = connectionPool.PerformanceCounters;
コード例 #5
        internal virtual void DelegatedTransactionEnded()
            // Called by System.Transactions when the delegated transaction has
            // completed.  We need to make closed connections that are in stasis
            // available again, or disposed closed/leaked non-pooled connections.

            // IMPORTANT NOTE: You must have taken a lock on the object before
            // you call this method to prevent race conditions with Clear and
            // ReclaimEmancipatedObjects.

            if (1 == _pooledCount)
                // When _pooledCount is 1, it indicates a closed, pooled,
                // connection so it is ready to put back into the pool for
                // general use.


                Deactivate(); // call it one more time just in case

                DbConnectionPool?pool = Pool;

                if (null == pool)
                    throw ADP.InternalError(ADP.InternalErrorCode.PooledObjectWithoutPool);      // pooled connection does not have a pool
            else if (-1 == _pooledCount && !_owningObject.IsAlive)
                // When _pooledCount is -1 and the owning object no longer exists,
                // it indicates a closed (or leaked), non-pooled connection so
                // it is safe to dispose.


                Deactivate(); // call it one more time just in case

                // it's a non-pooled connection, we need to dispose of it
                // once and for all, or the server will have fits about us
                // leaving connections open until the client-side GC kicks
                // in.
                PerformanceCounters !.NumberOfNonPooledConnections.Decrement();
            // When _pooledCount is 0, the connection is a pooled connection
            // that is either open (if the owning object is alive) or leaked (if
            // the owning object is not alive)  In either case, we can't muck
            // with the connection here.
コード例 #6
 protected abstract DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool?pool, DbConnection?owningConnection);
コード例 #7
 protected virtual DbConnectionInternal?CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool?pool, DbConnection?owningConnection, DbConnectionOptions?userOptions)
     return(CreateConnection(options, poolKey, poolGroupProviderInfo, pool, owningConnection));
コード例 #8
        protected override DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool?pool, DbConnection?owningObject)
            // TODO-NULLABLE: owningObject may actually be null (see DbConnectionPool.CreateObject), in which case this will throw...
            DbConnectionInternal result = new OleDbConnectionInternal((OleDbConnectionString)options, (OleDbConnection)owningObject !);

コード例 #9
        protected override DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool?pool, DbConnection?owningObject)
            // TODO: owningObject may actually be null (see DbConnectionPool.CreateObject), in which case this will throw...
            DbConnectionInternal result = new OdbcConnectionOpen((owningObject as OdbcConnection) !, (options as OdbcConnectionString) !);

コード例 #10
        internal DbConnectionPool?GetConnectionPool(DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
            // When this method returns null it indicates that the connection
            // factory should not use pooling.

            // We don't support connection pooling on Win9x;
            // PoolGroupOptions will only be null when we're not supposed to pool
            // connections.
            DbConnectionPool?pool = null;

            if (null != _poolGroupOptions)
                DbConnectionPoolIdentity?currentIdentity = DbConnectionPoolIdentity.NoIdentity;

                if (_poolGroupOptions.PoolByIdentity)
                    // if we're pooling by identity (because integrated security is
                    // being used for these connections) then we need to go out and
                    // search for the connectionPool that matches the current identity.

                    currentIdentity = DbConnectionPoolIdentity.GetCurrent();

                    // If the current token is restricted in some way, then we must
                    // not attempt to pool these connections.
                    if (currentIdentity.IsRestricted)
                        currentIdentity = null;

                if (null != currentIdentity)
                    if (!_poolCollection.TryGetValue(currentIdentity, out pool)) // find the pool
                        lock (this)
                            // Did someone already add it to the list?
                            if (!_poolCollection.TryGetValue(currentIdentity, out pool))
                                DbConnectionPoolProviderInfo?connectionPoolProviderInfo = connectionFactory.CreateConnectionPoolProviderInfo(this.ConnectionOptions);
                                DbConnectionPool             newPool = new DbConnectionPool(connectionFactory, this, currentIdentity, connectionPoolProviderInfo);

                                if (MarkPoolGroupAsActive())
                                    // If we get here, we know for certain that we there isn't
                                    // a pool that matches the current identity, so we have to
                                    // add the optimistically created one
                                    newPool.Startup(); // must start pool before usage
                                    bool addResult = _poolCollection.TryAdd(currentIdentity, newPool);
                                    Debug.Assert(addResult, "No other pool with current identity should exist at this point");
                                    pool = newPool;
                                    // else pool entry has been disabled so don't create new pools
                                    Debug.Assert(PoolGroupStateDisabled == _state, "state should be disabled");

                                    // don't need to call connectionFactory.QueuePoolForRelease(newPool) because
                                    // pool callbacks were delayed and no risk of connections being created
                                // else found an existing pool to use instead
                                Debug.Assert(PoolGroupStateActive == _state, "state should be active since a pool exists and lock holds");
                    // the found pool could be in any state

            if (null == pool)
                lock (this)
                    // keep the pool entry state active when not pooling
コード例 #11
        internal virtual void CloseConnection(DbConnection owningObject, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
            // The implementation here is the implementation required for the
            // "open" internal connections, since our own private "closed"
            // singleton internal connection objects override this method to
            // prevent anything funny from happening (like disposing themselves
            // or putting them into a connection pool)
            // Derived class should override DbConnectionInternal.Deactivate and DbConnectionInternal.Dispose
            // for cleaning up after DbConnection.Close
            //     protected override void Deactivate() { // override DbConnectionInternal.Close
            //         // do derived class connection deactivation for both pooled & non-pooled connections
            //     }
            //     public override void Dispose() { // override DbConnectionInternal.Close
            //         // do derived class cleanup
            //         base.Dispose();
            //     }
            // overriding DbConnection.Close is also possible, but must provider for their own synchronization
            //     public override void Close() { // override DbConnection.Close
            //         base.Close();
            //         // do derived class outer connection for both pooled & non-pooled connections
            //         // user must do their own synchronization here
            //     }
            //     if the DbConnectionInternal derived class needs to close the connection it should
            //     delegate to the DbConnection if one exists or directly call dispose
            //         DbConnection owningObject = (DbConnection)Owner;
            //         if (null != owningObject) {
            //             owningObject.Close(); // force the closed state on the outer object.
            //         }
            //         else {
            //             Dispose();
            //         }
            Debug.Assert(null != owningObject, "null owningObject");
            Debug.Assert(null != connectionFactory, "null connectionFactory");

            // if an exception occurs after the state change but before the try block
            // the connection will be stuck in OpenBusy state.  The commented out try-catch
            // block doesn't really help because a ThreadAbort during the finally block
            // would just revert the connection to a bad state.
            // Open->Closed: guarantee internal connection is returned to correct pool
            if (connectionFactory.SetInnerConnectionFrom(owningObject, DbConnectionOpenBusy.SingletonInstance, this))
                // Lock to prevent race condition with cancellation
                lock (this)
                    object?lockToken = ObtainAdditionalLocksForClose();

                        DbConnectionPool?connectionPool = Pool;

                        // The singleton closed classes won't have owners and
                        // connection pools, and we won't want to put them back
                        // into the pool.
                        if (null != connectionPool)
                            connectionPool.PutObject(this, owningObject);   // PutObject calls Deactivate for us...
                                                                            // NOTE: Before we leave the PutObject call, another
                                                                            // thread may have already popped the connection from
                                                                            // the pool, so don't expect to be able to verify it.
                            Deactivate();   // ensure we de-activate non-pooled connections, or the data readers and transactions may not get cleaned up...

                            // To prevent an endless recursion, we need to clear
                            // the owning object before we call dispose so that
                            // we can't get here a second time... Ordinarily, I
                            // would call setting the owner to null a hack, but
                            // this is safe since we're about to dispose the
                            // object and it won't have an owner after that for
                            // certain.
                            _owningObject.Target = null;

                        // if a ThreadAbort puts us here then its possible the outer connection will not reference
                        // this and this will be orphaned, not reclaimed by object pool until outer connection goes out of scope.
                        connectionFactory.SetInnerConnectionEvent(owningObject, DbConnectionClosedPreviouslyOpened.SingletonInstance);
コード例 #12
        protected override DbConnectionInternal CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, DbConnectionPoolKey poolKey, object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool?pool, DbConnection?owningObject)
            DbConnectionInternal result = new OleDbConnectionInternal((OleDbConnectionString)options, (OleDbConnection?)owningObject);
