コード例 #1
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: scott-han/test
 public void run(SslPolicyErrors?use_ssl, string synapse_host, int synapse_port, string topic_name, string seed_from_topic_name, bool tcp_no_delay, int so_rcvbuf, int so_sndbuf)
     client = new synapse_client <DataProcessors.Waypoints.waypoints>(use_ssl, synapse_host, synapse_port, tcp_no_delay, so_rcvbuf, so_sndbuf, 30, 100000);
     client.subscribe(new ReaderWriterLockSlim(), new DataProcessors.Contests4.type_factory(), seed_from_topic_name, 1);
     for (var msg_wrapper = client.next(5000); msg_wrapper != null; msg_wrapper = client.next(5000))
         if (msg_wrapper.type_name == "Contests" && msg_wrapper.non_delta_seen == true)
             msg = new DataProcessors.Contests4.Contests();
             msg.set_dataprovider("here comes some unicode \u76F4 and back to ascii :)");
             Console.Error.WriteLine("seeded message size " + msg_wrapper.wire_size);
     client = null;
     if (msg == null)
         throw new System.Exception("could not seed");
     worker = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => {
         Console.Error.WriteLine("synapse_publisher running...");
             client = new data_processors.synapse_client <DataProcessors.Waypoints.waypoints>(use_ssl, synapse_host, synapse_port, tcp_no_delay, so_rcvbuf, so_sndbuf, 30, 100000);
             for (uint i = 1; i != 10001 + 1; ++i)
                 var p = new snd_ping();
                 p.published_timestamp = i;
                 p.local_timestamp     = DateTime.UtcNow;
                 p.msg_size            = (ulong)client.publish(topic_name, msg, null, false, null, 0, i);
         } catch {
             error = true;
             Console.Error.WriteLine("synapse_publisher exception");
         } finally {
             if (client != null)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: scott-han/test
        static void Main(string[] args)
            GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode = GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce;
            GCSettings.LatencyMode = GCLatencyMode.LowLatency;
            bool   use_ssl      = false;
            string synapse_host = null;
            int    synapse_port = 0;
            bool   tcp_no_delay = false;
            int    so_rcvbuf    = -1;
            int    so_sndbuf    = -1;
            string topic_name   = null;

            for (int i = 0; i != args.Length; ++i)
                if (i == args.Length - 1)
                    throw new System.Exception("incorrect args, " + args[i] + " ought to have an explicit value");
                else if (args[i] == "--use_ssl")
                    use_ssl = Convert.ToBoolean(args[++i]);
                else if (args[i] == "--synapse_at")
                    var host_port = args[++i].Split(':');
                    synapse_host = host_port[0];
                    if (host_port.Length > 1)
                        synapse_port = Convert.ToInt32(host_port[1]);
                else if (args[i] == "--tcp_no_delay")
                    tcp_no_delay = Convert.ToBoolean(args[++i]);
                else if (args[i] == "--so_rcvbuf")
                    so_rcvbuf = Convert.ToInt32(args[++i]);
                else if (args[i] == "--so_sndbuf")
                    so_sndbuf = Convert.ToInt32(args[++i]);
                else if (args[i] == "--topic_name")
                    topic_name = "[1]." + args[++i];
                    throw new System.Exception("unknown option(=" + args[i] + ')');
            if (synapse_port == 0)
                synapse_port = use_ssl == true ? 5671 : 5672;
            if (synapse_host == null)
                throw new System.Exception("--synapse_at must be supplied at CLI level");
            if (topic_name == null)
                throw new System.Exception("--topic_name must be supplied at CLI level");

            var contests    = new DataProcessors.Contests4.Contests();
            var contest     = new DataProcessors.Contests4.Contest();
            var long_string = "a";

            for (uint x = 0; x != 17; ++x)
                long_string += long_string;
            contests.set_contest_element("a", contest);

            var pub = new synapse_publisher();
            var sub = new synapse_subscriber();

            // for the time-being -- later-on take out chain errors and substitue with None, currently it is here to allow self-signed certificates from synapse (until we buy some proper ones)
            pub.run(use_ssl == true ? (SslPolicyErrors?)SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateChainErrors : null, synapse_host, synapse_port, topic_name, "test.betfair.contests.au", tcp_no_delay, so_rcvbuf, so_sndbuf);
            sub.run(use_ssl == true ? (SslPolicyErrors?)SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateChainErrors : null, synapse_host, synapse_port, topic_name, tcp_no_delay, so_rcvbuf, so_sndbuf);
            if (pub.error || sub.error)
                throw new System.Exception("oops: something aint right...");
            Dictionary <ulong, rcv_ping> sub_stats = sub.stats.ToDictionary(x => x.published_timestamp, x => x);
            DateTime prev_pub_timestamp            = pub.stats.First().local_timestamp;
            DateTime prev_sub_timestamp            = sub.stats.First().local_timestamp;
            ulong    accumulated_pub_size          = 0;
            ulong    accumulated_sub_size          = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("RndTrip Latency(ms),Snd bw(Mbps),Rcv bw(Mbps),Msg size(B)");
            foreach (var pub_i in pub.stats)
                var sub_i = sub_stats[pub_i.published_timestamp];

                Console.Write((sub_i.local_timestamp - pub_i.local_timestamp).TotalMilliseconds + ",");

                if (prev_pub_timestamp != pub_i.local_timestamp)
                    Console.Write((pub_i.msg_size + accumulated_pub_size) * 8 / ((pub_i.local_timestamp - prev_pub_timestamp).TotalSeconds * (1024 * 1024)));
                    prev_pub_timestamp   = pub_i.local_timestamp;
                    accumulated_pub_size = 0;
                    accumulated_pub_size = pub_i.msg_size;

                if (prev_sub_timestamp != sub_i.local_timestamp)
                    Console.Write((pub_i.msg_size + accumulated_sub_size) * 8 / ((sub_i.local_timestamp - prev_sub_timestamp).TotalSeconds * (1024 * 1024)));
                    prev_sub_timestamp   = sub_i.local_timestamp;
                    accumulated_sub_size = 0;
                    accumulated_sub_size = pub_i.msg_size;
                Console.Write("," + pub_i.msg_size + "\n");
            Console.Error.WriteLine("bye bye");