public void RecoveryDataByAction(CallBackAction cAction) { if (cAction.BackAction == Share.Action.RecoveryAdd) { DataRow dr = cAction.Table.Rows[0]; int index = bs_Khoa.Find("MAKH", dr.ItemArray[0]); if (bs_GiaoVien.Count != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Không thể phục hồi khoa. Vì khoa này đã có giáo viên.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop); return; } bs_Khoa.RemoveAt(index); WriteToDB(); } else if (cAction.BackAction == Share.Action.RecoveryDelete) { DataView dt = (DataView)bs_Khoa.List; dt.Sort = "MAKH"; if (dt.FindRows(cAction.Table.Rows[0]).Length != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Mã môn học đã tồn tại.Vui lòng nhập lại!"); } else { DataRow dr = cAction.Table.Rows[0]; DataRowView drv = (DataRowView)bs_Khoa.AddNew(); drv.Row.ItemArray = dr.ItemArray; WriteToDB(); } } else if (cAction.BackAction == Share.Action.RecoveryEdit) { DataRow dr = cAction.Table.Rows[0]; bs_Khoa.Position = bs_Khoa.Find("MAKH", dr.ItemArray[0]); DataRowView currentRow = (DataRowView)bs_Khoa.Current; currentRow.Row.ItemArray = dr.ItemArray; WriteToDB(); } this._callAction.Reset(); this.Refresh(); }
public void TestFindRows() { DataView TestView = new DataView(_dataTable); TestView.Sort = "itemId"; DataRowView[] Result = TestView.FindRows("item 3"); Assert.Equal(1, Result.Length); Assert.Equal("item 3", Result[0]["itemId"]); }
public bool Edit() { bool isEmpty = ValidateEmpty(); if (!isEmpty) { return(false); } DataRowView currentRow = (DataRowView)bs_Khoa.Current; if (currentRow != null) { DataView dt = (DataView)bs_Khoa.List; dt.Sort = "MAKH"; DataRowView[] rowsFound = dt.FindRows(txt_CodeDepartment.Text.Trim()); bool isExists = false; if (rowsFound.Length != 0) { IEnumerable <DataRowView> exists = rowsFound.Where(x => x.Row.ItemArray[0].ToString().Trim().Equals(currentRow.Row.ItemArray[0].ToString().Trim())); isExists = exists.ToList().Count == 0; } if (isExists) { ErrorHandler.ShowError(lbl_Error_CodeDepart, new string[] { "Ox1001" }); this.ActiveControl = this.txt_CodeDepartment; return(false); } else { this._callAction.FillData(Share.Action.RecoveryEdit, SetUpCurrentData(currentRow.Row.ItemArray)); object[] data = new object[] { txt_CodeDepartment.Text, txt_NameDepartment.Text }; currentRow.Row.ItemArray = data; return(true); } } else { XtraMessageBox.Show(StringLibrary.E_EditEmpty, StringLibrary.E_EditNotify, MessageBoxButtons.OK); return(false); } }
private static Decimal SumAmounts(DataView AGiftDetailViewByTransactionNumber, Int32 AGiftTransactionNumber) { Decimal Result = 0.0m; DataRowView[] detailsOfGift = AGiftDetailViewByTransactionNumber.FindRows( new object[] { AGiftTransactionNumber }); foreach (DataRowView rv in detailsOfGift) { BankImportTDSAGiftDetailRow detailrow = (BankImportTDSAGiftDetailRow)rv.Row; Result += detailrow.GiftTransactionAmount; } return(Result); }
protected void CargarArbolLocalizaciones() { ArbolLocalizaciones.Nodes.Clear(); TreeNode Raiz = new TreeNode("TrustAnalytics."); Raiz.NavigateUrl = ""; Raiz.Value = "Raiz"; ArbolLocalizaciones.Nodes.Add(Raiz); DataView Visor = (DataView)SQLProvincias.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); Visor.Sort = "Provincia ASC"; DataView VisorLocalizacion = (DataView)SQLLocalizacionesRegistradas.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); int Elementos; foreach (DataRowView Fila in Visor) { TreeNode Nodo = new TreeNode(Fila["Provincia"].ToString()); Nodo.Value = "Provincia"; Nodo.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.SelectExpand; //Nodo.NavigateUrl = ""; Raiz.ChildNodes.Add(Nodo); VisorLocalizacion.Sort = "Provincia ASC"; Elementos = 0; foreach (DataRowView Localizacion in VisorLocalizacion.FindRows(Fila["Provincia"].ToString())) { Elementos += 1; TreeNode NuevoNodo = new TreeNode(Localizacion["Localizacion"].ToString()); NuevoNodo.Value = "Localizacion"; Nodo.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.SelectExpand; Nodo.ChildNodes.Add(NuevoNodo); } if (Elementos == 0) { TreeNode NuevoNodo = new TreeNode("<Vacio>"); NuevoNodo.Value = "Vacio"; Nodo.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.SelectExpand; Nodo.ChildNodes.Add(NuevoNodo); } Nodo.CollapseAll(); } }
public void FindRowsInconsistentKeyLength() { DataTable dt = new DataTable("table"); dt.Columns.Add("col1"); dt.Columns.Add("col2"); dt.Columns.Add("col3"); dt.Rows.Add(new object [] { 1, 2, 3 }); dt.Rows.Add(new object [] { 4, 5, 6 }); dt.Rows.Add(new object [] { 4, 7, 8 }); dt.Rows.Add(new object [] { 5, 7, 8 }); dt.Rows.Add(new object [] { 4, 8, 9 }); DataView dv = new DataView(dt, null, "col1", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); dv.FindRows(new object [] { 1, 2, 3 }); }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { int workerProfessionID; if (!Int32.TryParse(value.ToString(), out workerProfessionID)) { return(null); } App.BaseClass.GetStaffClass(ref _sc); var custView = new DataView(_sc.GetWorkerProfessions().Table, "", "WorkerProfessionID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); var foundRows = custView.FindRows(workerProfessionID); return(!foundRows.Any() ? null : foundRows[0]); }
private string ConvertToWorkerAccessGroup(int workerId) { var custView = new DataView(_admc.AccessGroupStructureTable, "", "WorkerID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); var foundRows = custView.FindRows(workerId); if (foundRows.Count() != 0) { var accessGroupId = System.Convert.ToInt32(foundRows[0]["AccessGroupID"]); return(ConvertToAccessGroupName(accessGroupId)); } var workerAccess = _admc.WorkersAccessTable.AsEnumerable().Where(wA => wA.Field <Int64>("WorkerID") == workerId); return(workerAccess.Any() ? "Пользовательская настройка" : "Нет группы"); }
public override object Evaluate(object[] parameters) { if (parameters == null || parameters.Length != 2) { throw new ArgumentException("Bad parameter count in call to Orders() user-defined function"); } int Count = OrdersDv.FindRows(parameters).Length; if (Count > 0) { return(Count); } else { return(null); } }
public bool HaveMyWorkers(int mainWorkerID) { var result = false; var custView = new DataView(MyWorkersDataTable, "", "MainWorkerID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); var foundRows = custView.FindRows(mainWorkerID); if (foundRows.Count() != 0) { result = true; } custView.Dispose(); return(result); }
private void button22_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // <SnippetLDVFromQueryFindRows> DataTable products = dataSet.Tables["Product"]; EnumerableRowCollection <DataRow> query = from product in products.AsEnumerable() orderby product.Field <Decimal>("ListPrice"), product.Field <string>("Color") select product; DataView view = query.AsDataView(); view.Sort = "Color"; object[] criteria = new object[] { "Red" }; DataRowView[] foundRowsView = view.FindRows(criteria); // </SnippetLDVFromQueryFindRows> }
protected void btnEliminarTerritorios_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SeccionNuevoTerritorio.Visible = false; txtNuevoTerritorio.Text = ""; String strTerritorio; String Cadena; foreach (int Indice in ListaTerritorios.GetSelectedIndices()) { try { strTerritorio = ListaTerritorios.Items[Indice].Value; DataView Visor = (DataView)SQLProvincias.Select(DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty); Visor.Sort = "Territorio ASC"; String strProvincia; foreach (DataRowView Registro in Visor.FindRows(strTerritorio)) { strProvincia = Registro["Provincia"].ToString(); Cadena = "DELETE FROM Localizacion WHERE (Provicnia = '" + strProvincia + "')"; SQLLocalizacionesRegistradas.DeleteCommand = Cadena; SQLLocalizacionesRegistradas.Delete(); } Cadena = "DELETE FROM Provincia WHERE (Territorio = '" + strTerritorio + "')"; SQLProvincias.DeleteCommand = Cadena; SQLProvincias.Delete(); Cadena = "DELETE FROM Territorio WHERE (Territorio= '" + strTerritorio + "')"; SQLTerritorios.DeleteCommand = Cadena; SQLTerritorios.Delete(); } catch (Exception ex) { } } SQLTerritorios.DataBind(); SQLLocalizacionesRegistradas.DataBind(); SQLocalizaciones.DataBind(); SQLProvincias.DataBind(); }
private void UpdateViewRows() { CurrentRowSet = null; if (FViewFilter != null) { CurrentRowSet = FCurrentView.FindRows(FViewFilter); FCurrent = 0; if (CurrentRowSet.Length == 0) { FEof = true; FInternalEof = true; } else { FEof = false; FInternalEof = false; } } }
public static DataRowView GetSystemCodeRow(DataTable dt, string fields, string values) { DataView dv = dt.DefaultView; string filter = dv.RowFilter; string sort = dv.Sort; try { dv.Sort = fields; DataRowView[] drvs = dv.FindRows(values.Split(',')); return(drvs == null || drvs.Length == 0 ? null : drvs[0]); } finally { dv.RowFilter = filter; dv.Sort = sort; } }
// not used public static ArrayList getChildCats(int catId, ArrayList arrCurrentChilds) { DataView dv = (DataView)HttpContext.Current.Application["dvvisiblecategoriesorderbyparent"]; ArrayList arrChilds; if (arrCurrentChilds == null) { arrChilds = new ArrayList(); } else { arrChilds = arrCurrentChilds; } DataRowView [] foundrows = dv.FindRows(catId); ArrayList arrTmpChilds = new ArrayList(); foreach (DataRowView row in foundrows) { Category cat = new Category(); cat.Id = Convert.ToInt32(row["CAT_ID"].ToString()); cat.Name = row["CAT_NOME"].ToString(); cat.ParentId = catId; arrTmpChilds.Add(cat); } foreach (Category cat in arrTmpChilds) { arrChilds.Add(cat); getChildCats(cat.Id, arrChilds); } return(arrChilds); }
public string GetActionText(int actionId) { if (_prc == null) { App.BaseClass.GetProdRoomsClass(ref _prc); } var custView = new DataView(_prc.Actions.Table, "", "ActionID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); var foundRows = custView.FindRows(actionId); if (foundRows.Any()) { var actionText = foundRows.First()["AtionText"].ToString(); return(actionText); } return(string.Empty); }
public string GetLastSealNumber(int lockId) { if (_prc == null) { App.BaseClass.GetProdRoomsClass(ref _prc); } var custView = new DataView(_prc.JournalProductionsTable, "", "LockID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); var foundRows = custView.FindRows(lockId); if (foundRows.Count(r => System.Convert.ToInt32(r["LockStatusID"]) == 2 && r.Row.Field <Boolean>("Visible")) != 0) { var lastSealNumber = foundRows.Last(r => System.Convert.ToInt32(r["LockStatusID"]) == 2 && r.Row.Field <Boolean>("Visible"))["SealNumber"].ToString(); return(lastSealNumber); } return(string.Empty); }
public bool IsLockClosed(int lockId) { if (_prc == null) { App.BaseClass.GetProdRoomsClass(ref _prc); } var custView = new DataView(_prc.JournalProductionsTable, "", "LockID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); var foundRows = custView.FindRows(lockId); if (foundRows.Count(r => r.Row.Field <Boolean>("Visible")) != 0) { var isClosed = System.Convert.ToBoolean(foundRows.Last(r => r.Row.Field <Boolean>("Visible"))["IsClosed"]); return(isClosed); } return(false); }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { string workOperationName = null; App.BaseClass.GetCatalogClass(ref _cc); if (_cc != null) { var custView = new DataView(_cc.WorkOperationsDataTable, "", "WorkOperationID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); DataRowView[] foundRows = custView.FindRows(value); if (foundRows.Count() != 0) { workOperationName = foundRows[0].Row["WorkOperationName"].ToString(); } } return(workOperationName); }
public int GetActionNumber(long actionId) { if (_prc == null) { App.BaseClass.GetProdRoomsClass(ref _prc); } var custView = new DataView(_prc.Actions.Table, "", "ActionID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); var foundRows = custView.FindRows(actionId); if (foundRows.Any()) { var actionNumber = System.Convert.ToInt32(foundRows.First()["ActionNumber"]); return(actionNumber); } return(0); }
public IOpenModuleForm GetOpenFormPro(string MenuNewID) { string sOpenType = "1"; string sVisible; DataView dv = SystemAuthentication.UserAuthorities.DefaultView; dv.Sort = "MenuNewID"; DataRowView[] drv = dv.FindRows(MenuNewID); if (drv.Length > 0) { sVisible = drv[0].Row["MenuVisible"].ToString(); if (!(sVisible == "1")) { return(null); } FormName = drv[0].Row["OpenFormClassName"].ToString(); FormText = drv[0].Row["MenuText"].ToString(); FormAssembly = drv[0].Row["OpenAssembly"].ToString(); FormImage16 = Globals.LoadImage(drv[0].Row["MenuIcon"].ToString(), 16); FormImage32 = Globals.LoadImage(drv[0].Row["MenuIcon"].ToString(), 32); sOpenType = drv[0].Row["OpenType"].ToString(); if (sOpenType == "1") { FormOpenType = Common.FormOpenType.MdiOpen; } else if (sOpenType == "2") { FormOpenType = Common.FormOpenType.DiaLogOpen; } else if (sOpenType == "3") { FormOpenType = Common.FormOpenType.DefaultOpen; } FormTag = MenuNewID; } return(this); }
/// <summary> /// Fill_s the dropdown. /// </summary> private void Fill_Dropdown() { IUser uMgr = (IUser)ObjectFactory.CreateInstance("BusinessProcess.Security.BUser, BusinessProcess.Security"); DataTable theDT = uMgr.GetFacilityList(); uMgr = null; ViewState["Facility"] = theDT; IQCareUtils theUtils = new IQCareUtils(); DataView theDV = new DataView(theDT); theDV.Sort = "FacilityID"; DataRowView[] drv = theDV.FindRows(Session["AppLocationId"]); if (drv[0].Row.ItemArray[2].ToString() == "1") { theDV.RowFilter = "Preferred = 1"; DataTable theDT1 = (DataTable)theUtils.CreateTableFromDataView(theDV); DataRow theDR = theDT1.NewRow(); theDR["FacilityName"] = "All"; theDR["FacilityId"] = 9999; theDR["Preferred"] = 1; theDT1.Rows.InsertAt(theDR, 0); ddFacility.DataSource = theDT1; ddFacility.DataTextField = "FacilityName"; ddFacility.DataValueField = "FacilityId"; ddFacility.DataBind(); } else { DataTable theDT1 = (DataTable)theUtils.CreateTableFromDataView(theDV); DataRow theDR = theDT1.NewRow(); theDR["FacilityName"] = "All"; theDR["FacilityId"] = 9999; theDR["Preferred"] = 0; theDT1.Rows.InsertAt(theDR, 0); ddFacility.DataSource = theDT1; ddFacility.DataTextField = "FacilityName"; ddFacility.DataValueField = "FacilityId"; ddFacility.DataBind(); } ddFacility.SelectedValue = Session["AppLocationId"].ToString(); }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { string accessGroupName = null; App.BaseClass.GetAdministrationClass(ref _admc); if (_admc != null) { var custView = new DataView(_admc.AccessGroupsTable, "", "AccessGroupID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); DataRowView[] foundRows = custView.FindRows(value); if (foundRows.Count() != 0) { accessGroupName = foundRows[0].Row["AccessGroupName"].ToString(); } } return(accessGroupName); }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { string machineName = null; App.BaseClass.GetCatalogClass(ref _cc); if (_cc != null) { var custView = new DataView(_cc.MachinesDataTable, "", "MachineID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); var foundRows = custView.FindRows(value); if (foundRows.Count() != 0) { machineName = foundRows[0].Row["MachineName"].ToString(); } } return(machineName); }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { App.BaseClass.GetServiceEquipmentClass(ref _sec); string requestTypeName = null; if (_sec != null) { var custView = new DataView(_sec.RequestTypes.Table, "", "RequestTypeID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); DataRowView[] foundRows = custView.FindRows(value); if (foundRows.Count() != 0) { requestTypeName = foundRows[0].Row["RequestTypeName"].ToString(); } } return(requestTypeName); }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { string workerGroupName = string.Empty; App.BaseClass.GetStaffClass(ref _sc); if (_sc != null) { var custView = new DataView(_sc.WorkerGroupsDataTable, "", "WorkerGroupID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); DataRowView[] foundRows = custView.FindRows(value); if (foundRows.Count() != 0) { workerGroupName = foundRows[0].Row["WorkerGroupName"].ToString(); } } return(workerGroupName); }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { string contactTypeName = null; StaffClass sc = null; App.BaseClass.GetStaffClass(ref sc); if (sc != null) { var custView = new DataView(sc.ContactTypesDataTable, "", "ContactTypeID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); DataRowView[] foundRows = custView.FindRows(value); if (foundRows.Count() != 0) { contactTypeName = foundRows[0].Row["ContactTypeName"].ToString(); } } return(contactTypeName); }
public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture) { string institutionType = null; App.BaseClass.GetStaffClass(ref _sc); if (_sc != null) { var custView = new DataView(_sc.EducationInstitutionTypesDataTable, "", "InstitutionTypeID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); DataRowView[] foundRows = custView.FindRows(value); if (foundRows.Count() != 0) { institutionType = foundRows[0].Row["InstitutionTypeName"].ToString(); } } return(institutionType); }
private void Grabar() { if (!BL.UtilDB.ValidarServicioMysql()) { MessageBox.Show("NO SE ACTUALIZARON LOS PRECIOS." + '\r' + "No se pudo conectar con el servidor de base de datos." + '\r' + "Consulte al administrador del sistema.", "Trend Sistemas", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); tblArticulos.RejectChanges(); return; } foreach (DataGridViewRow row in dgvDatos.Rows) { if (row.Cells["Actualizar"].Value != null) { if (row.Cells["Actualizar"].Value.ToString() == "1") { DataRowView[] foundRows = viewNuevos.FindRows(new object[] { row.Cells["IdArticuloART"].Value.ToString() }); foundRows[0].BeginEdit(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCosto.Text)) { foundRows[0]["PrecioCostoART"] = txtCosto.Text; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPublico.Text)) { foundRows[0]["PrecioPublicoART"] = txtPublico.Text; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(txtMayor.Text)) { foundRows[0]["PrecioMayorART"] = txtMayor.Text; } foundRows[0].EndEdit(); } } } if (tblArticulos.GetChanges() != null) { frmProgress progreso = new frmProgress(tblArticulos, "frmArticulos", "grabar"); progreso.ShowDialog(); } }
public void RecoveryDataByAction(CallBackAction cAction) { if (cAction.BackAction == Share.Action.RecoveryAdd) { DataRow dr = cAction.Table.Rows[0]; int index = bs_Lop.Find("MALOP", dr.ItemArray[0]); bs_Lop.RemoveAt(index); SaveClassToDb(); } else if (cAction.BackAction == Share.Action.RecoveryDelete) { DataView dt = (DataView)bs_Lop.List; dt.Sort = "MALOP"; if (dt.FindRows(cAction.Table.Rows[0]).Length != 0) { MessageBox.Show("Mã lớp đã tồn tại.Vui lòng nhập lại!"); } else { DataRow dr = cAction.Table.Rows[0]; DataRowView drv = (DataRowView)bs_Lop.AddNew(); drv.Row.ItemArray = dr.ItemArray; SaveClassToDb(); } } else if (cAction.BackAction == Share.Action.RecoveryEdit) { DataRow dr = cAction.Table.Rows[0]; bs_Lop.Position = bs_Lop.Find("MALOP", dr.ItemArray[0]); DataRowView currentRow = (DataRowView)bs_Lop.Current; currentRow.Row.ItemArray = dr.ItemArray; SaveClassToDb(); } this._callAction.Reset(); this.Refresh(); }
public bool HasWorkerWorkOperationAdmission(long workerId, long workOperationId) { var workOperationsView = new DataView(_catalogClass.WorkOperationsDataTable, "", "WorkOperationID", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); var foundOperations = workOperationsView.FindRows(workOperationId); if (!foundOperations.Any()) { return(true); } var operationTypeId = System.Convert.ToInt32(foundOperations.First()["OperationTypeID"]); if (operationTypeId != 1) { return(true); } var workerWorkOperationAdmissions = _admClass.WorkOperationWorkerAdmissionsTable.AsEnumerable().Where(r => r.Field <Int64>("WorkerID") == workerId && r.Field <Int64>("WorkOperationID") == workOperationId); return(workerWorkOperationAdmissions.Any()); }
public void FindRows_ByKeys() { DataRowView[] dvArr = null; //create the source datatable DataTable dt = DataProvider.CreateChildDataTable(); //create the dataview for the table DataView dv = new DataView(dt); // FindRows ,no sort - exception Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => { dvArr = dv.FindRows(new object[] { "3", "3-String1" }); }); dv.Sort = "String1,ChildId"; // Find = wrong sort, can not find Assert.Throws<FormatException>(() => { dvArr = dv.FindRows(new object[] { "3", "3-String1" }); }); dv.Sort = "ChildId,String1"; //get expected results DataRow[] drExpected = dt.Select("ChildId=3 and String1='3-String1'"); // FindRows - check count dvArr = dv.FindRows(new object[] { "3", "3-String1" }); Assert.Equal(drExpected.Length, dvArr.Length); // FindRows - check data //check that result is ok bool Succeed = true; for (int i = 0; i < dvArr.Length; i++) { Succeed = (int)dvArr[i]["ChildId"] == (int)drExpected[i]["ChildId"]; if (!Succeed) break; } Assert.Equal(true, Succeed); }
public void FindRowsInconsistentKeyLength() { Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => { DataTable dt = new DataTable("table"); dt.Columns.Add("col1"); dt.Columns.Add("col2"); dt.Columns.Add("col3"); dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { 1, 2, 3 }); dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { 4, 5, 6 }); dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { 4, 7, 8 }); dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { 5, 7, 8 }); dt.Rows.Add(new object[] { 4, 8, 9 }); DataView dv = new DataView(dt, null, "col1", DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); dv.FindRows(new object[] { 1, 2, 3 }); }); }