/// <summary> /// Export result for specific dataset based on trained model in the mlconfig file /// </summary> /// <param name="mlConfigPath"></param> /// <param name="resultPath"></param> public static void ExportResult(string mlConfigPath, string resultPath, DataSetType dsType) { var device = DeviceDescriptor.UseDefaultDevice(); var task = MLExport.ExportToCSV(mlConfigPath, device, resultPath, dsType); task.Wait(); }
/// <summary> /// Return path for specified dataset /// </summary> /// <param name="dicPath"></param> /// <param name="dsType"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static string GetDataPath(Dictionary <string, string> dicPath, DataSetType dsType) { var dataPaths = MLFactory.GetMLConfigComponentPaths(dicPath["paths"]); // if (dsType == DataSetType.Training) { // var strPath = $"{dicPath["root"]}\\{dataPaths["Training"]}"; return(strPath); } else if (dsType == DataSetType.Validation) { var strPath = $"{dicPath["root"]}\\{dataPaths["Validation"]}"; return(strPath); } else if (dsType == DataSetType.Testing) { var strPath = $"{dicPath["root"]}\\{dataPaths["Test"]}"; return(strPath); } else { return(null); } }
public static void Build() { ReportBuilder rptbuild = new ReportBuilder(); ReportType vReport = rptbuild.Report; BodyType vBody = vReport.Body; // double x = 0, y = 0, wd = 0 , ht = 0; vReport.Width.Value = RPT_WIDTH; vBody.Height.Value = RPT_HEIGHT; DataSetType dataSet = rptbuild.Report.DataSets[0]; dataSet.Name = "MyDataSource_Items"; ReportUtil.AddFields(dataSet.Fields, new string[] { POUTWARDITEMS.SLNO, POUTWARDITEMS.OUTWARD_ID, POUTWARDITEMS.STYLE_ID, POUTWARDITEMS.ARTICLE_ID, POUTWARDITEMS.PRODUCT_ID, POUTWARDITEMS.COLOURS_ID, POUTWARDITEMS.SIZES_ID, POUTWARDITEMS.QTY }); BuildDetail(vBody); ///== END OF REPORT ===========================================================================/// rptbuild.SaveAs(PRINT_FOLDER + @"\P_OutwardItem.rdlc"); }
public DataSetContext(DataSetType dataSetType, string dataRootFolder, string clrNamespacePrefixBase, string designTimeClrNamespacePrefix) { this.DataSetType = dataSetType; this.DataRootFolder = dataRootFolder; this.ClrNamespacePrefixBase = clrNamespacePrefixBase; this.DesignTimeClrNamespacePrefix = designTimeClrNamespacePrefix; }
private DataSetType CreateDataSet() { DataSetType dataSet = new DataSetType(); dataSet.Name = m_dataSetName; dataSet.Items = new object[] { CreateQuery(), CreateFields() }; return(dataSet); }
private DataSetType CreateDataSet() { var dataSet = new DataSetType(); dataSet.Name = "DataSet1"; dataSet.Items = new object[] { CreateQuery(), CreateFields() }; return(dataSet); }
public static string GetClrNamespacePrefix(DataSetType dataSetType, string rootNamespace) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootNamespace)) { return(DataSetContext.ClrNamespacePrefixBaseFromDataSetType(dataSetType)); } return(rootNamespace + "." + DataSetContext.ClrNamespacePrefixBaseFromDataSetType(dataSetType)); }
public Places(string name, string url, bool sky, string thumbUrl, bool isBrowseable, DataSetType type) { browseable = isBrowseable; thumbnailUrl = thumbUrl; this.sky = sky; this.name = name; this.url = url; this.dataSetType = type; }
/// <summary> /// Обучающая выборка. /// </summary> /// <param name="type">Тип.</param> /// <param name="data">Данные.</param> public DataSet(DataSetType type) { if (!type.Equals(DataSetType.ForNumberRecognizing)) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } Type = type; }
public static void Build() { ReportBuilder rptbuild = new ReportBuilder(); ReportType vReport = rptbuild.Report; BodyType vBody = vReport.Body; double x = 0, y = 0, wd = 0, ht = 0; vReport.Width.Value = RPT_WIDTH; vBody.Height.Value = RPT_HEIGHT; DataSetType dataSet = rptbuild.Report.DataSets[0]; ReportUtil.AddFields(dataSet.Fields, new string[] { POUTWARD.COPIES , POUTWARD.COMPANY_NAME , POUTWARD.ADDRESS1 , POUTWARD.ADDRESS2 , POUTWARD.COMPANY_GSTTIN , POUTWARD.OUTWARD_ID , POUTWARD.OUTWARD_NO , POUTWARD.OUTWARD_DATE , POUTWARD.PARTY_NAME , POUTWARD.STREET1 , POUTWARD.STREET2 , POUTWARD.CITY , POUTWARD.STATE , POUTWARD.COUNTRY , POUTWARD.PINCODE , POUTWARD.GSTIN , POUTWARD.TOTAL_QTY , POUTWARD.TOTAL_BUNDLE , POUTWARD.DELIVREDTHROUGH }); x = 0; y = 0; wd = RPT_WIDTH; ht = RPT_HEIGHT; ListType Reportlist = ReportUtil.AddList("Reportlist", vBody.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); Reportlist.Grouping = new GroupingType("group_" + POUTWARD.OUTWARD_ID + ""); Reportlist.Grouping.GroupExpressions.Add("=Fields!" + POUTWARD.OUTWARD_ID + ".Value"); Reportlist.Grouping.GroupExpressions.Add("=Fields!" + POUTWARD.COPIES + ".Value"); Reportlist.Grouping.PageBreakAtEnd = true; x = 0; y = 0; wd = RPT_WIDTH; ht = RPT_HEIGHT; RectangleType rectWarper = ReportUtil.AddRectangle("rectWarper", Reportlist.ReportItems, x, y, wd, ht); rectWarper.Style.BorderStyle.Default = BorderStyleEnum.None; BuildDetail(rectWarper); //ReportUtil.AttachRulers(Reportlist.ReportItems, RPT_WIDTH, RPT_HEIGHT); rptbuild.SaveAs(PRINT_FOLDER + @"\P_Outward.rdlc"); }
public ProcessDataSet(string publisherId, string name, ushort writerId, DataSetType dataSetType) { PublisherId = publisherId; m_ProcessValues = new Dictionary <string, DataPointEntry>(); m_Name = name; m_WriterId = writerId; m_MetaFrame = null; SetDataSetType(dataSetType); Description = new LocalizedText(); }
private static DataSetType CreateDataSet(string name, IEnumerable <RdlColumnHeader> fields) { var dataSet = new DataSetType { Name = name, Items = new object[] { CreateFields(fields), CreateQuery() } }; return(dataSet); }
public static string ClrNamespacePrefixBaseFromDataSetType(DataSetType dataSetType) { if (dataSetType == DataSetType.SampleDataSet) { return(DataSetContext.SampleData.ClrNamespacePrefixBase); } if (dataSetType == DataSetType.DataStoreSet) { return(DataSetContext.DataStore.ClrNamespacePrefixBase); } return((string)null); }
public static List<NaturalEarthRow> GetNaturalEarthTableRows(DataSetType dataSet, string tableName) { if (dataSet == DataSetType.Cultural) { return GetNaturalEarthTableRows(tableName, naturalEarthCulturalconnectionString); } else if (dataSet == DataSetType.Physical) { return GetNaturalEarthTableRows(tableName, naturalEarthPhysicalconnectionString); } else return null; }
public static List<string> GetNaturalEarthTables(DataSetType dataSet) { if (dataSet == DataSetType.Cultural) { return GetNaturalEarthTables(naturalEarthCulturalconnectionString); } else if (dataSet == DataSetType.Physical) { return GetNaturalEarthTables(naturalEarthPhysicalconnectionString); } else return null; }
private (AdfItemType type, object value) DeserializeDataSet() { var jo = JObject.Parse(_json); var typeValue = jo["properties"]?["type"]?.Value <string>(); DataSetType dataSetType = typeValue.ToEnum <DataSetType>(); DataSet dataset = null; try { switch (dataSetType) { case DataSetType.AzureBlob: dataset = jo.ToObject <AzureBlob>(); break; case DataSetType.AzureDataLakeStore: dataset = jo.ToObject <AzureDataLakeStore>(); break; case DataSetType.AzureSqlTable: dataset = jo.ToObject <AzureSqlTable>(); break; case DataSetType.AzureSqlDwTable: dataset = jo.ToObject <AzureSqlDwTable>(); break; case DataSetType.CosmosDbCollection: dataset = jo.ToObject <AzureCosmosDbCollection>(); break; case DataSetType.AzureTable: dataset = jo.ToObject <AzureTable>(); break; case DataSetType.AzureSearchIndex: dataset = jo.ToObject <AzureSearchIndex>(); break; } return(AdfItemType.DataSet, dataset); } catch (JsonSerializationException ex) { Logger.Instance.Error($"DataSet {typeValue}. \"{ex.Message}\" was handled"); throw new AdfParseException($"DataSet {typeValue}", ex); } }
void InitDataSetsDefault() { numDataSets = 1; numInputs = 2; dataSets = new DataSetsClass(numDataSets, numInputs); DataSetType dataSet = new DataSetType(numInputs); dataSet.inputData[0] = 3; dataSet.inputData[1] = 2; dataSet.answer = 1; dataSets.LoadInputDataSet(dataSet, 0); // dataSets.dataSets[0] = dataSet; dataSets.Graph(scaleData); Debug.Log("initDataSetsDefault\n"); }
public static List <NaturalEarthRow> GetNaturalEarthTableRows(DataSetType dataSet, string tableName) { if (dataSet == DataSetType.Cultural) { return(GetNaturalEarthTableRows(tableName, naturalEarthCulturalconnectionString)); } else if (dataSet == DataSetType.Physical) { return(GetNaturalEarthTableRows(tableName, naturalEarthPhysicalconnectionString)); } else { return(null); } }
public static List <string> GetNaturalEarthTables(DataSetType dataSet) { if (dataSet == DataSetType.Cultural) { return(GetNaturalEarthTables(naturalEarthCulturalconnectionString)); } else if (dataSet == DataSetType.Physical) { return(GetNaturalEarthTables(naturalEarthPhysicalconnectionString)); } else { return(null); } }
public DataSet(string name, string url, bool sky, DataSetType type) { this.dataSetType = type; this.Sky = sky; this.name = name; this.url = url; DataSetManager.DownloadFile(url, Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\places\" + name + ".xml", false, true); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\places\" + name + ".xml"); dataSets = new Dictionary <string, Places>(); XmlNode root = doc["root"]; XmlNode dataSetsNode = root.SelectSingleNode("dataset"); this.groupingName = dataSetsNode.Attributes["Groups"].InnerXml; DataSetType dst = DataSetType.Place; if (dataSetsNode.Attributes["type"].Value != "place") { dst = DataSetType.Imageset; } foreach (XmlNode dataset in dataSetsNode.ChildNodes) { bool browsable = false; if (dataset.Attributes["Browseable"] != null) { browsable = Convert.ToBoolean(dataset.Attributes["Browseable"].Value); } string thumbnailUrl = ""; if (dataset.Attributes["Thumbnail"] != null) { thumbnailUrl = dataset.Attributes["Thumbnail"].Value; } Places places = new Places(dataset.Attributes["name"].InnerXml, dataset.Attributes["url"].InnerXml, sky, thumbnailUrl, browsable, dst); dataSets.Add(places.Name, places); } }
/// <summary> /// Prints the performance analysis on the console /// </summary> /// <param name="mlConfigPath"></param> public static void PrintPerformance(string mlConfigPath, DataSetType dsType = DataSetType.Validation) { try { //print evaluation result on console var performanceData = MLExport.PrintPerformance(mlConfigPath, dsType, DeviceDescriptor.UseDefaultDevice()); performanceData.Wait(); foreach (var s in performanceData.Result) { Console.WriteLine(s); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
public TObject GetDataAsObject <TObject>(string arg, DataSetType type) { var json = GetDataAsJson(arg, type); if (json == null) { return(default(TObject)); // return null } JsonSerializerSettings jsonSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new JsonCamelCaseContractResolver(), NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore }; var obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TObject>(json, jsonSettings); return(obj); }
void InitDataSetsRandom() { numDataSets = 10; numInputs = 10; dataSets = new DataSetsClass(numDataSets, numInputs); for (int d = 0; d < numDataSets; d++) { DataSetType dataSet = new DataSetType(numInputs); for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.inputData.Length; i++) { dataSet.inputData[i] = Random.Range(1, 10); } dataSet.answer = Random.Range(1, 3); dataSets.dataSets[d] = dataSet; } dataSets.Graph(scaleData); Debug.Log("initDataSetsRandom\n"); }
public static void Build() { ReportBuilder rptbuild = new ReportBuilder(); ReportType vReport = rptbuild.Report; BodyType vBody = vReport.Body; // double x = 0, y = 0, wd = 0 , ht = 0; vReport.Width.Value = RPT_WIDTH; vBody.Height.Value = RPT_HEIGHT; DataSetType dataSet = rptbuild.Report.DataSets[0]; dataSet.Name = "MyDataSource_Items"; ReportUtil.AddFields(dataSet.Fields, new string[] { PInvoiceitems.INVOICE_ITEM_ID , PInvoiceitems.INVOICE_ID , PInvoiceitems.SL_NO , PInvoiceitems.PO_NO , PInvoiceitems.DC_NO , PInvoiceitems.PRODUCT_ID , PInvoiceitems.HSN_CODE_ID , PInvoiceitems.SIZES , PInvoiceitems.COLOURS , PInvoiceitems.QTY , PInvoiceitems.PRICE , PInvoiceitems.SUB_TOTAL , PInvoiceitems.TAXABLEVALUE , PInvoiceitems.CGST_PERCENT , PInvoiceitems.CGST_AMOUNT , PInvoiceitems.SGST_PERCENT , PInvoiceitems.SGST_AMOUNT , PInvoiceitems.IGST_PERCENT , PInvoiceitems.IGST_AMOUNT }); BuildDetail(vBody); ///== END OF REPORT ===========================================================================/// rptbuild.SaveAs(PRINT_FOLDER + @"\P_InvoiceItem.rdlc"); }
public DataSetHarness(DataSetType type) { JsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer().UseEgad(); DataSet = CreateDataSet(type); XmlSchema = new MemoryStream(); XmlData = new MemoryStream(); DataSet.WriteXmlSchema(XmlSchema); DataSet.WriteXml(XmlData, XmlWriteMode.DiffGram); XmlSchema.Position = 0; XmlData.Position = 0; Json = new MemoryStream(); var writer = new StreamWriter(Json); JsonSerializer.Serialize(writer, DataSet); writer.Flush(); }
public string GetDataAsJson(string arg, DataSetType type) { if (arg == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(arg)); } arg = WebUtility.UrlEncode(arg.Replace(" ", "+")); var url = ""; url = type == DataSetType.Person ? MyApiFilmsUrlGenerator.CreateImdbPersonUrl(arg, _token) : MyApiFilmsUrlGenerator.CreateImdbMovieUrl(arg, _token); var json = ""; try { request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); request.Timeout = 10000; request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get; response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); var streamReader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream(), Encoding.UTF8); json = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); } catch (Exception e) { if (e.Message == "The operation has timed out") { throw new MyApiFilmsTimeoutException(url); } return(null); } if (json.Contains("\"error\":")) { throw new NoMyApiFilmsResponseException(url); } return(json); }
public void OnData(MessageType control, Message message) { // TODO put a lock on the pdu array // TODO interpret the commands Logging.Log("CFindServiceSCU({0}).OnData", Reflection.GetName(typeof(SOPClass), this.SOPClassUId)); DataSet dicom = message.Dicom; if (MessageControl.IsCommand(control)) { ushort status = (ushort)dicom[t.Status].Value; bool last = !(status == 0xFF00 || status == 0xFF01); //if (!last && status == 0xFF01) //{ // Logging.Log("Warning that one or more Optional Keys were not supported for existence and/or matching for this Identifier."); //} DataSetType present = (DataSetType)dicom[t.CommandDataSetType].Value; Logging.Log("<< C-FIND-RSP {0},{1}", (last) ? "LAST FRAGMENT" : "NOT-LAST FRAGMENT", present.ToString()); //dicom.Dump(); if (last) { // TODO do we reset the state to Open here completeEvent.Set(); } } else { Logging.Log("<< P-DATA-TF"); if (records == null) { records = new RecordCollection(); } records.Add(dicom.Elements); } }
public DataSet(string name, string url, bool sky, DataSetType type) { this.dataSetType = type; this.Sky = sky; this.name = name; this.url = url; DataSetManager.DownloadFile(url, Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\places\" + name + ".xml", false, true); XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(Properties.Settings.Default.CahceDirectory + @"data\places\" + name + ".xml"); dataSets = new Dictionary<string, Places>(); XmlNode root = doc["root"]; XmlNode dataSetsNode = root.SelectSingleNode("dataset"); this.groupingName = dataSetsNode.Attributes["Groups"].InnerXml; DataSetType dst = DataSetType.Place; if (dataSetsNode.Attributes["type"].Value != "place") { dst = DataSetType.Imageset; } foreach (XmlNode dataset in dataSetsNode.ChildNodes) { bool browsable = false; if (dataset.Attributes["Browseable"] != null) { browsable = Convert.ToBoolean(dataset.Attributes["Browseable"].Value); } string thumbnailUrl = ""; if (dataset.Attributes["Thumbnail"] != null) { thumbnailUrl = dataset.Attributes["Thumbnail"].Value; } Places places = new Places(dataset.Attributes["name"].InnerXml, dataset.Attributes["url"].InnerXml, sky, thumbnailUrl, browsable, dst); dataSets.Add(places.Name, places); } }
/// <summary>TBD</summary> /// <param name="type">TBD</param> /// <returns>TBD</returns> public static DataSet GetCachedDataSet(DataSetType type) { //return GetCachedDataSet(Enum.GetName(typeof(DataSetType), type)); /* ICacheManager appCache = CacheFactory.GetCacheManager(); if (appCache.Contains(Enum.GetName(typeof(DataSetType), type))) { if ((DataSet)appCache.GetData(Enum.GetName(typeof(DataSetType), type)) == null) { appCache.Remove(Enum.GetName(typeof(DataSetType), type)); AbsoluteTime expiry = new AbsoluteTime(new TimeSpan(0, 3, 30, 0)); appCache.Add(Enum.GetName(typeof(DataSetType), type), GetDataSetFromKey(type), CacheItemPriority.High, null, new ICacheItemExpiration[] { expiry }); return GetDataSetFromKey(type); } return (DataSet)appCache.GetData(Enum.GetName(typeof(DataSetType), type)); //return appCache[Enum.GetName(typeof(DataSetType), type)] as DataSet; } else { */ return GetDataSetFromKey(type); //} }
internal static DataPointValue GetDataPointValue(DeltaEntry keyEntry, DataSetType dataSetType) { ProcessDataPointValue dpv = ProcessValueFactory.CreateValue(keyEntry.DataType); if (dpv == null) { Logger.Error($"Unable to create DataPoint for entry: {keyEntry}"); return(null); } dpv.Orcat = keyEntry.Orcat; dpv.Quality = keyEntry.Quality; dpv.Timestamp = keyEntry.TimeStamp; dpv.Value = keyEntry.Value; if (keyEntry is KeyEntry key) { dpv.Prefix = key.Prefix; dpv.Unit = key.Unit; dpv.FieldID = key.FieldID; } if (dpv is CounterValue) { dpv.SetAttributeValue(CounterValue.QuantityAttributeName, keyEntry.Value2); } if (dpv is StepPosValue || dpv is StepPosEvent) { dpv.SetAttributeValue(StepPosValue.TransientAttributeName, keyEntry.Value2); } if (dpv is ComplexMeasuredValue) { dpv.SetAttributeValue(ComplexMeasuredValue.AngleAttributeName, keyEntry.Value2); } if (dpv.Timestamp == 0) { dpv.Timestamp = DateTime.Now.ToFileTimeUtc(); } return(dpv); }
/// <summary>TBD</summary> /// <param name="type">TBD</param> /// <returns>TBD</returns> public static DataSet GetCachedDataSet(DataSetType type) { //return GetCachedDataSet(Enum.GetName(typeof(DataSetType), type)); /* * ICacheManager appCache = CacheFactory.GetCacheManager(); * if (appCache.Contains(Enum.GetName(typeof(DataSetType), type))) * { * if ((DataSet)appCache.GetData(Enum.GetName(typeof(DataSetType), type)) == null) * { * appCache.Remove(Enum.GetName(typeof(DataSetType), type)); * AbsoluteTime expiry = new AbsoluteTime(new TimeSpan(0, 3, 30, 0)); * appCache.Add(Enum.GetName(typeof(DataSetType), type), GetDataSetFromKey(type), CacheItemPriority.High, null, new ICacheItemExpiration[] { expiry }); * return GetDataSetFromKey(type); * } * return (DataSet)appCache.GetData(Enum.GetName(typeof(DataSetType), type)); * //return appCache[Enum.GetName(typeof(DataSetType), type)] as DataSet; * } * else * { */ return(GetDataSetFromKey(type)); //} }
void InitDataSetsSlope() { numDataSets = 10; numInputs = 10; dataSets = new DataSetsClass(numDataSets, numInputs); for (int d = 0; d < numDataSets; d++) { DataSetType dataSet = new DataSetType(numInputs); float slope = Random.Range(.1f, 9f); for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.inputData.Length; i++) { dataSet.inputData[i] = i * slope; } dataSet.isAnswered = false; if (d < numDataSets * .75f) { dataSet.isAnswered = true; dataSet.answer = slope; } dataSets.dataSets[d] = dataSet; } dataSets.Graph(scaleData); Debug.Log("initDataSetsRandom\n"); }
private void SetDataSetType(DataSetType value) { m_DataSetType = value; }
/// <summary>TBD</summary> /// <param name="type">TBD</param> /// <returns>TBD</returns> public static DataSet GetDataSetFromKey(DataSetType type) { switch (type) { case DataSetType.AdvertiserDataSetType: return GetAdvertisers(); case DataSetType.ADDepartments: return GetADDepartments(); case DataSetType.ADOffices: return GetADOffices(); case DataSetType.AEDataSetType: return GetAEs(); case DataSetType.AgencyDataSetType: return GetAgencies(); case DataSetType.AppDefaultDataSetType: return GetAppDefaults(); case DataSetType.ConsolidatedAdvertiserType: return GetConsolidatedAdvertisers(); case DataSetType.ContractLineYearsDataSetType: return GetContractLineItemYears(); case DataSetType.MarketDataSetType: return GetMarkets(); case DataSetType.MediaFormDataSetType: return GetMediaForms(); case DataSetType.MediaTypeDataSetType: return GetMediaTypes(); case DataSetType.NewMediaFormDataSetType: return GetNewMediaForms(); case DataSetType.NewMediaTypeDataSetType: return GetNewMediaTypes(); case DataSetType.ParentProductClassDataSetType: return GetParentProductClasses(); case DataSetType.ProductClassDataSetType: return GetProductClasses(); case DataSetType.ProductClassDLDataSetType: return GetProductClassesDL(); case DataSetType.ProfitCenterDataSetType: return GetProfitCenters(); case DataSetType.StationDataSetType: return GetStations(); case DataSetType.UploadedByDataSetType: return GetUploadedBy(); default: return null; } }
/// <summary> /// Evaluate model defined in the mlconfig file /// </summary> /// <param name="mlconfigPath"></param> /// <param name="device"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task <EvaluationResult> EvaluateMLConfig(string mlconfigPath, DeviceDescriptor device, DataSetType dsType, EvaluationType evType) { try { //define eval result var er = new EvaluationResult(); er.OutputClasses = new List <string>() { "" }; er.Actual = new List <float>(); er.Predicted = new List <float>(); er.Header = new List <string>(); //Load ML configuration file var dicMParameters = MLFactory.LoadMLConfiguration(mlconfigPath); //add full path of model folder since model file doesn't contains any absolute path dicMParameters.Add("root", MLFactory.GetMLConfigFolder(mlconfigPath)); // get model data paths var dicPath = MLFactory.GetMLConfigComponentPaths(dicMParameters["paths"]); //parse feature variables var projectValues = dicMParameters["training"].Split(MLFactory.m_cntkSpearator, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); var modelName = MLFactory.GetParameterValue(projectValues, "TrainedModel"); var nnModelPath = Path.Combine(dicMParameters["root"], modelName); //check if model exists if (!MLFactory.IsFileExist(nnModelPath)) { return(er); } // var dataset = MLFactory.GetDataPath(dicMParameters, dsType); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataset) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataset) || dataset == " ") { if (dsType == DataSetType.Testing) { dataset = MLFactory.GetDataPath(dicMParameters, DataSetType.Validation); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataset) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataset) || dataset == " ") { return(er); } } //get output classes in case the ml problem is classification var strCls = dicMParameters.ContainsKey("metadata") ? dicMParameters["metadata"] : ""; var oc = MLFactory.GetOutputClasses(strCls); if (oc != null) { er.OutputClasses = oc; } //MInibatch var mbTypestr = MLFactory.GetParameterValue(projectValues, "Type"); MinibatchType mbType = (MinibatchType)Enum.Parse(typeof(MinibatchType), mbTypestr, true); var mbSizetr = MLFactory.GetParameterValue(projectValues, "BatchSize"); var mf = MLFactory.CreateMLFactory(dicMParameters); //perform evaluation var evParams = new EvaluationParameters() { MinibatchSize = uint.Parse(mbSizetr), MBSource = new MinibatchSourceEx(mbType, mf.StreamConfigurations.ToArray(), mf.InputVariables, mf.OutputVariables, dataset, null, MinibatchSource.FullDataSweep, false, 0), Input = mf.InputVariables, Ouptut = mf.OutputVariables, }; //evaluate model if (evType == EvaluationType.FeaturesOnly) { if (!dicMParameters.ContainsKey("metadata")) { throw new Exception("The result cannot be exported to Excel, since no metadata is stored in mlconfig file."); } var desc = MLFactory.ParseRawDataSet(dicMParameters["metadata"]); er.Header = MLFactory.GenerateHeader(desc); var fun = Function.Load(nnModelPath, device); // er.DataSet = await Task.Run(() => MLEvaluator.FeaturesAndLabels(fun, evParams, device)); return(er); } else if (evType == EvaluationType.Results) { //define header er.Header.Add(evParams.Ouptut.First().Name + "_actual"); er.Header.Add(evParams.Ouptut.First().Name + "_predicted"); var fun = Function.Load(nnModelPath, device); // var result = await Task.Run(() => MLEvaluator.EvaluateFunction(fun, evParams, device)); er.Actual = result.actual.ToList(); er.Predicted = result.predicted.ToList(); if (er.OutputClasses.Count < 2 && evParams.Ouptut.First().Shape.Dimensions.Last() > 1) { var result1 = await Task.Run(() => MLEvaluator.EvaluateFunctionEx(fun, evParams, device)); er.ActualEx = result1.actual; er.PredictedEx = result1.predicted; } return(er); } else if (evType == EvaluationType.ResultExtended) { //define header er.Header.Add(evParams.Ouptut.First().Name + "_actual"); er.Header.Add(evParams.Ouptut.First().Name + "_predicted"); er.Actual = new List <float>(); er.Predicted = new List <float>(); er.ActualEx = new List <List <float> >(); er.PredictedEx = new List <List <float> >(); // var fun = Function.Load(nnModelPath, device); var resultEx = await Task.Run(() => MLEvaluator.EvaluateFunctionEx(fun, evParams, device)); //var resultEx = EvaluateFunctionEx(nnModelPath, dataPath, evParams, device); for (int i = 0; i < resultEx.actual.Count(); i++) { var res1 = MLValue.GetResult(resultEx.actual[i]); er.Actual.Add(res1); var res2 = MLValue.GetResult(resultEx.predicted[i]); er.Predicted.Add(res2); } er.ActualEx = resultEx.actual; er.PredictedEx = resultEx.predicted; return(er); } else { throw new Exception("Unknown evaluation type!"); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
/// <summary> /// <para> /// DataSetType acts as a structural base, which is extended through the addition of attributes to reflect the particular needs of a specific key family using the xs:extends element. /// </para> /// </summary> public DataSet(DataSetType content) { SetInnerType(content); }
private void SetInnerType(DataSetType ContentField) { this.ContentField = ((DataSetType)(XTypedServices.GetCloneIfRooted(ContentField))); XTypedServices.SetName(this, this.ContentField); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath"></param> /// <param name="GTAIV"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool doImport(string filePath, DataSetType data_type ) { // Import the file from the specified file path. For now the GTAIV flag is // ignored. m_log.InfoFormat("[CITY BUILDER]: Importing from {0}", filePath); return (false); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="filePath"></param> /// <param name="GTAIV"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool doExport(string filePath, DataSetType data_type ) { // Initial stage for the export/import functionality is the ability to export/import // the data correctly for the current city, uses OSDMap. For now the GTAIV flag is // ignored, this needs to be changed to allow for internal, GTA and GIS data sets to // be used for cities. if (filePath == null || data_type == DataSetType.DATASET_TYPE_NULL) { return (false); } // Make sure the file is not present on the destination. // ??? // First stage use a TarArchiveWriter in conjunction with OSDMap to write a file // containing all the information needed about the city and regions to be able to // import it in when the server is shutdown and restarted. System.IO.MemoryStream data = new System.IO.MemoryStream(1024); TarArchiveWriter tarArchive = null; // Construct the archive before writing it to the destination. tarArchive = new TarArchiveWriter(data); tarArchive.WriteDir("citybuilder/"); tarArchive.WriteFile(filePath, data.GetBuffer()); return (false); }