コード例 #1
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: MatteoZambra/SCOOP__AY1718
        // main program, which calls whatever is needed for the analysis
        static void Main(string[] args)
            DateTime GlobalClock = DateTime.Now;
            Console.WriteLine("I N I Z I O _ P R O G R A M M A.\n\n\n");

            // a dictionary is used to match input files names and integers that are required to the user
            Dictionary<int, string> dict = new Dictionary<int, string>
                { 0, "WineDS" },
                { 1, "BioMechDS" },
                { 2, "IrisDS" }

            // being InOutStream static, it need no instantiation

            Console.WriteLine("Scelta del DataSet:\nWine DataSet: premere 0\nBioMechanical DataSet: premere 1\nIris DataSet: premere 2");
            int FlagDataSet = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            InOutStreams.DirectoryManager(FlagDataSet, dict);

            // is worth note that even if DataObject is the heart of the data modelling,  prior instantiation
            // of the class containing the methds for import is necessary, then the DataObject is instantiated
            // and filled in with the data read by the DataSetImport methods
            DataSetImport DSImp = new DataSetImport();
            DataObject DataSet = DSImp.FeaturesImport();

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nPreprocessare i dati? (PCA):\nNo: premere 0\nSi: premere 1");
            int FlagProcessing = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            if (FlagProcessing == 1)
                DataProcessing process = new DataProcessing();
                DataSet = process.DoThePCA(DataSet);
            // NOTE: in DataWorkTable.DataProcessing two static field are located. Here, according to the
            // user choice to preprocess or not, the if () statement above is considered (or not), BUT to
            // the information about data preprocessing choice must be in any case remembered, thus, in the 
            // if() body the DataProcessing class is instantiated, and eventually the static field about choice 
            // and number of PCs stored, but if the if() is not executed, such choices are not even present,
            // and they are needed in the following. So the static field initialised to 0 is anyway present
            // and solves this problem

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nPartizione del DataSet?");
            Console.WriteLine("TrainingSet = 90% del DataSet e TestSet = 10% del DataSet: premere 0");
            Console.WriteLine("TrainingSet = 66% del DataSet e TestSet = 33% del DataSet: premere 1");
            int FlagPartition = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            InOutStreams.DirectoryCreation(FlagPartition, DataProcessing.GetFlagProcessing(), DataProcessing.GetPrincipalComponentsNumber());
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nDrop folder: \n" + InOutStreams.GetPathOut());

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nSingle run o ciclo? (inserire 1 per single run, altrimenti numero di iterazioni)");
            int iter = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
            for (int i = 0; i < iter; i++)
                if (iter > 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Iterazione {0} / {1}", i + 1, iter);
                DataPartition Partition = new DataPartition(DataSet, FlagPartition);
                DataObject[] SetsData = Partition.TestSetExtraction(DataSet);
                LearningAlgorithmsClass la = new LearningAlgorithmsClass(SetsData, FlagPartition, DataProcessing.GetFlagProcessing(), DataProcessing.GetPrincipalComponentsNumber());
                // given all the previous choices, the whole learning machinery is deployed

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n\nTempo di esecuzione: " + (DateTime.Now - GlobalClock).TotalSeconds + " secondi.");
            Console.WriteLine("\nF I N E _ P R O G R A M M A.");
            Console.WriteLine("Premi qualsiasi tasto per uscire.");