コード例 #1
        private void GradeTest()
            List <Student>  studentsThatAnswered = db.GetAllStudentsThatAnsweredToATest(currentTest, currentClass);
            List <Question> allQuestions         = db.GetAllQuestionsOfATest(currentTest.IdTest);

            dgwTestResults.Rows.Clear();        // !!!! erase when fully debugged //
            dgwTestResults.Columns.Clear();     // !!!! erase when fully debugged //

            int gridRow = 0, gridColumn = 0;

            GridAddData(gridRow, gridColumn, "Domande e risposte");
            gridColumn = 1;

            List <Answer> correctQuestionAnswers;

            // showing the correct answers and weights of the questions
            foreach (Question q in allQuestions)
                correctQuestionAnswers = db.GetAllCorrectAnswersToThisQuestionOfThisTest(
                    q.IdQuestion, currentTest.IdTest);

                GridAddData(gridRow, gridColumn, q.Text);
                GridAddData(gridRow, gridColumn + 1, "Risposte esatte");
                GridAddData(gridRow, gridColumn + 2, "Costo errore");

                // scan all the correct answers to this question
                for (int iAnswer = 0; iAnswer < correctQuestionAnswers.Count; iAnswer++)
                    GridAddData(gridRow + iAnswer + 1, gridColumn,
                                ((iAnswer + 1).ToString() + "- " + correctQuestionAnswers[iAnswer].Text));
                    GridAddData(gridRow + iAnswer + 1, gridColumn + 1,
                    GridAddData(gridRow + iAnswer + 1, gridColumn + 2,

                // show the weight of the question
                GridAddData(gridRow + correctQuestionAnswers.Count + 1, gridColumn, "Peso della domanda");
                GridAddData(gridRow + correctQuestionAnswers.Count + 1, gridColumn + 1, q.Weight.ToString());
                gridColumn += 3;
            gridRow   += 7;
            gridColumn = 0;
            GridAddData(gridRow, gridColumn, "Correzione delle risposte degli allievi");
            // showing and grading the answers of the students
            foreach (Student s in studentsThatAnswered)
                GridAddData(gridRow, gridColumn, s.LastName + " " + s.FirstName);
                GridAddData(gridRow, gridColumn + 3, "Risposta allievo");
                GridAddData(gridRow, gridColumn + 3, "Costo errori");

                double weightedSum  = 0;
                double sumOfWeights = 0;
                gridColumn = 0;

                // grading of students' answers
                foreach (Question q in allQuestions)
                    correctQuestionAnswers = db.GetAllCorrectAnswersToThisQuestionOfThisTest(
                        q.IdQuestion, currentTest.IdTest);
                    List <StudentsAnswer> studentsQuestionAnswers = db.GetAllAnswersOfAStudentToAQuestionOfThisTest(
                        s.IdStudent, q.IdQuestion, currentTest.IdTest);

                    int budgetOfQuestion = 100;

                    GridAddData(gridRow, gridColumn, q.Text);

                    // scan all the correct answers to this question
                    for (int iCorrectAnswer = 0; iCorrectAnswer < correctQuestionAnswers.Count; iCorrectAnswer++)
                        GridAddData(gridRow + iCorrectAnswer + 1, gridColumn,
                        bool found = false;
                        int  budgetDecreaseForThisAnswer;
                        int  iStudentAnswer;
                        // scan all the answers that the current student has given to this question
                        for (iStudentAnswer = 0; iStudentAnswer < studentsQuestionAnswers.Count;
                            if (correctQuestionAnswers[iCorrectAnswer].IdAnswer ==
                                found = true;
                        if (found)
                            if (correctQuestionAnswers[iCorrectAnswer].IsCorrect ==
                            {   // if answer is correct it doesn't decrease the budget
                                budgetDecreaseForThisAnswer = 0;
                            {   // if not correct it decreases the budget of ErrorCost
                                budgetDecreaseForThisAnswer = (int)correctQuestionAnswers[iCorrectAnswer].ErrorCost;
                                budgetOfQuestion           -= budgetDecreaseForThisAnswer;
                            GridAddData(gridRow + iCorrectAnswer + 1, gridColumn + 1,
                        {   // no answer: question is spoiled
                            budgetDecreaseForThisAnswer = 100;
                            budgetOfQuestion           -= budgetDecreaseForThisAnswer;
                            GridAddData(gridRow + iCorrectAnswer + 1, gridColumn + 1, "No ans");
                        GridAddData(gridRow + iCorrectAnswer + 1, gridColumn + 2,
                        GridAddData(gridRow + iCorrectAnswer + 1, gridColumn,

                        if (budgetOfQuestion < 0)
                            budgetOfQuestion = 0;
                    GridAddData(gridRow + 5, gridColumn + 1, "Punti per domanda");
                    GridAddData(gridRow + 5, gridColumn + 2, budgetOfQuestion.ToString());

                    weightedSum  += (double)q.Weight * budgetOfQuestion; // currently mean is NOT Weigthed !!!!
                    sumOfWeights += (double)q.Weight;

                    gridColumn += 2;

                // weighted mean
                double weightedMean = weightedSum / sumOfWeights;

                GridAddData(gridRow, gridColumn + 1, "Media pesata");
                GridAddData(gridRow + 1, gridColumn + 1, weightedMean.ToString());

                gridRow   += 7;
                gridColumn = 0;