コード例 #1
ファイル: Generator.cs プロジェクト: valmac/order-management
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a script of equity orders.
        /// </summary>
        public void Create()
            // This list is used to randomize the type of instrument generated based on the allowable instrument types in this blotter.
            List <InstrumentType> instrumentTypes = new List <InstrumentType>();

            if (this.generatorInfo.IsEquity)
            if (this.generatorInfo.IsFixedIncome)

            // <script name="Emerging Markets Orders">
            DataModel.BlotterRow blotterRow  = DataModel.Blotter.BlotterKey.Find(generatorInfo.BlotterId);
            XElement             elementRoot = new XElement("script", new XAttribute("name", String.Format("{0} Orders", blotterRow.EntityRow.Name)));


            //  <client type="DataModelClient, Teraque.AssetNetwork.ClientDataModel" />
            elementRoot.Add(new XElement("client", new XAttribute("type", "DataModelClient, Teraque.AssetNetwork.ClientDataModel")));

            // This will generate the requested number of working orders for the selected instrument type(s).
            for (Int32 counter = 0; counter < generatorInfo.OrderCount; counter++)

            // At this point the script can be committed to the given file.
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy the collection from the data model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blotterId">The identifier of the blotter to which the orders are associated.</param>
        void Copy(DataModel.BlotterRow blotterRow)
            // The collection is hierarchical.  That is, a blotter can have child blotters and those blotters can have children and so on.  This HashSet is a flat
            // collection of the blotter and all its descendants and is used to quickly determine if any given change to the data model might affect one of the
            // WorkingOrder records or any of the properties of that WorkingOrder.

            // In order to make merging results as fast as possible, the collection is sortred by the unique identifier of the WorkingOrder.  When a row in the
            // client data model is updated, we will first find the blotter to which the change belongs and, if that blotter is part of the set constructed above,
            // we'll then find the working order affected using a binary search.  The idea is to quickly find out if a given change to the data model applies to the
            // viewed collection and, if it does, which records are affected.
            foreach (DataModel.WorkingOrderRow workingOrderRow in blotterRow.GetWorkingOrderRows())
                Int32 index        = this.BinarySearch(order => order.WorkingOrderId, workingOrderRow.WorkingOrderId);
                TType workingOrder = this.CreateInstanceCore(workingOrderRow);
                workingOrder.PropertyChanged += this.OnItemPropertyChanged;
                this.Insert(~index, workingOrder);

            // This will recurse into each of the descendant blotters copying the data into the collection.  The collection is a flattened view of all the working
            // orders; there is no attempt by design to make the report hierarchical even though the relationship between the blotters is.
            var childBlotterRows = from entityTreeRow in blotterRow.EntityRow.GetEntityTreeRowsByFK_Entity_EntityTree_ParentId()
                                   from childBlotterRow in entityTreeRow.EntityRowByFK_Entity_EntityTree_ChildId.GetBlotterRows()
                                   select childBlotterRow;

            foreach (DataModel.BlotterRow childBlotterRow in childBlotterRows)
コード例 #3
        public WorkingOrderCollection(Guid blotterId)
            // Initialize the object.
            this.blotterIdField = blotterId;

            // This is the view that provides filtering and sorting for this collection.  It can be overridden in descendant classes to provide additional
            // functionality.
            this.workingOrderCollectionView = this.CreateView();

            // Link the collection into the data model.
            DataModel.Entity.EntityRowChanged     += this.OnEntityRowChanged;
            DataModel.Price.PriceRowChanged       += this.OnPriceRowChanged;
            DataModel.Security.SecurityRowChanged += this.OnSecurityRowChanged;
            DataModel.DestinationOrder.DestinationOrderRowChanged += this.OnDestinationOrderRowChanged;
            DataModel.DestinationOrder.DestinationOrderRowDeleted += this.OnDestinationOrderRowDeleted;
            DataModel.Execution.ExecutionRowChanged       += this.OnExecutionRowChanged;
            DataModel.Execution.ExecutionRowDeleted       += this.OnExecutionRowDeleted;
            DataModel.SourceOrder.SourceOrderRowChanged   += this.OnSourceOrderRowChanged;
            DataModel.SourceOrder.SourceOrderRowDeleted   += this.OnSourceOrderRowDeleted;
            DataModel.WorkingOrder.WorkingOrderRowChanged += this.OnWorkingOrderRowChanged;

            // This will recursively create working order records for this and all the blotter's descendants from the data model.
            DataModel.BlotterRow blotterRow = DataModel.Blotter.BlotterKey.Find(blotterId);
            if (blotterRow != null)
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Copies the values from the data model into the BlotterItem instance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="blotterRow">The source of the data.</param>
 internal void Copy(DataModel.BlotterRow blotterRow)
     // Copy the members from the data model.
     this.Description = blotterRow.EntityRow.IsDescriptionNull() ? String.Empty : blotterRow.EntityRow.Description;
     this.Name        = blotterRow.EntityRow.Name;
     this.BlotterId   = blotterRow.BlotterId;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Recursively discovers all the ancestor blotters of the current blotter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blotterRow">The current blotter row in the hierarchy.</param>
        void DiscoverBlotters(DataModel.BlotterRow blotterRow)
            // Add the current blotter id to the set of all blotters handled by this control.

            // This will recurse into the hierarchy and collect the ancestor blotter identifiers.
            var childBlotterRows = from entityTreeItem in blotterRow.EntityRow.GetEntityTreeRowsByFK_Entity_EntityTree_ParentId()
                                   from childBlotterRow in entityTreeItem.EntityRowByFK_Entity_EntityTree_ChildId.GetBlotterRows()
                                   select childBlotterRow;

            foreach (DataModel.BlotterRow childBlotterRow in childBlotterRows)
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a DestinationOrder collection from the selected blotter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="blotterRow">The main blotter containing Working Orders that are to be executed.</param>
        List <DestinationOrderInfo> ConstructDestinationOrder(DataModel.BlotterRow blotterRow)
            // This is the destinatinon broker that will execute the orders.
            DataModel.DestinationRow destinationRow = DataModel.Destination.DestinationKeyExternalId0.Find("ASSET NETWORK ECN");
            Guid destinationId = destinationRow.DestinationId;

            // This list will collect the orders as the are generated recursively.
            List <DestinationOrderInfo> destinationOrders = new List <DestinationOrderInfo>();

            // Recursively construct the batch of orders from the current blotter and its ancestors.
            this.ConstructDestinationOrder(destinationOrders, blotterRow, destinationId);

            // This is a batch of DestinationOrders that can be executed by the destination broker.
コード例 #7
 public void OnExecuteSlice(Object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs executedRoutedEventArgs)
     // Create a disposable channel to the middle tier.
     using (WebServiceClient webServiceClient = new WebServiceClient(Properties.Settings.Default.WebServiceEndpoint))
             // This will create a batch of DestinationOrder records and send it to the web service to be executed by the destination broker.
             DataModel.BlotterRow        blotterRow        = DataModel.Blotter.BlotterKey.Find(this.BlotterId);
             List <DestinationOrderInfo> destinationOrders = this.ConstructDestinationOrder(blotterRow);
         catch (Exception exception)
             // Log communication problems.
             Log.Error("{0}, {1}", exception.Message, exception.StackTrace);
コード例 #8
ファイル: Generator.cs プロジェクト: valmac/order-management
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an debt working order.
        /// </summary>
        void CreateDebt()
            // All orders get a unique identifier.
            Guid workingOrderId = Guid.NewGuid();

            // These records provide the starting point for generating the orders.
            DataModel.BlotterRow blotterRow      = DataModel.Blotter.BlotterKey.Find(generatorInfo.BlotterId);
            DataModel.UserRow    userRow         = DataModel.User.UserKey.Find(generatorInfo.UserId);
            DataModel.CountryRow unitedStatesRow = DataModel.Country.CountryKeyExternalId0.Find("US");
            DataModel.StatusRow  statusRow       = DataModel.Status.StatusKey.Find(StatusCode.New);

            // Generate the settlement currency
            DataModel.EntityRow   usdEntityRow          = DataModel.Entity.EntityKeyExternalId0.Find("USD");
            DataModel.SecurityRow settlementCurrencyRow = DataModel.Security.SecurityKey.Find(usdEntityRow.EntityId);

            // The orders are an even mix of Buys and Sells.  Most positions are long.
            Boolean  isBuy    = random.Next(2) == 0;
            Boolean  isLong   = random.Next(4) != 0;
            SideCode sideCode = isBuy && isLong ? SideCode.Buy : !isBuy && isLong ? SideCode.Sell : isBuy && !isLong ? SideCode.BuyCover : SideCode.SellShort;

            DataModel.SideRow sideRow = DataModel.Side.SideKey.Find(sideCode);

            // Find a random debt position that is unique to this blotter.
            DataModel.SecurityRow securityRow = null;
            while (securityRow == null)
                // Select a random debt instrument for the next order.
                DataModel.DebtRow debtRow = DataModel.Debt[random.Next(DataModel.Debt.Count - 1)];

                // Only generate orders for positions that are unique to this blotter.
                Position position = new Position(debtRow.DebtId, sideCode);
                if (!positionSet.Contains(position))
                    securityRow = debtRow.SecurityRowByFK_Security_Debt_DebtId;

            // These orders will not match by default.  We need to turn them on manually.
            DataModel.CrossingRow crossingRow = DataModel.Crossing.CrossingKey.Find(CrossingCode.NeverMatch);

            // Select a random Time In Force for this order.  Most orders are Day orders but occationally we'll generate a GTC just to keep it interesting.
            TimeInForceCode timeInForce = random.Next(4) == 0 ? TimeInForceCode.GoodTillCancel : TimeInForceCode.Day;

            DataModel.TimeInForceRow timeInForceRow = DataModel.TimeInForce.TimeInForceKey.Find(timeInForce);

            // Generate the trade and settlement dates based on the current time and make sure it doesn't fall on a weekend.
            DateTime tradeDate      = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime settlementDate = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan oneDay         = TimeSpan.FromDays(1.0);

            for (Int32 dayIndex = 0; dayIndex < 3; dayIndex++)
                settlementDate += oneDay;
                if (settlementDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Saturday)
                    settlementDate += oneDay;
                if (settlementDate.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Sunday)
                    settlementDate += oneDay;

            // This will generate random matching preferences for the orders for demonstrating the matching box capabilities.
            Boolean isBrokerMatch      = random.Next(20) == 0;
            Boolean isHedgeMatch       = random.Next(15) == 0;
            Boolean isInstitutionMatch = true;

            // This randomizes the random matching patterns.  Every now and then, don't match with anyone.
            if (random.Next(5) == 0)
                isBrokerMatch      = false;
                isHedgeMatch       = false;
                isInstitutionMatch = false;

            //  <transaction>
            XElement elementTransaction = new XElement("transaction");


            //    <method name="StoreWorkingOrder">
            XElement elementWorkingOrder = new XElement("method", new XAttribute("name", "StoreWorkingOrder"));


            //      <parameter name="blotterKey" value="EMERGING MARKETS BLOTTER" />
                new XElement("parameter",
                             new XAttribute("name", "blotterKey"),
                             new XAttribute("value", blotterRow.EntityRow.ExternalId0)));

            //      <parameter name="configurationId" value="US TICKER" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "configurationId"), new XAttribute("value", "CUSIP")));

            //      <parameter name="createdTime" value="5/6/2012 5:27:56 PM" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "createdTime"), new XAttribute("value", DateTime.Now.ToString("G"))));

            //      <parameter name="crossingKey" value="NEVER MATCH" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "crossingKey"), new XAttribute("value", crossingRow.ExternalId0)));

            //      <parameter name="externalId0" value="{bab88942-5c4e-440a-a352-c8e9b00fec12}" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "externalId0"), new XAttribute("value", workingOrderId.ToString("B"))));

            //      <parameter name="isBrokerMatch" value="false" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "isBrokerMatch"), new XAttribute("value", isBrokerMatch)));

            //      <parameter name="isHedgeMatch" value="false" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "isHedgeMatch"), new XAttribute("value", isHedgeMatch)));

            //      <parameter name="isInstitutionMatch" value="true" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "isInstitutionMatch"), new XAttribute("value", isInstitutionMatch)));

            //      <parameter name="modifiedTime" value="5/6/2012 5:27:56 PM" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "modifiedTime"), new XAttribute("value", DateTime.Now.ToString("G"))));

            //      <parameter name="orderTypeKey" value="MKT" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "orderTypeKey"), new XAttribute("value", "MKT")));

            //      <parameter name="securityKeyBySecurityId" value="ODP" />
                new XElement("parameter",
                             new XAttribute("name", "securityKeyBySecurityId"),
                             new XAttribute("value", securityRow.EntityRow.ExternalId4)));

            //      <parameter name="securityKeyBySettlementId" value="USD" />
                new XElement("parameter",
                             new XAttribute("name", "securityKeyBySettlementId"),
                             new XAttribute("value", settlementCurrencyRow.EntityRow.ExternalId0)));

            //      <parameter name="settlementDate" value="5/9/2012 5:27:56 PM" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "settlementDate"), new XAttribute("value", settlementDate.ToString("G"))));

            //      <parameter name="sideKey" value="SELL" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "sideKey"), new XAttribute("value", sideRow.ExternalId0)));

            //      <parameter name="statusKey" value="NEW" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "statusKey"), new XAttribute("value", statusRow.ExternalId0)));

            //      <parameter name="timeInForceKey" value="DAY" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "timeInForceKey"), new XAttribute("value", timeInForceRow.ExternalId0)));

            //      <parameter name="tradeDate" value="5/6/2012 5:27:56 PM" />
            elementWorkingOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "tradeDate"), new XAttribute("value", tradeDate.ToString("G"))));

            //      <parameter name="userKeyByCreatedUserId" value="DEV KAPOOR" />
                new XElement("parameter",
                             new XAttribute("name", "userKeyByCreatedUserId"),
                             new XAttribute("value", userRow.EntityRow.ExternalId0)));

            //      <parameter name="userKeyByModifiedUserId" value="DEV KAPOOR" />
                new XElement("parameter",
                             new XAttribute("name", "userKeyByModifiedUserId"),
                             new XAttribute("value", userRow.EntityRow.ExternalId0)));

            // This will generate between one and three source orders for the working order.  Source orders are a blocking concept.  You can get several orders for
            // the same security on the same side for the same price.  When this happens, it is much more efficient to block them as a single order and execute them
            // as a single order and allocate them back to the original orders when the order is done.
            Int32 sourceOrderCount = random.Next(1, 3);

            for (Int32 sourceOrderIndex = 0; sourceOrderIndex < sourceOrderCount; sourceOrderIndex++)
                // This creates a unique identifier for the source order.
                Guid sourceOrderId = Guid.NewGuid();

                // This generates a random quantity for the order between 100 and 10,000 shares.
                Decimal orderedQuantity = Convert.ToDecimal(random.Next(1, 100)) * 100.0M;

                //    <method name="StoreSourceOrder">
                XElement elementSourceOrder = new XElement("method", new XAttribute("name", "StoreSourceOrder"));

                //      <parameter name="configurationId" value="US TICKER" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "configurationId"), new XAttribute("value", "CUSIP")));

                //      <parameter name="createdTime" value="2012-05-06T17:27:56.2658093-04:00" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "createdTime"), new XAttribute("value", DateTime.Now)));

                //      <parameter name="externalId0" value="{3c69e0a0-3316-4499-a7b1-6dda5a058837}" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "externalId0"), new XAttribute("value", sourceOrderId.ToString("B"))));

                //      <parameter name="modifiedTime" value="5/6/2012 5:27:56 PM" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "modifiedTime"), new XAttribute("value", DateTime.Now.ToString("G"))));

                //      <parameter name="orderedQuantity" value="4300.0" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "orderedQuantity"), new XAttribute("value", orderedQuantity)));

                //      <parameter name="orderTypeKey" value="MKT" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "orderTypeKey"), new XAttribute("value", "MKT")));

                //      <parameter name="securityKeyBySecurityId" value="ODP" />
                    new XElement("parameter",
                                 new XAttribute("name", "securityKeyBySecurityId"),
                                 new XAttribute("value", securityRow.EntityRow.ExternalId4)));

                //      <parameter name="securityKeyBySettlementId" value="USD" />
                    new XElement("parameter",
                                 new XAttribute("name", "securityKeyBySettlementId"),
                                 new XAttribute("value", settlementCurrencyRow.EntityRow.ExternalId0)));

                //      <parameter name="settlementDate" value="2012-05-09T17:27:56.2528086-04:00" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "settlementDate"), new XAttribute("value", settlementDate)));

                //      <parameter name="sideKey" value="SELL" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "sideKey"), new XAttribute("value", sideRow.ExternalId0)));

                //      <parameter name="statusKey" value="NEW" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "statusKey"), new XAttribute("value", statusRow.ExternalId0)));

                //      <parameter name="timeInForceKey" value="DAY" />
                    new XElement("parameter",
                                 new XAttribute("name", "timeInForceKey"),
                                 new XAttribute("value", timeInForceRow.ExternalId0)));

                //      <parameter name="tradeDate" value="5/6/2012 5:27:56 PM" />
                elementSourceOrder.Add(new XElement("parameter", new XAttribute("name", "tradeDate"), new XAttribute("value", tradeDate.ToString("G"))));

                //      <parameter name="userKeyByCreatedUserId" value="DEV KAPOOR" />
                    new XElement("parameter",
                                 new XAttribute("name", "userKeyByCreatedUserId"),
                                 new XAttribute("value", userRow.EntityRow.ExternalId0)));

                //      <parameter name="userKeyByModifiedUserId" value="DEV KAPOOR" />
                    new XElement("parameter",
                                 new XAttribute("name", "userKeyByModifiedUserId"),
                                 new XAttribute("value", userRow.EntityRow.ExternalId0)));

                //      <parameter name="workingOrderKey" value="{bab88942-5c4e-440a-a352-c8e9b00fec12}" />
                    new XElement("parameter",
                                 new XAttribute("name", "workingOrderKey"),
                                 new XAttribute("value", workingOrderId.ToString("B"))));
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Collect the metadata from the data model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="state">The generic thread start parameter.</param>
        protected virtual void CalculateMetadata()
            // In order to prevent unnecessary updates to properties that are bound to visual elements, the calculations will fill in these fields first, then
            // update the bound properties.
            Int32   workingOrderCount        = 0;
            Int32   filledOrderCount         = 0;
            Int32   partialOrderCount        = 0;
            Int32   newOrderCount            = 0;
            Decimal executionQuantity        = 0.0m;
            Decimal destinationOrderQuantity = 0.0m;
            Decimal sourceOrderQuantity      = 0.0m;

            // Extract the created and modified times from the main blotter.  The other properties are recursively calculated.
            DataModel.BlotterRow mainBlotterRow = DataModel.Blotter.BlotterKey.Find(this.BlotterId);
            this.CreatedTime  = mainBlotterRow.EntityRow.CreatedTime;
            this.ModifiedTime = mainBlotterRow.EntityRow.ModifiedTime;

            // Recursively calculate the statistics for the displayed blotter.
            foreach (Guid blotterId in this.blotterIdSet)
                // Run through all the working orders in the next blotter in the hierarchy and aggregate the statistics.
                DataModel.BlotterRow blotterRow = DataModel.Blotter.BlotterKey.Find(blotterId);
                foreach (DataModel.WorkingOrderRow workingOrderRow in blotterRow.GetWorkingOrderRows())
                    // Aggregate the order totals.
                    if (workingOrderRow.StatusCode == StatusCode.Filled)
                    if (workingOrderRow.StatusCode == StatusCode.PartiallyFilled)
                    if (workingOrderRow.StatusCode == StatusCode.New)

                    // Aggregate the total number of source orders.
                    foreach (DataModel.SourceOrderRow sourceOrderRow in workingOrderRow.GetSourceOrderRows())
                        sourceOrderQuantity += sourceOrderRow.OrderedQuantity;

                    // Aggregate the total number of destination orders and executed shares.
                    foreach (DataModel.DestinationOrderRow destinationOrderRow in workingOrderRow.GetDestinationOrderRows())
                        destinationOrderQuantity += (destinationOrderRow.OrderedQuantity - destinationOrderRow.CanceledQuantity);
                        foreach (DataModel.ExecutionRow executionRow in destinationOrderRow.GetExecutionRows())
                            executionQuantity += executionRow.ExecutionQuantity;

            // After aggregating all the totals we udpate the properties that are tied (for the most part) to the visual elements.
            this.FilledOrderCount         = filledOrderCount;
            this.PartialOrderCount        = partialOrderCount;
            this.NewOrderCount            = newOrderCount;
            this.SourceOrderQuantity      = sourceOrderQuantity;
            this.WorkingOrderCount        = workingOrderCount;
            this.SourceOrderQuantity      = sourceOrderQuantity;
            this.DestinationOrderQuantity = destinationOrderQuantity;
            this.ExecutionQuantity        = executionQuantity;
            this.OrderedPercent           = destinationOrderQuantity == 0.0m ? 0.0 : Convert.ToDouble(destinationOrderQuantity / sourceOrderQuantity);
            this.ExecutedPercent          = executionQuantity == 0.0m ? 0.0 : Convert.ToDouble(executionQuantity / destinationOrderQuantity);
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a DestinationOrder collection from the selected blotter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destinationOrders">A collection of DestinationOrder records.</param>
        /// <param name="blotterRow">The main blotter containing Working Orders that are to be executed.</param>
        /// <param name="destinationRow">The destination broker.</param>
        void ConstructDestinationOrder(List <DestinationOrderInfo> destinationOrders, DataModel.BlotterRow blotterRow, Guid destinationId)
            // For every Working Order in the blotter, construct a DestinationOrder record.
            foreach (DataModel.WorkingOrderRow workingOrderRow in blotterRow.GetWorkingOrderRows())
                // Our Destination Order will completely fill all obligations from the source of the orders.
                Decimal sourceOrderQuantity = 0.0M;
                foreach (DataModel.SourceOrderRow sourceOrderRow in workingOrderRow.GetSourceOrderRows())
                    sourceOrderQuantity += sourceOrderRow.OrderedQuantity;

                // The amount already committed to brokers is subtracted from the order amount.  When this batch completes, the Working Order will be
                // completely filled.
                Decimal destinationOrderQuantity = 0.0M;
                foreach (DataModel.DestinationOrderRow destinationOrderRow in workingOrderRow.GetDestinationOrderRows())
                    destinationOrderQuantity += destinationOrderRow.OrderedQuantity;

                // If this Working Order has shares that still need to be executed, then construct a DestinationOrder record.
                if (sourceOrderQuantity > destinationOrderQuantity)
                    DestinationOrderInfo destinationOrderInfo = new DestinationOrderInfo();
                    destinationOrderInfo.BlotterId       = workingOrderRow.BlotterId;
                    destinationOrderInfo.DestinationId   = destinationId;
                    destinationOrderInfo.OrderedQuantity = sourceOrderQuantity - destinationOrderQuantity;
                    destinationOrderInfo.OrderTypeCode   = workingOrderRow.OrderTypeCode;
                    destinationOrderInfo.SecurityId      = workingOrderRow.SecurityId;
                    destinationOrderInfo.SettlementId    = workingOrderRow.SettlementId;
                    destinationOrderInfo.SideCode        = workingOrderRow.SideCode;
                    destinationOrderInfo.TimeInForceCode = workingOrderRow.TimeInForceCode;
                    destinationOrderInfo.WorkingOrderId  = workingOrderRow.WorkingOrderId;

            // This will recurse into all the child blotters and constructor destination orders for all the working orders found there.
            var childBlotterRows = from entityTreeRow in blotterRow.EntityRow.GetEntityTreeRowsByFK_Entity_EntityTree_ParentId()
                                   from childBlotterRow in entityTreeRow.EntityRowByFK_Entity_EntityTree_ChildId.GetBlotterRows()
                                   select childBlotterRow;

            foreach (DataModel.BlotterRow childBlotterRow in childBlotterRows)
                this.ConstructDestinationOrder(destinationOrders, childBlotterRow, destinationId);
コード例 #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize a new instance of a BlotterItem class with the information from the data model.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="blotterRow">The source of the information for the BlotterRow.</param>
 internal BlotterItem(DataModel.BlotterRow blotterRow)
     // This will populate the new item with information from the data model.