コード例 #1
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: private void updateServerTransactionAttributes() throws SQLException
        private void updateServerTransactionAttributes()
                DatabaseServerAttributes dsa = new DatabaseServerAttributes();
                int lipiTransactionOption    = LipiTransactionOption;
                dsa.CommitmentControlLevelParserOption = lipiTransactionOption;
                if (lipiTransactionOption == DatabaseServerAttributes.CC_NONE)
                    // Make sure true auto commit is off
                    dsa.TrueAutoCommitIndicator = DatabaseServerAttributes.AUTOCOMMIT_OFF;
                    if (autoCommit_)
                        dsa.TrueAutoCommitIndicator = DatabaseServerAttributes.AUTOCOMMIT_ON;
                        dsa.TrueAutoCommitIndicator = DatabaseServerAttributes.AUTOCOMMIT_OFF;
                conn_.ServerAttributes = dsa;
            catch (IOException io)
                throw convertException(io);
コード例 #2
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET:
//ORIGINAL LINE: public static JDBCConnection getConnection(boolean isSSL, String system, String user, String password, boolean debug) throws SQLException
        public static JDBCConnection getConnection(bool isSSL, string system, string user, string password, bool debug)
                // The first boolean parameter indicates that SSL should be used.
                DatabaseConnection conn = DatabaseConnection.getConnection(isSSL, system, user, password);
                conn.MessageInfoReturned = true;
                conn.Debug = debug;
                DatabaseServerAttributes dsa = new DatabaseServerAttributes();
                dsa.NamingConventionParserOption = 0;
                dsa.UseExtendedFormats           = 0xF2;
                dsa.DefaultClientCCSID           = 13488;
                dsa.DateFormatParserOption       = 5;           // ISO.
                dsa.LOBFieldThreshold            = 1024 * 1024; // Use a locator for any LOB data fields longer than 1 MB.
                dsa.ClientSupportInformation     = 0x40000000;  // Client supports True autocommit
                dsa.InterfaceType  = "JDBC";
                dsa.InterfaceName  = About.INTERFACE_NAME;
                dsa.InterfaceLevel = About.INTERFACE_LEVEL;

                // Do not set any commitment control levels.
                // The default behavior is true auto commit = off
                // and a transaction isolation of *NONE.
                // This means that connection behaves like autocommit = on.

                conn.ServerAttributes = dsa;

                // Remember the serverJobIdentifier

                //      DatabaseRequestAttributes rpb = new DatabaseRequestAttributes();
                //      conn.createRequestParameterBlock(rpb);
                //      JDBCConnection j = new JDBCConnection(conn, rpb);
                JDBCConnection j = new JDBCConnection(conn);
                conn.WarningCallback   = j;
                j.serverJobIdentifier_ = dsa.ServerJobName + dsa.ServerJobUser + dsa.ServerJobNumber;
            catch (IOException io)
                throw convertException(io);