コード例 #1
        // you should be clear in your repository methods
        // about exactly what related data is going to be returned.
        // returnc courses including their students.
        public Course GetCourseById(string courseId)
            using var context = new ChinookContext(_contextOptions);

            DataModel.Course dbCourse = context.Courses
                                        .Include(c => c.CourseStudents)
                                        .ThenInclude(cs => cs.Student)
                                        .First(c => c.Id == courseId);

            var course = new Course(dbCourse.Id, dbCourse.Name);

            foreach (CourseStudent cs in dbCourse.CourseStudents)
                course.Students.Add(new Student(cs.StudentId.ToString(), cs.Student.Name));

コード例 #2
        // look at the Students property and persist any changes to it.
        // any unrecognized students will be ignored
        public void UpdateCourseMemberships(Course course)
            using var context = new ChinookContext(_contextOptions);

            DataModel.Course dbCourse = context.Courses
                                        .Include(c => c.CourseStudents)
                                        .ThenInclude(cs => cs.Student)
                                        .First(c => c.Id == course.CourseId);

            var dbStudents = course.Students
                             .Select(s => context.Students.Find(int.Parse(s.Id)))
                             .Where(s => s != null); // ignore the unrecognized ones

            // if there is already a tracked entity for something you ask for with "Find",
            // it will give that existing instance to you instead of sending a new query.

            // three possible cases: a student being added that's not already there
            //                       a student being removed that was in there until now
            //                       a student still in the course that was before also

            // exercise to the reader
