/// <summary> /// This function is loading daily task to listBox /// </summary> private void SetUpMyListBox() { myTasks = new List <ToDoTaskModel>(); listBoxDailyTasks.Items.Clear(); try { using (var dbContex = new ToDoAppDbContext()) { dayRepository = new DayRepository(dbContex); toDoTaskRepository = new ToDoTaskRepository(dbContex); DayModel item = (DayModel)comboBoxDates.SelectedItem; var day = dayRepository.GetByDate(dayMapper.Map(item).Date); var dailyTasks = toDoTaskRepository.GetByDate(day).AsParallel(); if (dailyTasks != null) { listBoxDailyTasks.DisplayMember = "Name"; foreach (var task in dailyTasks) { var taskModel = toDoTaskMapper.Map(task); listBoxDailyTasks.Items.Add(taskModel); myTasks.Add(taskModel); } listBoxDailyTasks.Update(); listBoxDailyTasks.SelectedItem = listBoxDailyTasks.Items[0]; FindNextTask.GetNextTask(myTasks, ref labelNextTaskValue); } } }catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("There are no tasks for the selected day"); } }
public void CreateTask(TaskValidation taskValidation, DayRepository dayRepository, ToDoTaskRepository taskRepository, DayMapper dayMapper, TextBox textBoxName, TextBox textBoxDate, RichTextBox richTextBoxDescription, int statusValue, int priorityValue) { bool isCorrect = taskValidation.isInputOk(textBoxName.Text, richTextBoxDescription.Text, textBoxDate.Text); if (isCorrect) { using (var dbContex = new ToDoAppDbContext()) { dayRepository = new DayRepository(dbContex); taskRepository = new ToDoTaskRepository(dbContex); var myDay = dayRepository.GetByDate(DateTime.Parse(textBoxDate.Text)); if (myDay == null) { dayMapper = new DayMapper(); var tempDay = new DayModel(); tempDay.Date = DateTime.Parse(textBoxDate.Text); dayRepository.Update(dayMapper.Map(tempDay)); } myDay = dayRepository.GetByDate(DateTime.Parse(textBoxDate.Text)); taskRepository.Update(new Database.Entities.TaskToDo { Name = textBoxName.Text, Description = richTextBoxDescription.Text, DayId = myDay.DayId, Status = statusValue, Priority = priorityValue }); } MessageBox.Show("The database was successfully modified"); } }
public EuroleagueInformationLoader( DataBaseTools dataBaseTools, TeamRepository teamRepository, DayRepository dayRepository) { _dataBaseTools = dataBaseTools; _teamRepository = teamRepository; _dayRepository = dayRepository; }
/// <summary> /// This function loads all data into the form when editing data. /// </summary> private void SetUpValuesInForm() { SetUpTaskDetails.SetUpTextValuesInForm(taskModel, ref textBoxName, ref fkDay, ref richTextBoxDescription); using (var dbContex = new ToDoAppDbContext()) { dayRepository = new DayRepository(dbContex); var myDay = dayRepository.GetById(fkDay); var date = myDay.Date; dateTimePicker1.Value = date; } LoadRadioButtonValue(); }
public UserController(UserContext userContext, CapstoneContext capstoneContext, DayContext dayContext, TaskContext taskContext, IConfiguration configuration) { _userContext = userContext; _capstoneContext = capstoneContext; _dayContext = dayContext; _taskContext = taskContext; _configuration = configuration; userRepository = new UserRepository(_userContext, _capstoneContext, _dayContext, _taskContext); capstoneRepository = new CapstoneRepository(_capstoneContext, _dayContext, _taskContext); dayRepository = new DayRepository(_dayContext, _taskContext); taskRepository = new TaskRepository(_taskContext); }
public void DeleteSelectedItem(DayRepository dayRepository, ToDoTaskRepository toDoTaskRepository, ListBox listBoxDailyTasks, ToDoTaskMapper toDoTaskMapper) { using (var dbContex = new ToDoAppDbContext()) { dayRepository = new DayRepository(dbContex); toDoTaskRepository = new ToDoTaskRepository(dbContex); var itemToDelete = toDoTaskRepository.GetByName(toDoTaskMapper.Map((ToDoTaskModel)listBoxDailyTasks.SelectedItem).Name); if (itemToDelete != null) { dbContex.DailyTasks.Remove(itemToDelete); dbContex.SaveChanges(); MessageBox.Show("Task was deleted."); } else { MessageBox.Show("There is no task to delete."); } } }
/// <summary> /// This function is loading date into comboBix and order them /// </summary> private void LoadDataToMyComboBox() { comboBoxDates.Items.Clear(); using (var dbContex = new ToDoAppDbContext()) { dayRepository = new DayRepository(dbContex); var myDayList = dayRepository.GetAll().AsParallel(); comboBoxDates.DisplayMember = "Date"; if (myDayList != null) { myDayList.OrderBy(d => d.Date).AsParallel(); foreach (var day in myDayList) { var dayModel = dayMapper.Map(day); comboBoxDates.Items.Add(dayModel); } comboBoxDates.SelectedIndex = comboBoxDates.Items.Count - 1; } else { MessageBox.Show("No data."); } } }
private void InitializeRepositories() { _dayRepository = new DayRepository(); _gymExerciseRepository = new GymExerciseRepository(); }