private void CreateHeader() { Databasehandler dbh = new Databasehandler(); // Vul hier de laaste sql statement in SqlCommand sql = new SqlCommand(""); dbh.OpenConnectionToDB(); SqlDataAdapter adapt = new SqlDataAdapter(sql); adapt.Fill(dbh.table); dbh.CloseConnectionToDB(); section.AddParagraph(dbh.table.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString()); section.AddParagraph(dbh.table.Rows[1].ItemArray[0].ToString()); section.AddParagraph(""); section.AddParagraph("-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); section.AddParagraph(""); }
private void FillPDF() { Databasehandler dbh = new Databasehandler(); SqlCommand GetData = new SqlCommand (@" SELECT [RegDienst].[RegDienst_Naam] as Dienst, CONCAT ([Leden].[Roepnaam], ' ' , [Leden].[Achternaam] ) AS Naam, CONCAT ([RegDienst].[RegDienst_BeginDatum], ' ' , [RegDienst].[RegDienst_BeginUur], ':' , [RegDienst].[RegDienst_BeginMinuut]) As Begintijd, CONCAT ([RegDienst].[RegDienst_EindDatum], ' ' , [RegDienst].[RegDienst_EindUur], ':' , [RegDienst].[RegDienst_EindMinuut]) as Eindtijd, [Leden].[BondsNr],[Leden].[Telefoon] as Telefoonnummer FROM [GenBB_Regels] INNER JOIN [RegDienst] ON [GenBB_Regels].[RegDienst_ID] = [RegDienst].[RegDienst_ID] INNER JOIN [Leden] ON [GenBB_Regels].[Leden_ID] = [Leden].[Leden_ID]", dbh.GetCon() ); SqlCommand GetJob = new SqlCommand ( @" SELECT DISTINCT [RegDienst].RegDienst_Naam FROM[GenBB_Regels] INNER JOIN[RegDienst] ON[GenBB_Regels].[RegDienst_ID] = [RegDienst].[RegDienst_ID] ", dbh.GetCon() ); DataTable Jobs = new DataTable(); // Connect to the database and fill the datatables dbh.OpenConnectionToDB(); SqlDataAdapter adapt = new SqlDataAdapter(GetData); adapt.Fill(dbh.table); adapt = new SqlDataAdapter(GetJob); adapt.Fill(Jobs); dbh.CloseConnectionToDB(); section = document.AddSection(); CreateHeader(); int count = 0; foreach (DataRow DataRow in Jobs.Rows) { // Get a job from the datatable string Job = DataRow.Table.Rows[count].ItemArray[0].ToString(); // Create the table Table table = CreateTable(Job + "-dienst"); // Loop trough every datarow foreach (DataRow dtRow in dbh.table.Rows) { // Add the row to the table if the job is the same if (dtRow.ItemArray[0].ToString() == Job) { Row row = table.AddRow(); for (int i = 0; i < table.Columns.Count; i++) { int x = i + 1; row.Cells[i].AddParagraph(dtRow.ItemArray[x].ToString()); } } } count++; // Create spaces in between tables section.AddParagraph(); section.AddParagraph(); } }