コード例 #1
            public static Quickbooks.DataTypes.Customer Create(String firstName, String lastName)
                    if (firstName == "")
                    if (lastName == "")

                    // Check if customer already exists in Quickbooks
                    Quickbooks.DataTypes.Customer existingCustomer = FindExisting(firstName, lastName);
                    if (existingCustomer != null)

                    // Create customer
                    dynamic customerInfo = null;
                    customerInfo             = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                    customerInfo.GivenName   = firstName;
                    customerInfo.FamilyName  = lastName;
                    customerInfo.DisplayName = firstName + " " + lastName;

                    dynamic response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Quickbooks.PostRequest("customer", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(customerInfo)));
                    if (response != null && response.Customer != null)
                        dynamic data = response.Customer;

                        Quickbooks.DataTypes.Customer customer = new Quickbooks.DataTypes.Customer
                            ID         = PeakeyTools.Database.MySQL.NullInt32(data.Id.Value),
                            GivenName  = data.GivenName.Value,
                            FamilyName = data.FamilyName.Value

                        if (data.SalesTermRef != null)
                            if (data.SalesTermRef.value != null)
                                customer.TermID = PeakeyTools.Database.MySQL.NullInt32(data.SalesTermRef.value.Value);
                            if (data.SalesTermRef.name != null)
                                customer.TermName = data.SalesTermRef.name.Value;
                        if (data.PrimaryEmailAddr != null)
                            customer.PrimaryEmailAddr = data.PrimaryEmailAddr.Address.Value;
                        if (data.PrimaryPhone != null)
                            customer.PrimaryPhone = data.PrimaryPhone.FreeFormNumber.Value;

                    else if (response != null && response.Fault != null)
                        dynamic data = response.Fault.Error[0];

                        Quickbooks.DataTypes.Error error = new DataTypes.Error
                            Message = data.Message.Value,
                            Detail  = data.Detail.Value,
                            Code    = data.code.Value

                        PeakeyTools.Api.Log(PeakeyTools.Api.ApiName.quickbooks, "An error has occurred while creating the customer in Quickbooks. " +
                                            "\t[Error Message]: " + error.Message +
                                            "\t[Error Detail]: " + error.Detail +
                                            "\t[First Name]: " + firstName +
                                            "\t[Last Name]: " + lastName,


                catch (Exception ex)
                    PeakeyTools.Api.Log(PeakeyTools.Api.ApiName.quickbooks, "An error has occurred while creating the customer in Quickbooks. " + ex.Message +
                                        "\t[First Name]: " + firstName +
                                        "\t[Last Name]: " + lastName,
                    throw new Exception("An error has occurred while creating the customer in Quickbooks.", ex);
コード例 #2
ファイル: invoice.cs プロジェクト: imavishek/StairSupplies
            private static dynamic Create(DataTypes.Customer customer, DataTypes.Transaction transaction, DataTypes.Item itemProductAndServices,
                                          DataTypes.Term termDueOnReceipt, List <DataTypes.Preferences.CustomField> customFields, List <DataTypes.AccountingTypes> accountingTypes)
                    if (customer == null)
                        PeakeyTools.Api.Log(PeakeyTools.Api.ApiName.quickbooks, "Quickbook 'customer' object is null. Cannot create invoice.", "EXCEPTION");
                        return(PeakeyTools.Api.ToJSON(false, true, "Quickbook 'customer' object is null. Cannot create invoice."));
                    if (transaction == null)
                        PeakeyTools.Api.Log(PeakeyTools.Api.ApiName.quickbooks, "Quickbook 'transaction' object is null. Cannot create invoice.", "EXCEPTION");
                        return(PeakeyTools.Api.ToJSON(false, true, "Quickbook 'transaction' object is null. Cannot create invoice."));
                    if (customFields == null)
                        PeakeyTools.Api.Log(PeakeyTools.Api.ApiName.quickbooks, "Quickbook 'customFields' object is null. Cannot create invoice.", "EXCEPTION");
                        return(PeakeyTools.Api.ToJSON(false, true, "Quickbook 'customFields' object is null. Cannot create invoice."));

                    // Create invoice
                    dynamic invoiceInfo = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                    invoiceInfo.TxnDate   = transaction.Date;
                    invoiceInfo.DocNumber = transaction.OrderID;                     // 'Custom transaction numbers' setting must be false under 'Company Settings'

                    // Check if an invoice already exists with this transactionID and orderID ('transactionID-orderID' value is set in the custom field 'Office ID')
                    Quickbooks.DataTypes.Invoice existingInvoice = FindExisting(customer, transaction);
                    if (existingInvoice != null)                     // An invoice already exists
                        invoiceInfo.Id        = existingInvoice.ID;  // Setting an invoice ID in the json will make the API update the record
                        invoiceInfo.SyncToken = existingInvoice.SyncToken;

                    // For the invoice date to change, MetaData.CreateTime & TxnDate must be set with the same date/time and format
                    invoiceInfo.MetaData            = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                    invoiceInfo.MetaData.CreateTime = transaction.Date;

                    invoiceInfo.CustomerRef       = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                    invoiceInfo.CustomerRef.value = customer.ID;
                    invoiceInfo.CustomerRef.name  = customer.DisplayName;

                    // Invoice line items
                    invoiceInfo.Line = new List <dynamic>();
                    foreach (var item in accountingTypes)
                        if (item.Total == 0)                         // Ignore accounting types with an amount of 0.00

                        dynamic products = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                        products.DetailType  = "SalesItemLineDetail";
                        products.Description = item.Title;
                        products.Amount      = item.Total;

                        products.SalesItemLineDetail     = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                        products.SalesItemLineDetail.Qty = 0;
                        //products.SalesItemLineDetail.UnitPrice = item.UnitPrice;

                        if (itemProductAndServices != null)
                            products.SalesItemLineDetail.ItemRef       = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                            products.SalesItemLineDetail.ItemRef.value = itemProductAndServices.ID;
                            products.SalesItemLineDetail.ItemRef.name  = itemProductAndServices.Name;


                    // Invoice term
                    //if (customer.TermID != 0)
                    //	invoiceInfo.SalesTermRef = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                    //	invoiceInfo.SalesTermRef.value = customer.TermID;

                    //	if (customer.TermName != null)
                    //	{
                    //		invoiceInfo.SalesTermRef.name = customer.TermName;
                    //	}
                    if (termDueOnReceipt != null)
                        invoiceInfo.SalesTermRef       = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
                        invoiceInfo.SalesTermRef.value = termDueOnReceipt.ID;
                        invoiceInfo.SalesTermRef.name  = termDueOnReceipt.Name;

                    // Invoice custom fields
                    invoiceInfo.CustomField = new List <dynamic>();
                    foreach (var item in customFields)
                        dynamic customField = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();

                        switch (item.StringValue.ToLower())
                        case "office id":
                            customField.DefinitionId = item.ID;
                            customField.Name         = item.Name;
                            customField.Type         = item.Type;
                            customField.StringValue  = transaction.OfficeID;


                        case "sales rep":
                            customField.DefinitionId = item.ID;
                            customField.Name         = item.Name;
                            customField.Type         = item.Type;
                            customField.StringValue  = transaction.SalesEmployeeFirstName;


                    // Submit request
                    dynamic response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(Quickbooks.PostRequest("invoice?include=allowduplicatedocnum", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invoiceInfo)));                     // Allow duplicate invoice numbers when the 'Custom transaction numbers' setting is checked
                    if (response != null && response.Invoice != null)
                        return(PeakeyTools.Api.ToJSON(true, false, "Exported transaction to Quickbooks successfully."));
                    else if (response != null && response.Fault != null)
                        dynamic data = response.Fault.Error[0];

                        Quickbooks.DataTypes.Error error = new DataTypes.Error
                            Message = data.Message.Value,
                            Detail  = data.Detail.Value,
                            Code    = data.code.Value

                        PeakeyTools.Api.Log(PeakeyTools.Api.ApiName.quickbooks, "An error has occurred while creating the invoice in Quickbooks. " +
                                            "\t[Error Message]: " + error.Message +
                                            "\t[Error Detail]: " + error.Detail +
                                            "\t[OrderID]: " + transaction.OrderID +
                                            "\t[Customer Name]: " + customer.DisplayName +
                                            "\t[Transaction Date]: " + transaction.Date,

                        return(PeakeyTools.Api.ToJSON(false, false, "Failed to add a Quickbook invoice. [Error Message]: " + error.Message + " [Error Detail]: " + error.Detail));
                        PeakeyTools.Api.Log(PeakeyTools.Api.ApiName.quickbooks, "Failed to add a Quickbook invoice." + "\t[OrderID]: " + transaction.OrderID + "\t[Customer Name]: " + customer.DisplayName + "\t[Transaction Date]: " + transaction.Date, "EXCEPTION");

                    return(PeakeyTools.Api.ToJSON(false, false, "Failed to add a Quickbook invoice."));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    PeakeyTools.Api.Log(PeakeyTools.Api.ApiName.quickbooks, "An error has occurred while creating the invoice in Quickbooks. " + ex.Message +
                                        "\t[OrderID]: " + transaction.OrderID +
                                        "\t[Customer Name]: " + customer.DisplayName +
                                        "\t[Transaction Date]: " + transaction.Date,
                    throw new Exception("An error has occurred while creating the invoice in Quickbooks.", ex);