コード例 #1
ファイル: HouseController.cs プロジェクト: nineyat/RentServer
        public JsonResult GetHouseDetailInfo(int houseId)
            bool liked;
            var  sqlExits = "select count(*) from houseCollected where houseId=" + houseId + " and userId=" +
            var count = Convert.ToInt32(DataOperate.Sele(sqlExits));
            var sql   = "select * from house inner join contract on house.id = contract.houseId where house.id=" +

            if (count == 0)
                    self = DataOperate.FindAll(sql),
                    liked = false
                    self = DataOperate.FindAll(sql),
                    liked = true
コード例 #2
ファイル: HouseController.cs プロジェクト: nineyat/RentServer
        public JsonResult GetHouseListToTable(GetHouseListToTable getHouseListToTable)
            var     selSql1  = "select * from house ";
            DataSet allHouse = DataOperate.FindAll(selSql1);

            string[] signed = { "activated", "empty" };
            // 检查房主合同状态 修改房源状态
            foreach (DataRow row in allHouse.Tables[0].Rows)
                if (signed.Contains(row["rentStatus"].ToString()))
                    var     selSql2          = "select * from contract where type='withOwner' and contractStatus = 'undue' and houseId=" + row["id"].ToString();
                    DataSet allHouseContract = DataOperate.FindAll(selSql2);
                    if (allHouseContract.Tables.Count == 1 && allHouseContract.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
                        DataOperate.Update("update house set rentStatus='invalid' where id=" + row["id"]);

            var countSql = "select count(*) from house";
            var sql      = "select * from house";

            if (getHouseListToTable.Status.Length > 0)
                countSql += " where rentStatus in ('" + string.Join("','", getHouseListToTable.Status) + "')";
                sql      += " where rentStatus in ('" + string.Join("','", getHouseListToTable.Status) + "')";

            sql += " order by id desc limit " + (getHouseListToTable.PageNum - 1) * getHouseListToTable.PageSize + "," + getHouseListToTable.PageSize;

            return(Success(new { totalCount = DataOperate.Sele(countSql), data = DataOperate.FindAll(sql) }));
コード例 #3
ファイル: HouseController.cs プロジェクト: nineyat/RentServer
        public JsonResult CheckOrder(CheckOrder checkOrder)
            var sqlExits = "select count(*) from houseOrdered where houseId=" + checkOrder.HouseId + " and userId=" +
                           GetUserId() + " and orderStatus='todo'";
            var count = Convert.ToInt32(DataOperate.Sele(sqlExits));

            return(Success(count != 0));
コード例 #4
        public JsonResult GetUserCountByType()
            var ownerCount  = DataOperate.Sele("select count(*) from user where type='owner'");
            var tenantCount = DataOperate.Sele("select count(*) from user where type='tenant'") + ownerCount;
            var countList   = new List <int> {
                tenantCount, ownerCount
            var countArr = countList.ToArray();

            return(Success(new { countArr }));
コード例 #5
        public JsonResult GetHouseCountByType()
            var activatedCount = DataOperate.Sele("select count(*) from house where rentStatus = 'activated'");
            var emptyCount     = DataOperate.Sele("select count(*) from house where rentStatus = 'empty'");
            var rentedCount    = DataOperate.Sele("select count(*) from house where rentStatus = 'rented'");
            var countList      = new List <int> {
                activatedCount, emptyCount, rentedCount
            var countArr = countList.ToArray();

            return(Success(new { countArr }));
コード例 #6
ファイル: UserController.cs プロジェクト: nineyat/RentServer
        public JsonResult GetTobeOwnerApplyList(int pageNum, int pageSize)
            int totalCount;

            pageSize = pageSize == 0 ? 1 : pageSize;
            pageNum  = pageNum == 0 ? 1 : pageNum;

            totalCount = DataOperate.Sele("select count(*) from applyTobeowner");

            string sql = "select * from applyTobeowner order by id desc limit " + (pageNum - 1) * pageSize + "," + pageSize;

            return(Success(new { totalCount = totalCount, data = DataOperate.FindAll(sql) }));
コード例 #7
        public JsonResult GetFinanceList(string tranType, int pageNum, int pageSize)
            pageSize = pageSize == 0 ? 1 : pageSize;
            pageNum  = pageNum == 0 ? 1 : pageNum;

            var totalCount = DataOperate.Sele("select count(*) from transactions where tranType = '" + tranType + "'");

            DataSet ds = DataOperate.FindAll("select count(contractId) as rowCount from transactions where tranType = '" + tranType + "' group by contractId");

            string[] countArray = new string[ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count]; //把DataSet中的数据转换为一维数组
            for (int row = 0; row < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; row++)
                countArray[row] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[row]["rowCount"].ToString();

            var sql = "select * from transactions where tranType = '" + tranType + "' order by id desc limit " + (pageNum - 1) * pageSize +
                      "," + pageSize;

            return(Success(new { totalCount = totalCount, countArray = countArray, data = DataOperate.FindAll(sql) }));
コード例 #8
        public JsonResult DissolveHouseContract(DissolveHouseContract dissolveHouseContract)
            string sql =
                "select count(*) from contract where type='withTenant' and contractStatus='undue' and houseId=" +

            string[] sqlT = new string[4];
            int      i    = 0;

            sqlT[i++] = "update contract set contractStatus='invalid' where id=" + dissolveHouseContract.ContractId;
            sqlT[i++] = "update transactions set tranStatus='invalid' where tranStatus='unpaid' and contractId=" + dissolveHouseContract.ContractId;
            sqlT[i++] = "update house set rentStatus='invalid' where id=" + dissolveHouseContract.HouseId;
            sqlT[i]   = "delete from resOfHouse where houseId=" + dissolveHouseContract.HouseId;
            if (DataOperate.Sele(sql) == 0)
                return(Fail("该合同关联房源已被租用,不可解约..", 3001));
コード例 #9
ファイル: UserController.cs プロジェクト: nineyat/RentServer
        public JsonResult GetUserList(int id, int pageNum, int pageSize, string type)
            int totalCount;

            pageSize = pageSize == 0 ? 1 : pageSize;
            pageNum  = pageNum == 0 ? 1 : pageNum;
            string sql = "";

            if (id == 0)
                totalCount = DataOperate.Sele("select count(*) from user where type = '" + type + "'");
                sql        = "select * from user where type = '" + type + "' order by id desc limit " + (pageNum - 1) * pageSize + "," +
                totalCount = DataOperate.Sele("select count(*) from user where type ='" + type + "' and id=" + id);
                sql        = "select * from user where type = '" + type + "' and id=" + id + " order by id desc limit " +
                             (pageNum - 1) * pageSize + "," + pageSize;

            return(Success(new { totalCount = totalCount, data = DataOperate.FindAll(sql) }));
コード例 #10
        public JsonResult GetFinanceList(string tranType, string contractId, int pageNum, int pageSize)
            pageSize = pageSize == 0 ? 1 : pageSize;
            pageNum  = pageNum == 0 ? 1 : pageNum;

            var where = new List <WhereItem>();

            if (contractId != null)
                where.Add(new WhereItem("transactions.contractId", "=", contractId));
            var countSql = "select * from transactions where tranType ='" + tranType + "' and userId=" + GetUserId();
            var sql      = "select * from transactions where tranType ='" + tranType + "' and userId=" + GetUserId();

            foreach (var whereItem in where)
                countSql = countSql + " and " + whereItem.Column + " " + whereItem.Condition + " '" + whereItem.Value + "'";
                sql      = sql + " and " + whereItem.Column + " " + whereItem.Condition + " '" + whereItem.Value + "'";
            var totalCount = DataOperate.Sele(countSql);

            sql = sql + " order by id desc limit " + (pageNum - 1) * pageSize + "," + pageSize;
            return(Success(new { totalCount = totalCount, data = DataOperate.FindAll(sql) }));
コード例 #11
        public bool CheckRenewal(int contractId)
            var selSql = "select count(*) from renewalContractApply where applyStatus='todo' and contractId=" + contractId + " and userId=" + GetUserId();

            return(DataOperate.Sele(selSql) == 0);
コード例 #12
ファイル: HouseController.cs プロジェクト: nineyat/RentServer
        public JsonResult GetHouseListByOptions(string atCity, string rentType, string priceStart, string priceEnd, string areaStart,
                                                string areaEnd, string payForm, string inputCommunity)
            var where = new List <UserWhereItem>();

            if (atCity != null)
                where.Add(new UserWhereItem("house.atCity", "=", atCity));

            if (rentType != null)
                where.Add(new UserWhereItem("house.rentType", "=", rentType));

            if (priceStart != null)
                where.Add(new UserWhereItem("house.rentPrice", ">=", priceStart));

            if (priceEnd != null)
                where.Add(new UserWhereItem("house.rentPrice", "<=", priceEnd));

            if (areaStart != null)
                where.Add(new UserWhereItem("house.area", ">=", areaStart));

            if (areaEnd != null)
                where.Add(new UserWhereItem("house.area", "<=", areaEnd));

            if (payForm != null)
                where.Add(new UserWhereItem("house.payForm", "=", payForm));

            if (inputCommunity != null)
                where.Add(new UserWhereItem("house.community", "like", '%' + inputCommunity + '%'));

            string sql      = "";
            string countSql = "";

            if (where.Count > 0)
                countSql =
                    "select count(*) from house inner join user on house.userId = user.id inner join resOfHouse on house.id = resOfHouse.houseId where house.rentStatus = 'empty' and ";
                sql =
                    "select * from house inner join user on house.userId = user.id where house.rentStatus = 'empty' and ";
                foreach (var whereItem in where)
                    countSql = countSql + whereItem.Column + " " + whereItem.Condition + " '" + whereItem.Value +
                               "' and ";
                    sql = sql + whereItem.Column + " " + whereItem.Condition + " '" + whereItem.Value + "' and ";

                countSql = countSql.TrimEnd('a', 'n', 'd', ' ');
                sql      = sql.TrimEnd('a', 'n', 'd', ' ');
                countSql =
                    "select count(*) from house where rentStatus = 'empty'";
                sql =
                    "select * from house where rentStatus  = 'empty'";

            return(Success(new { totalCount = DataOperate.Sele(countSql), data = DataOperate.FindAll(sql) }));
コード例 #13
 public JsonResult GetFinanceCount()
     return(Success(DataOperate.Sele("select sum(account) from transactions where tranStatus='paid'"))); // 所有已完成的交易paid
コード例 #14
 public JsonResult GetContractCount()
     return(Success(DataOperate.Sele("select count(*) from contract"))); // 所有签办的合同
コード例 #15
 public JsonResult GetHouseCount()
     return(Success(DataOperate.Sele("select count(*) from house where rentStatus in ('activated','empty','rented')"))); // 所有有效房源
コード例 #16
 public JsonResult GetUserCount()
     return(Success(DataOperate.Sele("select count(*) from user"))); // 所有用户
コード例 #17
ファイル: HouseController.cs プロジェクト: nineyat/RentServer
        public JsonResult GetHouseListByOptions(string userId, string userName, string atCity, string rentType, string rentStatus,
                                                string priceStart, string priceEnd, int pageNum, int pageSize)
            pageSize = pageSize == 0 ? 1 : pageSize;
            pageNum  = pageNum == 0 ? 1 : pageNum;

            var where = new List <WhereItem>();

            if (userId != null)
                where.Add(new WhereItem("user.id", "=", userId));

            if (userName != null)
                where.Add(new WhereItem("user.name", "=", userName));

            if (atCity != null)
                where.Add(new WhereItem("house.atCity", "=", atCity));

            if (rentType != null)
                where.Add(new WhereItem("house.rentType", "=", rentType));

            if (rentStatus != null)
                where.Add(new WhereItem("house.rentStatus", "=", rentStatus));

            if (priceStart != null)
                where.Add(new WhereItem("house.rentPrice", ">=", priceStart));

            if (priceEnd != null)
                where.Add(new WhereItem("house.rentPrice", "<=", priceEnd));

            string sql      = "";
            string countSql = "";

            if (where.Count > 0)
                countSql = "select count(*) from house inner join user on house.userId = user.id inner join resOfHouse on house.id = resOfHouse.houseId where house.rentStatus in ('activated', 'empty', 'rented') and ";
                sql      = "select * from house inner join user on house.userId = user.id where house.rentStatus in ('activated', 'empty', 'rented') and ";
                foreach (var whereItem in where)
                    countSql = countSql + whereItem.Column + " " + whereItem.Condition + " '" + whereItem.Value + "' and ";
                    sql      = sql + whereItem.Column + " " + whereItem.Condition + " '" + whereItem.Value + "' and ";
                countSql = countSql.TrimEnd('a', 'n', 'd', ' ') + " limit " + (pageNum - 1) * pageSize + "," +
                sql = sql.TrimEnd('a', 'n', 'd', ' ') + " order by id desc limit " + (pageNum - 1) * pageSize + "," +
                countSql = "select count(*) from house where rentStatus in ('activated', 'empty', 'rented')";
                sql      = "select * from house where rentStatus in ('activated', 'empty', 'rented') order by id desc limit " + (pageNum - 1) * pageSize + "," + pageSize;

            return(Success(new { totalCount = DataOperate.Sele(countSql), data = DataOperate.FindAll(sql) }));