        * Allows user to remove an appointment.
        private void removeAppointment() //Accesible by the class and does not return a value. 
            string response = "";//Use input
            Appointment apptToRemove;
            Patient apptOwner;
            bool inMenu = true;
            bool invalidResponse = true;
            string apptPath = "";

                while (inMenu)
                    response = GeneralFunctions.getOptionalInput("Select Patient: ", false); //breaks loop to appointments menu

                    if(response != "") //not equal to blank 
                        if(DataSearching.patientExists(practice, response))//Checks patient exsists based on given ID 
                            apptOwner = DataSearching.findPatient(practice, response); //sets patient as apptOwner with given ID 
                            invalidResponse = true; //Runs next while loop
                            while (invalidResponse)
                                DataPrinting.printAppointments(apptOwner); //Shows appointment of apptOwner 
                                response = GeneralFunctions.getOptionalInput("Appointment: ", false); //Request appointment to delete or option to cancel
                                if (response != "")
                                    if (DataSearching.appointmentExists(apptOwner, response)) //Checks if appointment exsists based on given ID 
                                        apptToRemove = DataSearching.findAppointment(apptOwner, response); //Gets the appointment with that ID 
                                        apptPath = $"{DataIO.patientPath}\\{apptOwner.getId()}\\Appointments\\{apptToRemove.getId()}"; //Determines the path to the appointments directory

                                        apptOwner.getAppointments().Remove(apptToRemove); //Gets the list of appointments and removes the given appointment. 
                                        Directory.Delete(apptPath, true); //path to appointments, true = allowing you to deletes all the folders content. 
                                        invalidResponse = false;
                                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid appointment id.");
                                    invalidResponse = false;
                            Console.WriteLine("Patient does not exist.");
                        inMenu = false;
            catch (Exception e)