//on button click open serialport with set settings private void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //serial settings from app input serialPort.PortName = comboBoxComport.Text; serialPort.BaudRate = Convert.ToInt32(comboBoxBaudrate.Text); //hardcoded default serial settings serialPort.DataBits = 8; serialPort.Parity = Parity.None; serialPort.StopBits = StopBits.One; serialPort.Handshake = Handshake.None; serialPort.RtsEnable = false; serialPort.DtrEnable = true; serialPort.Open(); //tell the program that what the data receive handler is serialPort.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(SerialPort1_DataReceived); //change default button status to connect status. CONNECTEDSTATUS.Text = "CONNECTED"; ButtonOpen.Enabled = false; ButtonClose.Enabled = true; //add incoming data to DataBox and add CR+LF DataTextBox.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); DataTextBox.AppendText(String.Format("COMPORT OPEN", Environment.NewLine)); } //if failed catch the error and display error catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show(err.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
private void ShowData(string s) { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(delegate { DataTextBox.AppendText($"[{DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss.ffff")}]{s}\r\n"); DataTextBox.ScrollToEnd(); })); }
//if button 2 is clicked close the serialport and change status back private void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (serialPort.IsOpen) { serialPort.Close(); ButtonOpen.Enabled = true; ButtonClose.Enabled = false; CONNECTEDSTATUS.Text = "DISCONNECTED"; DataTextBox.AppendText(Environment.NewLine); DataTextBox.AppendText(String.Format("COMPORT CLOSED", Environment.NewLine)); } }
private void AddTestError(string error) { try { if (InvokeRequired) { Invoke(new Action(() => { AddTestError(error); })); } else { DataTextBox.AppendText(error); } } catch { } }
public void RefreshModInfo() { try { Mod m = selectedMod.Key; if (selectedMod.Value == ModDirection.Apply) { buttonPatchRom.Text = "Apply Mod"; } else if (selectedMod.Value == ModDirection.Remove) { buttonPatchRom.Text = "Remove Mod"; } else if (selectedMod.Value == ModDirection.Upgrade) { buttonPatchRom.Text = "Upgrade Mod"; } DataTextBox.Text = "FileName: " + m.FileName + Environment.NewLine; DataTextBox.AppendText( "Mod Identifier: " + m.ModIdent + Environment.NewLine); DataTextBox.AppendText( "Version: " + m.ModBuild + Environment.NewLine); DataTextBox.AppendText( "Author: " + m.ModAuthor + Environment.NewLine); DataTextBox.AppendText( "Description: " + m.ModInfo + Environment.NewLine); } catch (System.Exception excpt) { string derp = excpt.Message; DataTextBox.Clear(); buttonPatchRom.Enabled = false; buttonPatchRom.Text = "Select a patch"; } }
public void RefreshModInfo() { try { Mod m = sharpTuner.activeImage.ModList[selectedModIndex]; if (!sharpTuner.activeImage.ModList[selectedModIndex].isApplied) { buttonPatchRom.Text = "Apply Mod"; } else { buttonPatchRom.Text = "Remove Mod"; } DataTextBox.Text = "FileName: " + m.FileName + Environment.NewLine; DataTextBox.AppendText( "Mod Identifier: " + m.ModIdent + Environment.NewLine); DataTextBox.AppendText( "Version: " + m.ModBuild + Environment.NewLine); DataTextBox.AppendText( "Author: " + m.ModAuthor + Environment.NewLine); DataTextBox.AppendText( "Description: " + m.ModInfo + Environment.NewLine); } catch (System.Exception excpt) { string derp = excpt.Message; DataTextBox.Clear(); buttonPatchRom.Enabled = false; buttonPatchRom.Text = "Select a patch"; } }
private void openFileDialog1_FileOk(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { try { string name = openFileDialog1.SafeFileName; if (name.Contains(".xlsx")) { _Application excel = new _Excel.Application(); Workbook wb; Worksheet ws; string path = "C:/Users/Geeth Sandaru/Downloads/" + name; wb = excel.Workbooks.Open(path); ws = wb.Worksheets[3]; //string deptTmp = ws.Cells[2, 1].Value2; int deptNo = 2; string text = ws.Cells[2, 1].Value2.ToString(); DataTextBox.Text = text + "\n"; string year = "", month = "", day = "", date = ""; int x = 7; int y = 6; while (x < 483) { if (ws.Cells[x, 1].Value2 != null) { string tmp = ws.Cells[x, 1].Value2.ToString(); if (!tmp.Equals(date)) { date = tmp; year = date.Substring(0, 4); month = date.Substring(5, 2); day = date.Substring(8, 2); double bagNo = ws.Cells[x, 2].Value2; double totalQty = ws.Cells[x, 4].Value2; DataTextBox.AppendText(year + "/" + month + "/" + day + " - " + bagNo + " - " + totalQty + "\n"); while (y < 1610) { if (ws.Cells[x, y].Value2 != null) { double qty = ws.Cells[x, y].Value2; string size = ws.Cells[4, y].Value2.ToString(); string color = ws.Cells[3, y].Value2.ToString(); string article = ""; int tmpY = y; do { try { article = ws.Cells[2, tmpY].Value2.ToString(); } catch (Exception) { article = "exc"; tmpY--; } } while (article.Equals("exc")); DataTextBox.AppendText(" " + size + " - " + color + " - " + article + " -- " + qty + "\n"); //DataTextBox.AppendText(" " + size + " - " + color + " -- " + qty + "\n"); } y++; } y = 6; } else { double bagNo = ws.Cells[x, 2].Value2; double totalQty = ws.Cells[x, 4].Value2; DataTextBox.AppendText("same" + " - " + bagNo + " - " + totalQty + "\n"); while (y < 1610) { if (ws.Cells[x, y].Value2 != null) { double qty = ws.Cells[x, y].Value2; string size = ws.Cells[4, y].Value2.ToString(); string color = ws.Cells[3, y].Value2.ToString(); string article = ""; int tmpY = y; do { try { article = ws.Cells[2, tmpY].Value2.ToString(); } catch (Exception) { article = "exc"; tmpY--; } } while (article.Equals("exc")); DataTextBox.AppendText(" " + size + " - " + color + " - " + article + " -- " + qty + "\n"); //DataTextBox.AppendText(" " + size + " - " + color + " -- " + qty + "\n"); } y++; } y = 6; } } x++; } //MySqlDataReader readerDept = DBConnection.getData("select * from department where deptName='" + deptTmp + "'"); /* * if (/*readerDept.HasRows true) * { * string date = ws.Cells[7, 1].Value2.ToString(); * double totalQty = ws.Cells[7, 4].Value2; * double dayBagNo = ws.Cells[7, 2].Value2; * * string day = date.Substring(1, date.IndexOf('/') - 1); * string tmpMonth = date.Substring(date.IndexOf('/') + 1); * string month = tmpMonth.Substring(0, tmpMonth.IndexOf('/')); * string year = tmpMonth.Substring((tmpMonth.IndexOf('/') + 1), 4); * * DateTime d = new DateTime(Int32.Parse(year), Int32.Parse(month), Int32.Parse(day)); * int q = (int)totalQty; * int bNo = (int)dayBagNo; * Department dept = new Department((int)deptNo); * * Bag bag = new Bag(d, q, dept, bNo); * * if (/*Database.isBagExists(bag) false) * { * MessageBox.Show("Bag already exists!", "File reader", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); * } * else * { * DataTextBox.Text = "Bag deptNo : " + deptNo + "\nBag sent date : " + date + "\nQuantity : " + totalQty + "\nBagNo : " + dayBagNo + "\n"; * DataTextBox.AppendText("\nyear : " + year + " " + d.Year); * DataTextBox.AppendText("\nmonth : " + month + " " + d.Month); * DataTextBox.AppendText("\nday : " + day + " " + d.Day + "\n\n"); * * for (int i = 0; i < (int)totalQty; i++) * { * string color = ws.Cells[(i + 5), 1].Value2; * string size = ws.Cells[(i + 5), 2].Value2; * string article = ws.Cells[(i + 5), 3].Value2; * * string tmp = "\nItem " + (i + 1) + " : " + color + " " + size + " " + article; * * DataTextBox.AppendText(tmp); * * bag.addItem(i, color, size, article); * } * * try * { * MySqlDataReader reader = DBConnection.getData("select * from department"); * * while (reader.Read()) * { * int dNo = reader.GetInt32("deptNo"); * string deptName = reader.GetString("deptName"); * * string tmp2 = "\nDept : " + dNo + " " + deptName; * * DataTextBox.AppendText(tmp2); * } * * reader.Close(); * * Database.saveBag(bag); * } * catch (Exception exc) * { * DataTextBox.AppendText("\n" + exc.Message); * DataTextBox.AppendText("\n\n" + exc.StackTrace); * } * finally * { * wb.Close(); * excel.Quit(); * * Marshal.ReleaseComObject(wb); * Marshal.ReleaseComObject(excel); * } * } * } * else * { * MessageBox.Show("Wrong Department name in the Excel file!", "File reader", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); * }*/ } } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("Something wrong with the excel file!\n" + exception.StackTrace, "File reader", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
//print handler for text got from serialPort1_DataReceived function private void DisplayText(object o, EventArgs e) { //print text to datatextbox DataTextBox.AppendText(rxString); DataTextBox.ScrollToCaret(); }