コード例 #1
        private static DateSrchInfo GetDateSearchInfo(string dateSearchTerm)
            DateSrchInfo dateSrchInfo = new DateSrchInfo();
            // Extract flags
            dateSrchInfo.bIsUsDate = (dateSearchTerm.IndexOf("~USDate", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0);
            dateSrchInfo.bAllowColons = (dateSearchTerm.IndexOf("~AllowColons", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0);
            dateSrchInfo.bAllowDots = (dateSearchTerm.IndexOf("~AllowDots", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0);
            dateSrchInfo.bAllowTwoCommas = (dateSearchTerm.IndexOf("~AllowTwoCommas", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0);
            dateSrchInfo.bPlusOneMonth = (dateSearchTerm.IndexOf("~PlusOneMonth", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0);
            dateSrchInfo.bJoinTextInRect = (dateSearchTerm.IndexOf("~join", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0);
            dateSrchInfo.bNoDateRanges = (dateSearchTerm.IndexOf("~NoDateRanges", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0);
            dateSrchInfo.bLatestDate = (dateSearchTerm.IndexOf("~latest", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0);
            dateSrchInfo.bEarliestDate = (dateSearchTerm.IndexOf("~earliest", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0);
            dateSrchInfo.bFinancialYearEnd = (dateSearchTerm.IndexOf("~finYearEnd", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0);

            // Pattern str
            string patternStr = "";
            int squigPos = dateSearchTerm.IndexOf('~');
            if (squigPos >= 0)
                patternStr = dateSearchTerm.Substring(0, squigPos).ToLower();
            // Find order of elements
            bool bDayFound = false;
            bool bMonthFound = false;
            bool bYearFound = false;
            for (int chIdx = 0; chIdx < patternStr.Length; chIdx++)
                char ch = patternStr[chIdx];

                // Handle day pattern = d or dd
                if (!bDayFound && (ch == 'd'))
                    DateElemSrch el = new DateElemSrch();
                    el.dateElType = DateElemSrch.DateElType.DE_DAY;
                    el.isDigits = true;
                    el.minChars = 1;
                    el.maxChars = 2;
                    el.allowLeadingZeroes = false;
                    bDayFound = true;

                // Handle month pattern = m or mm or mmm or mmmm
                if (!bMonthFound && (ch == 'm'))
                    DateElemSrch el = new DateElemSrch();
                    el.dateElType = DateElemSrch.DateElType.DE_MONTH;
                    el.isDigits = true;
                    el.minChars = 1;
                    el.maxChars = 2;
                    el.allowLeadingZeroes = false;
                    if ((chIdx + 1 < patternStr.Length) && (patternStr[chIdx + 1] == 'm'))
                        el.allowLeadingZeroes = true;
                        if ((chIdx + 2 < patternStr.Length) && (patternStr[chIdx + 2] == 'm'))
                            el.isDigits = false;
                            el.minChars = 3;
                            el.maxChars = 3;
                            if ((chIdx + 3 < patternStr.Length) && (patternStr[chIdx + 3] == 'm'))
                                el.isDigits = false;
                                el.minChars = 3;
                                el.minChars = 9;
                    bMonthFound = true;

                // Handle year pattern = yy or yyyy
                if (!bYearFound && (ch == 'y'))
                    DateElemSrch el = new DateElemSrch();
                    el.dateElType = DateElemSrch.DateElType.DE_YEAR;
                    el.isDigits = true;
                    el.minChars = 2;
                    el.maxChars = 2;
                    el.allowLeadingZeroes = false;
                    if ((chIdx + 2 < patternStr.Length) && (patternStr[chIdx + 2] == 'y'))
                        el.minChars = 4;
                        el.maxChars = 4;
                    bYearFound = true;
            return dateSrchInfo;
コード例 #2
        private static void SearchWithinString(string inStr, DocRectangle textBounds, string dateSearchTerm, DateSrchInfo dateSrchInfo, double matchFactor, int pageIdx, List<ExtractedDate> datesResult, bool ignoreWhitespace)
            int numDatesFoundInString = 0;
            int year = -1;

            // Use regex to find financial
            if (dateSrchInfo.bFinancialYearEnd)
                const string finYearEndRegex = @"year end.{0,16}?\s?((19|20)?(\d\d))";
                Match fyMatch = Regex.Match(inStr, finYearEndRegex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                if (fyMatch.Success)
                    if (fyMatch.Groups.Count > 1)
                        // Add result
                        year = Convert.ToInt32(fyMatch.Groups[1].Value);
                        AddCompletedDateToList(inStr, textBounds, 100, year, 4, 5, false, false, fyMatch.Index, fyMatch.Length, dateSrchInfo, pageIdx+1, datesResult);

            // Start at the beginning of the string
            string s = inStr;
            if (ignoreWhitespace)
                s = s.Replace(" ", "");
            int dateSrchPos = 0;
            int chIdx = 0;
            string curStr = "";
            int day = -1;
            int month = -1;
            bool bMonthFromChars = false;
            year = -1;
            s = s.ToLower();
            bool strIsDigits = false;
            int firstMatchPos = -1;
            int lastMatchPos = 0;
            int commaCount = 0;
            bool bRangeIndicatorFound = false;
            int numSepChars = 0;
            for (chIdx = 0; chIdx < s.Length; chIdx++)
                char ch = s[chIdx];
                bool bResetNeeded = false;

                // Search element
                DateElemSrch el = null;
                int minChars = 1;
                int maxChars = 9;
                if (dateSrchPos < dateSrchInfo.dateEls.Count)
                    el = dateSrchInfo.dateEls[dateSrchPos];
                    minChars = el.minChars;
                    maxChars = el.maxChars;

                // Check if digits required
                if ((el == null) || (el.isDigits))
                    char testCh = ch;
                    if ((testCh == 'l') || (testCh == 'o'))
                        if (((strIsDigits) && (curStr.Length > 0)) || ((chIdx+1 < s.Length) && (Char.IsDigit(s[chIdx+1]))))
                            if (testCh == 'l')
                                testCh = '1';
                            else if (testCh == 'o')
                                testCh = '0';
                            else if (testCh == 'i')
                                testCh = '1';
                    if (Char.IsDigit(testCh))
                        numSepChars = 0;
                        // Ignore if it's a zero and we're not allowed leading zeroes
                        //                        if ((el != null) && (!el.allowLeadingZeroes) && (curStrPos == 0) && (ch == '0'))
                        //                            continue;

                        if (!strIsDigits)
                            curStr = "";
                        curStr += testCh;
                        strIsDigits = true;
                        if (curStr.Length < minChars)

                        // Check max chars
                        if (curStr.Length > maxChars)
                            curStr = "";

                        // Check if the next char is also a digit - if not then we've found what we're looking for
                        if (((chIdx + 1 >= s.Length) || (!Char.IsDigit(s[chIdx + 1]))) && (curStr != "0"))
                            // Is this a day / month or year??
                            DateElemSrch.DateElType elType = DateElemSrch.DateElType.DE_NONE;
                            if (el != null)
                                elType = el.dateElType;
                                // Handle one and two digit numbers
                                if (curStr.Length <= 2)
                                    // Already had a char based month?
                                    if (bMonthFromChars)
                                        if (!dateSrchInfo.bIsUsDate)
                                            elType = DateElemSrch.DateElType.DE_YEAR;
                                            elType = DateElemSrch.DateElType.DE_DAY;
                                        // Position for standard month?
                                        if ((dateSrchPos == 1) && (!dateSrchInfo.bIsUsDate))
                                            elType = DateElemSrch.DateElType.DE_MONTH;
                                        // Position for US month?
                                        else if ((dateSrchPos == 0) && (dateSrchInfo.bIsUsDate))
                                            elType = DateElemSrch.DateElType.DE_MONTH;
                                        else if (dateSrchPos < 2)
                                            elType = DateElemSrch.DateElType.DE_DAY;
                                        else if ((dateSrchPos > 0) && (curStr.Length == 2))
                                            elType = DateElemSrch.DateElType.DE_YEAR;
                                else if (curStr.Length == 4)
                                    // Num digits == 4
                                    if (dateSrchPos > 0)
                                        elType = DateElemSrch.DateElType.DE_YEAR;

                            // Handle the value
                            if (elType == DateElemSrch.DateElType.DE_DAY)
                                Int32.TryParse(curStr, out day);
                                if ((day < 1) || (day > 31))
                                    day = -1;
                            else if (elType == DateElemSrch.DateElType.DE_MONTH)
                                Int32.TryParse(curStr, out month);
                                if ((month < 1) || (month > 12))
                                    month = -1;
                                bMonthFromChars = false;
                            else if (elType == DateElemSrch.DateElType.DE_YEAR)
                                Int32.TryParse(curStr, out year);
                                if (curStr.Length == 2)
                                    if ((year < 0) || (year > 100))
                                        year = -1;
                                else if (curStr.Length == 4)
                                    if ((year < 1800) || (year > 2200))
                                        year = -1;

                                // If no date formatting string is used then year must be the last item
                                if ((el == null) && (year != -1))
                                    bResetNeeded = true;
                                curStr = "";
                            if (firstMatchPos == -1)
                                firstMatchPos = chIdx - curStr.Length;
                            lastMatchPos = chIdx;
                            curStr = "";
                if ((el == null) || (!el.isDigits))
                    if (Char.IsLetter(ch))
                        if (strIsDigits)
                            curStr = "";
                        strIsDigits = false;

                        // Check we're still looking for a month value
                        if (month != -1)

                        // Form a sub-string to test for month names
                        curStr += ch;

                        // Check for range indicator
                        if (numDatesFoundInString == 1)
                            if (chIdx - curStr.Length - 1 > 0)
                                string testStr = s.Substring(chIdx - curStr.Length - 1);
                                if (testStr.Contains(" to") || testStr.Contains(" to"))
                                    bRangeIndicatorFound = true;

                        // No point checking for month strings until 3 chars got
                        if (curStr.Length < 3)

                        // Check for a month name
                        if (shortMonthStrings.Any(curStr.Contains))
                            for (int monIdx = 0; monIdx < shortMonthStrings.Length; monIdx++)
                                if (curStr.Contains(shortMonthStrings[monIdx]))
                                    month = monIdx + 1;
                                    bMonthFromChars = true;
                            if (firstMatchPos == -1)
                                firstMatchPos = chIdx - curStr.Length;
                            lastMatchPos = chIdx;
                            curStr = "";
                            numSepChars = 0;

                            // Move chIdx on to skip to next non letter
                            while ((chIdx < s.Length-1) && (Char.IsLetter(s[chIdx+1])))

                            // Check for another valid month string in next few chars to detect ranges without a year
                            // e.g. should find ranges like 3 Jan - 4 Mar 2011 or 1st Jan to 31st May 2013
                            // but exlude ranges like 3 Jan 2012 - 4 Mar 2012 which would be seen as two separate dates
                            if (!dateSrchInfo.bNoDateRanges)
                                string strNextStr = "";
                                bool bStrRangeIndicatorFound = false;
                                int digitGroups = 0;
                                bool isInDigitGroup = false;
                                for (int chNext = chIdx+1; (chNext < s.Length) && (chNext < chIdx + 15); chNext++)
                                    // Count the groups of digits
                                    // (if we find two groups then break out as it's probably a range that contains separate years)
                                    if (Char.IsDigit(s[chNext]))
                                        if (!isInDigitGroup)
                                            isInDigitGroup = true;
                                            if (digitGroups >= 2)

                                    // Form a string from letters found
                                    else if (Char.IsLetter(s[chNext]))
                                        isInDigitGroup = false;
                                        strNextStr += s[chNext];

                                        // Check if the string contains "to"
                                        if (strNextStr.Length >= 2)
                                            if (strNextStr.Contains("to"))
                                                bStrRangeIndicatorFound = true;

                                        // Check if the string contains a short month name
                                        if (bStrRangeIndicatorFound && (strNextStr.Length >= 3))
                                            if (shortMonthStrings.Any(strNextStr.Contains))
                                                bResetNeeded = true;
                                        // Check punctuation - this assumes a - is a range seperator
                                        isInDigitGroup = false;
                                        if (s[chNext] == '-')
                                            bStrRangeIndicatorFound = true;
                                        strNextStr = "";
                                bResetNeeded = true;

                // Check for whitespace/punctuation/etc
                if (!Char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch))
                    if ((day != -1) || (month != -1) || (year != -1))
                        if (numSepChars > MAX_SEP_CHARS_BETWEEN_DATE_ELEMS)
                            bResetNeeded = true;
                            numSepChars = 0;

                    curStr = "";
                    switch (ch)
                        case ':':
                                if (!dateSrchInfo.bAllowColons)
                                    bResetNeeded = true;
                        case ',':
                                if ((!dateSrchInfo.bAllowTwoCommas) && (commaCount > 1))
                                    bResetNeeded = true;
                        case '.':
                                if (!dateSrchInfo.bAllowDots)
                                    bResetNeeded = true;
                        case '-':
                                if (numDatesFoundInString == 1)
                                    bRangeIndicatorFound = true;

                // Check for complete date
                if ((year != -1) && (month != -1) && ((day != -1) || (bMonthFromChars)))
                    // Add result
                    AddCompletedDateToList(s, textBounds, matchFactor, year, month, day, bMonthFromChars, bRangeIndicatorFound, firstMatchPos,
                                            lastMatchPos, dateSrchInfo, pageIdx+1, datesResult);

                    // Start again to see if another date can be found
                    curStr = "";
                    bResetNeeded = true;

                // Restart the process of finding a date if required
                if (bResetNeeded)
                    dateSrchPos = 0;
                    day = -1;
                    month = -1;
                    year = -1;
                    bMonthFromChars = false;
                    strIsDigits = false;
                    firstMatchPos = -1;
                    bResetNeeded = false;
                    commaCount = 0;
                    numSepChars = 0;
コード例 #3
        private static void AddCompletedDateToList(string srcStr, DocRectangle textBounds, double matchFactor, int year, int month, int day, bool bMonthFromChars, 
                                bool bRangeIndicatorFound, int firstMatchPos, int lastMatchPos, DateSrchInfo dateSrchInfo, int pageNum, List<ExtractedDate> datesResult)
            double finalMatchFactor = matchFactor;
            ExtractedDate fd = new ExtractedDate();
            if (bRangeIndicatorFound)
                finalMatchFactor += 10;

            // Bump the match factor for dates in the top 40% of page - letterhead dates
            if (textBounds.Y < 40)
                finalMatchFactor += MATCH_FACTOR_BUMP_FOR_TOP_40_PC_OF_PAGE;

            // Year
            if (year < 80)
                year += 2000;
                fd.yearWas2Digit = true;
            else if (year < 100)
                year += 1900;
                fd.yearWas2Digit = true;
                finalMatchFactor += MATCH_FACTOR_BUMP_FOR_4_DIGIT_YEAR;

            // Month
            if (bMonthFromChars)
                finalMatchFactor += MATCH_FACTOR_BUMP_FOR_TEXT_MONTH;

            // Check for bump
            if (dateSrchInfo.bPlusOneMonth)
                month += 1;
                if (month > 12)
                    month = 1;

            // Day
            if (day == -1)
                day = 1;
                fd.dayWasMissing = true;
                finalMatchFactor += MATCH_FACTOR_BUMP_FOR_DAY_MISSING;
            if (day > DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month))
                day = DateTime.DaysInMonth(year, month);
            if (day < 1)
                day = 1;

            // Create datetime
            DateTime dt = DateTime.MinValue;
                dt = new DateTime(year, month, day);


            // Add date to list
            fd.foundInText = srcStr;
            fd.pageNum = pageNum;
            fd.posnInText = firstMatchPos;
            fd.matchLength = lastMatchPos-firstMatchPos+1;
            fd.dateTime = dt;
            fd.dateMatchType = ExtractedDate.DateMatchType.LongDate;
            fd.locationOfDateOnPagePercent = textBounds;
            fd.matchFactor = finalMatchFactor;