public override DataValue Compute(IAggregationContext context, TimeSlice bucket, AggregateState state) { List<DataValue> l = new List<DataValue>(bucket.Values); DataValue dv = l.Count > 0 ? GetDataValue(l) : null; if (SteppedVariable && dv == null) dv = bucket.LateBound.Value; DataValue retval = new DataValue(); StatusCode code = StatusCodes.BadNoData; if (dv != null) { code = StatusCode.IsNotGood(dv.StatusCode) ? StatusCodes.UncertainDataSubNormal : StatusCodes.Good; retval.SourceTimestamp = dv.SourceTimestamp; retval.Value = dv.Value; code.AggregateBits = AggregateBits.Raw; if (bucket.Incomplete) code.AggregateBits |= AggregateBits.Partial; } else { retval.SourceTimestamp = bucket.From; } retval.StatusCode = code; return retval; }
private IEnumerable<Control> getBasicRegionBlocks() { var rs = new UpdateRegionSet(); var pb = PostBack.CreateIntermediate( rs.ToSingleElementArray(), DataUpdate, id: "basic" ); yield return new Paragraph( new PostBackButton( pb, new ButtonActionControlStyle( "Toggle Basic Region Below" ), usesSubmitBehavior: false ) ); var regionControls = new List<Control>(); var dynamicFieldValue = new DataValue<string>(); if( info.Toggled ) { regionControls.Add( FormItem.Create( "Dynamic Field", new EwfTextBox( "This was just added!" ), validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation( ( pbv, validator ) => dynamicFieldValue.Value = control.GetPostBackValue( pbv ), pb ) ).ToControl() ); } else regionControls.Add( new Paragraph( "Nothing here yet." ) ); yield return new NamingPlaceholder( new Section( "Basic Update Region", regionControls, style: SectionStyle.Box ).ToSingleElementArray(), updateRegionSets: rs.ToSingleElementArray() ); pb.AddModificationMethod( () => parametersModification.Toggled = !parametersModification.Toggled ); pb.AddModificationMethod( () => AddStatusMessage( StatusMessageType.Info, info.Toggled ? "Dynamic field value was '{0}'.".FormatWith( dynamicFieldValue.Value ) : "Dynamic field added." ) ); }
private DataValue val; //additional information like color #endregion Fields #region Constructors public DataEntry(int id, double pca_x, double pca_y, DataValue val) { = id; this.pca_x = pca_x; this.pca_y = pca_y; this.val = val; }
List<DataValue> _Items; // list of DataValue public DataValues(ReportDefn r, ReportLink p, XmlNode xNode) : base(r, p) { DataValue dv; _Items = new List<DataValue>(); // Loop thru all the child nodes foreach(XmlNode xNodeLoop in xNode.ChildNodes) { if (xNodeLoop.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element) continue; switch (xNodeLoop.Name) { case "DataValue": dv = new DataValue(r, this, xNodeLoop); break; default: dv=null; // don't know what this is // don't know this element - log it OwnerReport.rl.LogError(4, "Unknown DataValues element '" + xNodeLoop.Name + "' ignored."); break; } if (dv != null) _Items.Add(dv); } if (_Items.Count == 0) OwnerReport.rl.LogError(8, "For DataValues at least one DataValue is required."); else _Items.TrimExcess(); }
public override DataValue Compute(IAggregationContext context, TimeSlice bucket, AggregateState state) { int numGood = 0; int numBad = 0; DataValue previous = RightState(bucket.EarlyBound.Value) ? bucket.EarlyBound.Value : null; double total = 0.0; DataValue retval = new DataValue { SourceTimestamp = bucket.From }; StatusCode code = StatusCodes.BadNoData; foreach (DataValue v in bucket.Values) { if (state.RawValueIsGood(v)) { numGood += 1; if (previous != null) total += (v.SourceTimestamp - previous.SourceTimestamp).TotalMilliseconds; previous = RightState(v) ? v : null; } else { numBad += 1; } } if (previous != null) total += (bucket.LateBound.Value.SourceTimestamp - previous.SourceTimestamp).TotalMilliseconds; retval.Value = total; code = ComputeStatus(context, numGood, numBad, bucket).Code; code.AggregateBits = AggregateBits.Calculated; if (bucket.Incomplete) code.AggregateBits |= AggregateBits.Partial; retval.StatusCode = code; return retval; }
public override DataValue Compute(IAggregationContext context, TimeSlice bucket, AggregateState state) { int numGood = 0; int numBad = 0; double total = 0.0; foreach (DataValue v in bucket.Values) { if (state.RawValueIsGood(v)) { numGood += 1; total += Convert.ToDouble(v.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } else { numBad += 1; } } DataValue retval = new DataValue { SourceTimestamp = bucket.From }; StatusCode code = ComputeStatus(context, numGood, numBad, bucket).Code; code.AggregateBits = AggregateBits.Calculated; if (bucket.Incomplete) code.AggregateBits |= AggregateBits.Partial; if (StatusCode.IsNotBad(code)) retval.Value = total; retval.StatusCode = code; GoodDataCount = numGood; return retval; }
/// <summary> /// Gets the CLR value. /// </summary> /// <param name="val">The val.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static object GetClrValue(DataValue val) { if (val == null || val.IsNull()) return null; switch (val.DataType) { case DataType.DataType_BLOB: return ((BLOBValue)val).Data; case DataType.DataType_Boolean: return ((BooleanValue)val).Boolean; case DataType.DataType_Byte: return ((ByteValue)val).Byte; case DataType.DataType_CLOB: return ((CLOBValue)val).Data; case DataType.DataType_DateTime: return ((DateTimeValue)val).DateTime; case DataType.DataType_Decimal: return ((DecimalValue)val).Decimal; case DataType.DataType_Double: return ((DoubleValue)val).Double; case DataType.DataType_Int16: return ((Int16Value)val).Int16; case DataType.DataType_Int32: return ((Int32Value)val).Int32; case DataType.DataType_Int64: return ((Int64Value)val).Int64; case DataType.DataType_Single: return ((SingleValue)val).Single; case DataType.DataType_String: return ((StringValue)val).String; default: return null; } }
public PropertyValueSnak(PropertyId propertyId, DataValue value) { if (propertyId == null || value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("The property id and value must not be null"); } PropertyId = propertyId; Value = value; }
public override DataValue Compute(IAggregationContext context, TimeSlice bucket, AggregateState state) { int numGood = 0; int numBad = 0; DataValue firstGoodDv = null; DataValue lastGoodDv = null; DataValue lastDv = null; bool uncertainDataSubNormal = false; double delta = double.NaN; foreach (DataValue dv in bucket.Values) { if (state.RawValueIsGood(dv)) { if (firstGoodDv == null) { firstGoodDv = dv; } lastGoodDv = dv; numGood++; } else { // check for non-good value occuring before first good value if (firstGoodDv == null) uncertainDataSubNormal = true; numBad++; } lastDv = dv; } if (firstGoodDv != null) { double fv = Convert.ToDouble(firstGoodDv.Value); double lv = Convert.ToDouble(lastGoodDv.Value); delta = lv - fv; } // check for non-good value occuring after latest good value if (!uncertainDataSubNormal && lastGoodDv != null && lastGoodDv.SourceTimestamp < lastDv.SourceTimestamp) uncertainDataSubNormal = true; StatusCode code = (uncertainDataSubNormal) ? StatusCodes.UncertainDataSubNormal : (numGood > 0) ? StatusCodes.Good : StatusCodes.BadNoData; DataValue retval = new DataValue { SourceTimestamp = bucket.From }; if (!double.IsNaN(delta)) retval.Value = delta; code.AggregateBits = AggregateBits.Calculated; if (bucket.Incomplete) code.AggregateBits |= AggregateBits.Partial; retval.StatusCode = code; return retval; }
protected abstract bool Comparison(DataValue value1, DataValue value2); // true if keep value1. public override DataValue Compute(IAggregationContext context, TimeSlice bucket, AggregateState state) { int numGood = 0; int numBad = 0; DataValue valueToKeep = new DataValue() { SourceTimestamp = bucket.From, StatusCode = StatusCodes.BadNoData }; bool moreData = false; bool hasGoodData = false; foreach (DataValue dv in bucket.Values) { if (state.RawValueIsGood(dv)) { hasGoodData = true; if (valueToKeep.StatusCode == StatusCodes.BadNoData) { valueToKeep = dv; } else { moreData = valueToKeep == dv; if (Comparison(dv, valueToKeep)) { valueToKeep = dv; } } numGood++; } else { numBad++; if (!hasGoodData) valueToKeep = dv; } } DataValue retval = valueToKeep.StatusCode == StatusCodes.BadNoData ? valueToKeep : (DataValue)valueToKeep.Clone(); if (hasGoodData) { StatusCode code = StatusCodes.Good; code = ComputeStatus(context, numGood, numBad, bucket).Code; code.AggregateBits = moreData ? AggregateBits.ExtraData : AggregateBits.Raw; if (bucket.Incomplete) code.AggregateBits |= AggregateBits.Partial; retval.StatusCode = code; } // numGood = 0, hasGoodData = false beyond this point, i.e., no good data else if(numBad > 0) { retval.Value = null; retval.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Bad; retval.StatusCode = retval.StatusCode.SetAggregateBits(AggregateBits.Raw); } return retval; }
public override DataValue Compute(IAggregationContext context, TimeSlice bucket, AggregateState state) { DataValue retval = new DataValue { SourceTimestamp = bucket.From }; StatusCode code = StatusCodes.BadNoData; DataValue boundValue = context.IsReverseAggregation ? bucket.LateBound.Value : bucket.EarlyBound.Value; if (boundValue != null) { code = bucket.EarlyBound.Value.StatusCode.Code; code.AggregateBits = bucket.EarlyBound.Value.StatusCode.AggregateBits; retval.Value = Convert.ToDouble(bucket.EarlyBound.Value.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (bucket.Incomplete) code.AggregateBits |= AggregateBits.Partial; retval.StatusCode = code; return retval; }
/// <summary> /// Builds this LookupBox and returns the panel. /// </summary> public WebControl BuildLookupBoxPanel() { var val = new DataValue<string>(); var postBack = PostBack.CreateFull( id: postBackId, actionGetter: () => new PostBackAction( handler( val.Value ) ) ); var textBox = FormItem.Create( "", new EwfTextBox( "", postBack: postBack ) { Width = new Unit( pixelWidth ) }, validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation( ( pbv, validator ) => val.Value = control.GetPostBackValue( pbv ), postBack ) ); textBox.Control.SetWatermarkText( defaultText ); if( autoCompleteService != null ) textBox.Control.SetupAutoComplete( autoCompleteService, AutoCompleteOption.PostBackOnItemSelect ); return new Block( textBox.ToControl() ) { CssClass = "ewfLookupBox" }; }
private Box test1( DataModification dm, Action<string> setValue ) { var box = new EwfTextBox( "" ); box.SetupAutoComplete( TestService.GetInfo(), AutoCompleteOption.NoPostBack ); var dv = new DataValue<string>(); dm.AddTopValidationMethod( ( pbvd, validator ) => dv.Value = box.GetPostBackValue( pbvd ) ); dm.AddModificationMethod( () => setValue( dv.Value ) ); return new Box( "Autofill behavior. Typing more than 3 characters should bring up autofill options from a web service. " + "Selecting an item or changing the text will no cause a post-back. This value show appear when submitting the page's submit button.", box.ToSingleElementArray() ); }
public override DataValue Compute(IAggregationContext context, TimeSlice bucket, AggregateState state) { int numGood = 0; int numBad = 0; double minV = double.MaxValue; double maxV = double.MinValue; bool uncertainDataSubNormal = false; double range = double.NaN; foreach (DataValue dv in bucket.Values) { if (state.RawValueIsGood(dv)) { double v = Convert.ToDouble(dv.Value); if (minV > v) { minV = v; } if (maxV < v) { maxV = v; } numGood++; } else { uncertainDataSubNormal = true; numBad++; } } if (minV != double.MaxValue && maxV != double.MinValue) { range = Math.Abs(maxV - minV); } StatusCode code = (uncertainDataSubNormal) ? StatusCodes.UncertainDataSubNormal : StatusCodes.Good; if (numGood + numBad == 0) code = StatusCodes.BadNoData; DataValue retval = new DataValue { SourceTimestamp = bucket.From }; if (!double.IsNaN(range)) retval.Value = range; code.AggregateBits = AggregateBits.Calculated; if (bucket.Incomplete) code.AggregateBits |= AggregateBits.Partial; retval.StatusCode = code; return retval; }
public override DataValue Compute(IAggregationContext context, TimeSlice bucket, AggregateState state) { StatusCode returnCode = StatusCodes.BadNoData; foreach(DataValue dv in bucket.Values) { if (returnCode == StatusCodes.BadNoData) { returnCode = dv.StatusCode; } else { // StatusCodes.Bad = 0x80000000 // StatusCodes.Uncertain = 0x40000000 // StatusCodes.Good = 0x00000000 uint code = dv.StatusCode.Code >> 28; // 7 Hexadecimal digits = 28 binary digits. switch (code) { case 8: // 8 is maximum returnCode = StatusCodes.Bad; break; case 4: if(StatusCode.IsNotBad(returnCode)) returnCode = StatusCodes.Uncertain; break; case 0: // 0 is minimum break; default: Debug.Assert(true, "should not touch this line"); throw new Exception(String.Format("Unknown error in WorstQuality aggregate calculation, code = {0}", dv.StatusCode)); } } } DataValue retVal = new DataValue() { SourceTimestamp = bucket.From }; if (returnCode != StatusCodes.BadNoData) { retVal.Value = returnCode; StatusCode status = StatusCodes.Good; status.AggregateBits |= AggregateBits.Calculated; if (bucket.Incomplete) status.AggregateBits |= AggregateBits.Partial; retVal.StatusCode = status; } else { retVal.StatusCode = returnCode; } return retVal; }
protected override void loadData() { BasicPage.Instance.Body.Attributes[ "class" ] = CssElementCreator.SelectUserPageBodyCssClass; ph.AddControlsReturnThis( new PageName() ); if( ConfigurationStatics.IsLiveInstallation ) { ph.AddControlsReturnThis( new Paragraph( new Strong( "Warning:" ), " Do not impersonate a user without permission. Your actions will be attributed to the user you are impersonating, not to you.".GetLiteralControl() ) ); } var pb = PostBack.CreateFull( actionGetter: () => new PostBackAction( new ExternalResourceInfo( info.ReturnUrl.Any() ? info.ReturnUrl : NetTools.HomeUrl ) ) ); DataValue<User> user = new DataValue<User>(); ph.AddControlsReturnThis( FormItem.Create( "User's email address (leave blank for anonymous)", new EwfTextBox( "" ), validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation( ( pbv, validator ) => { var errorHandler = new ValidationErrorHandler( "user" ); var emailAddress = validator.GetEmailAddress( errorHandler, control.GetPostBackValue( pbv ), true ); if( errorHandler.LastResult != ErrorCondition.NoError ) return; if( !emailAddress.Any() ) { user.Value = null; return; } user.Value = UserManagementStatics.GetUser( emailAddress ); if( user.Value == null ) validator.NoteErrorAndAddMessage( "The email address you entered does not match a user." ); }, pb ) ).ToControl(), new Paragraph( new PostBackButton( pb, new ButtonActionControlStyle( AppRequestState.Instance.ImpersonatorExists ? "Change User" : "Begin Impersonation", buttonSize: ButtonActionControlStyle.ButtonSize.Large ) ) ) ); pb.AddModificationMethod( () => UserImpersonationStatics.BeginImpersonation( user.Value ) ); }
protected override void loadData() { var pb = PostBack.CreateFull( actionGetter: () => new PostBackAction( new ExternalResourceInfo( ) ) ); var fib = FormItemBlock.CreateFormItemTable(); newPassword = new DataValue<string>(); fib.AddFormItems( FormItem.Create( "New password", new EwfTextBox( "", masksCharacters: true ), validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation( ( pbv, v ) => newPassword.Value = control.GetPostBackValue( pbv ), pb ) ) ); var newPasswordConfirm = new DataValue<string>(); fib.AddFormItems( FormItem.Create( "Re-type new password", new EwfTextBox( "", masksCharacters: true ), validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation( ( pbv, v ) => newPasswordConfirm.Value = control.GetPostBackValue( pbv ), pb ) ) ); pb.AddTopValidationMethod( ( pbv, validator ) => FormsAuthStatics.ValidatePassword( validator, newPassword, newPasswordConfirm ) ); ph.AddControlsReturnThis( fib ); EwfUiStatics.SetContentFootActions( new ActionButtonSetup( "Change Password", new PostBackButton( pb ) ) ); pb.AddModificationMethod( modifyData ); }
public override DataValue Compute(IAggregationContext context, TimeSlice bucket, AggregateState state) { int numGood = 0; int numBad = 0; foreach (DataValue v in bucket.Values) { if (state.RawValueIsGood(v)) { numGood += 1; } else { numBad += 1; } } StatusCode code = StatusCodes.Good; DataValue retval = new DataValue { SourceTimestamp = bucket.From }; retval.Value = numGood; code = ComputeStatus(context, numGood, numBad, bucket).Code; code.AggregateBits = AggregateBits.Calculated; if (bucket.Incomplete) code.AggregateBits |= AggregateBits.Partial; retval.StatusCode = code; return retval; }
private Model.Data.DataTable GridToExecl(List <TemplateStock> tempStocks, out List <DataHeader> cellRanges) { TSGrid hsGrid = _gridConfig.GetGid(GridStock); var gridColumns = hsGrid.Columns; var sheetConfig = ConfigManager.Instance.GetImportConfig().GetSheet("stocktemplate"); cellRanges = sheetConfig.Columns; var sheetColumns = ConfigManager.Instance.GetImportConfig().GetColumnHeader(cellRanges); Dictionary <string, DataColumnHeader> colHeadMap = new Dictionary <string, DataColumnHeader>(); foreach (var column in sheetColumns) { //colHeadMap.Add(column.Name, column); var gridColumn = gridColumns.Find(p => p.Text.Equals(column.Name)); if (gridColumn != null) { if (!colHeadMap.ContainsKey(gridColumn.Name)) { colHeadMap.Add(gridColumn.Name, column); } } } //实体类标签名与Excel DataTable DataRow.Columns中列索引映射表 Dictionary <string, int> excelNameColumnIndexMap = new Dictionary <string, int>(); for (int i = 0, count = sheetColumns.Count; i < count; i++) { if (!excelNameColumnIndexMap.ContainsKey(sheetColumns[i].Name)) { excelNameColumnIndexMap.Add(sheetColumns[i].Name, i); } } Dictionary <string, int> fieldNameColumnIndexMap = new Dictionary <string, int>(); for (int i = 0, count = gridColumns.Count; i < count; i++) { var column = gridColumns[i]; int index = sheetColumns.FindIndex(p => p.Name.Equals(column.Text)); if (index >= 0) { if (!fieldNameColumnIndexMap.ContainsKey(column.Name)) { fieldNameColumnIndexMap.Add(column.Name, index); } } } Model.Data.DataTable table = new Model.Data.DataTable { ColumnIndex = new Dictionary <string, int>(), Rows = new List <Model.Data.DataRow>() }; table.ColumnIndex = excelNameColumnIndexMap; var attFieldMap = GridViewBindingHelper.GetPropertyBinding(typeof(TemplateStock)); foreach (var tempStock in tempStocks) { Model.Data.DataRow dataRow = new Model.Data.DataRow { Columns = new List <DataValue>(table.ColumnIndex.Count) }; foreach (var kv in attFieldMap) { if (!attFieldMap.ContainsKey(kv.Key) || !fieldNameColumnIndexMap.ContainsKey(kv.Key)) { continue; } string fieldName = attFieldMap[kv.Key]; int valIndex = fieldNameColumnIndexMap[kv.Key]; var field = tempStock.GetType().GetProperty(fieldName); if (field == null) { continue; } Model.Data.DataValue dataValue = new DataValue(); if (colHeadMap.ContainsKey(kv.Key)) { dataValue.Type = colHeadMap[kv.Key].Type; } dataValue.Value = field.GetValue(tempStock, null); //dataRow.Columns[valIndex] = dataValue; dataRow.Columns.Insert(valIndex, dataValue); } table.Rows.Add(dataRow); } return(table); }
public void UpdateProcessedData(DataValue rawValue, AggregateState state) { // step 1: compute new TimeSlice instances to enqueue, until we reach the one the // rawValue belongs in or we've reached the one that goes to the EndTime. Ensure // that the raw value is added to the last one created. TimeSlice tmpTS = null; if (m_pending == null) { m_pending = new Queue <TimeSlice>(); } if (m_latest == null) { tmpTS = TimeSlice.CreateInitial(StartTime, EndTime, ProcessingInterval); if (tmpTS != null) { m_pending.Enqueue(tmpTS); m_latest = tmpTS; } } else { tmpTS = m_latest; } DateTime latestTime = (StartTime > EndTime) ? StartTime : EndTime; while ((tmpTS != null) && (state.HasTerminated || !tmpTS.AcceptValue(rawValue))) { tmpTS = TimeSlice.CreateNext(latestTime, ProcessingInterval, tmpTS); if (tmpTS != null) { m_pending.Enqueue(tmpTS); m_latest = tmpTS; } } // step 2: apply the aggregator to the head of the queue to see if we can convert // it into a processed point. If so, dequeue it and add the processed value to the // m_released list. Keep doing it until one of the TimeSlices returns null or we // run out of enqueued TimeSlices (should only happen on termination). if (m_released == null) { m_released = new List <DataValue>(); } foreach (TimeSlice b in m_pending) { UpdateBoundingValues(b, state); } bool active = true; while ((m_pending.Count > 0) && active) { TimeSlice top = m_pending.Peek(); DataValue computed = null; if (!WaitForMoreData(top, state)) { computed = Compute(this, top, state); } if (computed != null) { m_released.Add(computed); m_pending.Dequeue(); } else { active = false; } } }
protected abstract bool RightStatusCode(DataValue dv);
/// <summary> /// Adds index ranges to the collection. /// </summary> private void AddWriteValues( Node node, WriteValueCollection nodesToWrite, params uint[] attributeIds) { if (attributeIds != null) { for (int ii = 0; ii < attributeIds.Length; ii++) { WriteValue nodeToWrite = new WriteValue(); nodeToWrite.NodeId = node.NodeId; nodeToWrite.AttributeId = attributeIds[ii]; DataValue value = new DataValue(); ServiceResult result = node.Read( null, attributeIds[ii], value); value.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Good; value.ServerTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue; value.SourceTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue; if (ServiceResult.IsBad(result)) { value.Value = null; } nodeToWrite.Value = value; nodeToWrite.Handle = node; nodesToWrite.Add(nodeToWrite); Array array = value.Value as Array; if (array != null) { NumericRange range = new NumericRange(0, 1); object subarray = array; range.ApplyRange(ref subarray); nodeToWrite = new WriteValue(); nodeToWrite.Value = new DataValue(); nodeToWrite.Value.Value = subarray; nodeToWrite.Value.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Good; nodeToWrite.Value.ServerTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue; nodeToWrite.Value.SourceTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue; nodeToWrite.NodeId = node.NodeId; nodeToWrite.AttributeId = attributeIds[ii]; nodeToWrite.IndexRange = "0"; nodeToWrite.Handle = node; nodesToWrite.Add(nodeToWrite); } nodeToWrite = new WriteValue(); nodeToWrite.Value = new DataValue(); nodeToWrite.Value.Value = value.Value; nodeToWrite.Value.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Uncertain; nodeToWrite.Value.ServerTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue; nodeToWrite.Value.SourceTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue; nodeToWrite.NodeId = node.NodeId; nodeToWrite.AttributeId = attributeIds[ii]; nodeToWrite.Handle = node; nodesToWrite.Add(nodeToWrite); nodeToWrite = new WriteValue(); nodeToWrite.Value = new DataValue(); nodeToWrite.Value.Value = value.Value; nodeToWrite.Value.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Good; nodeToWrite.Value.ServerTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; nodeToWrite.Value.SourceTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue; nodeToWrite.NodeId = node.NodeId; nodeToWrite.AttributeId = attributeIds[ii]; nodeToWrite.Handle = node; nodesToWrite.Add(nodeToWrite); nodeToWrite = new WriteValue(); nodeToWrite.Value = new DataValue(); nodeToWrite.Value.Value = value.Value; nodeToWrite.Value.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Good; nodeToWrite.Value.ServerTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue; nodeToWrite.Value.SourceTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; nodeToWrite.NodeId = node.NodeId; nodeToWrite.AttributeId = attributeIds[ii]; nodeToWrite.Handle = node; nodesToWrite.Add(nodeToWrite); } } }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the Count aggregate for the timeslice. /// </summary> protected DataValue ComputeNumberOfTransitions(TimeSlice slice) { // get the values in the slice. List <DataValue> values = GetValues(slice); // check for empty slice. if (values == null) { return(GetNoDataValue(slice)); } // determine whether a transition occurs at the StartTime double lastValue = Double.NaN; if (slice.EarlyBound != null) { if (StatusCode.IsGood(slice.EarlyBound.Value.StatusCode)) { try { lastValue = CastToDouble(slice.EarlyBound.Value); } catch (Exception) { lastValue = Double.NaN; } } } // count the transitions. int count = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < values.Count; ii++) { if (!IsGood(values[ii])) { continue; } double nextValue = 0; try { nextValue = CastToDouble(values[ii]); } catch (Exception) { continue; } if (!Double.IsNaN(lastValue)) { if (lastValue != nextValue) { count++; } } lastValue = nextValue; } // set the timestamp and status. DataValue value = new DataValue(); value.WrappedValue = new Variant(count, TypeInfo.Scalars.Int32); value.SourceTimestamp = GetTimestamp(slice); value.ServerTimestamp = GetTimestamp(slice); value.StatusCode = value.StatusCode.SetAggregateBits(AggregateBits.Calculated); value.StatusCode = GetValueBasedStatusCode(slice, values, value.StatusCode); // return result. return(value); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the history. /// </summary> public uint UpdateHistory(SystemContext context, DataValue value, PerformUpdateType performUpdateType) { var replaced = false; if (performUpdateType == PerformUpdateType.Remove) { return(StatusCodes.BadNotSupported); } if (StatusCode.IsNotBad(value.StatusCode)) { var typeInfo = value.WrappedValue.TypeInfo; if (typeInfo == null) { typeInfo = TypeInfo.Construct(value.Value); } if (typeInfo == null || typeInfo.BuiltInType != ArchiveItem.DataType || typeInfo.ValueRank != ValueRanks.Scalar) { return(StatusCodes.BadTypeMismatch); } } var filter = string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "SourceTimestamp = #{0}#", value.SourceTimestamp); var view = new DataView( ArchiveItem.DataSet.Tables[0], filter, null, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); DataRow row = null; var ii = 0; for (; ii < view.Count;) { if (performUpdateType == PerformUpdateType.Insert) { return(StatusCodes.BadEntryExists); } // add record indicating it was replaced. var modifiedRow = ArchiveItem.DataSet.Tables[1].NewRow(); modifiedRow[0] = view[ii].Row[0]; modifiedRow[1] = view[ii].Row[1]; modifiedRow[2] = view[ii].Row[2]; modifiedRow[3] = view[ii].Row[3]; modifiedRow[4] = view[ii].Row[4]; modifiedRow[5] = HistoryUpdateType.Replace; modifiedRow[6] = GetModificationInfo(context, HistoryUpdateType.Replace); ArchiveItem.DataSet.Tables[1].Rows.Add(modifiedRow); replaced = true; row = view[ii].Row; break; } // add record indicating it was inserted. if (!replaced) { if (performUpdateType == PerformUpdateType.Replace) { return(StatusCodes.BadNoEntryExists); } var modifiedRow = ArchiveItem.DataSet.Tables[1].NewRow(); modifiedRow[0] = value.SourceTimestamp; modifiedRow[1] = value.ServerTimestamp; modifiedRow[2] = value; if (value.WrappedValue.TypeInfo != null) { modifiedRow[3] = value.WrappedValue.TypeInfo.BuiltInType; modifiedRow[4] = value.WrappedValue.TypeInfo.ValueRank; } else { modifiedRow[3] = BuiltInType.Variant; modifiedRow[4] = ValueRanks.Scalar; } modifiedRow[5] = HistoryUpdateType.Insert; modifiedRow[6] = GetModificationInfo(context, HistoryUpdateType.Insert); ArchiveItem.DataSet.Tables[1].Rows.Add(modifiedRow); row = ArchiveItem.DataSet.Tables[0].NewRow(); } // add/update new record. row[0] = value.SourceTimestamp; row[1] = value.ServerTimestamp; row[2] = value; if (value.WrappedValue.TypeInfo != null) { row[3] = value.WrappedValue.TypeInfo.BuiltInType; row[4] = value.WrappedValue.TypeInfo.ValueRank; } else { row[3] = BuiltInType.Variant; row[4] = ValueRanks.Scalar; } if (!replaced) { ArchiveItem.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Add(row); } // accept all changes. ArchiveItem.DataSet.AcceptChanges(); return(StatusCodes.Good); }
/// <summary> /// Reads an attribute for the node. /// </summary> protected virtual ServiceResult ReadAttribute(IOperationContext context, uint attributeId, DataValue value) { IList<string> locales = null; if (context != null) { locales = context.PreferredLocales; } switch (attributeId) { case Attributes.NodeId: { value.Value = NodeId; break; } case Attributes.NodeClass: { value.Value = NodeClass; break; } case Attributes.BrowseName: { value.Value = BrowseName; break; } case Attributes.DisplayName: { value.Value = ResourceManager.Translate(locales, DisplayName); break; } case Attributes.Description: { value.Value = ResourceManager.Translate(locales, DisplayName); break; } case Attributes.WriteMask: { value.Value = (uint)WriteMask; break; } case Attributes.UserWriteMask: { value.Value = (uint)UserWriteMask; break; } default: { return StatusCodes.BadAttributeIdInvalid; } } return ServiceResult.Good; }
public override VTQ Get() { Match match = rgxSinus.Match(func); if (match.Success) { Duration period = Duration.Parse(match.Groups[1].Value); double amplitude = double.Parse(match.Groups[3].Value); double offset = double.Parse(match.Groups[4].Value); double periodMS = period.TotalMilliseconds; long now = Timestamp.Now.JavaTicks; double x = (now - BaseDate) % periodMS; double radian = (x / periodMS) * 2.0 * Math.PI; double v = amplitude * Math.Sin(radian) + offset; return(new VTQ(Timestamp.Now.TruncateMilliseconds(), Quality.Good, DataValue.FromFloat((float)v))); } else { return(new VTQ(Timestamp.Now.TruncateMilliseconds(), Quality.Bad, DataValue.FromFloat(0))); } }
/// <summary> /// Получить значение тега по его адресу /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeID">Адрес тега</param> /// <returns>Значение тега</returns> public DataValue ReadValue(string nodeID) { DataValue value = _session.ReadValue(nodeID); return(value); }
private void ForceUpdateObjectAttribute(SimulationEvent e) { string objectId = ((StringValue)e["ObjectID"]).value; string attributeName = ((StringValue)e["AttributeName"]).value; if (!objectProxies.ContainsKey(objectId)) { return; } try { if (!objectProxies[objectId].GetKeys().Contains(attributeName)) { return; } if (!objectProxies[objectId][attributeName].IsOwner()) { return; } } catch (Exception ex) { return; } DataValue attributeValue = e["AttributeValue"]; if (attributeValue.dataType != "WrapperType") { return; } attributeValue = ((WrapperValue)attributeValue).value; SimulationObjectProxy obj = null; //depending on the attribute, you might have specific functionality switch (attributeName) { case "FuelCapacity": ChangeObjectFuelCapacity(attributeValue as DoubleValue, objectId); break; case "FuelAmount": ChangeObjectFuelAmount(attributeValue as DoubleValue, objectId); break; case "FuelConsumptionRate": ChangeObjectFuelRate(attributeValue as DoubleValue, objectId); break; case "FuelDepletionState": ChangeObjectFuelDepleteState(attributeValue as StringValue, objectId); break; default: break; } //try //{ // obj[attributeName].SetDataValue(attributeValue); //} //catch (Exception ex) //{ // return; //} attributeValue = null; obj = null; }
private void TimeTick(SimulationEvent e) { int oldTime = time; DataValue dv = null; dv = e["Time"]; time = ((IntegerValue)dv).value; double dTime = ((double)(time - oldTime)) / 1000; SimulationObjectProxy obProx = null; double throttle = 0; double fuelAmount = 0; double fuelConsumptionRate = 0; bool dockedToParent = false; foreach (string id in objectProxies.Keys) { obProx = objectProxies[id]; dv = obProx["FuelConsumptionRate"].GetDataValue(); fuelConsumptionRate = ((DoubleValue)dv).value; if (fuelConsumptionRate == 0) { continue; } dv = obProx["DockedToParent"].GetDataValue(); dockedToParent = ((BooleanValue)dv).value; if (dockedToParent) { continue; } dv = obProx["FuelAmount"].GetDataValue(); fuelAmount = ((DoubleValue)dv).value; if (fuelAmount == 0) { continue; } dv = obProx["Throttle"].GetDataValue(); throttle = ((DoubleValue)dv).value; dv = obProx["FuelAmount"].GetDataValue(); fuelAmount = ((DoubleValue)dv).value; fuelAmount -= dTime * throttle * fuelConsumptionRate; if (fuelAmount <= 0) { fuelAmount = 0; // Send state change dv = obProx["FuelDepletionState"].GetDataValue(); if (dv != null) { SimulationEvent sc = SimulationEventFactory.BuildEvent(ref simModel, "StateChange"); ((StringValue)sc["ObjectID"]).value = id; ((StringValue)sc["NewState"]).value = ((StringValue)dv).value; ((IntegerValue)sc["Time"]).value = time; distClient.PutEvent(sc); } } dv = obProx["FuelAmount"].GetDataValue(); ((DoubleValue)dv).value = fuelAmount; obProx["FuelAmount"].SetDataValue(dv); } }
public void Run() { byte[] bytes = new byte[255]; Random rand = new Random(); int create = 0, read = 0, write = 0, delete = 0; Stopwatch time = new Stopwatch(); time.Start(); try { Dictionary <KeyInfo, DataValue> values = new Dictionary <KeyInfo, DataValue>(new KeyInfoEquality()); for (int i = 0; i < _recordCount; i++) { create++; KeyInfo k = new KeyInfo(); rand.NextBytes(bytes); DataValue v = new DataValue(k, bytes); _data.Add(k, v); Interlocked.Increment(ref RecordsCreated); values.Add(k, v); } Dictionary <KeyInfo, DataValue> found = new Dictionary <KeyInfo, DataValue>(values, new KeyInfoEquality()); foreach (KeyValuePair <KeyInfo, DataValue> kv in _data) { read++; found.Remove(kv.Key); } Assert.AreEqual(0, found.Count); foreach (KeyValuePair <KeyInfo, DataValue> kv in values) { read++; DataValue test; Assert.IsTrue(_data.TryGetValue(kv.Key, out test)); Assert.AreEqual(kv.Key.UID, test.Key.UID); Assert.AreEqual(kv.Value.Hash, test.Hash); Assert.AreEqual(kv.Value.Bytes, test.Bytes); } foreach (KeyValuePair <KeyInfo, DataValue> kv in values) { bytes = kv.Value.Bytes; Array.Reverse(bytes); write++; _data[kv.Key] = new DataValue(kv.Key, bytes); read++; Assert.AreEqual(bytes, _data[kv.Key].Bytes); } foreach (KeyInfo key in new List <KeyInfo>(values.Keys)) { delete++; Assert.IsTrue(_data.Remove(key)); values.Remove(key); } } finally { time.Stop(); Trace.TraceInformation("thread {0,3} complete ({1}c/{2}r/{3}w/{4}d) in {5:n0}ms", Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, create, read, write, delete, time.ElapsedMilliseconds); } }
public IPersistable CreateRIFObject(ObjectType objectType, ref IntermediateFormatReader context) { IPersistable persistable = null; if (objectType == ObjectType.Null) { return(null); } IDOwner parentIDOwner = m_parentIDOwner; ReportItem parentReportItem = m_parentReportItem; switch (objectType) { case ObjectType.PageSection: persistable = new PageSection(m_parentReportItem); m_parentReportItem = (ReportItem)persistable; break; case ObjectType.Line: persistable = new Line(m_parentReportItem); m_parentReportItem = (ReportItem)persistable; break; case ObjectType.Rectangle: persistable = new Rectangle(m_parentReportItem); m_parentReportItem = (ReportItem)persistable; break; case ObjectType.Image: persistable = new Image(m_parentReportItem); m_parentReportItem = (ReportItem)persistable; break; case ObjectType.TextBox: persistable = new TextBox(m_parentReportItem); m_parentReportItem = (ReportItem)persistable; break; case ObjectType.SubReport: persistable = new SubReport(m_parentReportItem); m_parentReportItem = (ReportItem)persistable; break; case ObjectType.Grouping: persistable = new Grouping(ConstructionPhase.Deserializing); break; case ObjectType.Sorting: persistable = new Sorting(ConstructionPhase.Deserializing); break; case ObjectType.ReportItemCollection: persistable = new ReportItemCollection(); break; case ObjectType.ReportItemIndexer: persistable = default(ReportItemIndexer); break; case ObjectType.Style: persistable = new Style(ConstructionPhase.Deserializing); break; case ObjectType.AttributeInfo: persistable = new AttributeInfo(); break; case ObjectType.Visibility: persistable = new Visibility(); break; case ObjectType.ExpressionInfo: persistable = new ExpressionInfo(); break; case ObjectType.ExpressionInfoTypeValuePair: persistable = new ExpressionInfoTypeValuePair(); break; case ObjectType.DataAggregateInfo: persistable = new DataAggregateInfo(); break; case ObjectType.RunningValueInfo: persistable = new RunningValueInfo(); break; case ObjectType.Filter: persistable = new Filter(); break; case ObjectType.DataSource: persistable = new DataSource(); break; case ObjectType.DataSet: persistable = new DataSet(); break; case ObjectType.ReportQuery: persistable = new ReportQuery(); break; case ObjectType.Field: persistable = new Field(); break; case ObjectType.ParameterValue: persistable = new ParameterValue(); break; case ObjectType.ReportSnapshot: persistable = new ReportSnapshot(); break; case ObjectType.DocumentMapNode: persistable = new DocumentMapNode(); break; case ObjectType.DocumentMapBeginContainer: persistable = DocumentMapBeginContainer.Instance; break; case ObjectType.DocumentMapEndContainer: persistable = DocumentMapEndContainer.Instance; break; case ObjectType.ReportInstance: persistable = new ReportInstance(); break; case ObjectType.ParameterInfo: persistable = new ParameterInfo(); break; case ObjectType.ValidValue: persistable = new ValidValue(); break; case ObjectType.ParameterDataSource: persistable = new ParameterDataSource(); break; case ObjectType.ParameterDef: persistable = new ParameterDef(); break; case ObjectType.ProcessingMessage: persistable = new ProcessingMessage(); break; case ObjectType.CodeClass: persistable = default(CodeClass); break; case ObjectType.Action: persistable = new Action(); break; case ObjectType.RenderingPagesRanges: persistable = default(RenderingPagesRanges); break; case ObjectType.IntermediateFormatVersion: persistable = new IntermediateFormatVersion(); break; case ObjectType.ImageInfo: persistable = new ImageInfo(); break; case ObjectType.ActionItem: persistable = new ActionItem(); break; case ObjectType.DataValue: persistable = new DataValue(); break; case ObjectType.CustomReportItem: persistable = new CustomReportItem(m_parentReportItem); m_parentReportItem = (ReportItem)persistable; break; case ObjectType.SortFilterEventInfoMap: persistable = new SortFilterEventInfoMap(); break; case ObjectType.SortFilterEventInfo: persistable = new SortFilterEventInfo(); break; case ObjectType.EndUserSort: persistable = new EndUserSort(); break; case ObjectType.ScopeLookupTable: persistable = new ScopeLookupTable(); break; case ObjectType.Tablix: persistable = new Tablix(m_parentReportItem); m_parentReportItem = (ReportItem)persistable; break; case ObjectType.TablixHeader: persistable = new TablixHeader(); break; case ObjectType.TablixMember: persistable = new TablixMember(); break; case ObjectType.TablixColumn: persistable = new TablixColumn(); break; case ObjectType.TablixRow: persistable = new TablixRow(); break; case ObjectType.TablixCornerCell: persistable = new TablixCornerCell(); break; case ObjectType.TablixCell: persistable = new TablixCell(); break; case ObjectType.Chart: persistable = new Chart(m_parentReportItem); m_parentReportItem = (ReportItem)persistable; break; case ObjectType.ChartMember: persistable = new ChartMember(); break; case ObjectType.ChartSeries: persistable = new ChartSeries(); break; case ObjectType.ChartDataPoint: persistable = new ChartDataPoint(); break; case ObjectType.ChartDataPointValues: persistable = new ChartDataPointValues(); break; case ObjectType.ChartArea: persistable = new ChartArea(); break; case ObjectType.ChartLegend: persistable = new ChartLegend(); break; case ObjectType.ChartLegendTitle: persistable = new ChartLegendTitle(); break; case ObjectType.ChartAxis: persistable = new ChartAxis(); break; case ObjectType.ThreeDProperties: persistable = new ChartThreeDProperties(); break; case ObjectType.ChartDataLabel: persistable = new ChartDataLabel(); break; case ObjectType.ChartMarker: persistable = new ChartMarker(); break; case ObjectType.ChartTitle: persistable = new ChartTitle(); break; case ObjectType.ChartAxisScaleBreak: persistable = new ChartAxisScaleBreak(); break; case ObjectType.ChartDerivedSeries: persistable = new ChartDerivedSeries(); break; case ObjectType.ChartBorderSkin: persistable = new ChartBorderSkin(); break; case ObjectType.ChartNoDataMessage: persistable = new ChartNoDataMessage(); break; case ObjectType.ChartItemInLegend: persistable = new ChartItemInLegend(); break; case ObjectType.ChartEmptyPoints: persistable = new ChartEmptyPoints(); break; case ObjectType.ChartNoMoveDirections: persistable = new ChartNoMoveDirections(); break; case ObjectType.ChartFormulaParameter: persistable = new ChartFormulaParameter(); break; case ObjectType.ChartLegendColumn: persistable = new ChartLegendColumn(); break; case ObjectType.ChartLegendColumnHeader: persistable = new ChartLegendColumnHeader(); break; case ObjectType.ChartLegendCustomItem: persistable = new ChartLegendCustomItem(); break; case ObjectType.ChartLegendCustomItemCell: persistable = new ChartLegendCustomItemCell(); break; case ObjectType.ChartAlignType: persistable = new ChartAlignType(); break; case ObjectType.ChartElementPosition: persistable = new ChartElementPosition(); break; case ObjectType.ChartSmartLabel: persistable = new ChartSmartLabel(); break; case ObjectType.ChartStripLine: persistable = new ChartStripLine(); break; case ObjectType.ChartAxisTitle: persistable = new ChartAxisTitle(); break; case ObjectType.ChartCustomPaletteColor: persistable = new ChartCustomPaletteColor(); break; case ObjectType.GridLines: persistable = new ChartGridLines(); break; case ObjectType.ChartTickMarks: persistable = new ChartTickMarks(); break; case ObjectType.DataMember: persistable = new DataMember(); break; case ObjectType.CustomDataRow: persistable = new CustomDataRow(); break; case ObjectType.DataCell: persistable = new DataCell(); break; case ObjectType.Variable: persistable = new Variable(); break; case ObjectType.Page: persistable = new Page(); break; case ObjectType.Paragraph: persistable = new Paragraph(); break; case ObjectType.TextRun: persistable = new TextRun(); break; case ObjectType.Report: persistable = new Report(m_parentReportItem); m_parentReportItem = (ReportItem)persistable; break; case ObjectType.GaugePanel: persistable = new GaugePanel(m_parentReportItem); m_parentReportItem = (ReportItem)persistable; break; case ObjectType.GaugeMember: persistable = new GaugeMember(); break; case ObjectType.GaugeRow: persistable = new GaugeRow(); break; case ObjectType.GaugeCell: persistable = new GaugeCell(); break; case ObjectType.BackFrame: persistable = new BackFrame(); break; case ObjectType.CapImage: persistable = new CapImage(); break; case ObjectType.FrameBackground: persistable = new FrameBackground(); break; case ObjectType.FrameImage: persistable = new FrameImage(); break; case ObjectType.CustomLabel: persistable = new CustomLabel(); break; case ObjectType.GaugeImage: persistable = new GaugeImage(); break; case ObjectType.GaugeInputValue: persistable = new GaugeInputValue(); break; case ObjectType.GaugeLabel: persistable = new GaugeLabel(); break; case ObjectType.GaugePanelItem: persistable = new GaugePanelItem(); break; case ObjectType.GaugeTickMarks: persistable = new GaugeTickMarks(); break; case ObjectType.LinearGauge: persistable = new LinearGauge(); break; case ObjectType.LinearPointer: persistable = new LinearPointer(); break; case ObjectType.LinearScale: persistable = new LinearScale(); break; case ObjectType.NumericIndicator: persistable = new NumericIndicator(); break; case ObjectType.PinLabel: persistable = new PinLabel(); break; case ObjectType.PointerCap: persistable = new PointerCap(); break; case ObjectType.PointerImage: persistable = new PointerImage(); break; case ObjectType.RadialGauge: persistable = new RadialGauge(); break; case ObjectType.RadialPointer: persistable = new RadialPointer(); break; case ObjectType.RadialScale: persistable = new RadialScale(); break; case ObjectType.ScaleLabels: persistable = new ScaleLabels(); break; case ObjectType.ScalePin: persistable = new ScalePin(); break; case ObjectType.ScaleRange: persistable = new ScaleRange(); break; case ObjectType.IndicatorImage: persistable = new IndicatorImage(); break; case ObjectType.StateIndicator: persistable = new StateIndicator(); break; case ObjectType.Thermometer: persistable = new Thermometer(); break; case ObjectType.TickMarkStyle: persistable = new TickMarkStyle(); break; case ObjectType.TopImage: persistable = new TopImage(); break; case ObjectType.LookupInfo: persistable = new LookupInfo(); break; case ObjectType.LookupDestinationInfo: persistable = new LookupDestinationInfo(); break; case ObjectType.ReportSection: persistable = new ReportSection(); break; case ObjectType.MapFieldDefinition: persistable = new MapFieldDefinition(); break; case ObjectType.MapFieldName: persistable = new MapFieldName(); break; case ObjectType.MapLineLayer: persistable = new MapLineLayer(); break; case ObjectType.MapShapefile: persistable = new MapShapefile(); break; case ObjectType.MapPolygonLayer: persistable = new MapPolygonLayer(); break; case ObjectType.MapSpatialDataRegion: persistable = new MapSpatialDataRegion(); break; case ObjectType.MapSpatialDataSet: persistable = new MapSpatialDataSet(); break; case ObjectType.MapPointLayer: persistable = new MapPointLayer(); break; case ObjectType.MapTile: persistable = new MapTile(); break; case ObjectType.MapTileLayer: persistable = new MapTileLayer(); break; case ObjectType.MapField: persistable = new MapField(); break; case ObjectType.MapLine: persistable = new MapLine(); break; case ObjectType.MapPolygon: persistable = new MapPolygon(); break; case ObjectType.MapPoint: persistable = new MapPoint(); break; case ObjectType.MapLineTemplate: persistable = new MapLineTemplate(); break; case ObjectType.MapPolygonTemplate: persistable = new MapPolygonTemplate(); break; case ObjectType.MapMarkerTemplate: persistable = new MapMarkerTemplate(); break; case ObjectType.Map: persistable = new Map(m_parentReportItem); m_parentReportItem = (ReportItem)persistable; break; case ObjectType.MapBorderSkin: persistable = new MapBorderSkin(); break; case ObjectType.MapDataRegion: persistable = new MapDataRegion(m_parentReportItem); break; case ObjectType.MapMember: persistable = new MapMember(); break; case ObjectType.MapRow: persistable = new MapRow(); break; case ObjectType.MapCell: persistable = new MapCell(); break; case ObjectType.MapLocation: persistable = new MapLocation(); break; case ObjectType.MapSize: persistable = new MapSize(); break; case ObjectType.MapGridLines: persistable = new MapGridLines(); break; case ObjectType.MapBindingFieldPair: persistable = new MapBindingFieldPair(); break; case ObjectType.MapCustomView: persistable = new MapCustomView(); break; case ObjectType.MapDataBoundView: persistable = new MapDataBoundView(); break; case ObjectType.MapElementView: persistable = new MapElementView(); break; case ObjectType.MapViewport: persistable = new MapViewport(); break; case ObjectType.MapLimits: persistable = new MapLimits(); break; case ObjectType.MapColorScale: persistable = new MapColorScale(); break; case ObjectType.MapColorScaleTitle: persistable = new MapColorScaleTitle(); break; case ObjectType.MapDistanceScale: persistable = new MapDistanceScale(); break; case ObjectType.MapTitle: persistable = new MapTitle(); break; case ObjectType.MapLegend: persistable = new MapLegend(); break; case ObjectType.MapLegendTitle: persistable = new MapLegendTitle(); break; case ObjectType.MapBucket: persistable = new MapBucket(); break; case ObjectType.MapColorPaletteRule: persistable = new MapColorPaletteRule(); break; case ObjectType.MapColorRangeRule: persistable = new MapColorRangeRule(); break; case ObjectType.MapCustomColorRule: persistable = new MapCustomColorRule(); break; case ObjectType.MapCustomColor: persistable = new MapCustomColor(); break; case ObjectType.MapLineRules: persistable = new MapLineRules(); break; case ObjectType.MapPolygonRules: persistable = new MapPolygonRules(); break; case ObjectType.MapSizeRule: persistable = new MapSizeRule(); break; case ObjectType.MapMarkerImage: persistable = new MapMarkerImage(); break; case ObjectType.MapMarker: persistable = new MapMarker(); break; case ObjectType.MapMarkerRule: persistable = new MapMarkerRule(); break; case ObjectType.MapPointRules: persistable = new MapPointRules(); break; case ObjectType.PageBreak: persistable = new PageBreak(); break; case ObjectType.DataScopeInfo: persistable = new DataScopeInfo(); break; case ObjectType.LinearJoinInfo: persistable = new LinearJoinInfo(); break; case ObjectType.IntersectJoinInfo: persistable = new IntersectJoinInfo(); break; case ObjectType.BucketedDataAggregateInfos: persistable = new BucketedDataAggregateInfos(); break; case ObjectType.DataAggregateInfoBucket: persistable = new DataAggregateInfoBucket(); break; case ObjectType.NumericIndicatorRange: persistable = new NumericIndicatorRange(); break; case ObjectType.IndicatorState: persistable = new IndicatorState(); break; case ObjectType.SharedDataSetQuery: persistable = new SharedDataSetQuery(); break; case ObjectType.DataSetCore: persistable = new DataSetCore(); break; case ObjectType.DataSetParameterValue: persistable = new DataSetParameterValue(); break; case ObjectType.RIFVariantContainer: persistable = new RIFVariantContainer(); break; case ObjectType.IdcRelationship: persistable = new IdcRelationship(); break; case ObjectType.DefaultRelationship: persistable = new DefaultRelationship(); break; case ObjectType.JoinCondition: persistable = new Relationship.JoinCondition(); break; case ObjectType.BandLayoutOptions: persistable = new BandLayoutOptions(); break; case ObjectType.LabelData: persistable = new LabelData(); break; case ObjectType.Slider: persistable = new Slider(); break; case ObjectType.Coverflow: persistable = new Coverflow(); break; case ObjectType.PlayAxis: persistable = new PlayAxis(); break; case ObjectType.BandNavigationCell: persistable = new BandNavigationCell(); break; case ObjectType.Tabstrip: persistable = new Tabstrip(); break; case ObjectType.NavigationItem: persistable = new NavigationItem(); break; case ObjectType.ScopedFieldInfo: persistable = new ScopedFieldInfo(); break; default: Global.Tracer.Assert(condition: false, "Unsupported object type: " + objectType); break; } IDOwner iDOwner = persistable as IDOwner; if (iDOwner != null) { iDOwner.ParentInstancePath = m_parentIDOwner; m_parentIDOwner = iDOwner; } persistable.Deserialize(context); m_parentIDOwner = parentIDOwner; m_parentReportItem = parentReportItem; return(persistable); }
public override DataValue Compute(IAggregationContext context, TimeSlice bucket, AggregateState state) { int numGood = 0; int numBad = 0; int nTransitions = 0; long stateCode = -1; IEnumerator<DataValue> enumerator = bucket.Values.GetEnumerator(); bool bucketValueNotEmpty = enumerator.MoveNext(); if (bucketValueNotEmpty && enumerator.Current != null) { if (bucket.EarlyBound != null) { if (enumerator.Current.SourceTimestamp == bucket.EarlyBound.Timestamp && bucket.EarlyBound.PriorPoint != null) { stateCode = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToBoolean(bucket.EarlyBound.PriorPoint.Value)); } else if (bucket.EarlyBound.Value != null) { stateCode = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToBoolean(bucket.EarlyBound.Value.Value)); } } } // viz. UA MultiStateNodeState & TwoStateNodeState, // assume DataValue.Value is either an EnumValueType or a bool if (bucketValueNotEmpty) { do { DataValue dv = enumerator.Current; if (state.RawValueIsGood(dv)) { EnumValueType ev = dv.Value as EnumValueType; if (ev == null) { bool b; if (bool.TryParse(dv.Value.ToString(), out b)) { if (stateCode < 0) stateCode = b ? 1 : 0; else if (b.CompareTo(Convert.ToBoolean(stateCode)) != 0) { nTransitions++; stateCode = b ? 1 : 0; } } else continue; } else { long s = ev.Value; if (stateCode < 0) stateCode = s; else if (!s.Equals(stateCode)) { nTransitions++; stateCode = s; } } numGood++; } else { numBad++; } } while (enumerator.MoveNext()); } StatusCode code = ComputeStatus(context, numGood, numBad, bucket).Code; DataValue retval = new DataValue { SourceTimestamp = bucket.From, Value = nTransitions }; code.AggregateBits = AggregateBits.Calculated; if (bucket.Incomplete) code.AggregateBits |= AggregateBits.Partial; retval.StatusCode = code; return retval; }
#pragma warning disable RECS0154 // Parameter is never used /// <summary> /// Updates the history. /// </summary> public uint UpdateAnnotations(SystemContext context, Annotation annotation, DataValue value, PerformUpdateType performUpdateType) #pragma warning restore RECS0154 // Parameter is never used { var replaced = false; var filter = string.Format(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "SourceTimestamp = #{0}#", value.SourceTimestamp); var view = new DataView( ArchiveItem.DataSet.Tables[2], filter, null, DataViewRowState.CurrentRows); DataRow row = null; for (var ii = 0; ii < view.Count; ii++) { var current = (Annotation)view[ii].Row[5]; replaced = current.UserName == annotation.UserName; if (performUpdateType == PerformUpdateType.Insert) { if (replaced) { return(StatusCodes.BadEntryExists); } } if (replaced) { row = view[ii].Row; break; } } // add record indicating it was inserted. if (!replaced) { if (performUpdateType == PerformUpdateType.Replace || performUpdateType == PerformUpdateType.Remove) { return(StatusCodes.BadNoEntryExists); } row = ArchiveItem.DataSet.Tables[2].NewRow(); } // add/update new record. if (performUpdateType != PerformUpdateType.Remove) { row[0] = value.SourceTimestamp; row[1] = value.ServerTimestamp; row[2] = new DataValue(new ExtensionObject(annotation), StatusCodes.Good, value.SourceTimestamp, value.ServerTimestamp); row[3] = BuiltInType.ExtensionObject; row[4] = ValueRanks.Scalar; row[5] = annotation; if (!replaced) { ArchiveItem.DataSet.Tables[2].Rows.Add(row); } } // delete record. else { row.Delete(); } // accept all changes. ArchiveItem.DataSet.AcceptChanges(); return(StatusCodes.Good); }
/// <summary> /// Returns whether the specified node allows event notification. (Is the EventNotifier attribute set to SubscribeToEvents?) /// </summary> /// <param name="nodeId">The NodeId of the node being checked.</param> private bool IsEventNotificationListAllowed(NodeId nodeId) { //only nodes that allow event notification DataValue value = new DataValue(); try { Node node = m_session.ReadNode(nodeId); ServiceResult result = node.Read(null, Attributes.EventNotifier, value); if (result.Code == StatusCodes.BadAttributeIdInvalid) value.Value = (byte)0; //no EventNotifier attribute found } catch (Exception e) { //we will assume either no attributes or no EventNotifier attribute Utils.Trace(e, "Unexpected error in IsEventNotificationListAllowed"); value.Value = (byte)0; } return System.Convert.ToBoolean((byte)value.Value & EventNotifiers.SubscribeToEvents); }
/// <summary> /// Read a value node from server /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">type of value</typeparam> /// <param name="tag">node id</param> /// <returns>实际值</returns> public T ReadNode <T>(string tag) { DataValue dataValue = ReadNode(new NodeId(tag)); return((T)dataValue.Value); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the StdDev, Variance, StdDev2 and Variance2 aggregates for the timeslice. /// </summary> protected DataValue ComputeTimeAverage(TimeSlice slice, bool useSimpleBounds, int valueType) { // get the values in the slice. List<DataValue> values = null; if (useSimpleBounds) { values = GetValuesWithSimpleBounds(slice); } else { values = GetValuesWithInterpolatedBounds(slice); } // check for empty slice. if (values == null || values.Count == 0) { return GetNoDataValue(slice); } // get the regions. List<SubRegion> regions = GetRegionsInValueSet(values, !useSimpleBounds, Stepped); double total = 0; double totalDuration = 0; bool nonGoodRegionsExists = false; for (int ii = 0; ii < regions.Count; ii++) { double duration = regions[ii].Duration/1000.0; if (StatusCode.IsNotBad(regions[ii].StatusCode)) { total += (regions[ii].StartValue + regions[ii].EndValue) * duration / 2; totalDuration += duration; } if (StatusCode.IsNotGood(regions[ii].StatusCode)) { nonGoodRegionsExists = true; } } // check if no good data. if (totalDuration == 0) { return GetNoDataValue(slice); } // select the result. double result = 0; switch (valueType) { case 1: { result = total/totalDuration; break; } case 2: { result = total; break; } } // set the timestamp and status. DataValue value = new DataValue(); value.WrappedValue = new Variant(result, TypeInfo.Scalars.Double); value.SourceTimestamp = GetTimestamp(slice); value.ServerTimestamp = GetTimestamp(slice); if (useSimpleBounds) { value.StatusCode = GetTimeBasedStatusCode(regions, value.StatusCode); } else { value.StatusCode = StatusCodes.Good; if (nonGoodRegionsExists) { value.StatusCode = StatusCodes.UncertainDataSubNormal; } } value.StatusCode = value.StatusCode.SetAggregateBits(AggregateBits.Calculated); // return result. return value; }
/// <summary> /// Verifies the index range result for a scalar value. /// </summary> private bool VerifyIndexRangeForScalar(IVariableBase variable, BuiltInType type, DataValue result) { // allow DA status codes to be returned before checking the if (IsDaBadStatus(result.StatusCode)) { return(true); } if (result.StatusCode != StatusCodes.BadIndexRangeInvalid) { if (type != BuiltInType.ByteString && type != BuiltInType.String && type != BuiltInType.Variant) { Log( "Wrong error code when reading index range for scalar value '{0}'. NodeId = {1}, Value = {2}, StatusCode = {3}", variable, variable.NodeId, variable.Value, result.StatusCode); return(false); } if (type == BuiltInType.String) { string value = result.Value as string; if (value != null && value.Length > 2) { Log( "Too much data return when reading index range for sting value '{0}'. NodeId = {1}, Value = {2}, ReturnedValue = {3}", variable, variable.NodeId, variable.Value, result.Value); return(false); } } if (type == BuiltInType.ByteString) { byte[] value = result.Value as byte[]; if (value != null && value.Length > 2) { Log( "Too much data return when reading index range for ByteString value '{0}'. NodeId = {1}, Value = {2}, ReturnedValue = {3}", variable, variable.NodeId, variable.Value, result.Value); return(false); } } if (type == BuiltInType.Variant) { Array value = result.Value as Array; if (value != null && value.Length > 2) { Log( "Too much data return when reading index range for Variant value '{0}'. NodeId = {1}, Value = {2}, ReturnedValue = {3}", variable, variable.NodeId, variable.Value, result.Value); return(false); } } } else { if (type == BuiltInType.ByteString || type == BuiltInType.String) { Log( "Error returned reading index range for ByteString or String value '{0}'. NodeId = {1}, Value = {2}, StatusCode = {3}", variable, variable.NodeId, variable.Value, result.StatusCode); return(false); } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Applies the filter to value to determine if the new value should be kept. /// </summary> protected virtual bool ApplyFilter(DataValue value, ServiceResult error) { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); bool changed = ValueChanged( value, error, m_lastValue, m_lastError, m_filterToUse as DataChangeFilter, m_range); return changed; }
private bool VerifyDataEncoding(IVariableBase variable, BuiltInType type, QualifiedName dataEncoding, DataValue result) { // allow DA status codes to be returned before checking the if (IsDaBadStatus(result.StatusCode)) { return(true); } IList <INode> encodings = Session.NodeCache.Find( variable.DataType, ReferenceTypeIds.HasEncoding, false, true); if (StatusCode.IsBad(result.StatusCode)) { for (int ii = 0; ii < encodings.Count; ii++) { if (encodings[ii].BrowseName == dataEncoding) { Log( "Did not return a valid value for a supported data encoding '{0}'. NodeId = {1}, Value = {2}, StatusCode = {3}", variable, variable.NodeId, variable.Value, result.StatusCode); return(false); } } return(true); } ExtensionObject extension = result.Value as ExtensionObject; if (extension != null) { for (int ii = 0; ii < encodings.Count; ii++) { if (encodings[ii].BrowseName == dataEncoding) { if (ExpandedNodeId.ToNodeId(extension.TypeId, Session.NamespaceUris) != encodings[ii].NodeId) { Log( "Did not return value with correct data encoding '{0}'. NodeId = {1}, Expected = {2}, Actual = {3}", variable, variable.NodeId, encodings[ii].NodeId, extension.TypeId); return(false); } } } } ExtensionObject[] extensions = result.Value as ExtensionObject[]; if (extensions != null) { for (int jj = 0; jj < extensions.Length; jj++) { extension = extensions[jj]; for (int ii = 0; ii < encodings.Count; ii++) { if (encodings[ii].BrowseName == dataEncoding) { if (ExpandedNodeId.ToNodeId(extension.TypeId, Session.NamespaceUris) != encodings[ii].NodeId) { Log( "Did not return value with correct data encoding '{0}'. NodeId = {1}, Expected = {2}, Actual = {3}", variable, variable.NodeId, encodings[ii].NodeId, extension.TypeId); return(false); } } } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Adds an event to the queue. /// </summary> public virtual void QueueValue(DataValue value, ServiceResult error) { QueueValue(value, error, false); }
/// <summary> /// Verifies the index range result for a scalar value. /// </summary> private bool VerifyIndexRangeForArray(IVariableBase variable, BuiltInType type, string indexRange, DataValue result) { // allow DA status codes. if (IsDaBadStatus(result.StatusCode)) { return(true); } Array array = result.Value as Array; if (array == null) { if (result.StatusCode != StatusCodes.BadIndexRangeNoData) { Log( "Wrong error code when reading index range for array value '{0}'. NodeId = {1}, Value = {2}, StatusCode = {3}", variable, variable.NodeId, variable.Value, result.StatusCode); return(false); } return(true); } if (indexRange == "10000000:20000000") { Log( "Expected BadIndexRangeNoData for array value '{0}'. NodeId = {1}, Value = {2}, ReturnedValue = {3}", variable, variable.NodeId, variable.Value, result.Value); return(false); } if (array.Length > 2) { Log( "Too much data return when reading index range for array value '{0}'. NodeId = {1}, Value = {2}, ReturnedValue = {3}", variable, variable.NodeId, variable.Value, result.Value); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Adds a value to the queue. /// </summary> private void AddValueToQueue(DataValue value, ServiceResult error) { if (m_queueSize > 1) { m_queue.QueueValue(value, error); } if (m_lastValue != null) { m_readyToTrigger = true; } // save last value recieved. m_lastValue = value; m_lastError = error; m_readyToPublish = true; Utils.Trace("QUEUE VALUE[{0}]: Value={1} CODE={2}<{2:X8}> OVERFLOW={3}", m_id, m_lastValue.WrappedValue, m_lastValue.StatusCode.Code, m_lastValue.StatusCode.Overflow); }
private static string AddSuffix(DataValue dataValue) { return($"{HistoricalDataValues.GetStringValue(dataValue)}Geoff"); }
/// <summary> /// Validates the nodes and reads the values from the underlying source. /// </summary> /// <param name="context">The context.</param> /// <param name="nodesToRead">The nodes to read.</param> /// <param name="values">The values.</param> /// <param name="errors">The errors.</param> /// <param name="nodesToValidate">The nodes to validate.</param> /// <param name="cache">The cache.</param> protected override void Read( ServerSystemContext context, IList <ReadValueId> nodesToRead, IList <DataValue> values, IList <ServiceResult> errors, List <NodeHandle> nodesToValidate, IDictionary <NodeId, NodeState> cache) { ComDaClientManager system = (ComDaClientManager)this.SystemContext.SystemHandle; ComDaClient client = system.SelectClient((ServerSystemContext)SystemContext, false); ReadRequestCollection requests = new ReadRequestCollection(); for (int ii = 0; ii < nodesToValidate.Count; ii++) { NodeHandle handle = nodesToValidate[ii]; lock (Lock) { NodeState source = ValidateNode(context, handle, cache); if (source == null) { continue; } DataValue value = values[handle.Index]; ReadValueId nodeToRead = nodesToRead[handle.Index]; // determine if request can be sent to the server. bool queued = false; errors[handle.Index] = requests.Add(source, nodeToRead, value, out queued); if (queued) { continue; } // read built-in metadata. errors[handle.Index] = source.ReadAttribute( context, nodeToRead.AttributeId, nodeToRead.ParsedIndexRange, nodeToRead.DataEncoding, value); } } // read the values from the server. client.Read(requests); // extract the values from the results. for (int ii = 0; ii < nodesToValidate.Count; ii++) { NodeHandle handle = nodesToValidate[ii]; DataValue value = values[handle.Index]; ReadValueId nodeToRead = nodesToRead[handle.Index]; lock (Lock) { if (!requests.HasResult(nodeToRead)) { continue; } errors[handle.Index] = requests.GetResult(context, handle.Node, nodeToRead, value, context.DiagnosticsMask); } } }
public void MatrixOverflow( EncodingType encoderType, BuiltInType builtInType ) { Assume.That(builtInType != BuiltInType.Null); int matrixDimension = RandomSource.NextInt32(8) + 2; int[] dimensions = new int[matrixDimension]; SetMatrixDimensions(dimensions); int elements = ElementsFromDimension(dimensions); Array randomData = DataGenerator.GetRandomArray(builtInType, false, elements, true); var matrix = new Matrix(randomData, builtInType, dimensions); for (int ii = 0; ii < matrixDimension; ii++) { if (ii % 2 == 0) { matrix.Dimensions[ii] = 0x40000001; } else { matrix.Dimensions[ii] = 4; } } var variant = new Variant(matrix); string encodeInfo = $"Encoder: {encoderType} Type:{builtInType}"; TestContext.Out.WriteLine(encodeInfo); TestContext.Out.WriteLine(variant); DataValue expected = CreateDataValue(builtInType, variant); Assert.IsNotNull(expected, "Expected DataValue is Null, " + encodeInfo); TestContext.Out.WriteLine("Expected:"); TestContext.Out.WriteLine(expected); var encoderStream = new MemoryStream(); IEncoder encoder = CreateEncoder(encoderType, Context, encoderStream, typeof(DataValue)); encoder.WriteDataValue("DataValue", expected); Dispose(encoder); var buffer = encoderStream.ToArray(); string jsonFormatted; switch (encoderType) { case EncodingType.Json: jsonFormatted = PrettifyAndValidateJson(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer)); break; } var decoderStream = new MemoryStream(buffer); IDecoder decoder = CreateDecoder(encoderType, Context, decoderStream, typeof(DataValue)); switch (encoderType) { case EncodingType.Json: { // check such matrix cannot be initialized when decoding from Json format // the exception is thrown while trying to construct the Matrix Assert.Throws( typeof(ArgumentException), () => { decoder.ReadDataValue("DataValue"); }); break; } case EncodingType.Xml: { // check such matrix cannot be initialized when decoding from Xml format // the exception is thrown while trying to construct the Matrix but is caught and handled decoder.ReadDataValue("DataValue"); break; } case EncodingType.Binary: { // check such matrix cannot be initialized when decoding from Binary format // the exception is thrown before trying to construct the Matrix Assert.Throws( typeof(ServiceResultException), () => { decoder.ReadDataValue("DataValue"); }); break; } } Dispose(decoder); }
/// <summary> /// Connects the session if it is disconnected. /// </summary> public async Task ConnectSessionAsync(CancellationToken ct) { bool sessionLocked = false; try { EndpointDescription selectedEndpoint = null; ConfiguredEndpoint configuredEndpoint = null; sessionLocked = await LockSessionAsync(); // if the session is already connected or connecting or shutdown in progress, return if (!sessionLocked || ct.IsCancellationRequested || State == SessionState.Connected || State == SessionState.Connecting) { return; } Logger.Information($"Connect and monitor session and nodes on endpoint '{EndpointUrl.AbsoluteUri}' {(UseSecurity ? "with" : "without")} security."); State = SessionState.Connecting; try { // release the session to not block for high network timeouts ReleaseSession(); sessionLocked = false; // start connecting selectedEndpoint = CoreClientUtils.SelectEndpoint(EndpointUrl.AbsoluteUri, UseSecurity); configuredEndpoint = new ConfiguredEndpoint(null, selectedEndpoint, EndpointConfiguration.Create(OpcApplicationConfiguration.ApplicationConfiguration)); uint timeout = SessionTimeout * ((UnsuccessfulConnectionCount >= OpcSessionCreationBackoffMax) ? OpcSessionCreationBackoffMax : UnsuccessfulConnectionCount + 1); Logger.Information($"Create {(UseSecurity ? "secured" : "unsecured")} session for endpoint URI '{EndpointUrl.AbsoluteUri}' with timeout of {timeout} ms."); OpcUaClientSession = await Session.Create( OpcApplicationConfiguration.ApplicationConfiguration, configuredEndpoint, true, false, ApplicationName, timeout, new UserIdentity(new AnonymousIdentityToken()), null); } catch (Exception e) { // save error info if (e is ServiceResultException sre) { ServiceResultException = sre; } Logger.Error(e, $"Session creation to endpoint '{EndpointUrl.AbsoluteUri}' failed {++UnsuccessfulConnectionCount} time(s). Please verify if server is up and {ProgramName} configuration is correct."); State = SessionState.Disconnected; OpcUaClientSession = null; return; } finally { if (OpcUaClientSession != null) { sessionLocked = await LockSessionAsync(); if (sessionLocked) { Logger.Information($"Session successfully created with Id {OpcUaClientSession.SessionId}."); if (!selectedEndpoint.EndpointUrl.Equals(configuredEndpoint.EndpointUrl.AbsoluteUri, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { Logger.Information($"the Server has updated the EndpointUrl to '{selectedEndpoint.EndpointUrl}'"); } // init object state and install keep alive UnsuccessfulConnectionCount = 0; OpcUaClientSession.KeepAliveInterval = OpcKeepAliveInterval * 1000; OpcUaClientSession.KeepAlive += StandardClient_KeepAlive; // fetch the namespace array and cache it. it will not change as long the session exists. DataValue namespaceArrayNodeValue = OpcUaClientSession.ReadValue(VariableIds.Server_NamespaceArray); _namespaceTable.Update(namespaceArrayNodeValue.GetValue <string[]>(null)); // show the available namespaces Logger.Information($"The session to endpoint '{selectedEndpoint.EndpointUrl}' has {_namespaceTable.Count} entries in its namespace array:"); int i = 0; foreach (var ns in _namespaceTable.ToArray()) { Logger.Information($"Namespace index {i++}: {ns}"); } // fetch the minimum supported item sampling interval from the server. DataValue minSupportedSamplingInterval = OpcUaClientSession.ReadValue(VariableIds.Server_ServerCapabilities_MinSupportedSampleRate); _minSupportedSamplingInterval = minSupportedSamplingInterval.GetValue(0); Logger.Information($"The server on endpoint '{selectedEndpoint.EndpointUrl}' supports a minimal sampling interval of {_minSupportedSamplingInterval} ms."); State = SessionState.Connected; } else { State = SessionState.Disconnected; } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error(e, "Error in ConnectSessions."); } finally { if (sessionLocked) { ReleaseSession(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Reads the DataValues section /// </summary> protected override IList <Series> ReadDataValues(XmlReader r) { int valueCount; var lst = new List <DataValueWrapper>(Int32.TryParse(r.GetAttribute("count"), out valueCount) ? valueCount : 4); var qualifiers = new Dictionary <string, Qualifier>(); var methods = new Dictionary <string, Method>(); var sources = new Dictionary <string, Source>(); var qualityControlLevels = new Dictionary <string, QualityControlLevel>(); var samples = new Dictionary <string, Sample>(); var offsets = new Dictionary <string, OffsetType>(); var seriesDictionary = new Dictionary <string, Series>(); while (r.Read()) { if (r.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { if (r.Name == "value") { //create a new empty data value and add it to the list var wrapper = new DataValueWrapper(); var val = new DataValue(); wrapper.DataValue = val; lst.Add(wrapper); if (r.HasAttributes) { var censorCode = r.GetAttribute("censorCode"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(censorCode)) { val.CensorCode = censorCode; } //fix by Jiri - sometimes the dateTime attribute is uppercase var localDateTime = r.GetAttribute("dateTime"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(localDateTime)) { localDateTime = r.GetAttribute("DateTime"); } val.LocalDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(localDateTime, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); val.DateTimeUTC = val.LocalDateTime; val.UTCOffset = 0.0; //method var methodID = r.GetAttribute("methodID"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(methodID)) { methodID = "0"; //when a method ID is unspecified } if (!methods.ContainsKey(methodID)) { var newMethod = Method.Unknown; methods.Add(methodID, newMethod); } wrapper.MethodID = methodID; //quality control level string qualityCode = r.GetAttribute("qualityControlLevel"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(qualityCode)) { qualityCode = "unknown"; //when the quality control level is unspecified } if (!qualityControlLevels.ContainsKey(qualityCode)) { var qualControl = QualityControlLevel.Unknown; qualControl.Code = qualityCode; qualControl.Definition = qualityCode; qualControl.Explanation = qualityCode; qualityControlLevels.Add(qualityCode, qualControl); } //source var sourceID = r.GetAttribute("sourceID"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceID)) { sourceID = "0"; //when a source ID is unspecified } if (!sources.ContainsKey(sourceID)) { sources.Add(sourceID, Source.Unknown); } wrapper.SourceID = sourceID; wrapper.SeriesCode = SeriesCodeHelper.CreateSeriesCode(methodID, qualityCode, sourceID); //----method-source-qualityControl combination---- //sample var sampleID = r.GetAttribute("sampleID"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sampleID)) { if (!samples.ContainsKey(sampleID)) { samples.Add(sampleID, Sample.Unknown); } } wrapper.SampleID = sampleID; //qualifiers string qualifierCodes = r.GetAttribute("qualifiers"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(qualifierCodes)) { if (!qualifiers.ContainsKey(qualifierCodes)) { var newQualifier = new Qualifier { Code = qualifierCodes }; qualifiers.Add(qualifierCodes, newQualifier); val.Qualifier = newQualifier; } else { val.Qualifier = qualifiers[qualifierCodes]; } } //vertical offset var offsetID = r.GetAttribute("offsetTypeID"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(offsetID)) { if (!offsets.ContainsKey(offsetID)) { offsets.Add(offsetID, new OffsetType()); } var offsetValue = r.GetAttribute("offsetValue"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(offsetValue)) { val.OffsetValue = Convert.ToDouble(offsetValue, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } wrapper.OffsetID = offsetID; //data value val.Value = Convert.ToDouble(r.ReadString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } else if (r.Name == "method") { var method = ReadMethod(r); var methodCodeKey = method.Code.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (methods.ContainsKey(methodCodeKey)) { methods[methodCodeKey] = method; } } else if (r.Name == "source") { var source = ReadSource(r); var sourceCodeKey = source.OriginId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (sources.ContainsKey(sourceCodeKey)) { sources[sourceCodeKey] = source; } } else if (r.Name == "qualityControlLevel") { //quality control level seems to be included with each value } else if (r.Name == "qualifier") { ReadQualifier(r, qualifiers); } else if (r.Name == "offset") { ReadOffset(r, offsets); } } } //to assign special properties of each data value foreach (var wrapper in lst) { var val = wrapper.DataValue; //which series does the data value belong to? var seriesCode = wrapper.SeriesCode; if (!seriesDictionary.ContainsKey(seriesCode)) { var newSeries = new Series(); seriesDictionary.Add(seriesCode, newSeries); //assign method, source and qual.control level //assign method, source and qual.control level try { newSeries.Method = methods[SeriesCodeHelper.GetMethodCode(seriesCode)]; //fix by Jiri: fixes the case when sourceID is unspecified sources //has more than one source entry string sourceCode = SeriesCodeHelper.GetSourceCode(seriesCode); if (sourceCode == "0" && sources.Count > 0) { foreach (string sc in sources.Keys) { if (sc != "0") { sourceCode = sc; break; } } } newSeries.Source = sources[sourceCode]; newSeries.QualityControlLevel = qualityControlLevels[SeriesCodeHelper.GetQualityCode(seriesCode)]; } catch { } } //add the data value to the correct series var series = seriesDictionary[seriesCode]; series.DataValueList.Add(val); val.Series = series; Sample sample; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wrapper.SampleID) && samples.TryGetValue(wrapper.SampleID, out sample)) { val.Sample = sample; } OffsetType offset; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(wrapper.OffsetID) && offsets.TryGetValue(wrapper.OffsetID, out offset)) { val.OffsetType = offset; } if (series.Method == null) { series.Method = methods[wrapper.MethodID]; } if (series.Source == null) { series.Source = sources[wrapper.SourceID]; } } //to check the qualifiers CheckQualifiers(qualifiers); return(seriesDictionary.Values.ToList()); }
/// <summary> /// Read a list of nodes from Server /// </summary> public void ReadNodes() { if (m_session == null || m_session.Connected == false) { Console.WriteLine("Session not connected!"); return; } try { #region Read a node by calling the Read Service // build a list of nodes to be read ReadValueIdCollection nodesToRead = new ReadValueIdCollection() { // Value of ServerStatus new ReadValueId() { NodeId = Variables.Server_ServerStatus, AttributeId = Attributes.Value }, // BrowseName of ServerStatus_StartTime new ReadValueId() { NodeId = Variables.Server_ServerStatus_StartTime, AttributeId = Attributes.BrowseName }, // Value of ServerStatus_StartTime new ReadValueId() { NodeId = Variables.Server_ServerStatus_StartTime, AttributeId = Attributes.Value } }; // Read the node attributes DataValueCollection resultsValues = null; DiagnosticInfoCollection diagnosticInfos = null; Console.WriteLine("Reading nodes..."); // Call Read Service m_session.Read( null, 0, TimestampsToReturn.Both, nodesToRead, out resultsValues, out diagnosticInfos); // Validate the results ClientBase.ValidateResponse(resultsValues, nodesToRead); // Display the results. foreach (DataValue result in resultsValues) { Console.WriteLine("Read Value = {0} , StatusCode = {1}", result.Value, result.StatusCode); } #endregion #region Read the Value attribute of a node by calling the Session.ReadValue method // Read Server NamespaceArray Console.WriteLine("Reading Value of NamespaceArray node..."); DataValue namespaceArray = m_session.ReadValue(Variables.Server_NamespaceArray); // Display the result Console.WriteLine(String.Format("NamespaceArray Value = {0}", namespaceArray.ToString())); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { // Log Error string logMessage = String.Format("Read Nodes Error : {0}.", ex.Message); Console.WriteLine(logMessage); } }
protected override void loadData() { var logInPb = PostBack.CreateFull( actionGetter: () => new PostBackAction( user.MustChangePassword ? ChangePassword.Page.GetInfo( info.ReturnUrl ) as ResourceInfo : new ExternalResourceInfo( info.ReturnUrl ) ) ); var newPasswordPb = PostBack.CreateFull( id: "newPw", actionGetter: getSendNewPasswordAction ); var registeredTable = EwfTable.Create( caption: "Registered users" ); registeredTable.AddItem( new EwfTableItem( ( "You may log in to this system if you have registered your email address with " + FormsAuthStatics.SystemProvider.AdministratingCompanyName ).ToCell( new TableCellSetup( fieldSpan: 2 ) ) ) ); emailAddress = new DataValue<string>(); var emailVl = new BasicValidationList(); registeredTable.AddItem( new EwfTableItem( "Email address", emailAddress.GetEmailAddressFormItem( "", "Please enter a valid email address.", emailVl ).ToControl() ) ); logInPb.AddValidations( emailVl ); newPasswordPb.AddValidations( emailVl ); var password = new DataValue<string>(); registeredTable.AddItem( new EwfTableItem( "Password", FormItem.Create( "", new EwfTextBox( "", masksCharacters: true ), validationGetter: control => new EwfValidation( ( pbv, v ) => password.Value = control.GetPostBackValue( pbv ), logInPb ) ).ToControl() ) ); if( FormsAuthStatics.PasswordResetEnabled ) { registeredTable.AddItem( new EwfTableItem( new PlaceHolder().AddControlsReturnThis( "If you are a first-time user and do not know your password, or if you have forgotten your password, ".GetLiteralControl(), new PostBackButton( newPasswordPb, new TextActionControlStyle( "click here to immediately send yourself a new password." ), usesSubmitBehavior: false ) ) .ToCell( new TableCellSetup( fieldSpan: 2 ) ) ) ); } ph.AddControlsReturnThis( registeredTable ); var specialInstructions = EwfUiStatics.AppProvider.GetSpecialInstructionsForLogInPage(); if( specialInstructions != null ) ph.AddControlsReturnThis( specialInstructions ); else { var unregisteredTable = EwfTable.Create( caption: "Unregistered users" ); unregisteredTable.AddItem( new EwfTableItem( "If you have difficulty logging in, please " + FormsAuthStatics.SystemProvider.LogInHelpInstructions ) ); ph.AddControlsReturnThis( unregisteredTable ); } EwfUiStatics.SetContentFootActions( new ActionButtonSetup( "Log In", new PostBackButton( logInPb ) ) ); var logInMethod = FormsAuthStatics.GetLogInMethod( this, emailAddress, password, getUnregisteredEmailMessage(), "Incorrect password. If you do not know your password, enter your email address and send yourself a new password using the link below.", logInPb ); logInPb.AddModificationMethod( () => user = logInMethod() ); }
/// <summary> /// Publishes a value. /// </summary> private void Publish( OperationContext context, DataValue value, ServiceResult error, Queue <MonitoredItemNotification> notifications, Queue <DiagnosticInfo> diagnostics) { // set semantics changed bit. if (m_semanticsChanged) { if (value != null) { value.StatusCode = value.StatusCode.SetSemanticsChanged(true); } if (error != null) { error = new ServiceResult( error.StatusCode.SetSemanticsChanged(true), error.SymbolicId, error.NamespaceUri, error.LocalizedText, error.AdditionalInfo, error.InnerResult); } m_semanticsChanged = false; } // set structure changed bit. if (m_structureChanged) { if (value != null) { value.StatusCode = value.StatusCode.SetStructureChanged(true); } if (error != null) { error = new ServiceResult( error.StatusCode.SetStructureChanged(true), error.SymbolicId, error.NamespaceUri, error.LocalizedText, error.AdditionalInfo, error.InnerResult); } m_structureChanged = false; } // copy data value. MonitoredItemNotification item = new MonitoredItemNotification(); item.ClientHandle = m_clientHandle; item.Value = value; // apply timestamp filter. if (m_timestampsToReturn != TimestampsToReturn.Server && m_timestampsToReturn != TimestampsToReturn.Both) { item.Value.ServerTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue; } if (m_timestampsToReturn != TimestampsToReturn.Source && m_timestampsToReturn != TimestampsToReturn.Both) { item.Value.SourceTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue; } notifications.Enqueue(item); // update diagnostic info. DiagnosticInfo diagnosticInfo = null; if (m_lastError != null) { if ((m_diagnosticsMasks & DiagnosticsMasks.OperationAll) != 0) { diagnosticInfo = ServerUtils.CreateDiagnosticInfo(m_source.Server, context, m_lastError); } } diagnostics.Enqueue(diagnosticInfo); }
/// <summary> /// Calculates the RegSlope, RegConst and RegStdDev aggregates for the timeslice. /// </summary> protected DataValue ComputeAverage(TimeSlice slice) { // get the values in the slice. List<DataValue> values = GetValues(slice); // check for empty slice. if (values == null || values.Count == 0) { return GetNoDataValue(slice); } // calculate total and count. int count = 0; double total = 0; for (int ii = 0; ii < values.Count; ii++) { if (StatusCode.IsGood(values[ii].StatusCode)) { try { double sample = CastToDouble(values[ii]); total += sample; count++; } catch { // ignore conversion errors. } } } // check for empty slice. if (count == 0) { return GetNoDataValue(slice); } // select the result. double result = total/count; // set the timestamp and status. DataValue value = new DataValue(); value.WrappedValue = new Variant(result, TypeInfo.Scalars.Double); value.SourceTimestamp = GetTimestamp(slice); value.ServerTimestamp = GetTimestamp(slice); value.StatusCode = value.StatusCode.SetAggregateBits(AggregateBits.Calculated); value.StatusCode = GetValueBasedStatusCode(slice, values, value.StatusCode); // return result. return value; }
private async void ShowMember(NodeId sourceId) { textBox_nodeId.Text = sourceId.ToString(); // dataGridView1.Rows.Clear(); int index = 0; ReferenceDescriptionCollection references; try { references = await Task.Run(() => { return(GetReferenceDescriptionCollection(sourceId)); }); } catch (Exception exception) { ClientUtils.HandleException(Text, exception); return; } if (references?.Count > 0) { // 获取所有要读取的子节点 List <NodeId> nodeIds = new List <NodeId>(); for (int ii = 0; ii < references.Count; ii++) { ReferenceDescription target = references[ii]; nodeIds.Add((NodeId)target.NodeId); } DateTime dateTimeStart = DateTime.Now; // 获取所有的值 DataValue[] dataValues = await Task.Run(() => { return(ReadOneNodeFiveAttributes(nodeIds)); }); label_time_spend.Text = (int)(DateTime.Now - dateTimeStart).TotalMilliseconds + " ms"; // 显示 for (int jj = 0; jj < dataValues.Length; jj += 5) { AddDataGridViewNewRow(dataValues, jj, index++, nodeIds[jj / 5]); } } else { // 子节点没有数据的情况 try { DateTime dateTimeStart = DateTime.Now; DataValue dataValue = CommonMethods.opcUaClient.ReadNode(sourceId); if (dataValue.WrappedValue.TypeInfo?.ValueRank == ValueRanks.OneDimension) { // 数组显示 AddDataGridViewArrayRow(sourceId, out index); } else { // 显示单个数本身 label_time_spend.Text = (int)(DateTime.Now - dateTimeStart).TotalMilliseconds + " ms"; AddDataGridViewNewRow(ReadOneNodeFiveAttributes(new List <NodeId>() { sourceId }), 0, index++, sourceId); } } catch (Exception exception) { ClientUtils.HandleException(Text, exception); return; } } ClearDataGridViewRows(index); }
/// <summary> /// Publishes a single data change notifications. /// </summary> protected virtual bool Publish( OperationContext context, Queue<MonitoredItemNotification> notifications, Queue<DiagnosticInfo> diagnostics, DataValue value, ServiceResult error) { // set semantics changed bit. if (m_semanticsChanged) { if (value != null) { value.StatusCode = value.StatusCode.SetSemanticsChanged(true); } if (error != null) { error = new ServiceResult( error.StatusCode.SetSemanticsChanged(true), error.SymbolicId, error.NamespaceUri, error.LocalizedText, error.AdditionalInfo, error.InnerResult); } m_semanticsChanged = false; } // set structure changed bit. if (m_structureChanged) { if (value != null) { value.StatusCode = value.StatusCode.SetStructureChanged(true); } if (error != null) { error = new ServiceResult( error.StatusCode.SetStructureChanged(true), error.SymbolicId, error.NamespaceUri, error.LocalizedText, error.AdditionalInfo, error.InnerResult); } m_structureChanged = false; } // copy data value. MonitoredItemNotification item = new MonitoredItemNotification(); item.ClientHandle = m_clientHandle; item.Value = value; // apply timestamp filter. if (m_timestampsToReturn != TimestampsToReturn.Server && m_timestampsToReturn != TimestampsToReturn.Both) { item.Value.ServerTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue; } if (m_timestampsToReturn != TimestampsToReturn.Source && m_timestampsToReturn != TimestampsToReturn.Both) { item.Value.SourceTimestamp = DateTime.MinValue; } ServerUtils.ReportPublishValue(m_nodeId, m_id, item.Value); notifications.Enqueue(item); // update diagnostic info. DiagnosticInfo diagnosticInfo = null; if ((m_diagnosticsMasks & DiagnosticsMasks.OperationAll) != 0) { diagnosticInfo = ServerUtils.CreateDiagnosticInfo(m_server, context, error); } diagnostics.Enqueue(diagnosticInfo); return false; }
private void AddDataGridViewNewRow(DataValue[] dataValues, int startIndex, int index, NodeId nodeId) { // int index = dataGridView1.Rows.Add(); while (index >= dataGridView1.Rows.Count) { dataGridView1.Rows.Add(); } DataGridViewRow dgvr = dataGridView1.Rows[index]; dgvr.Tag = nodeId; if (dataValues[startIndex].WrappedValue.Value == null) { return; } NodeClass nodeclass = (NodeClass)dataValues[startIndex].WrappedValue.Value; dgvr.Cells[1].Value = dataValues[3 + startIndex].WrappedValue.Value; dgvr.Cells[5].Value = dataValues[4 + startIndex].WrappedValue.Value; dgvr.Cells[4].Value = GetDiscriptionFromAccessLevel(dataValues[2 + startIndex]); if (nodeclass == NodeClass.Object) { dgvr.Cells[0].Value = Properties.Resources.ClassIcon; dgvr.Cells[2].Value = ""; dgvr.Cells[3].Value = nodeclass.ToString(); } else if (nodeclass == NodeClass.Method) { dgvr.Cells[0].Value = Properties.Resources.Method_636; dgvr.Cells[2].Value = ""; dgvr.Cells[3].Value = nodeclass.ToString(); } else if (nodeclass == NodeClass.Variable) { DataValue dataValue = dataValues[1 + startIndex]; if (dataValue.WrappedValue.TypeInfo != null) { dgvr.Cells[3].Value = dataValue.WrappedValue.TypeInfo.BuiltInType; // dgvr.Cells[3].Value = dataValue.Value.GetType().ToString(); if (dataValue.WrappedValue.TypeInfo.ValueRank == ValueRanks.Scalar) { dgvr.Cells[2].Value = dataValue.WrappedValue.Value; dgvr.Cells[0].Value = Properties.Resources.Enum_582; } else if (dataValue.WrappedValue.TypeInfo.ValueRank == ValueRanks.OneDimension) { dgvr.Cells[2].Value = dataValue.Value.GetType().ToString(); dgvr.Cells[0].Value = Properties.Resources.brackets_Square_16xMD; } else if (dataValue.WrappedValue.TypeInfo.ValueRank == ValueRanks.TwoDimensions) { dgvr.Cells[2].Value = dataValue.Value.GetType().ToString(); dgvr.Cells[0].Value = Properties.Resources.Module_648; } else { dgvr.Cells[2].Value = dataValue.Value.GetType().ToString(); dgvr.Cells[0].Value = Properties.Resources.ClassIcon; } } else { dgvr.Cells[0].Value = Properties.Resources.ClassIcon; dgvr.Cells[2].Value = dataValue.Value; dgvr.Cells[3].Value = "null"; } } else { dgvr.Cells[2].Value = ""; dgvr.Cells[0].Value = Properties.Resources.ClassIcon; dgvr.Cells[3].Value = nodeclass.ToString(); } }
/// <summary> /// Applies the filter to value to determine if the new value should be kept. /// </summary> public static bool ValueChanged( DataValue value, ServiceResult error, DataValue lastValue, ServiceResult lastError, DataChangeFilter filter, double range) { if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); // select default data change filters. double deadband = 0.0; DeadbandType deadbandType = DeadbandType.None; DataChangeTrigger trigger = DataChangeTrigger.StatusValue; // apply filter. if (filter != null) { trigger = filter.Trigger; deadbandType = (DeadbandType)(int)filter.DeadbandType; deadband = filter.DeadbandValue; // when deadband is used and the trigger is StatusValueTimestamp, then it should behave as if trigger is StatusValue. if ((deadbandType != DeadbandType.None) && (trigger == DataChangeTrigger.StatusValueTimestamp)) { trigger = DataChangeTrigger.StatusValue; } } // get the current status. uint status = StatusCodes.Good; if (error != null) { status = error.StatusCode.Code; } else if (lastValue != null) { status = value.StatusCode.Code; } // get the last status. uint lastStatus = StatusCodes.Good; if (lastError != null) { lastStatus = lastError.StatusCode.Code; } else if (lastValue != null) { lastStatus = lastValue.StatusCode.Code; } // value changed if any status change occurrs. if (status != lastStatus) { return true; } // value changed if only one is null. if (value == null || lastValue == null) { return lastValue != null || value != null; } // check if timestamp has changed. if (trigger == DataChangeTrigger.StatusValueTimestamp) { if (lastValue.SourceTimestamp != value.SourceTimestamp) { return true; } } // check if value changes are ignored. if (trigger == DataChangeTrigger.Status) { return false; } // check if reference to same object. if (!Equals(lastValue.Value, value.Value, deadbandType, deadband, range)) { return true; } // must be equal. return false; }
/// <summary> /// Returns credit-card-collection hidden fields and a JavaScript function call getter that opens a Stripe Checkout modal window. If the window's submit /// button is clicked, the credit card is charged or otherwise used. Do not execute the getter until after the page tree has been built. /// </summary> /// <param name="testPublishableKey">Your test publishable API key. Will be used in non-live installations. Do not pass null.</param> /// <param name="livePublishableKey">Your live publishable API key. Will be used in live installations. Do not pass null.</param> /// <param name="name">See Do not pass null.</param> /// <param name="description">See Do not pass null.</param> /// <param name="amountInDollars">See, but note that this parameter is in dollars, not cents</param> /// <param name="testSecretKey">Your test secret API key. Will be used in non-live installations. Do not pass null.</param> /// <param name="liveSecretKey">Your live secret API key. Will be used in live installations. Do not pass null.</param> /// <param name="successHandler">A method that executes if the credit-card submission is successful. The first parameter is the charge ID and the second /// parameter is the amount of the charge, in dollars.</param> /// <param name="prefilledEmailAddressOverride">By default, the email will be prefilled with AppTools.User.Email if AppTools.User is not null. You can /// override this with either a specified email address (if user is paying on behalf of someone else) or the empty string (to force the user to type in the /// email address).</param> public static Tuple <IReadOnlyCollection <EtherealComponent>, Func <string> > GetCreditCardCollectionHiddenFieldsAndJsFunctionCall( string testPublishableKey, string livePublishableKey, string name, string description, decimal?amountInDollars, string testSecretKey, string liveSecretKey, Func <string, decimal, StatusMessageAndDestination> successHandler, string prefilledEmailAddressOverride = null) { if (!EwfApp.Instance.RequestIsSecure(HttpContext.Current.Request)) { throw new ApplicationException("Credit-card collection can only be done from secure pages."); } EwfPage.Instance.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude( typeof(PaymentProcessingStatics), "Stripe Checkout", ""); if (amountInDollars.HasValue && amountInDollars.Value.DollarValueHasFractionalCents()) { throw new ApplicationException("Amount must not include fractional cents."); } ResourceInfo successDestination = null; var postBack = PostBack.CreateFull( id: PostBack.GetCompositeId("ewfCreditCardCollection", description), actionGetter: () => new PostBackAction(successDestination)); var token = new DataValue <string>(); var hiddenFieldId = new HiddenFieldId(); List <EtherealComponent> hiddenFields = new List <EtherealComponent>(); FormState.ExecuteWithDataModificationsAndDefaultAction( postBack.ToCollection(), () => hiddenFields.Add( new EwfHiddenField("", validationMethod: (postBackValue, validator) => token.Value = postBackValue.Value, id: hiddenFieldId).PageComponent)); postBack.AddModificationMethod( () => { // We can add support later for customer creation, subscriptions, etc. as needs arise. if (!amountInDollars.HasValue) { throw new ApplicationException("Only simple charges are supported at this time."); } StripeCharge response; try { response = new StripeGateway(ConfigurationStatics.IsLiveInstallation ? liveSecretKey : testSecretKey).Post( new ChargeStripeCustomer { Amount = (int)(amountInDollars.Value * 100), Currency = "usd", Description = description.Any() ? description : null, Card = token.Value }); } catch (StripeException e) { if (e.Type == "card_error") { throw new DataModificationException(e.Message); } throw new ApplicationException("A credit-card charge failed.", e); } try { var messageAndDestination = successHandler(response.Id, amountInDollars.Value); if (messageAndDestination.Message.Any()) { EwfPage.AddStatusMessage(StatusMessageType.Info, messageAndDestination.Message); } successDestination = messageAndDestination.Destination; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ApplicationException("An exception occurred after a credit card was charged.", e); } }); FormAction action = new PostBackFormAction(postBack); action.AddToPageIfNecessary(); return(Tuple.Create <IReadOnlyCollection <EtherealComponent>, Func <string> >( hiddenFields, () => { var jsTokenHandler = "function( token, args ) { " + hiddenFieldId.GetJsValueModificationStatements("") + " " + action.GetJsStatements() + " }"; return " { key: '" + (ConfigurationStatics.IsLiveInstallation ? livePublishableKey : testPublishableKey) + "', token: " + jsTokenHandler + ", name: '" + name + "', description: '" + description + "', " + (amountInDollars.HasValue ? "amount: " + amountInDollars.Value * 100 + ", " : "") + "email: '" + (prefilledEmailAddressOverride ?? (AppTools.User == null ? "" : AppTools.User.Email)) + "' } )"; })); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the queue with a data value or an error. /// </summary> public virtual void QueueValue(DataValue value, ServiceResult error, bool bypassFilter) { lock (m_lock) { // this method should only be called for variables. if ((m_typeMask & MonitoredItemTypeMask.DataChange) == 0) { throw new ServiceResultException(StatusCodes.BadInternalError); } // check monitoring mode. if (m_monitoringMode == MonitoringMode.Disabled) { return; } // make a shallow copy of the value. if (value != null) { Utils.Trace("RECEIVED VALUE[{0}] Value={1}", this.m_id, value.WrappedValue); DataValue copy = new DataValue(); copy.WrappedValue = value.WrappedValue; copy.StatusCode = value.StatusCode; copy.SourceTimestamp = value.SourceTimestamp; copy.SourcePicoseconds = value.SourcePicoseconds; copy.ServerTimestamp = value.ServerTimestamp; copy.ServerPicoseconds = value.ServerPicoseconds; value = copy; // ensure the data value matches the error status code. if (error != null && error.StatusCode.Code != 0) { value.StatusCode = error.StatusCode; } } // create empty value if none provided. if (ServiceResult.IsBad(error)) { if (value == null) { value = new DataValue(); value.StatusCode = error.StatusCode; value.SourceTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; value.ServerTimestamp = DateTime.UtcNow; } } // this should never happen. if (value == null) { return; } // apply aggregate filter. if (m_calculator != null) { if (!m_calculator.QueueRawValue(value)) { Utils.Trace("Value received out of order: {1}, ServerHandle={0}", m_id, value.SourceTimestamp.ToLocalTime().ToString("HH:mm:ss.fff")); } DataValue processedValue = m_calculator.GetProcessedValue(false); while (processedValue != null) { AddValueToQueue(processedValue, null); processedValue = m_calculator.GetProcessedValue(false); } return; } // apply filter to incoming item. if (!m_alwaysReportUpdates && !bypassFilter) { if (!ApplyFilter(value, error)) { ServerUtils.ReportFilteredValue(m_nodeId, m_id, value); return; } } ServerUtils.ReportQueuedValue(m_nodeId, m_id, value); // add the value to the queue. AddValueToQueue(value, error); } }
public DataValue ToDataValue() { DataValue result = null; switch (this._Type) { case Types.Ind: result = new Ind(this._Name, (string)this._InitialValue); break; case Types.Varying: result = new VaryingCharacter(this._Name, this._Length, (string)this._InitialValue); break; case Types.Character: result = new Character(this._Name, this._Length, (string)this._InitialValue); break; case Types.Int8: case Types.Int16: case Types.Int32: case Types.Int64: result = new Int(this._Name, this._Type, Convert.ToInt32(this._InitialValue)); break; case Types.Structure: result = new Structure(this._Name, this._Qualified); break; case Types.FixedDecimal: //Packed / Zoned result = new FixedDecimal(this._Name, this._Type, this._Precision, Convert.ToDouble(this._InitialValue)); break; case Types.Float: case Types.Double: result = new Float(this._Name, this._Type, Convert.ToDouble(this._InitialValue)); break; case Types.Timestamp: result = new Timestamp(this._Name, Convert.ToInt32(this._InitialValue)); break; case Types.File: if (this._WorkStation) { result = new Typing.Files.Display(this._Name, this._File, this._UserOpen); } else { result = new Typing.Files.JSONTable(this._Name, this._File, this._UserOpen); } break; default: Error.ThrowRuntimeError("DataSet.ToDataValue", this._Type.ToString() + " is not a ready data type."); break; } if (this._DataArea != null) { result.SetDataAreaName(this._DataArea); } if (IsArray()) { result.SetArray(this._Dimentions); } if (this._Type == Types.Structure && _Subfields != null) { result.SetSubfields(_Subfields.ToArray()); //Must be run after array size has been set } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Converts a StatusCode returned during a Write to an HRESULT. /// </summary> internal static int MapWriteStatusToErrorCode(DataValue value, StatusCode statusCode) { // map bad status codes. if (StatusCode.IsBad(statusCode)) { switch (statusCode.Code) { case StatusCodes.BadTypeMismatch: { // server may reject a null value without checking the status code. if (StatusCode.IsBad(value.StatusCode) && value.Value == null) { return ResultIds.E_NOTSUPPORTED; } return ResultIds.E_BADTYPE; } case StatusCodes.BadOutOfMemory: { return ResultIds.E_OUTOFMEMORY; } case StatusCodes.BadNodeIdInvalid: { return ResultIds.E_INVALIDITEMID; } case StatusCodes.BadNodeIdUnknown: { return ResultIds.E_UNKNOWNITEMID; } case StatusCodes.BadNotWritable: { return ResultIds.E_BADRIGHTS; } case StatusCodes.BadUserAccessDenied: { return ResultIds.E_ACCESSDENIED; } case StatusCodes.BadAttributeIdInvalid: { return ResultIds.E_UNKNOWNITEMID; } case StatusCodes.BadWriteNotSupported: { return ResultIds.E_NOTSUPPORTED; } case StatusCodes.BadOutOfRange: { return ResultIds.E_RANGE; } } return ResultIds.E_FAIL; } // ignore uncertain and success codes. return ResultIds.S_OK; }
public void Add(DataValue dataValue) { _integerValues.Add(dataValue._name, dataValue._vals); }