public void CompareDataSets_WhenDatasetsHaveDifferentTableNames_ThenFail() { var expectedDataset = new Dataset { Name = "all-my-table-records-a", Table = "MyTable" }; var actualDataset = new Dataset { Name = "all-my-table-records-b", Table = "AnotherTable" }; Action action = () => DatabaseManagerHelper.CompareDatasets(expectedDataset, actualDataset, new string[] { "key" }, false, true); action.Should().Throw <XunitException>().WithMessage("*because table names should be the same*"); }
public void CompareDatasets_WhenBothDatasetsAreEmpty_ThenSucceed() { var expectedDataset = new Dataset { Name = "all-my-table-records-a", Table = "MyTable", Rows = new() }; var actualDataset = new Dataset { Name = "all-my-table-records-b", Table = "MyTable", Rows = new() }; Action action = () => DatabaseManagerHelper.CompareDatasets(expectedDataset, actualDataset, new string[] { "key" }, false, true); action.Should().NotThrow(); }
public void CompareDatasets_WhenExpectedIsNotEmptyAndActualIs_ThenFail() { var expectedDataset = new Dataset { Name = "all-my-table-records-a", Table = "MyTable", Rows = new() { new Row { Columns = new() { new("Id", "1") } } } }; var actualDataset = new Dataset { Name = "all-my-table-records-b", Table = "MyTable", Rows = new() }; Action action = () => DatabaseManagerHelper.CompareDatasets(expectedDataset, actualDataset, new string[] { "key" }, false, true); action.Should().Throw <XunitException>().WithMessage("*because expected data is not empty*"); }